Utah Massage Therapy Continuing Education

NCBTMB Accepts OnlineCE.com Courses


Utah Continuing Education Requirements: None


The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) is the national governing body responsible for credentialing Massage Therapists. Massage Therapists must renew their board certification every 2 years. During that 2-year period, Massage Therapists are required to complete 24 hours of continuing education. Twenty-one (21) hours of CE must be from Approved Providers and three (3) of the 24 hours must be in Ethics. Candidates must also pass a criminal background check (performed by NCBTMB).  There is a limit of 4 hours allowed in self-care coursework. The NCBTMB accepts 24 hours of OnlineCE.com courses. OnlineCE is an Approved Provider of the NCBTMB (#422983-00).


Please scroll down to view courses accepted and their approval code/language.  When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.


NCBTMB Approved Provider


State of Utah Continuing Education Requirements

Utah Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Utah continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Utah Massage Therapy licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Utah continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on OnlineCE.com provide Online CEU for Utah Massage Therapists (MT). The online courses enhance the knowledge bases of Massage Therapists to enhance clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour NCBTMB approved online home study CE credit course for new Utah Massage Therapy registered users at www.OnlineCE.com

  • Found 70 courses in less than a second

  • Addictions 101

    History of Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol/Strategies for Dealing With Addictions - One's Own and Those of One's Patients


    $28.00 USD

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    • Describe the history of alcohol and drug abuse
    • Define the reasons for the impact of alcohol and drug abuse
    • Indicate the types of drug and alcohol abuses
    • Recognize substance abuse in one's practice
    • Develop strategies for dealing with our patient's and our own drug/alcohol addictions

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    AIDS 103

    Manual Therapy Interventions for People Living with HIV Disease


    $14.00 USD

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    • Apply manual therapy interventions for people living with HIV disease
    • List the applicability of soft tissue mobilization, muscle energy technique, and myofacial release in the treatment of patients with HIV disease
    • Describe craniosacral therapy and lymphatic drainage techniques in the treatment of patients with HIV disease

    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    AIDS 106

    HIV Facts and Information


    $14.00 USD

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    • Define HIV
    • Outline HIV epidemiology and symptoms
    • Discuss the effects of HIV on health and wellness
    • Review current facts about the HIV and AIDS epidemic both in the U.S. and worldwide

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    AIDS 107

    Information for Health Care Workers


    $14.00 USD

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    • Discuss strategies for preventing HIV in the health care workplace
    • Outline universal precautions and additional precautions to prevent transmission of HIV by blood
    • Apply what to do when there has been a possible exposure to HIV infection

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    AIDS 108
    HIV and AIDS Update: Caring for A Person With HIV and AIDS


    $14.00 USD

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    • Define and discuss confidentiality laws covering the medical records of HIV/AIDS patients
    • Define and discuss behavioral interventions for HIV/AIDS patients
    • Outline the screening of HIV-infected persons for HIV transmission risk

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    An Overview of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome MT

    The Basics of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


    $14.00 USD

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    • Identify the etiology, incidence and prevalence of CTS
    • Identify 3 provocative maneuvers for diagnosing CTS
    • List 3 treatment interventions for CTS
    • Identify massage techniques used in the treatment of CTS

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Anatomy 101

    Anterior Cervical Musculature


    $14.00 USD

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    • Dissect and identify musculature of the anterior cervical spine.
    • Identify and learn the origin and insertion of specific musculature of the anterior cervical spine.
    • Describe the innervation of specific anterior cervical musculature.
    • Learn the anatomic relationship of anterior cervical spine musculature to other structures.

    Robert Schwer, DC

    Interactive Dissection

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Anatomy 102

    Musculature of the Shoulder


    $14.00 USD

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    • To dissect and identify musculature of the shoulder
    • Identify and learn the origin and insertion of specific musculature of the shoulder
    • Construct a list of differential diagnoses for Clinical Shoulder Pathologies
    • Learn the anatomic relationship of shoulder to other structures and correlate them to an MRI

    Robert Schwer, DC

    Interactive Dissection

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Anatomy 103

    Bones and Joints of the Hand


    $14.00 USD

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    • Locate and identify the various bones that make up the hand
    • Identify bony landmarks and the parts of the bones that make up the hand
    • Identify various joint structures within the hand
    • View the anatomic relationship of the bones of the hand to other bony and soft tissue structures

