New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education


New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements: NONE


State of New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements

New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. New York Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, New York Naturopathic Physician licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the New York Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for New York Naturopathic Physicians. The online courses increase the knowledge bases of the Naturopathic Physician to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online continuing education course for new New York Naturopathic Physicians who register with

Found 1062 courses
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Wellness 106 : Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Matt Rushford, DC

$19.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identify the differences between the holistic and allopathic models for health and wellness
  • Show how the Web of Well-Being can be used to assess and educate clients about the various factors impacting their wellness.
  • Describe the conclusions of research into the benefits of meditation for human health.
  • Explain the basic principles and practice of a simple mindfulness meditation technique.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Whiplash and Spinal Trauma

Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO

$240.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Emphasize the unique anatomy of the cervical spine as related to spinal trauma.
  • Point put the importance of the uncinate process joints as related do disc herniation, the nerve root, the vertebral artery, and the spinal cord.
  • Explain how cervical spine injury may manifest clinically as low back and leg pain.
  • Explain the role for sleep and sleep’s influence on the ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.
  • Summarize the influence of sleep on brain neurochemistry.
  • Explain the influence of awareness on an impending collision and the muscles ability to protect joints.
  • Explain how being “caught by surprise” by a collision is related to a poor prognosis for full recovery.
  • Summarize the history of whiplash injuries, including mechanical mechanisms, biological mechanisms, pathology, diagnostics and management.
  • Define the issues that the early whiplash literature got wrong.
  • Emphasize the issues that early whiplash literature got correct.
  • Summarize recent advances in the understanding of whiplash injuries, emphasizing anatomy, diagnostics, pain production and pain suppression.
  • Integrate whiplash trauma, chronic pain, and chiropractic care.
  • Point out the mathematics of how a low speed vehicle to vehicle collision can result in passenger injury.
  • Explain why vehicle damage should not be used as a proxy for passenger injury.
  • Integrate the concepts of awareness, rotation, and pre-accident spondylosis in injury magnitude and prognosis.
  • Define the three phases of soft tissue healing and point out the time sequence for each phase.
  • Justify the clinical interventions that have a positive therapeutic influence on each phase of soft tissue injury healing.
  • Emphasize the concept of motion in the healing of injured soft tissues, especially spinal adjusting (specific manipulation) motion.
  • Quantify acute injury and ultimate recovery(prognosis) by using measurement outcomes.
  • Summarize the biology and published data on treatment frequency and duration for whiplash spinal trauma.
  • Point out published studies relating to recovery and prognosis.
  • Reference the incidence of acceleration of spondylosis in long-term studies following a whiplash injury.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Whiplash Overview Part I: The Must Know Topics

Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO

$240.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1:    Anatomy Review 

  • Emphasize the unique anatomy of the cervical spine as related to spinal trauma.
  • Point out the importance of the uncinate process joints as related to disc herniation, the nerve root, the vertebral artery, and the spinal cord.
  • Explain how cervical spine injury may manifest clinically as low back and leg pain.

Hour 2:    Define Sleep Hygiene

  • Explain the role for sleep and sleep’s influence on the ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.
  • Summarize the influence of sleep on brain neurochemistry.

Hour 3:    Awareness and Soft Tissue Injury

  • Explain the influence of awareness on an impending collision and the muscles ability to protect joints.
  • Explain how being “caught by surprise” by a collision is related to a poor prognosis for full recovery.

Hour 4:    Whiplash History

  • Summarize the history of whiplash injuries, including mechanical mechanisms, biological mechanisms, pathology, diagnostics and management.
  • Define the issues that the early whiplash literature got wrong.
  • Emphasize the issues that early whiplash literature got correct.

Hour 5:    Whiplash Today

  • Summarize recent advances in the understanding of whiplash injuries, emphasizing anatomy, diagnostics, pain production and pain suppression.
  • Integrate whiplash trauma, chronic pain, and chiropractic care.

Hour 6:    Low Speed Collisions and Minor Vehicle Damage

  • Point out the mathematics of how a low speed vehicle to vehicle collision can result in passenger injury.
  • Explain why vehicle damage should not be used as a proxy for passenger injury.
  • Integrate the concepts of awareness, rotation, and pre-accident spondylosis in injury magnitude and prognosis.

Hour 7:    Soft Tissue Injury and Repair

  • Define the three phases of soft tissue healing and point out the time sequence for each phase.
  • Justify the clinical interventions that have a positive therapeutic influence on each phase of soft tissue injury healing.
  • Emphasize the concept of motion in the healing of injured soft tissues, especially spinal adjusting (specific manipulation) motion.
  • Quantify acute injury and ultimate recovery(prognosis) by using measurement outcomes.

