New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education


New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements: NONE


State of New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements

New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. New York Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, New York Naturopathic Physician licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the New York Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for New York Naturopathic Physicians. The online courses increase the knowledge bases of the Naturopathic Physician to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online continuing education course for new New York Naturopathic Physicians who register with

Found 1062 courses
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Chiropractic and Pregnancy 213 : Essential Oils for Pregnancy and Labor

Karen Gardner, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify safety measures involved with essential oils
  • Understand the various possible reactions if safety measures are not followed properly 
  • Outline common methods of applications of various essential oils
  • Identify the essential oils commonly used during pregnancy and labor and the uses of each
  • Further identify essential oils that are contraindicated during pregnancy and labor

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 214 : The Pregnant Chiropractic Patient. Now What

Jennifer Illes, DC

$57.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Discuss the role of chiropractic manipulation and the evidence surrounding reduced back pain in pregnant women.
  • Discuss the role of chiropractic manipulation and the evidence surrounding musculoskeletal conditions related to pregnancy
  • Describe the somatovisceral reflex
  • Review options for conservative pain management for musculoskeletal conditions related to pregnancy
  • Interpret evidence-based data for safety of spinal manipulation of pregnant women.
  • Describe presentation of musculoskeletal conditions seen in postpartum patients
  • Perform evaluation of musculoskeletal conditions seen in postpartum patients
  • Discuss treatment options for musculoskeletal conditions seen in postpartum patients
  • Formulate a nutritional plan for women

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 215 : The History, Science, Pathologization of Medicalized and Natural Childbirth and the Anatomy of Natural Childbirth

Matt Rushford, DC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
Hour 1
  • Utilize a more comprehensive knowledge of primitive birth practices and outcomes in a clinical consultation setting with a prenatal patient.
  • Integrate a deeper understanding of the contextual nature of women’s attitudes toward childbirth in the 17th Century as a continuum between more primitive and modern birth.
  • Describe the key environmental factors that negatively impacted childbirth outcomes in the 16-20th Centuries.
  • Describe the impact of the lithotomy position on birth outcomes.
  • Analyze the significance of the puerperal fever epidemic of the 19th Century and its iatrogenic origins.
Hour 2
  • Describe the state of obstetrical practice and performance in the late 19th and early 20th Century.
  • Describe the state of midwifery practice and performance in the late 19th and early 20th Century.
  • Communicate the three elements of the DeLee protocols and how they each impacted childbirth outcomes in the early 20th Century.
  • Analyze the current state of maternity care in the United States in the context of the industrialized world.
  • Utilize the information concerning the history of the emergence of universally medicalized childbirth to empower patients to advocate for their optimal birth experience.
Hour 3
  • Describe the three primary tangents from indigenous birth experiences that the development of agrarian and industrial societies generated.
  • Describe the origins of the early pioneers of natural childbirth in America in the 1940’s-1970’s.
  • Communicate the relationship between economic and industrial considerations and the development of universal obstetric intervention in childbirth in the U.S.
  • Analyze the concept of ‘pasmo’ as it relates to the effect of the external environment on a laboring woman.
  • Communicate the current evidence comparing home and hospital births in terms of safety and efficacy.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 216 : Best Practices for Chiropractic Care for Pregnant & Postpartum Patients

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Evaluate the evidence for chiropractic care for pregnancy-related low back pain and pelvic girdle pain
  • Assess the effectiveness of treatments within the chiropractic scope of practice for low back pain, pelvic girdle pain, or combination pain during the postpartum period
  • Summarize best-practice recommendations for chiropractic care of pregnant and postpartum patients

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Clinical Justification 201 : Clinical Justification for Treatment of Low Back Pain

Gregg Friedman, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Utilize the Official Disability Guidelines for Low Back Pain.
  • Apply the Official Disability Guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of low back pain.
  • Use the CCGPP Guidelines for the treatment of low back pain.
  • Integrate Outcome Assessments for clinical justification of chiropractic treatment low back pain.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Clinical Justification 202 : Clinical Justification for Treatment of Neck and Upper Back Pain

Gregg Friedman, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Utilize the Official Disability Guidelines for Neck Pain.
  • Apply the Official Disability Guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of neck and upper back pain.
  • Use the CCGPP Guidelines for the treatment of neck and upper back pain.
  • Integrate Outcome Assessments for clinical justification of chiropractic treatment for neck and upper back pain.


