Zimbabwe Chiropractic Continuing Education

Zimbabwe Accepts ChiroCredit.com Online Courses


Zimbabwe Continuing Education Requirements: 10 CPD due every year.
Zimbabwe Accepts 10 hours of Online Continuing Education Courses.


The vast majority of our courses are automatically accepted as they are facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College.  Scroll down to view courses.

When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.

Zimbabwe Continuing Education Requirements

Zimbabwe Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Zimbabwe continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Zimbabwe Chiropractic licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Zimbabwe continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on ChiroCredit.com provide Online CEU for Zimbabwe Chiropractic Physicians (DC). The online courses enhance the knowledge bases of Doctor of Chiropractic to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online home study CE credit course for new Zimbabwe Chiropractic Physician registered users at www.ChiroCredit.com

Found 796 courses
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Chiropractic and Pregnancy 206 : Common Tests and Procedures - Risks and Benefits

Karen Gardner, DC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify the most common medical tests and procedures performed on pregnant and laboring women
  • Recognize the risks of these tests and procedures
  • Assess the benefits of these tests and procedures
  • Effectively explain these risks and benefits to the pregnant patient
  • Assist in the preparation of a well thought out and defined birth plan for the pregnant patient

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 207 : Case Studies of Breech Presentation and Various Common Complaints of Pregnancy

Karen Gardner, DC

$20.00 USD

Case Studies, Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Outline commonly encountered misalignment and/or subluxation patterns that present with a breech presentation
  • Outline commonly encountered misalignment and/or subluxation patterns that present with various common complaints of pregnancy
  • Identify the various causes of a breech presentation and how to address these causes
  • Integrate or eliminate other palliative therapies to aid in the reversal of a breech presentation and common complaints of pregnancy
  • Analyze and adjust according to the patient history and concomitant exam findings

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 208 : Commonly Encountered Subluxation and Misalignment Patterns with Breech Presentations and Twin Breech Presentations

Karen Gardner, DC

$20.00 USD

Case Studies, Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Outline commonly encountered misalignment and/or subluxation patterns that present with a breech presentation
  • Outline commonly encountered misalignment and/or subluxation patterns that present with various common complaints of pregnancy
  • Outline commonly encountered misalignment and/or subluxation patterns that present with a twin breech presentation
  • Integrate or eliminate other palliative therapies to aid in the reversal of a breech presentation and common complaints of pregnancy
  • Analyze and adjust according to the patient history and concomitant exam findings

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 209 : Correlating Pubic Bone Misalignment with Posterior Occiput Presentation of A Fetus and Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy

Karen Gardner, DC

$20.00 USD

Case Studies, Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Outline commonly encountered misalignment and/or subluxation patterns that present with a breech presentation
  • Identify the correlation between a misaligned pubic bone and an occiput posterior presentation
  • Draw a parallel between a superior pubic bone misalignment and round ligament pain
  • Develop a pregnancy care plan based on exam findings and presenting complaints

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 210 : Chiropractic Care - Immediate Postpartum Period

Karen Gardner, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Outline commonly encountered postpartum complaints that a chiropractor might encounter in practice
  • Understand the various chiropractic causes of each complaint and how to address these causes.
  • Integrate other palliative therapies to relieve these complaints if applicable
  • Analyze and adjust according to the complaint and concomitant exam findings
  • Modify adjustive techniques and methods to better care for the postpartum patient

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 211 : Pregnancy and Pediatric Treatment Evidence, Adverse Events and Clinical Considerations

Shawn Thistle, DC

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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Hour 1

  • Examine all reported cases of serious adverse events in infants and children receiving manual therapies from chiropractors as well as practitioners from other disciplines
  • Outline the connection between pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain and biomechanical changes during pregnancy
  • Review differential diagnostic consideration for the important causes of back pain in children and adolescents
  • Analyze the design and results of a pragmatic study on chiropractic care for infant colic
  • Justify the chiropractic management of pregnant patients with low back or pelvic pain

Hour 2

  • Outline the state of the literature on the treatment of childhood respiratory conditions with manual therapy
  • Evaluate the effect of supplementing various combinations and types of micronutrients on the course and outcomes of pregnancy
  • Examine whether a multimodal approach of musculoskeletal and obstetric management (MOM) was superior to standard obstetric care to relieve pain and reduce impairment and disability in the antepartum period
  • Assess the peer-reviewed literature on the effectiveness of physical therapy interventions in treating lumbopelvic pain during pregnancy
  • Summarize the results of a systematic review evaluating the evidence for the use of spinal manipulative therapy for pediatric conditions

