New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education


New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements: NONE


State of New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements

New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. New York Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, New York Naturopathic Physician licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the New York Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for New York Naturopathic Physicians. The online courses increase the knowledge bases of the Naturopathic Physician to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online continuing education course for new New York Naturopathic Physicians who register with

Found 1062 courses
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Pediatrics 117 : An Introduction to the Pediatric Examination: Clinical Pearls and Tips Explored

Jennifer Illes, DC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1:

  • Learn age-appropriate general health screening and health education for babies.
  • Analyze through evidence the use of chiropractic manipulation for pregnant women.
  • Identify normal growth, development and behavior and their assessment, as well as approaches to abnormalities for neonatals.
  • Describe a typical pediatric examination on a neonatal.

Hour 2:

  • Learn age-appropriate general health screening and health education for toddlers.
  • Analyze through evidence the use of chiropractic manipulation for toddlers through young children.
  • Identify normal growth, development and behavior and their assessment, as well as approaches to abnormalities from infancy through toddlers.
  • Describe a typical pediatric examination on an infant 1-5 years old.

Hour 3:

  • Learn age-appropriate general health screening and health education for adolescents.
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury (through accident and sport) in children.
  • Discuss and describe typical examination forms and outcome assessment tools used for the pediatric population.
  • Evaluate through clinical cases and it’s management.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Pediatrics 118 : Evidence-Based Chiropractic Care for Infants

Joyce Miller, BSc, DC, DABCO, PhD

$80.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶

Hour 1

  • Explain the necessity of evidence for infant healthcare
  • Describe what mothers want from healthcare for their newborn?
  • Outline the need for and development of the United Kingdom Infant Questionnaire
  • Cite the outcomes of infant care in chiropractic practice and the adaptability of a parent-reported outcome measure to the infant population
Hour 2
  • Define the term inconsolable, infant irritability syndrome
  • Describe the evidence supporting chiropractic treatment for inconsolable, infant irritability
  • List the negative long-term sequelae in older children who suffered from infant colic as a baby
  • Summarize the subgroup classifications for inconsolable, irritable infants
Hour 3
  • Summarize the evidence on the advantages of breast feeding
  • Describe common musculoskeletal problems of newborns struggling to breastfee
  • Explain standard chiropractic protocols for the sub-optimal feeding infant and the potential risks of treatment
  • List the most common reasons an infant will present to a chiropractic office
Hour 4
  • Summarize the evidence for the use of manual therapy in infants
  • Describe the theoretical mechanisms for the effect of manual therapy in infants
  • Outline the safety of chiropractic treatment for infants
  • Identify the major safety concerns in the treatment of infants

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Pediatrics 119 : Infants to School Aged Children: Staying in the Game as a Health Care Provider

Jennifer Illes, DC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1 

  • Describe recommended health guidance for infants.
  • Analyze evidence-based research with regards to the efficacy of spinal mobilization and soft tissue treatment in the infant.
  • Develop a treatment plan in how to teach parents how to anticipate safety needs and promote healthy musculoskeletal practices for their babies.

 Hour 2

  • Discuss important developmental changes that mark the transition from infancy to early childhood.
  • Describe recommended health guidance for toddlers.
  • Analyze the data surrounding chiropractic care for the toddler child, with a focus on spinal manipulation.
  • Identify safety precautions that can be implemented in and outside of the office for toddlers.

Hour 3

  • Discuss the developmental changes that mark the transition from the toddler to school-aged child.
  • Describe recommended health guidance for preschoolers.
  • Analyze the data surrounding chiropractic care for the school aged child, with a focus on spinal manipulation.
  • Discuss the motor, verbal and neurological findings of developmental milestones in children.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Pediatrics 120 : Clinical Considerations for Younger Patients

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Compare the effectiveness of chiropractic spinal manipulation versus sham manipulation in children aged 7-14 with recurrent headaches.
  • Outline current evidence on the functional changes associated with neck pain in adolescents.
  • Investigate the role of chronic physical illness, mental health disorders and psychological conditions as potential triggers or risk factors for low back pain in children, adolescents, and young adults.
  • Estimate whether carrying a heavier schoolbag (> 10% of bodyweight) is associated with a higher prevalence of low back pain in children between the ages 9 and 16.
  • Examine the changes that are occurring in young athlete’s development and implications on movement, performance, and injury.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 201 : Mitigating Risk and Liability with Acute Trauma Patients

