Australia Chiropractic Continuing Education

Australia Accepts Online Courses


Australia Continuing Education Requirements: 20 hours per year
Australia Accepts 20 hours of Online Continuing Education Courses is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider.  

When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.

Australia Chiropractic Practitioners will annually:

  1. Complete at least 20 hours of CPD each year that:
    a) seeks to improve patient health outcomes, safety and experiences
    b) draws on the best available evidence, including well-established and accepted knowledge that is supported by research where possible, to inform good practice and decision-making
    c) contributes directly to maintaining and improving your competence (performance and behaviour) and keeping you up to date in your chosen scope and setting of practice, and
    d) builds on your existing knowledge  
  2. Maintain a first aid qualification at least equivalent to HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), and  
  3. Maintain a portfolio that documents your learning goals and records all your planned CPD activities and your reflection on how these CPD activities are expected to improve or have improved your practice.

Australia Continuing Education Requirements

Australia Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Australia continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Australia Chiropractic licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Australia continuing education requirements.

Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for Australia Chiropractic Physicians (DC). The online courses enhance the knowledge bases of Doctor of Chiropractic to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online home study CE credit course for new Australia Chiropractic Physician registered users at

Found 860 courses
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Neurology 209a : Issues of Sexual Misconduct and Gender Sensitivity

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$44.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Define and discuss professional boundaries
  • Define and discuss sexual misconduct
  • Sensitize the D.C. To Issues Relating to Sexual Interaction with The Patient
  • Discuss the problem of sexual misconduct, either real or perceived
  • Define and discuss specific examination procedures
  • Provide methods for recording examinations and incidents
  • Discuss case of alleged sexual misconduct
  • Discuss strategies to avoid misunderstandings that may lead to charges of sexual misconduct

  • NOTE:  This course contains the same content as Boundary 113 is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 209b : Considerations in Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Recite the incidence and prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Discuss the cost of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on society.
  • Identify disorders and situations that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Describe the common symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Define the anatomical boarders of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Differentiate the methods of Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery.
  • Describe the scientific literature comparing different methods of Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 209c : Professional Boundaries and Ethics - An Interactive Discussion

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Review items included in the State and American Chiropractic Association "Principles of Chiropractic Ethics".
  • Define and distinguish between principles of philosophy, ethics and morality. 
  • Explore the concept of "The Greater Good".
  • Differentiate general concepts of what is right and wrong, from personal decisions of what is right and wrong.
  • Define the term "Fiduciary Responsibility".
  • Give examples of "Ethical Dilemmas" that might face a doctor of chiropractic and provide discussion of alternative thoughts.
  • Discuss issues of “boundary crossings & violations” in regard to chiropractic practice. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 209d : Upper Extremity Neurovascular Entrapment Syndromes

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Recite the types of Thoracic Outlet Syndromes and identify which types are “real” and which are disputed.
  • Demonstrate different clinical maneuvers designed to identify Thoracic Outlet Syndromes.
  • Identify the anatomical structures thought to be responsible for entrapment in the various Thoracic Outlet Syndromes.
  • Discuss the significance of the nine fibrous bands discussed by Roos.
  • Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that are thought to occur post-accident, resulting in a traumatic variety of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. 
  • Differentiate the compressive causes of upper extremity paresthesia using orthopedic and neurological testing.
  • Contrast and compare the resultant clinical profile expected with upper extremity compression of vascular structures versus compression of neural structures.
  • Define and perform orthopedic and neurological tests used to determine upper extremity compression of neurovascular structures. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 209e : CVD Vessel Anatomy, Irrigation Areas and Related Agnosias, Apraxic and Aphasic Syndromes