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 212 : Acupuncture, Exercise, Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Function, Best Practices for Children

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Appraise the literature pertaining to the safety of acupuncture for pregnant women
  • Summarize consensus-based recommendations regarding best practices for the chiropractic care of children
  • Explore the association between exercise levels and types pre-pregnancy and pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy in nulliparous women
  • Assess alterations in pelvic floor function in pregnant women secondary to spinal manipulation
  • Compare the effectiveness of Kinesio taping combined with exercise on abdominal recovery in women post-caesarean section compared with exercise alone

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 213 : Essential Oils for Pregnancy and Labor

Karen Gardner, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify safety measures involved with essential oils
  • Understand the various possible reactions if safety measures are not followed properly 
  • Outline common methods of applications of various essential oils
  • Identify the essential oils commonly used during pregnancy and labor and the uses of each
  • Further identify essential oils that are contraindicated during pregnancy and labor

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Concussion 201 : Concussion Inflammatory Cascade

Evan Mladenoff, DC, DIBAK

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1

  • Discuss the Inflammatory Cascade
  • Identify the mechanics of concussion that results in inflammation
  • Describe the neuro-chemical cascade of concussion

Hour 2

  • Perform physical exam protocols in inflammation as it relates to concussion
  • Perform Neurological exam protocols in inflammation as it relates to concussion
  • Perform Chiropractic exam protocols including incorporating AK exam
  • Apply Chiropractic exam protocols in inflammation
  • Utilize advanced examination protocols in inflammation

Hour 3

  • Perform structural treatment protocols to treat inflammation related to concussion
  • Utilize phytonutrient protocols to treat inflammation related to concussion
  • Use specific therapeutic protocols to resolve inflammation with literature citations

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Concussion 202 : Concussion Stress Cascade

Evan Mladenoff, DC, DIBAK

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶

Hour 1

  • Discuss the Selye Stress Response
  • Discuss the mechanics of concussion that results in the inflammatory response
  • Describe the cortisol cascade response associated with concussion

Hour 2

  • Perform physical exam protocols in the stress response
  • Perform Neurological exam protocols in the cortisol cascade
  • Apply Chiropractic exam protocols in the cortisol cascade
  • Utilize advanced examination protocols in evaluating the stress response

Hour 3

  • Perform chiropractic treatment protocols to treat the stress response
  • Utilize nutritional protocols to treat inflammation related to the stress response and concussion
  • Use evidenced based therapeutic protocols to address the cortisol cascade associated with concussion with literature citations

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Core Stability 201 : Foundation Form and Function

Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1 and 2

  • Describe the components of the core and the function of the core.
  • Describe the function of the diaphragm as it relates to posture, muscular relationships and stability of the spine.
  • Describe the function and structure of the superficial muscle system of the body.
  • Describe two concepts of spinal stability. 

Hour 3

  • Demonstrate how to determine the length of quadratus lumborum and erector spinae. 
  • Demonstrate how to evaluate Transversus abdominus function
  • Demonstrate how to facilitate the core and initiate a core training program

Hour 4

  • List three pathologies related to less than optimal core function.
  • Describe three postural strategies that the patient may develop when the core is in dysfunction.
  • Describe how weakness of the abdominals can alter diaphragm contractions.
  • Explain how respiratory fatigue can alter core control.

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Cultural Competency 201 : Developing the Knowledge and Skills in Caring for Those From Other Races and Cultures

Angelica Redleaf, DC

$20.00 USD


More Course Information ▶
  • Develop an appreciation of the impact of culture group, minority group and racial group on the health care relationship
  • Increase sensitivity, knowledge and skills to promote effective intercultural interactions
  • Identify the professional's own cultural identity/judgments /biases and their impact on their behavior and how they are perceived by clients and patients
  • Recognize cultural variables that appear in verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Examine the influence of culture in our patient population
  • Differentiate the provider's culture

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Cultural Competency 202 : How to Develop the Needed Skills and Understanding to Care for the Rising Latino Population in the US

Angelica Redleaf, DC

$20.00 USD


More Course Information ▶
  • Examine the historical background of the various Latino/Hispanic groups in the U.S.
  • Develop the skills needed to care for people from Spanish speaking parts of the world
  • Increase our understanding of the cultural traits of Latino/Hispanic groups in the U.S.
  • Summarize specific traits of various Latino/Hispanic groups
  • Recognize how we can narrow the gap between us

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Cultural Competency 203 : Become a Culturally Competent Provider - Caring for: Asians, Blacks, Middle Easterners, etc.

