Rhode Island Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education

Rhode Island ChiroCredit.com Online Courses Accepted


Rhode Island Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements:   30 hours every two years


The vast majority of our courses are automatically accepted as they are facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department.  Scroll down to view courses. 


When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved. 


State of Rhode Island Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements

Rhode Island Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Rhode Island Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Rhode Island Naturopathic Physician licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Rhode Island Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on ChiroCredit.com provide Online CEU for Rhode Island Naturopathic Physicians. The online courses increase the knowledge bases of the Naturopathic Physician to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online continuing education course for new Rhode Island Naturopathic Physicians who register with www.ChiroCredit.com

Found 586 courses
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Sports Medicine 110 : Ober Test, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, Femoroacetabular Impingement and Movement Screening

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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  • Investigate the anatomical structures strained during the Ober and Modified Ober tests for iliotibial band concerns
  • Evaluate the utility of screening tests for predicting injury risk in athletes
  • Describe the biomechanics associated with the extensor carpi ulnaris and recognize the variety of pathologies that can affect this structure
  • Summarize recommendations for the assessment, diagnosis and management of Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)
  • Assess whether expert and novice Functional Movement Screen raters can report the same scores

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Suicide Assessment 201 - 202

Richard Saporito, DC

$120.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the profile of suicide in the US, noting psychosocial and cultural factors that effect risk
  • Identify 3 common precipitating events for suicide attempts
  • Describe risk factors for suicide including co-existing psychiatric disorders
  • Name the most frequent co-existing psychiatric disorders
  • Use the sad person scale to assess suicide risk
  • Give examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions
  • Describe basic level interventions that take place in the hospital or community
  • Identify key elements of suicide precautions and environmental safety factors in the hospital
  • Describe the problem on non-suicidal self-injury
  • Explain the range of self-protective behavioral responses
  • Discuss 3 myths about suicidal behaviors
  • Identify 2 cultural or social factors that relate to suicide
  • Examine 4 categories of motivation for attempting suicide
  • Explain how suicide affects family members and friends
  • Describe 3 theories that attempt to explain the causes of suicide
  • Discuss the occurrence of suicide throughout each life cycle
  • Outline the process for assessing the suicidal potential of a client
  • Choose 3 therapeutic goals and interventions for clients with suicidal behaviors
  • Indicate the manifestations of military sexual trauma
  • Cite the rate of disability amongst living veterans
  • Describe the incidence and distribution of mental illness in the veteran population
  • Define PTSD
  • Recognize the DSM-5 criteria for the diagnosis of PTSD
  • Explain the risk factors to developing PTSD
  • Summarize the association between PTSD and Chronic Pain
  • Describe the Primary Care PTSD Screen (PC-PTSD)
  • Recognize the effects of PTSD on the family of sufferers
  • Summarize the psychological and pharmacological treatment for PTSD
  • Define depression
  • List the DMS-5 Criteria for depression
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of depression
  • Define survivor guilt
  • Explain suicide prevention and the VA Risk Assessment Guide
  • Outline the use of the SAD PERSONS instrument
  • List the risk factors to suicidal behavior
  • Outline the Long and short term goals in suicide prevention, interventions and their rationale
  • Define the characteristics of hopelessness
  • List the outcome criteria for intervention for patients with hopelessness
  • Explain the factors related to ineffective coping mechanisms
  • List long and short term goals of the management of ineffective coping mechanisms
  • Describe interventions and their rationale for the patient with ineffective coping
  • Identify medications used to treat anxiety
  • Recognize medications used to treat psychotic diseases
  • Identify principal signs of depression and drugs used as treatment
  • Recognize agents used as antimanics and medications for bipolar disorder
  • Describe behavioral disorders found in adults and children and drugs indicated in treatment
  • Explain the role of medications in treating Alzheimer’s disease
  • Provide patient education for compliance with medications used to treat conditions and diseases of mental health and behavioral disorders

Course Group includes all Suicide Assessment Courses numbered 201 thru 202
Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Wellness 101 : Obesity: Epidemiology, Etiology, Theories, Pathophysiology, Risks and Morbidities

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD


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  • Determine the epidemiology, etiology and background on obesity
  • Assess the theories of obesity development and pathophysiology
  • Outline the risks and morbidities related to obesity

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Wellness 102 : Obesity: Assessment and Management (Dietary and Exercise)