    Robert Schwer, DC

    Interactive Dissection

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Anatomy 104

    Musculature of the Hip


    $14.00 USD

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    • Dissect and identify musculature, nerve and vascular aspects of the hip
    • Identify and learn the origin and insertion of specific musculature of the hip
    • Describe the innervation of specific hip musculature.
    • Learn the anatomic relationship of hip musculature to other structures and their relationships on the MRI

    Robert Schwer, DC

    Interactive Dissection

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Anatomy 105

    Anatomy of the Elbow


    $14.00 USD

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    • Locate skeletal structures and landmarks of the elbow joint.
    • Identify ligamentous and neurovascular anatomy of the elbow complex.
    • Name the origin, insertion and innervation of musculature around the elbow.
    • Assess the relationship of bony and soft tissue structures around the elbow.

    Robert Schwer, DC

    Interactive Dissection

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Anatomy of the Forearm and Hand

    The Basics of Forearm and Hand Anatomy


    $14.00 USD

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    • Identify and match surface landmarks to underlying anatomy
    • Identify and locate joints of the wrist and hand
    • Name the motion that occurs at the joints of the wrist and hand
    • Identify osteology of the wrist, hand and forearm

    Janet Cope, MS, OT


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 101
    Gender Roles and Traits


    $14.00 USD

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    • Discuss the concept of Gender as it relates to society, language and culture
    • Identify Gender roles in Western Society
    • Recognize innate gender traits in males and females
    • Summarize socially imposed gender traits

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 102
    Gender, Power and the Doctor Patient Relationship


    $14.00 USD

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    • Identify aspects of male and female psychological development
    • Relate basic concepts of Gender and Power
    • List female and male leadership factors
    • Discuss gender and the Doctor/Patient relationship
    • Identify the ways which gender affects the Doctor/Patient relationship

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 103
    Sexuality and the Doctor Patient Relationship


    $14.00 USD

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    • Describe what accounts for the differences, in practice style and patient care, between males and females healthcare providers
    • Define differing sexualities in western culture
    • Review sexuality as it relates to the Doctor/Patient relationship
    • Identify misconceptions in personal definitions of male, female, power and sexuality
    • Recognize when Power is misused and becomes a threat

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 104

    Touch and the Doctor Patient Relationship


    $14.00 USD

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    • Define Touch as it relates to perception, gender and culture
    • Discuss the giving up of power as it relates to patients and touch
    • Recognize the perception, intention, and uses of touch
    • Perform an analysis of individual conceptions of gender and sexuality

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 105
    Practical Applications Gender, Sexuality, Touch, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct


    $14.00 USD

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    • Perform an exercise to identify personal concepts of touch
    • Create practical applications for healthcare practitioners with regard to gender, touch, and sexuality
    • Define sexual misconduct
    • Recognize the difference between sexual misconduct and sexual harassment
    • Critique different models of misconduct

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 106
    Examples and Common Fears About Sexual Misconduct; Caring for the Abused Patient


    $14.00 USD

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    • Describe how misconduct occurs
    • Distinguish between different types of offenders
    • Give examples of case studies in sexual misconduct
    • Identify common fears and misconceptions of sexual misconduct
    • Specify important concepts of treated a patient who has a history of abuse

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 107

    Consent, Power Issues, Adherence vs.Compliance, Risk Levels One Faces as A Healthcare Provider


    $14.00 USD

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    • Define professional boundaries and relate the issue of consent
    • Describe the three types of power, the three patterns of power, and how power is used
    • Discuss the differences between adherence vs. compliance and transference vs. countertransference
    • Identify anatomical risk levels for touch

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 108
    Safe Touch Guidelines and Strategies For Safe Touching


    $14.00 USD

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    • Develop safe touch guidelines
    • Create a set of office based interventions and patient based interventions in the development of safe practice strategies
    • Define educational interventions for safe practice strategies
    • Define the basics of the supervision for a safe practice strategy

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 109
    Safe Practice Analysis; Risk Factor Analysis - Self Assessments


    $14.00 USD

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    • Develop and outline for safe practice analysis
    • Perform a risk factor analysis
    • Execute a healthcare provider questionnaire
    • Create a staff evaluation to implement at the office