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Identify examples of traumatic spine, soft tissue and other commonly missed injuries
  • Develop a post-traumatic diagnostic imaging algorithm and protocol 
  • Recognize and develop an awareness for PI patient, carrier and attorney risks and liabilities
  • Discuss several areas of PI documentation scrutiny including the causation statement

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 201 - 202

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1
  • Identify examples of traumatic spine, soft tissue and other commonly missed injuries
  • Develop a post-traumatic diagnostic imaging algorithm and protocol 
  • Recognize and develop an awareness for PI patient, carrier and attorney risks and liabilities
  • Discuss several areas of PI documentation scrutiny including the causation statement
Hour 2
  • Create a protocol to consistently implement outcome assessments into PI cases
  • Recognize other options and opportunities available to humanize PI cases 
  • Identify common outcome assessments utilized in PI cases\
  • Improve awareness of clinical decisions that can be made from humanizing cases
Hour 3
  • Recognize the key elements of Personal Injury case management
  • Explain the importance of using co-management and integrative care in PI cases
  • Develop a protocol for obtaining pre- and post-injury medical records
  • Demonstrate and utilize both passive and active therapeutics in acute trauma cases  

Hour 4
  • Identify different types of co-management opportunities with other healthcare providers 
  • Distinguish between several common post-traumatic stress symptoms and conditions 
  • Recognize the importance of various diagnostic imaging procedures in case management
  • Create case management protocols, procedures and systems for consistent results   

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 201 - 204

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$240.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Personal Injury 201 - 204

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 202

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1 - PI Case Management Part 1

  • Identify and avoid common PI history mistakes and liabilities
  • Recognize many keys to a quality initial PI patient history
  • Develop an awareness for the materials and tools necessary for a PI history
  • Create a plan and protocol to improve the quality and thoroughness of the PI history

Hour 2 - PI Case Management Part 2

  • Recognize common PI history red flags and contraindications 
  • Identify symptoms and clinical history for two common PI traumatic injuries 
  • Create a plan to identify and eliminate common patient errors pertaining to the PI history
  • Develop an awareness for potential med-legal issues that can arise from a PI history

Hour 3 - How to Humanize Your PI Cases

  • Create a protocol to consistently implement outcome assessments into PI cases 
  • Recognize other options and opportunities available to humanize PI cases   
  • Identify common outcome assessments utilized in PI cases
  • Improve awareness of clinical decisions that can be made from humanizing cases

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 203

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1 - Your Personal Injury History: Part 1

  • Identify and avoid common PI history mistakes and liabilities
  • Recognize many “keys’ to a quality initial PI patient history
  • Develop an awareness for the materials and tools necessary for a PI history
  • Create a plan and protocol to improve the quality and thoroughness of the PI history

Hour 2 - Your Personal Injury History: Part 2

  • Recognize common PI history “red flags” and contraindications
  • Identify symptoms and clinical history for two common PI traumatic brain injuries 
  • Create a plan to identify and eliminate common patient errors pertaining to the PI history
  • Develop an awareness for potential med-legal issues that can arise from a PI history

Hour 3 - Your Personal Injury Examination – Part 1

  • Recognize the key elements of the Personal Injury post-traumatic examination
  • Identify clinical contraindications and precautions prior to an examination
  • Develop and map out a post-traumatic cervical spine examination protocol
  • Identify and examine common motor vehicle crash shoulder conditions

Hour 4 - Your Personal Injury Examination – Part 2

  • Discuss the critical components of a Personal Injury neurological examination
  • Develop a traumatic brain injury examination screening protocol
  • Recognize the documentation elements necessary in a PI physical examination
  • Create a protocol for medical consultations, diagnostic imaging and testing

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 204 : Personal Injury Diagnostic Imaging and Testing; Documentation and Record Keeping