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$100.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Outline topography and discuss internal anatomy of the cortex.
  • Illustrate and list functions of the various lobes of the brain.
  • Identify and describe anterior and posterior intracranial circulatory patterns.
  • Relate cortical anatomy with electrode placement when eliciting somatosensory evoked potentials.
  • Identify irrigation distribution of all major intracranial arteries.
  • Diagram irrigation to the levels of the spinal cord.
  • Describe intracranial venous drainage of the skull and differentiate between dural sinuses, boney sinuses and cerebral veins.
  • List areas of the cortex responsible for vision, hearing and touch and explain their interaction with the association cortex.
  • Give examples traits and characteristics which are associated with hemisphere dominance.
  • Define and differentiate the agnosias, such as apraxia, aphagia, etc.
  • Define constructional apraxia, and discuss the clinical significance.
  • Quantify the incidence of various types of neurovascular disease.
  • Contrast and compare strokes from a vascular anatomical and etiology viewpoint.
  • List and discuss choices for various forms of imaging based upon suspected stroke etiology.
  • Identify treatable, untreatable and possible risks for cerebrovascular accident. 
  • Identify medical and conservative options for treatment of cerebrovascular accident risk factors. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 209f : Aspects of Lower Motor Neuron Paralysis, Anterior Poliomyelitis, Polio Vaccination and Chiropractic Treatment

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Compare and contrast chiropractors of the 1940s with modern day chiropractors.
  • Define neuropathy.
  • Recite the major points related to chiropractic physical rehabilitation of neuropathy.
  • Contrast and compare medical treatment of polio in the 1940s, to chiropractic treatment of polio at the same time.
  • List potential reasons related to public hygiene which may account for disease epidemics.
  • Discuss facts related to "Sister Kenny" in regard to her credentials, her claims, and her notoriety.
  • Itemize the early chiropractic colleges and discuss Willard Carver school of thought and the "mixers".
  • Critically evaluate the world health organization's campaign to eradicate polio.
  • Discuss the ethics of herd immunity.
  • Compare and contrast individual interests vs. societal interests.
  • Discuss the types, risks and benefits of the inactive polio virus (injected).
  • Discuss the risks and benefits of the oral polio virus (live, attenuated).
  • List the types of wild polio virus.
  • Define vaccine associated paralytic polio mile items (VAPP)
  • Define circulating vaccine derived polio virus.
  • Discuss the concepts of risk: benefit ratio.
  • Discuss the transmission and pathophysiology and list the presenting signs and symptoms of a polio virus infection.
  • List the different types of Polio virus infection.
  • Quantify the various affects of the polio virus on different groups of individuals.
  • Itemize ethical concerns regarding Dr. Jonas Salk.
  • Graph the incidence of polio cases after other vaccines were introduced and after the definition of a polio diagnosis was altered.
  • Discuss SV40 tainted vaccines.
  • Define acute flaccid paralysis as it relates to new “non-polio” outbreaks. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 210 Session 10

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$158.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • This allows you to purchase all 8 hours of 210 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 210 module is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 210a : The Subluxation Complex and the Chiropractic Adjustment

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Evaluate the subluxation complex and the chiropractic adjustment.
  • Develop a working knowledge of the neurology of spinal joints and how this may be altered by a spinal subluxation complex.
  • Consider the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments through a review of the scientific literature and understanding of a decline in literature integrity and literature bias.
  • Consider the scientific literature regarding chiropractic adjustments and a measurable decrease in pain.
  • List and identify the components of the synovial joint and spinal joint mechanoreceptors.
  • Consider activities in and around the nervous system that occur after nerve tissue injury.
  • Distinguish different levels of nervous system involvement in neuropathic pain, including the peripheral neuron, the dorsal root ganglia and the dorsal horn neurons, as well as concepts of descending inhibition.
  • Analyze the goals and effects of the chiropractic adjustment on pain.
  • Examine the scientific literature regarding the physiological effects of a subluxation and adjustment upon non-musculoskeletal systems. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 210b : Documentation Of Chiropractic Subluxation: The Medicare Standard