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 110
    Buddy and Supervisor Evaluations


    $14.00 USD

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    • Develop and implement a buddy/supervisor evaluation of the healthcare provider and staff
    • Develop and implement a patient evaluation of the healthcare provider and staff
    • Create a system of analysis for the buddy/supervisor, healthcare provider, staff and patient evaluations

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 111

    Making Necessary Changes in One's Office/Practice; Diffusing Attractions


    $14.00 USD

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    • Develop a plan for change based on the risk factor analysis (RFA) and practice evaluation questionnaires
    • Identify areas of improvement for touch, consent, communication and respect
    • Address concerns raised by staff and patients
    • Discuss ways to defuse attraction

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Boundary Training 112
    Dealing with Attractions; Creating A Safe Practice


    $14.00 USD

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    • Develop guidelines of dealing with a patient who is attracted to you
    • Develop guidelines of dealing with feeling an attraction
    • Discuss the six factors for a safe practice
    • Describe the new partnership between healthcare providers and patients

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Cultural Competency 201

    Developing the Knowledge and Skills in Caring for Those From Other Races and Cultures


    $14.00 USD

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    • Develop an appreciation of the impact of culture group, minority group and racial group on the health care relationship
    • Increase sensitivity, knowledge and skills to promote effective intercultural interactions
    • Identify the professional's own cultural identity/judgments /biases and their impact on their behavior and how they are perceived by clients and patients
    • Recognize cultural variables that appear in verbal and non-verbal communication
    • Examine the influence of culture in our patient population
    • Differentiate the provider's culture

    Angelica Redleaf, DC


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Cultural Competency 202

    How to Develop the Needed Skills and Understanding to Care for the Rising Latino Population in the US


    $14.00 USD

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    • Examine the historical background of the various Latino/Hispanic groups in the U.S.
    • Develop the skills needed to care for people from Spanish speaking parts of the world
    • Increase our understanding of the cultural traits of Latino/Hispanic groups in the U.S.
    • Summarize specific traits of various Latino/Hispanic groups
    • Recognize how we can narrow the gap between us

    Angelica Redleaf, DC


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Emergency Procedures 101

    Preparing for Common Medical Emergencies


    $14.00 USD

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    • Know how to prepare for a medical emergency
    • Review four emergency medical conditions: Stroke, Heart Attack, Difficulty Breathing, Diabetic Emergencies
    • Recognize the causes, symptoms and signs for these emergencies
    • Understand how to provide the appropriate emergency treatments

    Brett Kinsler, DC


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Emergency Procedures 102

    Developing an Emergency Preparedness Manual for Your Office and Review CPR Changes


    $14.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Gain the knowledge to develop an Emergency Preparedness Manual for your office
    • Define crisis management procedures in advance for fires, child abduction, workplace violence, bomb threats and other situations
    • Explain the importance of an emergency continuity plan
    • Recognize why CPR was changed and compare the new rules
    • Perform more effective CPR even before you refresh your certification

    Brett Kinsler, DC


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Ethics for Professionals 101

    Morality and Ethics in Professional Practice


    $14.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Define morality and ethics and distinguish between the two
    • Describe three moralities that health professionals must integrate into their own moral life
    • Identify some major sources of moral beliefs in Western societies
    • Distinguish between an ethical issue and ethical problem
    • List three ways that ethics is useful in everyday professional practice
    • Describe what material cooperation entails
    • Identify some mechanisms available to protect the personal moral convictions of health professionals

    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Ethics for Professionals 102

    Ethical Problems, Ethical Distress and Ethical Dilemma's


    $28.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Identify the goal of professional ethics activity.
    • Describe the basic idea of a caring response and some ways this response in a professional relationship is distinguished from expressions of care in other types of relationships.
    • Identify three component parts of any ethical problem.
    • Describe what an agent is and, more importantly, what it is to be a moral agent.
    • Name the three prototypical ethical problems.
    • Describe the role of emotions in ethical distress.
    • Distinguish between two varieties of ethical distress.
    • Compare the fundamental difference between ethical distress and an ethical dilemma.
    • Define ethical paternalism or parentalism.
    • Describe a type of ethical dilemma that challenges a professionals desire (and duty) to treat everyone fairly and equitably.
    • Identify the fundamental difference between distress or dilemma problems and locus of authority problems.
    • Identify four criteria that will assist you in deciding who should assume authority for a specific ethical decision to achieve a caring response.
    • Become familiar with AOTA and APTA Code of Ethics
    • Become familiar with the Guide to Professional Conduct for PT
    • Indiana PTs - become familiar with the IN PT Rules and Practice Act
    • Texas PTs - become familiar with the TX PT Rules and Practice Act
    • Utah PTs - become familiar with the UT PT Rules and Practice Act