No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Clinical Justification 203 : Clinical Justification for Treatment of the Shoulder

Gregg Friedman, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Utilize the Official Disability Guidelines for Shoulder Pain
  • Apply the Official Disability Guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of shoulder pain
  • Illustrate sensitivity and specificity of orthopedic tests for the shoulder
  • Integrate Outcome Assessments for clinical justification of chiropractic treatment for neck and upper back pain

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Clinical Justification 204 : Clinical Justification for the Chiropractic Treatment of Headaches

Gregg Friedman, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Utilize the Official Disability Guidelines for Headaches.
  • Apply the Official Disability Guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of headaches.
  • Use the CCGPP Guidelines for the treatment of headaches.
  • Integrate Outcome Assessments for clinical justification of chiropractic treatment for headaches.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Compliance 103 : Medicare Documentation for Physical and Occupational Therapy

Zachary Edgar JD, LLM

$19.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • List and describe each Medicare required document, content requirements and timing rules
  • Summarize and explain Medicare’s documentation requirements and how to comply with those requirements to improve patient care
  • Examine and review how Medicare reviews PT and OT documentation
  • Describe how to demonstrate and document medical necessity in order to treat patients and prepare for a potential appeal

Course Brochure
No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Compliance 202 : State and National Requirements for Office Policy and Procedure

Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Interpret compliance advice and regulations directly from the Federal Office of Inspector General (OIG)
  • Identify and become compliant with other requirements from the state level through third-party payer contractual obligations
  • Review existing policy and procedure for compliance, including OIG compliance, HIPAA compliance, and other federal and state programs

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Compliance 204 : Improved Compliance via Self Audit

Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Apply guidelines for accurate coding and compliant billing practices
  • Install monitoring to ensure standards are met
  • Self-audit for compliance purposes
  • Create internal policy and procedure to improve compliance

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Compliance 205 : Compliance Factors to Consider with Insurance Billing and Follow Up

Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify risk areas in the claim adjudication process and apply learned knowledge to prevent missteps
  • Discuss federal, state, and payer guidelines that govern billing activities
  • Avoid behaviors that violate the carrier contract and ensure compliance with regulations
  • Evaluate provider contracts and payer policy for complete clarification on claim process

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Compliance 206 : Year End Financial Compliance

Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Utilize self-auditing methods to identify high risk areas of patient finance in the office
  • Develop systems for accountability and transparency in patient accounting
  • Apply appropriate fee schedule measures to ensure validity in account posting
  • Address federal and state guidelines for discounting to ensure compliance

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Compliance 207 : Patient Financial Standard Operating Procedure

Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Apply the process for setting your fees legally and compliantly and according to Federal regulation
  • Know the policies of ALL your carriers to be compliant
  • Properly administer desired discounts without running afoul of the Federal and State regulations
  • Implement legal hardship discounts, if desired, using the Federal guidelines to appropriately verify hardship

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Compliance 208 : The Eight Steps to OIG Compliance Simplified

Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Distinguish between the five most important federal fraud and abuse laws that apply to physicians
  • Identify red flags in your practice that increase vulnerability
  • Comprehend what has been discovered in previous OIG workplans and how to apply the findings to your practice
  • Determine what entities require a formal compliance program for your office
  • Develop an action list to start today for implement a Compliance Program for your clinic

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Concussion 201 : Concussion Inflammatory Cascade