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD


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  • Outline the management of obesity
  • Summarize the assessment of obesity for the busy clinician
  • Synthesize the literature on the dietary management of obesity
  • Discuss the role of exercise and physical fitness in the management of obesity and overweight

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Wellness 103 : Body Composition: Principles, Anthropometric Measures, Circumference Measures, Lab Measures

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Outline the principles of body composition assessment
  • Review the anthropometic measures of body composition
  • Discuss the circumference measurements of body composition
  • Assess the laboratory and field assessments of body composition

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Wellness 104 : Health and Wellness: Definition and Components, Dimensions of Wellness, Healthy People Initiative

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Outline the definition and components of health and wellness
  • Review the dimensions of wellness
  • Discuss various models of health and the need for wellness lifestyles
  • Outline the publication and goals of Healthy People

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 119 - 127

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$120.00 USD


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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed in Xray 119, and, Xray 123 through 127

Course Group includes all Xray Courses numbered 119 thru 127
Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 124 - 146


$480.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, Text

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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Xray 124 through 146

Course Group includes all Xray Courses numbered 124 thru 146
Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 129 - 134

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$120.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Xray 129 to Xray 134

Course Group includes all Xray Courses numbered 129 thru 134
Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 144 : Imaging of Lower Cervical Spine Trauma

Steven Weiner, MD, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Assess cervical radiographs to identify the radiographic signs of lower cervical spine trauma, recognizing which views are most diagnostic.
  • Recognize, differentiate, and classify cervical hyperflexion and hyperextension injuries with respect to spinal stability.
  • Identify and describe the imaging findings of neural arch trauma in the lower cervical spine.
  • Discuss and categorize the complications of lower cervical spine trauma.
  • Summarize the gravity as well as the evolving imaging and management protocols of penetrating neck injury.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 145 : Abdominal Calcifications on Plain Film

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify plain film features of abdominal pathology that may present in the Chiropractic office, with an emphasis on calcifications
  • Differentiate cystic from solid mass lesions
  • Classify vascular calcifications
  • Recognize when calcifications need immediate medical referral

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 146 : The Imaging of Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma

Steven Weiner, MD, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Summarize the radiographic findings of simple compression fractures and discuss how spinal biomechanics predispose to their occurrence.
  • Describe the radiographic signs and sequelae of burst fractures and differentiate them from simple compression fractures.
  • Identify the imaging findings of Chance type fractures and discuss their most common complications.
  • Recognize the common radiographic manifestations of posterior arch trauma.
  • Categorize the different types of intervertebral disc lesions and summarize their imaging findings.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 147 : Imaging Sports Injuries

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify imaging modalities used in sports and musculoskeletal imaging
  • List indications for advanced imaging in the athlete
  • Explain why imaging of the weekend “athlete” could save your practice
  • Integrate imaging into treatment plans
  • Assess progress of care with imaging

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 150 : Common Surgical Hardware Seen on Plain Film Radiographs

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Examine common orthopedic hardware on plain film and what needs to be reported
  • Explain Xray findings which require Orthopedic referral and the various options
  • Determine when advanced imaging is appropriate and what modality to use
  • Discuss possible complications when finding orthopedic hardware

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 151 : Geriatric Conditions Seen on Plain Film - Part 1

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss congestive heart failure: diagnosis, imaging, and treatment
  • Understand the imaging and treatment of multiple myeloma
  • Understand the nature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, specifically emphysema
  • Evaluate the use of DXA in the diagnosis of osteoporosis
  • Determining appropriate care for patients with osteoarthritis

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 152 : Geriatric Conditions Seen on Plain Film - Part 2

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Determining common geriatric conditions that need special consideration in a patient assessment
  • Identifying diabetic foot complications, specifically Charcot's foot
  • Analyzing bone metastasis in the elderly, specifically carcinomas
  • Understanding thoracic and abdominal aorta aneurysms and aorta dissections
  • Explaining pneumonia, specifically community acquired pneumonia, from a clinical perspective

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 153 : Geriatric Conditions Seen on Plain Film - Part 3

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Determining the risk factors, diagnostic imaging and pathophysiology of atherosclerosis
  • Assessing patient risk for developing hip fractures
  • Understanding prevention and diagnosis of lung cancer
  • Identifying normal anatomy of the disc and what goes wrong in degenerative disc disease
  • Reviewing common orthopedic hardware found in elderly patients

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 156 : Pediatric Bone Scintigraphy - Common Indications