Hour 8:    Treatment Duration, Frequency, and Prognosis

  • Summarize the biology and published data on treatment frequency and duration for whiplash spinal trauma.
  • Point out published studies relating to recovery and prognosis.
  • Reference the incidence of acceleration of spondylosis in long-term studies following a whiplash injury.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Whiplash Overview Part II: Specialty Topics for Whiplash Injury Expertise

Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO

$240.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1:     Low Back and Leg Pain Following Whiplash Injury

  • Point out the probable mechanisms for direct injury to the lower back during motor vehicle collisions.
  • Distinguish between radiculopathy, neuropathy, and sclerogenic referral of extremity pain.

Hour 2:     Whiplash Injury and the Vertebral Artery

  • Review the anatomy of the vertebral-basilar vascular systems.
  • Distinguish between the anterior and posterior circulation.
  • Summarize the signs and symptoms of a cervical spine vascular injury.
  • Solidify the knowledge as to when the suspected vascular injury patient should be referred to diagnostic imaging or emergency services.

Hour 3:     Whiplash Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Explain the differences between a blow brain injury and an inertial brain injury.
  • Define the pathoanatomic and patho-biochemistry of traumatic brain injury.
  • Justify clinical interventions that have a positive therapeutic influence on traumatic brain injury.

Hour 4:     Cervical Disc Herniation

  • Point out the anatomical differences between lumbar and cervical discs.
  • Explore the pathoanatomical and therapeutic differences between lumbar and cervical discs lesions.

Hour 5:     Examinations and Evaluations

  • Explain the minimum examinations that should be performed.
  • Explain the minimum requirements for charting the daily patient contact.

Hour 6:     Informed Consent

  • Define the legal requirements for informed consent for chiropractic care.
  • Review common entities for an informed consent and the rational for each.

Hour 7:     Reports

  • Make recommendations for re-evaluations.
  • Make recommendations for interim reports contents.
  • Explore common academic terminology and concepts in effective report writing.

Hour 8:     Testimony

  • Distinguish between a percipient witness and an expert witness.
  • Explain what a subpoena is and what it means to the treating chiropractor.
  • Explain what a deposition is for the treating chiropractor. Summarize the basic rules of a treating expert deposition.
  • Summarize the mechanics of a personal injury trial from the perspective of the treating chiropractor.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Whiplash Overview Part III Clinical Management : Clinical Management

Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO

$240.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1 

  • Point out the probable mechanisms for direct injury to the lower back during motor vehicle collisions.
  • Distinguish between radiculopathy, neuropathy, and sclerogenic referral of extremity pain.

Hour 2 

  • Define the parameters for cervical and lumber spine central canal stenosis.
  • Utilize both the Torg/Pavlov and the ratio radiographic methods for assessing cervical spine central canal stenosis.
  • Explain the critical relationship between central canal stenosis and hyperextension spinal injuries.
  • Demonstrate a practical method for the clinical assessment of cervical spine central canal stenosis.

Hour 3

  • Identify differences seen between a blow brain injury and an inertial brain injury.
  • Define the pathoanatomic and patho-biochemistry of injury.
  • Explore the relationship between cervical spine injury and TBI

Hour 4

  • Discuss the concept of how the systemic inflammatory profile affects local injury.
  • List 8 systemic inflammatory factors that should be considered and co-managed on whiplash-injured patients.

Hour 5 

  • Discuss the anatomy of the thoracic outlet.
  • Demonstrate a management protocol for thoracic outlet syndrome.
  • Define cervical angina.
  • Demonstrate the single most important test to distinguish cervical angina

Hour 6

  • Draw the anatomical basis for cervicogenic headache.
  • Integrate cervicogenic headache and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
  • Define inertial injury and the TMJ articulation.
  • Demonstrate a practical assessment and management of TMJ injury.

Hour 7

  • Distinguish between a percipient witness and an expert witness.
  • Explain what a subpoena is and what it means to the treating chiropractor.
  • Explain what a deposition is for the treating chiropractor. Summarize the basic rules of a treating expert deposition.
  • Summarize the mechanics of a personal injury trial from the perspective of the treating chiropractor.