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1 - Personal Injury Diagnostic Imaging and Testing: Part 1
  • Recognize the importance diagnostic imaging and testing in Personal Injury and trauma
  • Summarize several of the common diagnostic imaging and testing available  
  • Justify medical necessity and clinical rationale for imaging/testing in the treatment records
  • Determine both a protocol and clinical necessity for plain film radiographs
Hour 2 - Personal Injury Diagnostic Imaging and Testing: Part 2
  • Determine a protocol and clinical indications for MRI and MRA
  • Determine a protocol and clinical indications for DTI and other brain imaging 
  • Recognize opportunities to order other common imaging and testing procedures
  • Create a protocol to order and follow-up on all imaging and testing procedures 
Hour 3 - Personal Injury Documentation and Record Keeping: Part 1
  • Recognize several significant differences within Personal Injury documentation
  • Identify common PI documentation and record keeping mistakes and liabilities
  • Begin to develop an awareness of the four unique PI documentation encounters
  • Create a protocol to design individualized non-redundant treatment notes 
Hour 4 - Personal Injury Documentation and Record Keeping: Part 2
  • Recognize the key elements of PI daily treatment notes documentation
  • Show improvement in each of the 4 daily treatment notes components 
  • Detect areas of vulnerability in the various types of documentation systems
  • Substantiate treatment and management with PI documentation

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 205 : Introduction to Personal Injury Case Management

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Recognize elements of Personal Injury case management
  • Identify common inherent risk within PI case management    
  • Summarize several insurance carriers concerns regarding PI case management   
  • Discuss current PI case management issues in the med-legal arena

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 205 - 212 : Personal Injury Case Management Series

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$160.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Personal Injury 205 through Personal Injury 212

Course Group includes all Personal Injury courses numbered 205 through 212
No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 206 : Post-Injury Case Management

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Discover the importance of identifying case management issues early   
  • Summarize emergency, urgent care and early intervention management  
  • Recognize med-legal issues in the early providers management  
  • Outline the application of home and self-care as part of case management

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 207 : Physical Examination in Case Management

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Recognize the importance of Personal Injury physical examination
  • Outline the examination of common traumatic injuries and conditions       
  • Summarize common examination tests and procedures associated with a PI examination    
  • Demonstrate support for care and management with examination documentation


No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 208 : Conservative Care and Therapeutic Modalities

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Outline the preparation for traumatic injury care and case management 
  • Summarize the application of passive and active modalities in traumatic injuries
  • Develop a protocol for implementing active therapeutic procedures and clinical exercise       
  • Identify common therapeutic and conservative care risks and mistakes

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 209 : Diagnostic Imaging and Case Management

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Recognize the importance of diagnostic imaging in Personal Injury
  • Summarize specific diagnostic imaging tests for common PI injuries  
  • Identify several common clinical indicators for PI diagnostic imaging
  • Develop a protocol for ordering and monitoring PI diagnostic imaging         

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 210 : Humanizing Injuries in Case Management

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Recognize the importance of humanizing traumatic patient injuries
  • Demonstrate the general application of assessments and PI interrogatories
  • Summarize the importance, applications and protocols of medical photography
  • Interpret assessments and PI interrogatories for case management decisions

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 211 : Personal Injury Co-Management

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Recognize the importance of Personal Injury co-management
  • Design a process for finding providers for co-management consults and referrals
  • Develop protocols for co-management with primary care providers
  • Devise a plan to begin, apply and implement PI case management clinical decisions

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 212 : Personal Injury Co-Management II

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Determine options for co-management with pain management providers
  • Identify co-management opportunities with orthopedic and neurology providers
  • Develop documentation protocols to support co-management decisions
  • Summarize and implement Personal Injury case management protocols and procedures

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 213 : 5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Personal Injury Cases Immediately

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
Hour 1
  • Recognize the importance the 5 steps represent in PI cases      
  • Develop a plan to identify common PI acute injuries and conditions
  • Design an in-office process to improve consistency of documentation
  • Identify and evaluate several acute injuries and conditions
Hour 2
  • Discover specific opportunities to improve PI diagnoses  
  • Identify commonly over-looked PI diagnoses   
  • Apply methods for consistently capturing acute medical evidence
  • Recognize the clinical importance of acute objective biomarkers
Hour 3
  • Detect and correct common PI med-legal disconnects        
  • Demonstrate how certain disconnects affect PI cases
  • Recognize the importance and clinical opportunities for integrative care
  • Support PI case success and outcomes through multi-disciplinary care

