New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education


New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements: NONE


State of New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements

New York Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. New York Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, New York Naturopathic Physician licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the New York Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for New York Naturopathic Physicians. The online courses increase the knowledge bases of the Naturopathic Physician to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online continuing education course for new New York Naturopathic Physicians who register with

Found 1062 courses
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Management of Common Conditions 233 : Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Assess the effectiveness of three nonsurgical interventions on symptoms, physical function, and physical activity in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Compare the effectiveness of a structured, comprehensive conservative treatment program with a focus on self-management and improved walking ability (including lumbar manipulation, exercise and education) to a self-directed program in patients with neurogenic claudication due to lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Summarize the 2013 North American Spine Society (NASS) clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Examine the literature pertaining to the diagnostic accuracy of available tests for lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the 6-week Boot Camp Program for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 234 : Fibromyalgia Assessment and Conservative Management

Jennifer Illes, DC

$19.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Demonstrate an understanding of the epidemiology of fibromyalgia, its impact on patient health, and the clinical controversy surrounding the syndrome.
  • Evaluate available treatment options and design a treatment plan for the patient with fibromyalgia.
  • Evaluate the available evidence regarding chiropractic manipulation, and complementary and alternative medicine for fibromyalgia.
  • Justify the role of patient self-care in the treatment of fibromyalgia.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 235 : Viscerosomatic, Somatovisceral and Psychosomatic Reflexes: Diagnosis and Management of Common Patient Scenarios

Jennifer Illes, DC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1

  • Define and apply viscerosomatic reflexes and influences.
  • Define and apply somatoviscera reflexes and influences.
  • Define and apply psychosomatic reflexes and influences.
  • Apply autonomic reflexes to clinical conditions including somatic dysfunction.

Hour 2

  • Identify the general nature of pain and its mechanisms including the physiology and psychology of pain.
  • Describe the effect of somatic dysfunction on the autonomic nervous system and apply this knowledge to the use of manipulative therapy
  • State the definition, location, and identification of Chapman’s points on the body.
  • Express Chapman’s points in relation to the major organ systems of the body.

Hour 3

  • Illustrate Chapman’s points of the cardiovascular system.
  • Illustrate Chapman’s points of the respiratory system.
  • Describe management of Chapman’s reflexes in a common clinical scenario.
  • Critically appraise, and utilize relevant scientific literature and information to assess and improve patient care practices; and, contribute to the ongoing scholarly development of the chiropractic profession

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 237 : Evaluation and Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Robert McCabe, PT, OCS

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Enumerate five physical / clinical examination findings associated with lumbar spinal stenosis
  • List 3 essential components of a rehabilitation program for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Recall four flexion-based exercises that are part of a rehabilitation program for a patient with lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Identify three common soft tissue mobility impairments associated with lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Cite two common joint mobility impairments associated with lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Provide two evidence-based exercises that elicit high EMG activity of the transverse abdominis
  • Enumerate three evidence-based exercises that elicit high EMG levels of the gluteus medius

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 239 : Cervical Spinal Stenosis Management

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Relate the effects of posture on compression of the cervical cord and nerve roots and use this knowledge to develop decompression exercises for their cervical stenosis patients.
  • Decompress the cervical spine utilizing the Cervico 2000 ambulatory traction device.
  • Implement a strategy of upper extremity peripheral nerve stimulation to relieve symptoms of cervical spinal stenosis.
  • Develop and institute a comprehensive cervical spinal stenosis rehabilitation protocol as a potential alternative to surgery. 

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 240 : Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Neurological Rehabilitation

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1
  • Relate the effects of spinal stenosis in the development of intermittent claudication.
  • Utilize a treadmill and a stopwatch, to quantify both the effects of stenosis on functional ability of patients and the effectiveness of treatment of spinal stenosis.
  • Apply TENs over acupuncture points known to increase nerve blood supply and how to reverse the pathophysiology of lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Utilize dynamic imaging techniques, to gain a full appreciation of the changes in compression of the neural elements in different postures and spinal positions.
Hour 2
  • Apply an evidence based protocol of spinal decompression utilizing flexion-distraction techniques for spinal stenosis and degenerative spondylolisthesis.
  • Utilize therapeutic ultrasound to reduce congestion and inflammation of the compressed nerve roots in patients suffering from spinal stenosis.
  • Apply the neurophysiology of acupuncture, without needles, to reduce pain and promote proper nerve function in of lumbar spinal stenosis.
Hour 3
  • Utilize, best evidence, related to the use of lumbosacral support and back braces in their patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Utilize the  Vertetrac ambulatory decompression belt as the treatment for patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Implement a dynamic decompression exercise program for patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis, based on best evidence.
  • Understand the pathophysiology of lumbar spinal stenosis and implement nutritional strategies that may potentially modify the course of the condition.
  • Utilize trans-spinal direct current stimulation as a form of noninvasive neuromodulation for patients suffering from intermittent claudication and spinal stenosis.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 241 : Migraine Headache

