Online Continuing Education Courses Partners with
Chiropractic Science, LLC is proud to annouce a strategic partnership with Chiropractic Science, LLC to bring Chiropractors FREE Webinars (podcast replays will be available) during which there will be interviews with Chiropractic Experts that are performing cutting edge Chiropractic Research.

Did you know that there are currently over 6,290 scientific articles on pubmed with the keyword ‘chiropractic’?

FREE! Login and scroll to NOTICES and click on the link for Chiropractic Science to Access the Free Podcasts

Chiropractic Science: The Mission

  • Get the word out about chiropractic science. Part of this mission will be reached by interviewing chiropractic experts that are actually doing the research. Making scientific findings available to the public is an important part of the research process. Publicizing these interviews passes on the benefits of chiropractic research to other researchers, chiropractors in practice as well as practitioners from other disciplines and the wider community.
  • Encourage collaboration of researchers to promote future high quality chiropractic research.
  • Motivate and assist practitioners and students alike to pursue research careers in chiropractic science!!!!

Chiropractic Science: The Benefits

Chiropractic Science: The Moderator

FREE! Login and scroll to NOTICES and click on the link for Chiropractic Science to Access the Free Podcasts