    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Ethics for Professionals 103

    The Analysis of Ethical Problems in Professional Life


    $14.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Identify six steps in the analysis of ethical problems encountered in everyday professional life and how each plays a part in arriving at a caring response.
    • Describe the central role of narrative and virtue theories in gathering relevant information for a caring response.
    • List four areas of inquiry that will be useful when gathering relevant information to make sure you have the story straight.
    • Describe the role of conduct-related ethical theories and approaches in arriving at a caring response.
    • Describe why imagination is an essential aspect of seeking out the practical alternatives in an ethically challenging situation.
    • Discuss how courage assists you in a caring response.
    • Identify two benefits of taking time to reflect on and evaluate the action afterward.
    • Become familiar with AOTA and APTA Code of Ethics
    • Become familiar with the Guide to Professional Conduct for PT's

    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Ethics for Professionals 104

    Ethics of Confidential Information


    $28.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Define the terms confidential information and confidentiality.
    • Identify the relationship of a patient's legal right to privacy with his reasonable expectations regarding confidential information.
    • Describe how the telling and keeping of secrets is relevant to understanding the importance of confidentiality.
    • Discuss the ethical norms involved in keeping and breaking professional confidences.
    • Name five general legal exceptions to the professional standard of practice that confidences should not be broken.
    • Consider practical options that a professional can take when faced with the possibility of breaking a confidence.
    • Discuss some important aspects of documentation that affect confidentiality.
    • Compare ethical issues of confidentiality traditionally conceived with those that have arisen because of computerized medical records and patient care information systems.
    • Describe the key ethical strengths and challenges of the recent U.S. federal regulations related to privacy considerations (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).
    • Become familiar with AOTA and APTA Code of Ethics
    • Review and become familiar with the TX PT Rules
    • Read case scenarios illustrating ethical decision making

    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Ethics for Professionals 105

    Informed Consent


    $14.00 USD

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    • Describe three basic legal concepts that led to the doctrine of informed consent.
    • Describe three approaches to determining the disclosure standard for judging that a patient or client has been informed.
    • Discuss three major aspects of the process of obtaining informed consent.
    • Distinguish "general consent" from "special consent" documents.
    • Differentiate between the never-competent and once-competent patient or client and the challenges posed by each in regard to informed consent.
    • Compare informed consent as it is used in health care practice and in human studies research.
    • Describe some considerations one must always take into account to be sure one is being culturally competent and honoring cultural difference when informed consent is the standard.

    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN


    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Fibromyalgia 104

    Bodywork Approaches to Fibromyalgia


    $70.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Review different bodywork approaches in the treatment of fibromyalgia
    • Compare and contrast 3 patterns of dysfunction seen in patients with fibromyalgia
    • Examine the soft tissue stress response sequence
    • Differentiate responses between postural and phasic muscles
    • Discuss important tests involved in the assessment and treatment of patients with fibromyalgia
    • Examine the neuromuscular technique
    • Describe 3 Muscle Energy Techniques
    • Analyze positional release variations and rules of treatment
    • Become familiar with respiratory function assessments and responses
    • Outline a summary of soft tissue approaches to treat fibromyalgia

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Fibromyalgia 107

    Fibromyalgia and Related Disorders


    $14.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discuss the treatment of fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome
    • Become familiar with differential diagnosis for fibromyalgia
    • Outline and describe the epidemiology and clinical presentation of fibromyalgia
    • Describe the pharmacological management of fibromyalgia
    • Describe 5 functional outcomes in chronic muscle pain