Angelica Redleaf, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Develop an appreciation of the impact of culture group, minority group and racial group on the health care relationship.
  • Increase sensitivity, knowledge and skills to promote effective intercultural interactions.
  • Identify our own provider culture/judgments /biases and their impact.
  • Examine characteristics of Asians, Blacks and Middle Easterners.
  • Summarize how to care for patients of these three ethnic/racial groups and how to narrow the gap between us
  • Develop an understanding/plan of how to reach out to these populations.

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Cultural Competency 204 : Understanding Cultural Competence in Health Care

Richard Saporito, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe cultural diversity
  • Recognize the need for cultural competence in health care
  • Explain the concept of health disparity
  • Define culture and cultural competence
  • Differentiate between the concepts of culture, race, ethnicity, diversity, and minority
  • Describe the Cultural Competence Continuum
  • Discuss the interdependency between the levels of cultural competence

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Cultural Competency 205 : Culture: Perspectives, Myths, and Misconceptions

Richard Saporito, DC

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the evolution of multicultural policy
  • Describe the phases of multiculturalism
  • Discuss three major perspectives on culture and diversity that have influenced healthcare literature and practice
  • Identify the common myths and misconceptions associated with culture
  • Recognize the paradoxical dilemmas associated with cultural competence

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Electrodiagnosis 101 : Electrodiagnostic and Nerve Pathology in Clinical Conditions Presenting in Chiropractic Practice, and How They Present on Electrodiagnostic Examination

Jeff Swift, DC, DABCN

$160.00 USD


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  • Develop an understanding of the physiologic principles involved in nerve depolarization and the propagation of action potentials as they relate to Motor and Sensory nerve conduction studies
  • Identify the physiology and nerve pathology in clinical conditions presenting in Chiropractic practice, and how they present on electrodiagnostic examination
  • Classify the utilization of electrodiagnostic testing in the process of differential diagnosis
  • Develop a working clinical knowledge of the setup and recording of Compound Muscle Action Potentials, Sensory Nerve Action Potentials, F-Responses in all major peripheral nerves, as well as H-reflex testing
  • Demonstrate a practical knowledge of the neuroanatomy, as well as clinical applications of EMG and Somatosensory and Dermatomal Evoked Potentials

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Emergency Procedures 101 : Preparing for Common Medical Emergencies

Brett Kinsler, DC

$20.00 USD


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  • Know how to prepare for a medical emergency
  • Review four emergency medical conditions: Stroke, Heart Attack, Difficulty Breathing, Diabetic Emergencies
  • Recognize the causes, symptoms and signs for these emergencies
  • Understand how to provide the appropriate emergency treatments

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Emergency Procedures 102 : Developing an Emergency Preparedness Manual for Your Office and Review CPR Changes

Brett Kinsler, DC

$20.00 USD


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  • Gain the knowledge to develop an Emergency Preparedness Manual for your office
  • Define crisis management procedures in advance for fires, child abduction, workplace violence, bomb threats and other situations
  • Explain the importance of an emergency continuity plan
  • Recognize why CPR was changed and compare the new rules
  • Perform more effective CPR even before you refresh your certification

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Emergency Procedures 103 : Preparing for Altered Mental Status, Burns and Allergic Reactions

Brett Kinsler, DC

$20.00 USD


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  • Recognize Altered Mental Status and apply the appropriate emergency response
  • Distinguish types of Burns, their mechanisms of injury and pathophysiology
  • Plan for the treatment of burns and the appropriate emergency response
  • Apply and use the Rule of Nines
  • Recognize Allergic Reactions, discuss their pathophysiology and the proper emergency response

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Emergency Procedures 104 : Reacting to Emergencies Outside your Office

Brett Kinsler, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Identify the most common emergencies that occur on airline flights
  • Describe what may be expected of you in caring for a patient at high altitude
  • Describe what resources and equipment may be available to you as an in flight medical provider
  • Observe important clinical differences seen on examination of patients on airplanes
  • Demonstrate to patients skills to prevent medical emergencies during air travel