Evan Mladenoff, DC, DIBAK

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1

  • Discuss the Inflammatory Cascade
  • Identify the mechanics of concussion that results in inflammation
  • Describe the neuro-chemical cascade of concussion

Hour 2

  • Perform physical exam protocols in inflammation as it relates to concussion
  • Perform Neurological exam protocols in inflammation as it relates to concussion
  • Perform Chiropractic exam protocols including incorporating AK exam
  • Apply Chiropractic exam protocols in inflammation
  • Utilize advanced examination protocols in inflammation

Hour 3

  • Perform structural treatment protocols to treat inflammation related to concussion
  • Utilize phytonutrient protocols to treat inflammation related to concussion
  • Use specific therapeutic protocols to resolve inflammation with literature citations

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Concussion 201 - 202

Evan Mladenoff, DC, DIBAK

$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Concussion 201 through 202

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Concussion 202 : Concussion Stress Cascade

Evan Mladenoff, DC, DIBAK

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶

Hour 1

  • Discuss the Selye Stress Response
  • Discuss the mechanics of concussion that results in the inflammatory response
  • Describe the cortisol cascade response associated with concussion

Hour 2

  • Perform physical exam protocols in the stress response
  • Perform Neurological exam protocols in the cortisol cascade
  • Apply Chiropractic exam protocols in the cortisol cascade
  • Utilize advanced examination protocols in evaluating the stress response

Hour 3

  • Perform chiropractic treatment protocols to treat the stress response
  • Utilize nutritional protocols to treat inflammation related to the stress response and concussion
  • Use evidenced based therapeutic protocols to address the cortisol cascade associated with concussion with literature citations

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Core Stability 201 : Foundation Form and Function

Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1 and 2

  • Describe the components of the core and the function of the core.
  • Describe the function of the diaphragm as it relates to posture, muscular relationships and stability of the spine.
  • Describe the function and structure of the superficial muscle system of the body.
  • Describe two concepts of spinal stability. 

Hour 3

  • Demonstrate how to determine the length of quadratus lumborum and erector spinae. 
  • Demonstrate how to evaluate Transversus abdominus function
  • Demonstrate how to facilitate the core and initiate a core training program

Hour 4

  • List three pathologies related to less than optimal core function.
  • Describe three postural strategies that the patient may develop when the core is in dysfunction.
  • Describe how weakness of the abdominals can alter diaphragm contractions.
  • Explain how respiratory fatigue can alter core control.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Cultural Competency 201 : Developing the Knowledge and Skills in Caring for Those From Other Races and Cultures

Angelica Redleaf, DC

$20.00 USD


More Course Information ▶
  • Develop an appreciation of the impact of culture group, minority group and racial group on the health care relationship
  • Increase sensitivity, knowledge and skills to promote effective intercultural interactions
  • Identify the professional's own cultural identity/judgments /biases and their impact on their behavior and how they are perceived by clients and patients
  • Recognize cultural variables that appear in verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Examine the influence of culture in our patient population
  • Differentiate the provider's culture

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Cultural Competency 202 : How to Develop the Needed Skills and Understanding to Care for the Rising Latino Population in the US

Angelica Redleaf, DC

$22.00 USD


More Course Information ▶
  • Examine the historical background of the various Latino/Hispanic groups in the U.S.
  • Develop the skills needed to care for people from Spanish speaking parts of the world
  • Increase our understanding of the cultural traits of Latino/Hispanic groups in the U.S.
  • Summarize specific traits of various Latino/Hispanic groups
  • Recognize how we can narrow the gap between us

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Cultural Competency 203 : Become a Culturally Competent Provider - Caring for: Asians, Blacks, Middle Easterners, etc.