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Gender and Sensitivity 101

    Professional Boundaries in Healthcare Relationship; Harassment vs. Misconduct


    $14.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Examine the impact of sexual boundaries on the health care relationship
    • Recognize the most common misconceptions about sexual boundaries
    • Distinguish between sexual misconduct and sexual harassment
    • Demonstrate the need for providing safety for patients
    • Identify the inherent dangers of being in a power position

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Gender and Sensitivity 102

    Caring for Those Who Have Been Sexually Abused; Patient Protection Protocol


    $14.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Define sex abuse
    • Identify the characteristics of an abused individual
    • Appraise the effects of abuse on the health care relationship
    • Create an individualized Patient Protection Protocol
    • Develop office procedures and policies that will create a safe and comfortable environment for all patients

    Angelica Redleaf, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Hot Stone Massage 201

    $42.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Cite basic knowledge concerning the benefits and marketability of Kyle's Caribbean Hot Stone Massage and what type of clients can benefit from the Hot Stone Massage
    • Give examples of the differences in Kyle's Caribbean Hot Stone Massage and the typical Hot Stone Massage offered by the rest of the Massage Industry
    • Classify the needed materials and supplies for the Hot Stone Massage
    • Summarize general knowledge of some of the more common contra-indications for Hot Stone Massage
    • Illustrate proper set up of the equipment, supplies, and room environment for the Hot Stone Massage
    • Demonstrate general knowledge of the control of heat for the Hot Stones
    • Relate the ability to perform the Hot Stone Massage step by step

    Allan Hickey, LMT

    AudioVisual Course
    Multiple Formats

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Implicit Bias
    The Connection of Implicit Bias: Barriers to Care and Disparities in Access to and the Delivery of Health Care


    $38.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Define the concepts of implicit bias and equitable access to health care
    • Describe historical factors impacting trust in the medical system
    • Recognize and understand the impact of implicit bias on perception, judgment, and actions that may result in inequitable decision making, failure to effectively communicate, and barriers or disparities in access to and the delivery of health care services
    • Identify appropriate methods of addressing implicit bias
    • Identify strategies to ensure that healthcare providesr are enhancing access to care and reducing disparities in the access to and delivery of healthcare services (e.g., understanding differences in needs of diverse population, establishing diversity and inclusion initiatives, and working to enhance personal cultural sensitivity)

    NCCAOM Approved for 2 hours of Ethics:  By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course.

    This course is being offered in partnership with OnlineCE.com, ChiroCredit.com, and PharmCon; divisions of Knowfully Learning Group

    Jeanine Abrons, PharmD, MS

    AudioVisual Course

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Infectious Disease 101
    Evidence Based Decontamination for Manual Providers


    $14.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Define the terminology of decontamination, disinfection and sterilization in a clinical setting.
    • Explain the basis of universal precautions and its implementation
    • Discuss the latest research and evidence for risk of treatment table contamination in chiropractic and manual therapy offices.
    • Learn the recommended evidence based disinfection methods of clinician hands, tables and equipment for manual providers.
    • Identify the Spaulding Classification System for disinfection and sterilization of patient care items and equipment.

    Brett Kinsler, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Lymphology 101



    $14.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Recite the definition of lipedema and list 5 signs and symptoms
    • Describe the pathophysiology and pathology associated with lipedema
    • List 5 complications and combinations with other diseases
    • Explain the prognosis for patients with lipedema
    • Differentiate between the diagnosis of lipedema and and common differential diagnosis
    • Become familiar with the role of therapy for patients with lipedema

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Lymphology 102

    Generalized Edemas in Women


    $14.00 USD

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    • Define and differentiate cyclic-idiopathic, idiopathic-orthostatic and idiopathic edema syndromes
    • Define and describe edema syndromes independent of the menstrual cycle
    • Describe 3 generalized edemas caused by abuse of diuretics and or laxatives
    • Become familiar and list the components of rehabilitation with generalized edemas
    • Describe the physiological edema that occurs during pregnancy

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    No State CE Required
    CE Accepted for NCBTMB Recert
    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Lymphology 103

    Decongestive Kinesiotherapy, Respiratory Therapy, Physiotherapy and Other PT Techniques


    $28.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Recite the basic principles of Decongestive Kinesiotherapy and Respiratory Therapy
    • Describe the functional rehab of pts with lymphedema
    • Recall 3 effects of radiation
    • Describe the chronic effects of radiation
    • Compare and contrast principles of manual lymph drainage
    • Describe the treatment of radiation-induced fibrosis
    • Become familiar with compression therapy with radiation induced plexopathy

