Vermont Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education

Vermont Accepts Online Courses


Vermont Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements: 30 hours of continuing education during the two-year renewal period

Vermont Accepts 30 hours of Online Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Courses a division of Surgent Pharmcon, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education in Vermont. Please Click here to view Approved Provider List. The vast majority of our courses are automatically accepted.  Courses are facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department which includes the College of Naturopathic Medicine.  Scroll down to view courses.


When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.


Special Requirements:  Licensees possessing the special license endorsement for prescription medications must complete 10 hours biennially in the pharmacology of legend drugs.

Licensees possessing a special license endorsement to practice Naturopathic Physician childbirth must complete 15 hours biennially in Naturopathic Physician childbirth. A course in neonatal resuscitation may count toward these 15 hours. Ten of the 15 hours may be applied to general requirements for continuing education


State of Vermont Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements

Vermont Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Vermont Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Vermont Naturopathic Physician licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Vermont Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for Vermont Naturopathic Physicians. The online courses increase the knowledge bases of the Naturopathic Physician to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online continuing education course for new Vermont Naturopathic Physicians who register with

Found 1098 courses
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Neurology 133 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 1

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Relate the effects of chemotherapy to the development of neuropathy.
  • Draw the pathways specific to Lamina I versus Lamina V sensory pathways.
  • Discuss basic science research that links Na, Ca and TRPA1 ion channels with hyper-excitability of sensory neurons.
  • Apply Lo-TENs over acupuncture points known to down regulate TRPA1 and PKC for the treatment of neuropathy.
  • Utilize natural substances that modulate ions channels related to neuropathy.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 134 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 2

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Obtain the most appropriate diagnostic tests  for their patients suspected of suffering from small fiber neuropathy
  • Implement the use of serum biomarkers for the management of small fiber neuropathy
  • Utilize hair analysis for heavy metals, in cases of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy
  • Implement a nutritional detox strategy for the elimination of heavy metals in patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy
  • Institute a nutritional strategy to elevate NAD+  or to down regulate NAMPT to protect axons from degeneration in cases of peripheral neuropathy.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 135 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 3

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss how small fiber nerve dysfunction may contribute  to painful conditions commonly seen in chiropractic practice.
  • Apply the Thermal Grill to evoke Conditioned Pain Modulation and Offset Analgesia to relieve neuropathy pain.
  • Utilize techniques to treat deafferentation pain.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 136 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 4

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Draw the components of the Central Autonomic Network
  • Relate the effects of brain lateralization and asymmetry to sympathetic-parasympathetic balance and tone.
  • Apply the technique of High Voltage Galvanic stimulation to create a non-invasive Stellate Ganglion Block.
  • Apply Lo-TENs to transcutaneously perform Vagal Nerve Stimulation.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 137 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 5

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Formulate a viable alternative treatment for chemotherapy induced neuropathy.
  • Offer guidance to patients on how they may prevent or reduce the severity of chemotherapy induced neuropathy.
  • Utilize various forms of nervous system  stimulation as a substitute for  acupuncture.
  • Apply techniques for determining where nerves are attempting to heal and formulate a treatment strategy designed to accelerate nerve repair.
  • Choose the most beneficial type of stimulation and the optimal locations where stimulation should reduce  symptoms and promote nerve repair in chemotherapy induced neuropathy.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 138 : The Neurological Physiological Lesion

David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Define physiological lesion & functional lesion
  • Differentiate an anatomical pathology from physiological pathology
  • Recognize the debate on it’s validity
  • Apply the defined lesions to current known brain pathologies
  • Illustrate the physiological lesion in known cord pathologies
  • Demonstrate how the lesions can be measured
  • Examine the applications to manipulative therapy
  • Investigate clinical application
  • Evaluate the validity of the theory to chiropractic applications.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 139 : Concussion - Signs and Symptoms

IACN Guest Instructor

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • List common symptoms and physical examination findings that are seen with concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries.
  • Recognize red flags and referrals needed in patients diagnosed with concussion.
  • Implement tools like the CDC’s Acute Concussion Evaluation into the patient interview.
  • Utilizef advanced imaging and diagnostic testing used for the diagnosis of concussion and pathologies that resemble concussion.
  • Identify specific findings from the patient interview and examination that led to the diagnosis of other co-occurring pathologies

IACN Guest Lecturer: Felicia Danio, DC, DIBCN
Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 140 : Innovative and practical applied clinical neuroscience applications for ADHD patients

IACN Guest Instructor

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Recall classifications of neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Itemize the four-step approach to management of ADHD.
  • Administer sensorimotor integration techniques – Interactive Metronome.
  • Assess balance and posture and implement rehabilitation.
  • Observe eye movement abnormalities and implement therapeutic protocols.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 141 : Introduction and overview, Parkinson's Disease rating scales A

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Classify a Parkinson's disease patient using the H and Y scale
  • Formulate a specific treatment plan for musculoskeletal symptoms experienced by an individual patient.
  • Use the Parkinson's Autonomic Rating Scale to formulate a treatment plan for non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
  • Recognize and utilize the three main staging and scoring scales of the conditions.
  • Utilize the three major components of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale to formulate a specific treatment plan for your patient.
  • Understand how the autonomic scoring scale for Parkinson's overlaps and interacts with the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Score.
  • Combine the rating scales to formulate a stage for disability for the Parkinson's patient.
  • Utilize the United Parkinson's Rating Scale to craft a patient-specific rehabilitation program.
  • Recognize Parkinsons and refer to appropriate healthcare providers as indicated.