Angelica Redleaf, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Develop an appreciation of the impact of culture group, minority group and racial group on the health care relationship.
  • Increase sensitivity, knowledge and skills to promote effective intercultural interactions.
  • Identify our own provider culture/judgments /biases and their impact.
  • Examine characteristics of Asians, Blacks and Middle Easterners.
  • Summarize how to care for patients of these three ethnic/racial groups and how to narrow the gap between us
  • Develop an understanding/plan of how to reach out to these populations.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Cultural Competency 204 : Understanding Cultural Competence in Health Care

Richard Saporito, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Describe cultural diversity
  • Recognize the need for cultural competence in health care
  • Explain the concept of health disparity
  • Define culture and cultural competence
  • Differentiate between the concepts of culture, race, ethnicity, diversity, and minority
  • Describe the Cultural Competence Continuum
  • Discuss the interdependency between the levels of cultural competence

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Cultural Competency 205 : Culture: Perspectives, Myths, and Misconceptions

Richard Saporito, DC

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Discuss the evolution of multicultural policy
  • Describe the phases of multiculturalism
  • Discuss three major perspectives on culture and diversity that have influenced healthcare literature and practice
  • Identify the common myths and misconceptions associated with culture
  • Recognize the paradoxical dilemmas associated with cultural competence

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Cultural Competency 206 : The case for cultural competence in Health Care

Jodi Jacobs, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Identify the need for cultural competence in health care and in medical literature.
  • Examine and Research the historical perspectives
  • Examine your world view or cultural beliefs about diversity and explain how you can develop an attitude of cultural competence.
  • Analyze the five aspects of ethnicity used to describe cultural differences in the health care environment. 

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Cultural Competency 207 : Cultural competence: Behaviors in health care - Ethnic Disparities

Jodi Jacobs, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Review and explain the racial and ethnic disparities in health care.
  • Explain the role of health care providers and organizations as mechanisms to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in health care. 
  • Explain how language and communication of the health care provider can be a barrier to establishing relationships.
  • Identify tools that can foster empathy for differing cultures.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Cultural Competency 208

Jodi Jacobs, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Explain the need for improving cultural awareness in the workplace to build cultural competency.
  • Identify five practices that can be implemented to increase cultural awareness in the workplace.
  • List the benefits of building an organization's cultural competence
  • Explain how to deliver culturally competent care.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Cultural Competency 209 : Standards and Expectations of a Culturally Competent Healthcare Provider

Jodi Jacobs, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Demonstrate The ability to communicate clearly and concisely with current and future patients 
  • Describe ways to establish and maintain relationships and facilitate constructive interactions with individuals and diverse groups.
  • List strategies to align personal and organizational conduct with ethical and professional standards that include a responsibility to the patient and health care community. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the healthcare system and the environment in which healthcare managers and providers function.

This module focuses on culturally sensitive practices and conflicts within the health care organizations and examines some of the culturally responsive strategies that an organization needs to address to protect the diverse cultural needs within the internal and external communities of the health care environment.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Dementia Training : Presentation and Clinical Management of Dementia

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$20.00 USD


More Course Information ▶
  • Describe diagnostic criteria in the presentation of dementia
  • Describe aspects of cognition, ADL and behavior affected by dementia
  • Become familiar with differential diagnosis for dementia
  • Outline the management of dementia including pharmacologic and non drug therapies
  • Review arguments for and against disclosure of a diagnosis of dementia

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Documentation 101 : Documentation and Insurance Protocols Related to Medical Record Keeping, Billing and Coding

Paul Sherman, DC

$99.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Develop the skills for medical documentation record keeping for proper patient care and adherence to insurance protocols
  • Summarize informed consent, Evidenced-based care, Medicare guidelines and NCQA guidelines
  • Identify common treatment procedures and modalities used in a chiropractic practice And recognize contraindications to them
  • designate specific items to consider when interpreting and/or taking plain film X-rays
  • Summarize the value of laboratory and diagnostic testing.
  • Recognize the importance of patient communication skills in order to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of patients
  • Modify procedures and forms to prevent the possibility of a legal malpractice action against the doctor

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31