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ethical Awareness 201 : Legal Foundations

Richard Saporito, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the basis of the American legal system
  • Compare and contrast constitutional, statutory, common and administrative law
  • List the differences between criminal and civil law
  • Explain the civil litigation explosion
  • Summarize tort reform

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ethical Awareness 202 : Ethical Foundations

Richard Saporito, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Differentiate morals and ethics
  • Explain the purpose of professional codes of ethics
  • Compare and contrast legal and professional health care ethics
  • Define situational ethics
  • Identify the four principles of biomedical ethics

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ethical Awareness 203 : The Law of Health Care Malpractice

Richard Saporito, DC

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • List the external and internal factors affecting the exposure to malpractice liability
  • Describe the legal basis for imposing malpractice liability of a patient injury
  • Define the concept of abandonment
  • Outline the four elements needed to prove malpractice
  • Compare and contrast ordinary negligence versus professional negligence
  • Explain vicarious liability
  • Summarize defenses to malpractice actions
  • Describe the importance of patient care documentation

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ethical Awareness 204 : Intentional Wrongs

Richard Saporito, DC

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the concept of intentional torts
  • Differentiate assault and battery
  • Define defamation, slander and libel
  • Summarize the mandatory reporting requirements for health care professionals
  • Outline the four principle forms of invasion of privacy
  • Classify the types of criminal activity 
  • Describe the steps in a criminal prosecution
  • Explain the classifications of homicide

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ethical Awareness 205 : Ethical and Legal Issues in Employment

Richard Saporito, DC

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Differentiate employment at will versus employment under contract
  • Summarize the history of federal regulation of labor – management relations
  • Describe the five major sections of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
  • Recognize sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Define “ordinary reasonable person” as it pertains to sexual harassment
  • Differentiate the vicarious liability of an employer relative to employees and independent contractors
  • Explain the considerations in writing a letter of recommendation
  • Outline the requirements for an enforceable restrictive covenant

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ethical Awareness 206 : Business Law and Ethics

Richard Saporito, DC

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Summarize the antitrust laws
  • Discuss the importance of the attorney – heath care professional client relationship
  • Define the elements of a binding contract
  • Explain breach of contract and possible contractual remedies
  • Describe the various forms of business organization
  • Outline the good Samaritan laws
  • Recognize the requirements for HIPAA compliance
  • Assess the necessity and limitations of professional liability insurance

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ethical Awareness 207 : Legal and Ethical Issues in Education

Richard Saporito, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Summarize the major federal statutes regulating education
  • Discuss federal education law derived from constitutional protections
  • Outline a risk management strategy for academic discipline in health professional educational programs
  • Assess liability for student conduct in the clinical setting
  • Outline procedures to minimize liability when incorporating students in the clinical setting

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ethical Awareness 208 : Ethics in Focus

Richard Saporito, DC

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Explain patient informed consent to intervention
  • List the requirements of sufficient informed consent
  • Describe pertinent considerations in life and death decision making including euthanasia
  • Recognize issues of nondiscrimination against participants in health care delivery
  • Explain pro bono health care services
  • Outline professional practice issues of financial responsibility and gifts
  • Summarize the ethical issues of impaired providers and intra and inter-professional relations
  • Define the ethical issues in research and the informed consent process

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ethics 101 : Ethical Communications

Angelica Redleaf, DC

$40.00 USD


More Course Information ▶
  • Demonstrate the importance of communicating in an ethical manner and what that entails
  • Develop an understanding of what 'spin' is, why it is unethical and how to monitor and minimize/stop it
  • Evaluate the barriers to effective and ethical communication
  • Develop an understanding of exactly what takes place/needs to take place during the provider/client interaction
  • Discover what it is that patients want from their visits to a provider
  • Appraise how to deal with challenging clients and situations
  • Discover how to become a skilled helper by studying the tools of communication
  • Apply listening skills to the provider's repertoire
  • Demonstrate the importance of the impact of nonverbal communication on the caregiver/client relationship
  • Develop, analyze and apply the verbal and nonverbal skills that will help to gather information and support the patient effectively
  • Write an Ethical Communication Protocol (EPC) for your practice

Course Automatically Accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the School of Chiropractic, a CCE accredited College
Expires: 2028-12-31