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Personal Injury 214 : Motor Vehicle Collisions

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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  • Estimate the risk for an association between exposure to neck pain from a motor vehicle accident and future neck pain
  • Estimate the risk for an association between exposure to neck pain from a motor vehicle accident and future back pain
  • Appraise the validity of employing a biomechanical approach to assess injury risk from minimal damage traffic crashes
  • Assess which factors predict the risk of developing post-traumatic headache six months following a motor vehicle collision (MVC) in adult

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Physical Diagnosis 102 : Joint Diagnosis

Robert Schwer, DC

$23.00 USD

Interactive Dissection, Text

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  • Construct examination/radiographic criteria for Osteochondritis Dissecans
  • Dissect the elbow as it relates to lateral epicondylitis
  • Develop a diagnostic and treatment approach for adhesive capsulitis
  • Review possible causes of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
  • Create a list of differential diagnoses of foot pain

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Physical Diagnosis 103 : Shoulder Pathology

Robert Schwer, DC

$23.00 USD

Interactive Dissection, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Develop an understanding of shoulder anatomy and motion as they pertain to diagnosis and treatment of the injured shoulder
  • Review examination techniques relative to diagnosis of injury in the overhead athlete
  • Review the characteristics and diagnosis of shoulder injuries common to overhead athletes
  • Understand the functional anatomy of joint and the classification of traumatic injuries of the acromioclavicular joint
  • Develop understanding of the mechanisms, examination, diagnosis, radiography and treatment of common acromioclavicular joint injuries

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Physical Diagnosis 106 : Patellofemoral Syndrome

Robert Schwer, DC

$22.00 USD


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  • Identify common causes of patellofemoral syndrome
  • Understand knee mechanics relative to patellofemoral syndrome
  • Differentially diagnose patellofemoral syndrome from other knee conditions
  • Define an appropriate treatment program for patellofemoral syndrome

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Physical Diagnosis 107 : Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Robert Schwer, DC

$22.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Identify common causes of shoulder syndrome
  • Understand functional mechanics of the shoulder relative to impingement syndrome
  • Differentially diagnose shoulder impingement from other shoulder conditions
  • Define an appropriate treatment program for impingement syndrome.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Physical Diagnosis 108 : Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Robert Schwer, DC

$23.00 USD

Interactive Dissection, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Identify common risk factors and causes for CTS
  • Define tests and examination procedures to diagnose CTS
  • List the common conditions important in the differential diagnosis of CTS
  • Develop a chiropractic treatment plan for CTS

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Physical Diagnosis 119 : Rheumatoid Arthritis: Current Literature in Diagnostic Imaging and C.A.M. Treatments

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$21.00 USD


More Course Information ▶
  • Understand the use of plain film and advanced imaging for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Identify conservative treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Discuss supplements relative to alleviating Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms as well as other treatment additions to the patient's drug regimen
  • Provide an overview of the rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis and traditional treatments

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Physical Diagnosis 121 : Congestive Heart Failure

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$21.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Understand the general features of congestive heart failure, a condition which currently affects 4.9 million Americans
  • Determine physical examination and diagnostic imaging findings in patients with congestive heart failure
  • Discuss treatment, including conservative management, for congestive heart failure patients
  • Discuss conditions commonly associated with congestive heart failure

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Physical Diagnosis 123 : Breast Cancer: Risk Factors, Screening, Assessment and Treatment

Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Define the classifications of Breast cancer and compare the stage
  • List some of the major risk factors for Breast Cancer
  • List some of the screening techniques for the detection of Breast Cancer
  • Discuss some main options in evaluating breast cancer
  • List some of the treatment options that are available for women with a genetic predisposition for Breast Cancer

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Physical Diagnosis 124 : Low Back Injuries and Complaints in the Work Place: Diagnosis and Treatment

Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD

$42.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • List some of the risk factors for low back injuries in the work place
  • List the classes of low back etiologies and describe some of the spinal diseases that may cause low back syndrome exacerbation
  • List some of the protocols for documenting and managing repetitive stress type injuries and low back pain and describe some of the factors to consider when documenting
  • List some of the clinical manifestations of pain
  • Describe some of the orthopedic tests that may be utilized in the examination for low back pain
  • List some treatment options for Low back injuries

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31