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Explain how and why documentation of a subluxation is so important for Medicare patients in chiropractic practice.
  • Compare and contrast the Medicare reimbursement of chiropractic providers vs. Medical and other providers for similar services.
  • Describe payments made to chiropractors, calculate the actual dollars per visit and explain what portion of payments made are considered inappropriate as medically unnecessary according to a report issued by the Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS).
  • Compare and contrast non-provider services, such as drugs and durable medical devices with costs associated with chiropractic care.
  • Define requirements for chiropractic services to be covered by Medicare.
  • List and discuss how a subluxation may be properly documented in the medical record for Medicare patients.
  • Evaluate your understanding of subluxation compared to other chiropractic providers. 
  • List the various types of subluxation which may be demonstrated on xray and are acceptable to Medicare.
  • List the components of the physical examination which are required by Medicare to be demonstrated in order to verify the existence of a subluxation.
  • Identify the specific requirements accepted by Medicare for the initial and subsequent visits of the chiropractic patient. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 211 Session 11

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$391.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;, Multiple Formats, Text

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  • This allows you to purchase all 23 hours of 211 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 211 module is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 211a : Clinical Assessment of Pain, Function, and Neuropathic Pain, Lower Back Pain and Spinal Decompressive Traction, Disorders Presenting with Dizziness

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$140.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;, Multiple Formats, Text

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  • Perform a clinical assessment of pain and function
  • Explain the psychophysiological profile of pain patients
  • Discuss the treatment of pain
  • Define spinal decompression therapy
  • Demonstrate decompression table structure and use
  • Describe the relevant anatomy of the lumbar spine
  • Critically examine published reports of clinical outcomes of decompression therapy
  • Present and discuss clinical outcomes of decompression therapy
  • Determine spinal decompression table treatment protocols
  • Define dizziness
  • Define vertigo and other associated symptoms
  • Discuss cervicogenic dysequilibrium
  • Discuss diagnostic tests to determine the cause of vertigo
  • Explore current understanding of pain concepts, physiology and theories behind neuropathic pain
  • Discuss in detail the relevant neurological anatomy and functional neurology
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to pain receptors and neural integration
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to neural plasticity, articular neurology, and mechanisms of pain
  • Explore current understanding of pain concepts, physiology and theories behind neuropathic pain and allodynia
  • Discuss the importance of the neurological implications of a nerve injury
  • Describe mechanisms of neural plasticity
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to neural plasticity, articular neurology, and mechanisms of pain
  • Analyze current literature regarding spinal adjustments, and break down concepts, physiology and theories behind chiropractic treatment
  • Appraise new and existing ideas related to mechanisms involved whereby chiropractic spinal adjustments might effect the vascular and nervous system
  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to chiropractic adjustments, neural plasticity, articular neurology, and mechanisms of pain
  • Explore current understanding of pain physiology and theories behind neuropathic pain, allodynia and proposed treatment using chiropractic adjustments

  • NOTE: This course contains the same contents as Spinal Decompression 150, Physical Diagnosis 127, Neurology 110 through 112 and Neurological Exam 106 is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 211b : Headache: A Clinical Discussion

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Explore current role of the art and science of obtaining a relevant patient history at the bedside
  • Discuss and demonstrate relevant neurological examination procedures required to examine and diagnose pathological conditions of the nervous system
  • Outline considerations regarding the relationship of the upper cervical spine and headache
  • Summarize characteristics of several clinical headache syndromes, emphasizing recognition and differential diagnosis of pathological conditions
  • Illustrate levels of the central and peripheral nervous system and relate that to the clinical presentation resulting from disease of the various brain and cord areas
  • Outline and organize various categories for headache is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 211c : Dealing with the Dizzy Patient

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Define vertigo and differentiate vertigo in the "dizzy" patient population
  • Identify disorders that cause dizziness and vertigo.
  • Discuss modes of presentation, providers consulted and other aspects.
  • Differentiate primary and secondary dizziness.
  • Understand aspects of serious and other uncommon causes of dizziness.
  • Describe basic anatomy and physiologic function of components of the vestibular system.
  • Demonstrate and comprehend performance of the Dix-Hallpike and Eply Maneuvers.
  • Define and diagnose Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV).
  • Perform a bedside examination for evaluation of the dizzy patient. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 211d1 : Dealing with the Dizzy Patient: Part 1