Hour 8 

  • Demonstrate a typical soft tissue direct examination.
  • Show the two most common drawings to support chiropractic care for soft tissue injuries.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Womens Health 102 : Exercise in Pregnancy

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$19.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Recite exercise guidelines and recommendations by the ACSPPSE, HHS and ACOG
  • Outline and describe 6 benefits of exercise during pregnancy
  • Describe 4 maternal physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy
  • Describe 3 physiologic changes associated with exercise during pregnancy
  • List 5 relative and 5 absolute contraindications to exercise during pregnancy
  • Describe 2 fetal outcomes associated with maternal exercise during pregnancy

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Womens Health 202 : Examination and Diagnostic Considerations Unique to Women

Jennifer Illes, DC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Review anatomy and physiology of the female patient
  • Perform Physical Examination procedures unique to the female patient
  • Identify conditions unique to the female patient that require referral to a Medical Doctor
  • Discuss the presentation, evaluation, and management of conditions affecting women’s health within the scope of Chiropractic practice
  • Discuss risk factors, screening and prevention recommendations with female patients
  • Review nutritional supplementations that can augment conditions affecting women’s health within the scope of Chiropractic practice

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Womens Health 203 : Special Considerations for Chiropractors when Treating Female Athletes

Jennifer Illes, DC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1

  • Illustrate the patterns behind disordered eating in female athletes.
  • Distinguish differences in the hormonal cycle, and menstrual disturbances in different kinds of female athletes.
  • Contrast the differences of evaluation and management of female athletes.
  • Compare and contrast the chemically and structural differences between male and female athletes.

.Hour 2:

  • List common female athletic injuries.
  • Explain how to evaluate knee and lower leg injuries.
  • Apply knowledge of muscle strength and hormonal differences to provide suitable training recommendations for a strength athlete.
  • Explain nutritional deficiencies in female athletes.

 Hour 3:

  • List the detriments in health and/or sports performance from lack of proper nutrition.
  • Provide recommendations for appropriate nutritional guidelines for female athletes.
  • Consider body composition, increase muscle mass, and improve overall sports performance of female athletes.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 103 - 118


$216.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Interactive Dissection, Multiple Formats, Text

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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Xray 103 through Xray 118

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 107 : LBP Origins and How Different Spine Conditions Could Affect Chiropractic Treatment

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$21.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss a common origin of lumbar disc pain
  • Describe the orientation of lumbar facet joints
  • Identify the effect of lordosis on the position of the nucleus pulposis
  • Establish how injuries of the annulus fibrosus can cause nerve root changes
  • Identify the dynamic stenosis of the lumbar spine

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 108 : Pediatric and Adult Anterior Knee Pain

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$23.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify anatomical structures of the knee involved with anterior knee pain
  • Diagnose fat pad and bursitis syndromes
  • Establish pathologies of the patellar tendon in adults and children
  • Differentiate different causes of patellofemoral pain
  • Match clinical syndromes of knee pain with radiological appearances

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 110 : An Interactive, In-Depth Look at Anatomy of the Knee

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$23.00 USD

Interactive Dissection, Multiple Formats, Text

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  • Identify the general anatomy of the knee joint
  • Develop an intimate knowledge of the anatomy of the menisci and ligaments of the knee using gross dissection and cross-sectional imaging
  • Understand the functional anatomy of the menisci of the knee and define the type and grade of meniscal tears
  • Establish the conditions discoid lateral meniscus and meniscal cyst and understand the spectrum of treatment available
  • Identify what type treatment is available for meniscal injuries and when it would be prudent to reevaluate a post-op patient with new knee pain

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 112 : What is MRI with Indications and Contraindications for Use

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Outline the physical basis of magnetic resonance imaging
  • Identify patients that are candidates for an MRI
  • Recognize categories of pathology in the spine that are imaged well with MRI
  • Recognize cases that require contrast
  • List contraindications for an MRI

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 113 : Ligamentous and Osteochondral Injuries of the Knee

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$23.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identify and classify injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament
  • Diagnose and develop treatment for injuries to the posterior cruciate ligament
  • Diagnose and develop treatment for injuries to the medial collateral ligament
  • Diagnose and develop treatment for injuries to the lateral collateral ligament
  • Describe and classify ostochondritis dissecans of the knee

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 114 : Differentiating Types of Calcification and Ossification on X-Ray

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$22.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Differentiate ossification from calcification
  • Identify the categories of ossification
  • Differentiate myositis ossificans progressiva from myositis ossificans traumatica
  • Discuss imaging utilization with regards to ossification
  • Review common and uncommon entities predisposed to ossification or calcification

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 115 : A Systematic Approach to Interpreting Plain Film Radiographs of the Spine/Pelvis

Paul Sherman, DC

$44.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Recognize and identify important key factors for interpreting plain film x-rays of the spine and pelvis
  • Recognize important medical/legal issues regarding interpreting plain films of the spine and pelvis and be able to apply appropriate radiographic documentation requirements when charting x-ray findings in the medical record
  • Identify, analyze and interpret normal and abnormal anatomical osseous structures, common congenital and acquired pathologies, common normal radiographic variants and soft tissue calcifications/structures of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, lumbosacral spine and pelvis