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

    Downloadable Course in PDF

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    Lymphology 105

    Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) and Venous-Lymphostatic Insufficiency (VLI)


    $28.00 USD

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    • Recall the physiology with venous hemodynamics of the leg
    • Recite the pathophysiology of venous hemodynamics in CVI
    • Describe post-thrombotic syndrome and understand treatment, pathophysiology and clinical stages
    • Become familiar with suprafascial CVI
    • Compare and contrast the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of CVI
    • List 5 methods of prevention for CVI and VLI
    • Describe components of complete decongesitive therapy and drug therapy used with CVI and VLI

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Massage Therapy 206
    Evidence for Sports Massage Benefit


    $42.00 USD

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    • Understand and describe massage outcomes based on known and theoretical physiologic mechanisms
    • List and describe four general outcomes for the athlete/fitness and physical rehabilitation population
    • Explain evidence that indicates that massage is a supportive and safe intervention
    • Describe the potential for adverse effects from massage application
    • Adapt massage for athletes based on research evidence

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Massage Therapy 207

    Assessment for Sports Massage and Physical Rehabilitation Application


    $56.00 USD

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    • Describe assessment for the sport and fi tness population
    • Apply a clinical reasoning process to treatment plan development
    • Develop outcome goals that are quantifiable and qualifi able
    • Adapt charting methods to the athletic population
    • Complete a comprehensive history
    • Complete a comprehensive physical assessment
    • Perform postural assessment
    • Perform basic orthopedic tests to assess for joint injury
    • Analyze movement assessment findings
    • Perform muscle strength assessment
    • Describe and assess kinetic chain function
    • Perform gait assessment
    • Perform palpation assessment
    • Integrate clinical reasoning into the treatment plan using assessment findings
    • Relate assessment data to first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree dysfunction, and categorize the adaptation response to stage 1, 2, or 3 pathology
    • Integrate ongoing assessment data channeled into appropriate massage treatment strategies

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Massage Therapy 208


    $28.00 USD

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    • Define stretching
    • Explain stretching as an intervention
    • List assessments used to determine whether stretching would be beneficial
    • Define active and passive stretching
    • Define flexibility
    • Use joint movement methods to assess for reduced or excessive range of motion
    • Describe symptoms related to hypomobility or hypermobility
    • Describe anatomic, physiologic, and pathologic barriers
    • Use stretching methods effectively and safely
    • Define muscle energy techniques
    • Explain why muscle energy techniques complement stretching methods
    • Define and demonstrate three types of muscle contractions used during muscle energy techniques
    • Explain and demonstrate the use of breath and eye movement during muscle energy techniques
    • Explain and demonstrate seven variations of muscle energy techniques
    • Define direct tissue stretching
    • Demonstrate longitudinal and cross-directional direct tissue stretching
    • Combine stretching methods for increased effect
    • Define and demonstrate active release and pin and stretch

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Massage Therapy 209
    Focused Massage Application


    $56.00 USD

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    • Perform indirect functional techniques
    • Perform direct functional techniques
    • Perform circulation support and lymphatic drain massage
    • Perform connective tissue application
    • Perform trigger point therapy
    • Perform joint play
    • Perform specific releases

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Medical Errors 101
    Avoiding Medical Errors


    $28.00 USD

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    • List some of the most common medical errors reported in the US health care system
    • List the three major systems that the President of the US in 2000 mentioned in his speech regarding errors in the health care system and discuss ways these tools could help decrease errors in our health care system
    • Name a few organizations that collect data from health organizations to help analyze medical errors to help correct on a state level, and a national level
    • Discuss the Evidence Based Practice and converse why this is an important concept in preventing medical errors
    • Name the industry that is the template for a medical error system that works on each level of the structure, denying individual blame
    • List some concepts in quality improvement that AHRQ and other organizations are working on to decrease Medical errors

    Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Oncology Rehab 101

    Breast Cancer Recovery: Rehabilitation After Breast Cancer


    $14.00 USD

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    • Describe and list local and systemic treatments for breast cancer
    • Discuss physical and psychosocial implications of breast cancer treatment
    • Outline and describe the process of evaluation for individuals with breast cancer
    • Create appropriate rehabilitative goals for individuals with breast cancer
    • Design an appropriate rehabilitative session for breast cancer patients