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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  • Summarize the available literature and assess the effect of aerobic exercise on the number of headache days, duration and pain intensity in patients with migraine headache.
  • Explore the efficacy of manual acupuncture and quantify the true placebo response in the prophylaxis of episodic migraine without aura.
  • Outline the existing evidence and theories pertaining to the evolutive nature of migraine headaches for most patients.
  • Assess the impact of spinal manipulation on pain and disability associated with migraine headache.
  • Critically review the prevalence and patient-related factors associated with the use of manual therapy for treatment of chronic recurrent headaches.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 242 : Foot & Ankle

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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  • Investigate whether manipulations of the ankle joint complex increase the force production and muscle activation of the hip abductors on the affected limb in individuals with a history of ankle sprain
  • Summarize the latest evidence pertaining to the diagnosis and treatment of insertional Achilles tendinopathy
  • Outline the association between ankle dorsiflexion and dynamic knee valgus
  • Discuss the state of the evidence pertaining to the clinical effects of joint mobilization on grades I and II ankle sprains
  • Describe how manual therapy can help alleviate symptoms of Cuboid Syndrome in spite of the presence of active bony pathology

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 243 : Patellofemoral Pain

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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  • Compare the effectiveness of multiple interventions for patellofemoral pain.
  • Assess the literature on the effects of spinal or local joint manipulation or mobilization for patellofemoral pain syndrome.
  • Evaluate the efficacy of knee strengthening with or without hip strengthening for improving strength and decreasing pain in patients with patellofemoral pain.
  • Summarize the factors that contribute to the development of patellofemoral pain.
  • Investigate the influence of exerted state running on lower extremity kinematics during the stance phase in runners with patellofemoral pain.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 244 : Conservative management of femoro-acetabular impingement

Nicholas Hedges DC, MS, CCSP

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Describe relevant anatomy, and the structural components of femoroacetabular impingement
  • Explain factors associated with development of femoroacetabular impingement
  • Discuss integration of manual therapies along with rehabilitation and lifestyle modification
  • Outline what a successful treatment plan may look like for the non-surgical management of femoroacetabular impingement
  • Analyze what factors my influence and necessitate modifications for treatment plans in individuals with femoroacetbular impingement syndrome

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 244 - 247


$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Management of Common Conditions 244 through Management of Common Conditions 247

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 245 : PatelloFemoral Pain Syndrome

Nicholas Hedges DC, MS, CCSP

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss up to date research on the etiology of PatelloFemoral Pain Syndrome
  • Differentiate the diagnosis of patellofemoral pain syndrome from other painful diagnosis of the knee
  • Discuss what interventions are effective in managing patellofemoral pain syndrome
  • Integrate manual techniques with rehabilitative techniques for optimal outcomes in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome
  • Summarize optimal treatment strategies and plans for the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 246 : Making Sense of Hip Pain

Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour One:

  • List three non-musculoskeletal diagnoses that can affect the hip with referred pain.
  • Describe two symptoms of axial spondyloarthropathy that may mimic posterior gluteal pain
  • Describe sacral insufficiency.
  • List three risk factors of statin involved muscle pain.

 Hour Two:

  • Describe the key features of soft tissue posterior buttock pain.
  • Describe the key features of peripheral nerve related posterior buttock pain.
  • List three variable in the proposed CPR for lumbar radiculopathy.
  • Describe the referral pattern of thoracolumbar involvement.

 Hour Three:

  • List three symptoms of a labral defect of the hip.
  • List two variables for the CPR of Osteoarthritis of the hip.
  • List four factors documented in the clinical presentation of Gluteal tendinopathy.
  • Describe four aspects of the pathomechanics for gluteal tendinopathy

Course Brochure
No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 247 : Soft Tissue Injuries of the Cervical Spine

Linda Simon, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Explain the biomechanics of the cervical spine
  • Demonstrate examination of the cervical spine
  • Explain the mechanism of acceleration/deceleration impact
  • Describe pathological conditions of the cervical spine
  • Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the cervical spine

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 249 : Chiropractic Checkup from the Neck Up