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 116 : Identifying Aneurysm on X-Ray

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$22.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Alert your clinical consciousness to prevent complacency
  • Explain ways to identify the most common aneurysms clinically and on x-ray in the abdominal aorta, thoracic aorta, and splenic artery
  • Differentiate aneurysm from dissection and pseudoaneurysm

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 117 : Identifying the Three Most Common Cancers of Bone on Diagnostic Imaging

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$21.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identify the source of metastatic lesions
  • Determine an advanced imaging protocol once a metastatic lesion is found
  • Discuss how to identify on radiographs the two most common primary malignancies of bone - multiple myeloma and osteosarcoma

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 118 : Imaging of Musculoskeletal Trauma - An Overview

Steven Weiner, MD, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss the fundamental role of trauma in musculoskeletal disease and the various diagnostic imaging techniques used to evaluate it
  • Identify, describe, and classify fractures by both direct & indirect radiographic signs
  • Review fractures of specific etiologies based upon imaging findings
  • Evaluate fracture alignment issues, complications, and healing
  • Identify non-accidental injury of childhood, as well as normal structures that mimic fractures

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 119 : Osteoporosis and the Use of DEXA for Diagnosis

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$22.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Understand Osteoporosis - (risk factors, incidence, prevalence, morbidity, etc.)
  • Understand the fundamentals of DEXA (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry), the gold standard in bone density testing
  • Explain how to interpret the results
  • Investigate the advantages and limitations of DEXA
  • Investigate the indications and contraindications for utilization of DEXA

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 119 - 127

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$120.00 USD


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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed in Xray 119, and, Xray 123 through 127

Course Group includes all Xray Courses numbered 119 thru 127
No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 123 : Diagnostic Imaging and the Diabetic Foot

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$22.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Use plain film to identify imaging findings of common diabetic foot fractures
  • Discuss foot ulcers and using diagnostic imaging to rule out secondary osteomyelitis
  • Identify diagnostic imaging findings of neuropathic osteoarthropathy (Charcot foot)

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 124 : Ankylosing Spondylitis

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$22.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Explain the clinical presentation, physical examination findings, orthopedic tests, laboratory findings, and radiographic findings associated with ankylosing spondylitis
  • Discuss the extraskeletal manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis
  • Explain the similarities and differences between the spondyloarthropathies
  • Discuss the surgical and pharmacological management
  • Discuss treatment that promotes spine mobility including the chiropractic adjustment

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 124 - 146


$480.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, Text

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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Xray 124 through 146

Course Group includes all Xray Courses numbered 124 thru 146
No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 125 : Gout: Diagnosis and Diagnostic Imaging

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$21.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Explain the origin and pathophysiology of gout
  • Understand how to prevent and monitor gout
  • Examine gout on plain film
  • Determine the clinical presentation of gout
  • Describe the differences between the crystal arthritides on plain film

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 126 : Imaging and Conservative Management of Osteoarthritis

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$21.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the patients that are at risk for developing osteoarthritis
  • Summarize the pathophysiology behind the disease
  • Discuss what osteoarthritis looks like on plain film and which joints are most likely affected
  • Discuss the use of advanced imaging in osteoarthritis
  • Present the research on many conservative treatment options including: physiotherapy, physical therapy/exercise, diet, and acupuncture

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 127 : Disc Herniations and Degenerative Disc Disease: Clinical Findings and Diagnostic Imaging

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$21.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the anatomy of the disc and what causes the disc herniation
  • Discuss the clinical presentation and who is at risk for a disc herniation
  • Explain the diagnostic imaging findings for the disc herniation patient
  • Evaluate the treatment options for disc herniation patients

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 129 : Vertebral Compression Fractures

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Assess the clinical presentation and diagnostic imaging procedure for vertebral compression fractures
  • Discuss the use of plain film, CT, MRI, and DEXA
  • Discuss treatments for vertebral compression fractures
  • Identify other causes of vertebral fractures
  • Identify other fractures besides vertebral fractures

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 129 - 134

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$120.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Xray 129 to Xray 134

Course Group includes all Xray Courses numbered 129 thru 134
No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Xray 130 : Extremity Fractures

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD


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  • Summarize the current literature on fracture prevention
  • Discuss diagnostic imaging and treatment of hip fractures
  • Evaluate common lower extremity fractures, including stress fractures
  • Discuss common upper extremity fractures, including the Colle's fracture and stress fractures
  • Demonstrate knowledge of fractures in special populations, including adolescents and the developmentally disabled

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31