OnlineContinuingEd, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 142 : Neurobiology: Biomarkers Foundation for Treatment and Rehabilitation

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of common biomarkers relative to Parkinson's disease patients.
  • Explore the utility of Cystatin C relative to Parkinson's patients
  • Analyze the newly released Neurofilament Light Chain biomarker and its role in Parkinson's disease patients.
  • Examine the role of glial cells in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease and investigate the potential of the S100B protein as a biomarker for tissue damage in Parkinson's disease patients.
  • Gain insights into the significance of glial cells in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease and evaluate the efficacy of the S100B protein as a biomarker for tissue damage in individuals suffering from Parkinson's disease.
  • Make appropriate referrals to Medical Doctors for Parkinsons Patients

OnlineContinuingEd, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 214e3 : Somatoform Disorders and Malingering

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Define the terms somatoform disorder, hysteria, malingering, organic and non organic disease.
  • Contrast and compare organic and non organic disease.
  • Contrast and compare somatoform disorder and malingering.
  • Identify the most common symptoms described by patients suffering from Somatoform disorder, and develop a strategy to what degree the symptoms may have a somatoform component. 

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 214e4 : The Cortex: Communication and Knowledge

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Locate cortical areas responsible for language and describe the relationship between the areas and describe pathways of cortical information processing.
  • Define the term “hemisphericity” in relation to hemisphere dominance and itemize various methods to determine hemisphere dominance for functions such as language, handedness, hearing, vision, etc.
  • Describe results of “split brain” experiments regarding cortical processing of faces and items in regard to distribution of visual information and speech.
  • Draw the relationships between the reception and expression categories in The Schema of Monrad Crone to illustrate the “inputs and outputs” of human interaction.
  • Identify the cortical pathways involved from hearing and understanding to formulating speech and speaking, and discuss the relevance of pathway location to other cortical systems.
  • Define common terms associated with cortical disorders including aphasia, agraphia and apraxia.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Neurology 214e6 : Non-Organic Physical Signs: Are Tests for "Fakers" Credible? Plus Fundamentals and Mechanics of the Neurological Examination

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Diplomate Level;

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  • Contrast and compare the physical neurological examination with the physical examination of other body systems.
  • Perform a neurological examination in a logical, physical sequence from sitting to standing, supine and prone.
  • Describe and perform “Waddell’s Tests and six other special tests described in the literature to detect complaints without a physical basis.
  • Itemize pitfalls and critically review special tests described in the literature to detect complaints without a physical basis.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 101 : Resistance Exercise and Lipoprotein, and the Effects of Boswelia and Green Tea

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify the correlation of resistance exercise and lipoprotein Patterns
  • Discuss the effect of boswelia on arthritis
  • Review the effect of green tea on weight loss
  • Establish the relationship of exercise and water replacement
  • Identify the relationship of red wine and the cardiovascular system

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 102 : Blood Lipids, Probiotics and the Effects of Bromelain and Tea Tree Oil

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Distinguish how orange juice can improve blood lipid profiles
  • Discuss dietary aspects for the vegetarian athlete
  • Identify the relationship between bromelain and acute inflammation
  • Develop the anti-septic activity of tea tree oil
  • Describe Probiotics

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 103 : Antioxidants, Vitamin E, Silymarin, Magnesium and Whole Grains

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Review aspects of antioxidants and free radicals
  • Discuss how silymarin can improve an alcohol-damaged liver
  • Describe the connection/mechanism between atherosclerosis and vitamin E
  • Identify research evidence between whole grains and disease
  • Delineate the relationship of magnesium and hypertension

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 104 : Nutritional Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify risk factors of cardiovascular disease
  • Construct a list of appropriate food and food groups associated with cardiovascular disease prevention
  • Evaluate various supplements that are beneficial in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease
  • Differentiate various diets in regard to cardiovascular disease

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 105 : Nutritional Treatment for Hypertension, Peripheral Vascular Disease and Other CV Conditions

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss various diet and lifestyle factors involving hypertension
  • Recognize the relationship between various minerals and hypertension
  • Distinguish the nutritional aspects of various related cardiovascular conditions
  • Identify the relationship between various herbs and peripheral vascular diseases

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 106 : Herbal Therapies I

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss the basics of herbal medicine
  • Identify the conditions treated with herbs
  • List the effects, indications and dosages for T Bilberry and Black Cohosh

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 107 : Herbal Therapies II

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify the conditions treated with specific herbs
  • List the effects, indications and dosages for Boswellia, Burdock Root, Bromelain, Calendula, Cascara sagrada, Cayenne, CBD (cannabis), Chamomile, Echinacea