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Describe the incidence and prevalence of dizziness as a complaint.
  • Define the term vertigo from a clinical perspective.
  • Identify anatomical components and describe physiological function of the vestibular system.
  • Perform a brief bedside examination for basic evaluation of the dizzy patient.
  • Categorize varieties of conditions causing dizziness and identify which are likely to be amenable to conservative care.
  • Compare and contrast the function of the utricle, saccule and semicircular canals. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 211d2 : Dealing with the Dizzy Patient: Part 2

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Describe the anatomical structures involved and the overall significance of the Dix-Hallpike Maneuver.
  • Perform the Dix-Hallpike Maneuver.
  • Describe the anatomical structures involved and the overall significance of the Epley Maneuver.
  • Perform the Epley Maneuver.
  • Compare and contrast the use of the Dix Hallpike and the Roll Test.
  • Discuss in detail the proper use of various vestibular function tests (past pointing, veering, balance, gait, etc.), Swivel Chair Test, Swinging Stool Test, Semont Procedure and the Brandt-Daroff exercises.
  • Perform vestibular function tests (past pointing, veering, balance, gait, etc.), Swivel Chair Test, Swinging Stool Test, Semont Procedure and the Brandt-Daroff exercises. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212 c173 : A Case of Facial Spasms: Functional or Organic?

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Case Studies, Diplomate Level;

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  • Evaluate a case of an adult female patient who presents with facial spasms and other complaints including facial weakness, slurred speech, and drooling.
  • Differentiate central causes of facial spasm from central causes of facial spasm.
  • Consider the effect of chiropractic adjustments on intracranial arterial function.
  • Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing a neurological examination of patient’s presenting with facial spasms.
  • Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings of patients presenting with facial spasms.
  • List the differential diagnoses to consider in a patient presenting with facial spasms.
  • Identify portions of the brainstem, origins of the cranial nerves and the relationship between arteries and cranial nerves at the brainstem. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212 Session 12

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$342.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Case Studies, Diplomate Level;, Multiple Formats

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  • This allows you to purchase all 19 hours of 212 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 212 module is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212a : Physical Diagnosis 1: Physical Examination of Peripheral Arteries and Veins

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Identify the anatomical components of the peripheral arterial system.
  • Identify the anatomical components of the peripheral venous system.
  • Identify, define and discuss commonly presenting disorders of the vascular system.
  • Briefly describe methods of medical and conservative treatment for select vascular illnesses.
  • Compare and contrast clinical findings in arterial versus venous disease involving the lower extremity. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212b : Exam of the Thyroid and Lymphatic System and Thoracic Landmarks

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Identify the anatomical components of the thyroid gland.
  • Identify the anatomical components and drainage areas of the lymphatic vascular system.
  • Identify, define and discuss commonly presenting disorders of the thyroid gland and lymphatic vascular system.
  • Briefly describe methods of medical and conservative treatment for select thyroid and lymphatic illnesses.
  • Define and discuss landmarks of the human thorax and their implication in the clinical examination. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212c : Examination of The Lungs

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Identify the surface anatomy of the 5 lobes of the lungs.
  • Identify anatomical landmarks related to the lung lobes.
  • Identify, define and discuss normal and abnormal breath sounds.
  • Briefly describe methods of stethoscope use and placement.
  • Define and discuss methods used to analyze breaths during auscultation. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212d : Physical Diagnosis: Cardiac Auscultation Points, Breath Sounds and Breathing Abnormalities

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Recall normal chest ratios and differentiate from abnormal chest ratios.
  • Compare and contrast clinical findings associated with various breathing abnormalities.
  • Recognize the location of the cardiac auscultation points and distinguish which structures are best heard at each point.
  • Identify pain producing structures in the thorax.
  • Describe the physics of sound transmission.
  • Define and discuss physical signs in selected abnormalities of the bronchi and lungs. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212e : Cases in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Case Studies, Diplomate Level;

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  • Relate relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases
  • Explain diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in thyroid disease
  • Give examples of diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in drug toxicity
  • Describe diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in diabetic neuropathy
  • Demonstrate diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin deficiency