Steven Weiner, MD, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Outline the utility of bone scintigraphy in the pediatric population
  • Summarize basic bone physiology & radiopharmaceutical dosing
  • Discuss image acquisition and analyze scans for signs of pathology
  • Identify common clinical indications for pediatric bone scintigraphy
  • Recognize the various imaging phases of bone scintigraphy and their clinical utility

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 157 : Spondylolisthesis and Transitional Segments

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Review the pathophysiology of spondylolisthesis
  • Evaluate the two classifications of spondylolisthesis
  • Classify transitional segments
  • Determine necessity and efficacy of imaging of spondylolisthesis and transitional segments

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 158 : Ostepenia in Chiropractic Patients and its Relevance

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Differential diagnosis osteopenia and its relevance towards Chiropractic practice
  • Identify imaging features of osteopenia
  • Recognize ominous features of osteopenia
  • Select appropriate chiropractic treatments for the osteoporotic patient

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 159 : Diagnostic Imaging of Breast Cancer and CAM

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identify the risk factors for breast cancer – preventable and non-preventable.
  • Determine appropriate diagnostic imaging for screening and breast cancer assessment.
  • Investigate different CAM approaches to breast cancer prevention and symptom management.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 160 : Fractures with Surgical Repair

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • In plain film radiographs, identify the orthopedic hardware used to treat femur, humerus, tibia, and radius fractures.
  • Discuss special situations for fracture repair, such as osteoporosis, metastasis, pediatrics, and obesity.
  • Review various fracture risk assessment tools that can be used in clinical practice.
  • Evaluate when various hardware such as screws, nails, and plates are utilized.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 161 : Conditions Affecting the Vertebrae Seen on Plain Film Radiographs

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identifying vertebral characteristic features on plain film for the following diagnoses: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, Neurofibromatosis-1, Multiple myeloma, Paget's disease of bone, and vertebral compression fractures.
  • Determining what advanced imaging might be warranted for each of the vertebral conditions.
  • Describing general features of each condition such as incidence, clinical presentation and treatment options.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 162 : Spine Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Determine the incidence and the characteristics of different spine pathology.
  • Demonstrate, with plain film radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging, characteristics of central nervous system tumors and metastasis, syringomyelia, disc herniation, and trauma.
  • Identify clinical features and treatment for various spine pathologies.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 163 : Inflammatory Arthritis

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Understand the general features of the inflammatory arthritides
  • Discuss the clinical presentation, radiographic features, and chiropractic treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Discuss the clinical presentation, radiographic features, and chiropractic treatments for Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Compare the two most common inflammatory arthritides – Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis – to the other diseases in this category
  • Compare the inflammatory arthritides to the most common arthritide – osteoarthritis

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 164 : Differentiating Common Arthritides

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Differentiate Rheumatoid Arthritis from Ankylosing Spondylitis, the two most common inflammatory arthritides.
  • Differentiate Rheumatoid Arthritis from Erosive Osteoarthritis, both hand arthritides.
  • Differentiate Degenerative from Inflammatory arthritis.
  • Differentiate Osteoarthritis from Gout, the most common arthritide and the most common metabolic arthritide respectively.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 165 : Problem Solving Approach to Arthritis

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Learn a systematic approach to feature identification of arthritis
  • Identify radiographic features of arthritis
  • Develop a differential diagnosis of arthritis
  • Apply knowledge to classify unknown cases

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 166 : Metal in the Patient, Safety and Usage of Diagnostic Imaging

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Determine the safety of surgical clips with magnetic resonance imaging
  • Examine the safety and usage of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for patients with embedded bullets or shrapnel
  • Assess the major types of hip arthroplasty and the usefulness of computed tomography and plain film x-ray
  • Utilize different diagnostic imaging modalities for analysis of spinal fusion
  • Identify external fixators on plain film and advanced imaging

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 167 : Fractures Through the Ages

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Assess the signs of non-accidental trauma in infants.
  • Identify the unique childhood fracture known as the greenstick fracture.
  • Evaluate a young adult for potential cervical spine fracture after trauma.
  • Determine the work-up of a middle-aged patient with a Colles’ fracture.
  • Examine the osteoporosis vertebral compression fracture, and consider diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Xray 168 : Case Reviews of Common Shoulder Pathologies Seen in Practice

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss the anatomy of the shoulder region
  • Correlate imaging findings with physical findings
  • Determine necessity and efficacy of imaging for shoulder pathologies
  • Apply simple and effective treatments for shoulder pathologies

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31