    Naomi Aaronson, MA, OTR/L, CHT


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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pain 105

    Cancer: Pathology, Physical Activity, Nutrition, Massage Therapy and Acupuncture


    $14.00 USD

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    • Outline the nature of and hallmarks of cancer
    • Summarize the relationship between physical activity and cancer
    • Summarize the relationship between nutrition and cancer
    • Summarize the relationship between massage therapy and cancer
    • Summarize the relationship between acupuncture and cancer
    • Summarize the relationship between manual therapy and cancer

    Dean Smith, DC, PhD

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pain 106

    Pain, Inflammation, Back Pain, Fibromyalgia and Peripheral Neuropathy


    $14.00 USD

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    • Summarize the assessment and diagnosis of pain
    • List and describe 5 common causes of back pain and how to prevent injury
    • Outline the causes of fibromyalgia
    • Illustrate the mechanisms of inflammation and pain
    • Discuss the pain of peripheral neuropathy

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 101

    Disease Awareness and Infection Control


    $28.00 USD

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    • Define massage therapy, pathology, and basic terminology used in the study of pathology and describe 2 ways to evaluate the credibility of Internet sources
    • Describe 5 types of diseases, types of pathogens, the chain of infection, disease transmission, and immune responses
    • Explain 3 contraindications and 3 standard precautions, including hand hygiene and proper use of disposable gloves

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 102

    Dermatological Pathologies


    $28.00 USD

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    • Discuss anatomy, physiology, and describe 3 effects of aging of the integumentary system
    • Define bacterial, fungal, viral infections and inflammatory skin conditions and list 3 appropriate massage modifications for each
    • Describe lice, mites, skin injuries, other skin disorders, proliferations, and skin pigmentations and list 3 appropriate massage modifications for each

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 103

    Musculoskeletal Pathologies


    $56.00 USD

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    • Discuss anatomy, physiology, and the effects of aging on the skeletal and muscular systems
    • Define skeletal disorders, spinal deviations, foot deformities, joint disorders, and types of arthritis and list 3 massage implications for each
    • Describe various muscular, myofascial disorders and musculoskeletal injuries and list 3 massage implications for each

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 104

    Nervous Pathologies


    $42.00 USD

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    • Discuss anatomy, physiology, and the describe 3 effects of aging on the nervous system
    • Identify 3 central nervous system disorders and list 3 massage considerations for each
    • Define 3 infectious diseases of the nervous system and list 3 massage considerations for each
    • Name 3 neurodegenerative diseases and describe 3 massage considerations for each
    • Define 3 neurovascular disorders and list 3 massage considerations for each
    • Name 3 conditions of the peripheral nervous system and list 3 massage considerations for each

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 105

    Endocrine Pathologies


    $28.00 USD

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    • Discuss anatomy, physiology, and the effects of aging on the endocrine system
    • Define 3 diseases of the pituitary, thyroid, and parathyroid glands and list 3 massage considerations for each
    • Identify 3 diseases of the adrenal cortex and types of diabetes mellitus and list 3 massage considerations for each

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 106

    Cardiovascular and Lympahtic/Immune Pathologies


    $56.00 USD

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    • Understand anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.
    • Understand the cardiovascular/immune system's role in maintaining homeostasis.
    • Describe medications used to manage cardiovascular disease.
    • Identify general manifestations of cardiovascular and lymphatic/immune disease.
    • Identify and differentiate at least 10 different cardiovascular and lymphatic/immune pathologies.

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 107

    Cancer and Neoplasia


    $42.00 USD

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    • Understand cancer, current treatments and their implications for massage therapy.
    • Describe cancer treatments and side effects of the three most common cancer tretaments.
    • Identify cancer risk factors.
    • Identify and describe medications used to manage cancer and identify side effects.
    • Describe various types of cancer and massage considerations.