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 108 : Herbal Therapies III

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss the mechanism and effects of Feverfew, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Gugulipid, Gymnena Sylvestre, Horse Chestnut, Lemon Balm, Licorice, Milk Thistle, Nettle, Passionflower, Psyllium, Pygeum, Senna, Shiitake, St. Johns Wort, Saw Palmetto, Tea Tree Oil, Tumeric, Valerian Root, and White Willow

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 109 : Nutrition and the Elderly

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify changes in vitamin needs and status that occurs with aging and in the elderly
  • List changes in mineral needs and status that occurs with aging and in the elderly
  • Demonstrate an understanding of protein, fiber and water needs of the elderly
  • Identify important antioxidants in the elderly and the interactions that exist between them
  • Create a list of nutritional deficiencies and how they can lead to disease and illness in the elderly

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 110 : Female Nutrition - Osteoporosis, Pregnancy and Lactation

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of calcium and other minerals in osteoporosis
  • Design a treatment protocol for the osteoporotic patient
  • Create nutritional guidelines for the pregnant female
  • Identify changes in vitamin and mineral requirements in pregnancy
  • Review the nutritional changes that occur with lactation

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 111 : Childhood Nutrition - Vitamins, Minerals, Fiber, Growth and Obesity

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Understand proper growth rates and weight gain in early childhood
  • Identify specific minerals involved in childhood nutrition
  • Explain the stages of obesity development in childhood
  • Review the importance and problems associated with childhood obesity
  • Evaluate the role of fiber in childhood

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 112 : Obesity - Calculations, Body Composition, Diet, and Exercise

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify the link between obesity and disease
  • Understand body composition and assessment methods
  • Design a practical weight loss diet program
  • Perform obesity related calculations quick and easily in the office
  • Recognize the role of exercise and other lifestyle factors that can influence obesity.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 113 : Case Studies in Nutritional and Functional Medicine - Chronic GI Disorders and Fatigue

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

$22.00 USD

Case Studies, Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Identify the challenges inherent in the diagnosis and management of patients with complex and chronic multi-factorial problems
  • Associate a multitude of common symptomatic complaints with foundational metabolic disorders such as elevated total toxic load and "leaky gut"
  • Apply a systematic approach to functional laboratory diagnostics and associate the findings with the need for specific therapeutic strategies using nutrients, botanical medicines, and nutraceutical compounds
  • Demonstrate an ability to institute life-style modifications, such as dietary changes, stress management techniques, and exercise in the management of patients with complex chronic illness
  • Measure your ability to assess, diagnose, and treat patients with fatigue-related disorders, vague gastrointestinal complaints, cognitive dysfunction, thyroid-adrenal problems, food intolerance, and more

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 114 : Case Studies in Nutritional and Functional Medicine - Hypertension and Food Allergy

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

$22.00 USD

Case Studies, Text

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  • Identify the challenges inherent in the diagnosis and management of patients with complex and chronic multi-factorial problems
  • Associate findings such systemic skin problems with foundational metabolic disorders
  • Apply a systematic approach to functional laboratory diagnostics and associate the findings with the need for specific therapeutic strategies
  • Discuss the modification of your approach to case management based on outcome-assessment
  • Assess, diagnose, and treat patients with serious food allergy and sensitivity, dermatologic disorders, immune dysfunction, and persistent serious hypertension

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 115 : Clinical Detoxification: Part 1

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify the sources of toxic exposure in modern industrial society, the prevalence of exposure, and the health ramifications of elevated total toxic body burden
  • Associate a multitude of common symptomatic complaints (ie: fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, skin problems, global pain, etc.) with foundational metabolic disorders related to issues such as elevated total toxic load and "leaky gut"
  • Discover the specific biochemical methodology utilized by human metabolism to render toxins harmless and excrete them from the body
  • Explain the inherent complications within the normal detoxification process related to the formation of toxic intermediates and the increase in oxidative stress
  • Explore the effect of elevated oxidative stress on mitochondrial function and cellular energy production

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 116 : Clinical Detoxification: Part 2

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify various pathologies associated with increased toxicity and total oxidative stress
  • Outline specific strategies of patient assessment to determine toxic load and individual hepatic detoxification capacity
  • Discriminate between the various pathways of hepatic detoxification biochemistry and objectively assess each pathway
  • Explain the use of specific nutrients, nutraceutical compounds, botanical medicines, and foods to lower oxidative stress
  • Explore the benefits and complications of adjunctive therapies in the management of patients with elevated toxic load and poor detoxification capacity

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 117 : Drug, Herb and Nutrient Interactions and Toxicity

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify common drug and nutrient interactions
  • Identify herbal interactions
  • Identify nutrient and nutrient interactions
  • Recognize different toxicity levels for various nutrients
  • To formulate treatment recommendations based a patient's medication intake.

Knowfully Learning Group, LLC is an Approved Provider for Naturopathic CE in VT
Expires: 2028-12-31