  • NOTE: This course contains the same content as Physical Diagnosis 128 is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212e2 : Grand Rounds in Family Medicine

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Outline relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases.
  • Comprehend diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in multiple pathological conditions.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of laboratory tests for alcoholic cirrhosis.
  • Recite abnormal blood pressure parameters in malignant hypertension. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212f : Grand Rounds in Family Practice

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Relate relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases including vitamin B12 deficiency, metabolic conditions, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion.
  • Explain diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin B12 deficiency, neuropathy, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion.
  • Give examples of diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin B12 deficiency, neuropathy, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion.
  • Describe diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin B12 deficiency, neuropathy, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion.
  • Demonstrate diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin B12 deficiency, neuropathy, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212f2 : Grand Rounds in Family Practice

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Relate relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases including myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
  • Explain diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
  • Give examples of diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
  • Describe diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212f3 : Interesting Cases in Family Practice

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • List common signs and symptoms of Perinephric Abscess.
  • List common signs and symptoms of Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus.
  • List common signs and symptoms of Methanphetimine use and Complications.
  • List common signs and symptoms of Cavernous Hemangioma.
  • List common signs and symptoms of Cardiomyopathy.
  • Discuss use of Zoll Lifevest.
  • List common signs and symptoms of Quinolone toxicity. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212f4 : Orthopedic Surgery and Joint Replacement

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Compare and contrast use of PRP injections for joints versus tendons.
  • Itemize criticisms of Stem Cell injections and discuss the current state of the science.
  • Contrast characterized and uncharacterized Stem Cell therapies.
  • List the relative indications for hip replacement.
  • List common hip injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed.
  • List Indications for knee replacement.
  • Describe progression from normal knee to a knee with severe osteoarthritis.
  • Compare and contrast the indications and procedures for a partial knee replacement and a total knee replacement.
  • List the benefits of robotic joint replacement surgery.
  • List the rational for surgical referral for surgical treatment and possible joint replacement.
  • List common knee injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed.
  • Compare and contrast shoulder replacement and reverse shoulder replacement, emphasizing the relative indications for each.
  • List common shoulder injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed.
  • List common elbow injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed.
  • List common hand and wrist injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212g : Physical Diagnosis: Evaluation of the Abdomen

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Recall the location of the organs in the abdomen.
  • Define various regions of the abdomen.
  • Describe techniques of examination including observation, palpation, percussion and special tests and their relevant clinical findings associated with abdominal disease.
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of abdominal visceral disease including differentiation of symptoms by hollow versus solid viscera.
  • Identify somatic locations of pain associated with abdominal visceral disease.
  • Describe changes in stool and vomitus associated with various pathological conditions. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212h : Evaluation of the External Eye

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Recall the structural anatomy of the external eye.
  • Define various functions of components of the external eye.
  • List local disorders affecting the external eye.
  • Differentiate local conditions of the external eye with cranial nerve II, III, IV, V, VI and VII.
  • Describe techniques of examination of the internal eye such illumination, observation, and special tests and their relevant clinical findings associated with local external eye disease.
  • Recognize the appearance of common eyelid conditions such as chalazion, internal and external hordeolum, blepharitis, blepharospasm, dacrocystitis, and a wide variety of others.
  • Identify and perform methods for examining the external eye for conjunctivitis, episceritis and others.
  • Perform the technique of removing a foreign body from the external eye.
  • Identify and describe pathological changes associated with disease of the cornea. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31

Neurology 212i : Physical Diagnosis: Evaluation of the Internal Eye

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Recall the structural anatomy of the internal eye.
  • Define various functions of components of the internal eye.
  • List local disorders affecting the internal eye.
  • Describe techniques of examination of the internal eye such illumination, observation, and special tests and their relevant clinical findings associated with local internal eye disease.
  • Identify and perform methods for examining the internal eye for uveal tract disease, cataracts, and vitreous disease.
  • Identify and describe pathological changes conditions associated with disease of the uveal tract disease, cataracts, and vitreous humor. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider
Expires: 2026-07-31