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 108

    Respiratory Pathologies


    $28.00 USD

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    • Discuss anatomy, physiology, and the describe 3 effects of aging on the respiratory system
    • Define upper respiratory tract infections and list 3 massage considerations for each
    • Discuss lower respiratory tract infections and describe 3 massage considerations for each
    • List 3 chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, vascular disorders, and immune disorders and describe 3 massage considerations for each

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 109

    Gastrointestinal Pathologies


    $28.00 USD

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    • Discuss anatomy, physiology, and describe 3 effects of aging on the gastrointestinal system
    • Define general dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and describe 3 diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract along with 3 massage considerations for each
    • Describe 3 diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract including the diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas and describe 3 massage considerations for each
    • Identify 2 types of hernias, peritonitis, and disorders of nutrient intake and absorption and describe 3 massage considerations for each

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 110

    Urinary Pathologies


    $14.00 USD

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    • Discuss anatomy, physiology, and describe 3 effects of aging on the urinary system
    • Examine and define disorders of the kidneys and describe 3 massage considerations for each
    • Define disorders of the bladder and urinary tract and describe 3 massage considerations for each

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 111

    Reproductive Conditions, Reproductive Pathologies and Sexually Transmitted Diseases


    $28.00 USD

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    • Discuss anatomy, physiology, and describe 3 effects of aging on the reproductive system
    • Define disorders, conditions, and pathologies of the female reproductive system, the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy, and the postpartum period, and describe 3 massage considerations for each
    • List and examine 3 pathologies of the breast, prostate, and sexually transmitted infections and describe 3 massage considerations for each

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 112

    The Breast


    $28.00 USD

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    • Describe normal anatomy of the breast
    • List 5 factors of breast cancer
    • Explain the incidence of breast cancer and its impact on society
    • Explain the pathogenesis of fibrocystic changes and describe 3 histological changes
    • Describe the most common benign breast tumor including appearance, histological features and peak age of incidence

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 113

    The Skin


    $28.00 USD

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    • Define and differentiate skin lesions such as macule, papule, vesicle, pustule, ulcer and scar
    • Describe skin lesions caused by mechanical trauma
    • Explain short term and long term effects of ultraviolet light on the skin
    • Describe skin infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites
    • Describe typical lesions of acne vulgaris and explain their pathogenesis
    • Describe 2 manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis
    • List the most important neoplastic skin lesions involving the dermis

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 114

    Fluid and Hemodynamic Disorders


    $14.00 USD

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    • Define edema and give 5 clinical examples
    • Define shock and explain it pathogenesis
    • List 5 conditions that predispose an individual to arterial thrombi
    • Define emboli and give 5 clinical examples
    • Describe the 5 clinical consquences of venous and arterial thrombi

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 115

    Cell Pathology


    $28.00 USD

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    • List the most important causes of cell injury
    • Describe 3 types of cell adaptations
    • Describe cellular aging
    • Compare 2 forms of cell death: necrosis and apoptosis
    • Describe various forms of necrosis and give examples of each

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pathology 116



    $28.00 USD

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    • Define inflammation and describe the cellular events that occur during acute inflammation
    • Describe the vascular changes that occur during acute inflammation
    • Explain the function of proteins and the clotting system in inflammation
    • Explain the functions of cytokines released in inflammation
    • Describe and differentiate local and systemic symptoms of inflammation

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Pre and Post Natal Pregnancy Massage 201

    $28.00 USD

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    • Recognize the differences in the Pregnancy Massage as taught in this course versus the industry pregnancy standard massage.
    • Set up a massage room and gather necessary equipment for a Pregnancy Massage
    • Complete effective intake and pre and post massage information flow between client and massage therapist
    • Distinguish common contra-indications associated with Pregnancy Massage (health status of client that would prevent you giving them a healthy massage)
    • Recognize correct techniques to assist pregnant clients in the room, up onto the massage table, during the massage, and assist the clients off of the massage table
    • Perform a safe, effective, and soothing Pregnancy Massage
    • Recognize the difference between pelvic pain and lower back lumbar spine pain in pregnant clients

    Allan Hickey, LMT


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    Expires: 2026-05-16

    Seated Massage

    $14.00 USD

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    • Identify major considerations when purchasing a massage chair
    • Identify types of seated massage equipment
    • Identify 5 principles of body mechanics and safety considerations
    • Identify components of a basic seated massage routine
    • List 5 advantages of seated massage

    Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

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    Expires: 2026-05-16