Shawn Thistle, DC

$160.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Explore the societal burden of headaches
  • Rank the prevalence of common headache types
  • Give examples of common lifestyle contributors to headache syndromes
  • Recognize the difference between primary and secondary headaches
  • Review clinical characteristics of common headache types
  • Differentiate cervicogenic headache from occipital neuralgia
  • Contrast trigeminal neuralgia and idiopathic facial pain
  • Summarize relevant clinical history questions for headache patients
  • Recognize red flags specific to headache patients
  • Define ‘dizziness’, ‘vertigo’ and other related terms
  • Review common differential diagnoses and assessment strategies for the dizzy or vertiginous patient
  • Utilize a TiTrATE approach to differentially diagnose and/or classify dizzy patients
  • Breakdown our contemporary understanding of cervicogenic dizziness
  • Summarize current diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic dizziness
  • Outline various physical examination procedures for evaluating cervical sensorimotor function
  • Define and outline the defining features of sports-related concussion
  • Outline the ‘neuro-metabolic cascade’ in concussion injuries
  • Summarize known risk factors for concussion
  • Contrast on-field versus in-clinic evaluation of concussion
  • Explore various clinical tools for evaluating concussion (ex. SCAT5, CRT, VOMS)
  • Identify and categorize common concussion symptoms
  • Recognize risk factors for prolonged recovery from concussion
  • Explore short- and long-term consequences of concussion
  • Summarize contemporary concussion management considerations for chiropractors
  • Appraise the reasons for concern relating to neck manipulation and stroke
  • Classify cervical artery strokes
  • Explore the epidemiology of cervical artery strokes
  • Summarize best-evidence relating to the association between spinal manipulation and cervical artery stroke
  • Outline relevant challenges and other factors relating to researching the relationship between neck manipulation and cervical artery stroke
  • Define protopathic bias and how it relates to stroke and neck manipulation
  • Critique potential mechanisms of injury relating to cervical manipulation and the cervical arteries
  • Integrate best practices into your clinical approach for ruling our emergent stroke in neck pain and headache patients
  • Review the HINTS examination as a mechanism to differentially diagnose acute vestibular syndrome
  • Review the evidence on the appropriateness and efficacy of manual therapy for treating headaches
  • Explore the literature pertaining to the complex interplay between cervical spine function and dizziness, persistent post-concussion symptoms, neck pain and headache
  • Critique the literature pertaining to the management of cervicogenic dizziness
  • Summarize existing evidence regarding the chiropractic management of concussion

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 250 : Soft Tissue Injury of the Elbow Wrist and Hand

Linda Simon, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Explain the biomechanics of the elbow, wrist and hand.
  • Administer thorough examination of the elbow, wrist and hand.
  • Differentially diagnose the pathological conditions of the elbow, wrist and hand.
  • Perform soft tissue treatments for the elbow, wrist and hand.
  • Apply functional relationships of the elbow, wrist and hand to associated regions for thorough evaluation and treatment.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 251 : Thoracic spine and ribs

Linda Simon, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Explain the biomechanics of the thoracic spine and ribs 
  • Describe the examination of the thoracic spine and ribs 
  • Describe the pathological conditions of the thoracic spine and ribs 
  • Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the thoracic spine and ribs 
  • Define functional relationships of the thoracic spine and ribs with associated regions

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 252 : Chiropractic & Healthy Aging

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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  • Investigate the association between brain age and chronic low back pain duration and pain severity 
  • Compare Medicare expenditures over time in older adults with chronic low back pain who initially receive opioid analgesic therapy versus spinal manipulation 
  • Recognize the impact of spinal manipulation on escalation of care and risk of adverse drug events among older Medicare patients with chronic low back pain 
  • Summarize existing clinical practice guidelines on fall prevention and management for older adults 
  • Outline the neuroinflammatory contribution to the development of tissue damage and joint-related pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 253 : Injuries in rock climbers

Nicholas Hedges DC, MS, CCSP

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss relevant anatomy associated with specific injuries to climbers
  • Summarize common climbing movements and grip types
  • Apply knowledge of relevant anatomy, movement, and grip types in discussing etiology of climbing injuries
  • Differentiate common presentations of injuries in rock climbers
  • Determine which presentations and etiologies require further interventions such as imaging, surgical consult etc..
  • Briefly describe active management strategies and treatment plans for rock climbing injuries

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 254 : Low Back Pain Treatment Updates

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Summarize the recent NASS clinical guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of low back pain 
  • Assess the literature to determine which mode(s) of exercise is/are best for treating chronic low back pain 
  • Discuss the comparative effectiveness of currently available treatments for acute and subacute mechanical non-specific low back pain 
  • Explore how clinicians can optimally facilitate self-management in patients with back pain 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of Foot Levelers shoe orthotics with and without chiropractic treatment for chronic low back pain as compared with no treatment

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 255 : Hamstrings, Achilles Tendinopathy, Ankle Sprains & Plantar Heel Pain

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Explain current best practices for the diagnosis and management of Achilles tendinopathy 
  • Synthesize the evidence from randomized controlled trials to determine the clinical effectiveness of shockwave therapy, either as a monotherapy or part of a multimodal package of care for chronic mid- and insertional-Achilles tendinopathy 
  • Appraise an international, multi-disciplinary consensus statement on return to sport decisions after lateral ankle injuries 
  • Outline best practices in the management of plantar heel pain based on the latest evidence 
  • Establish the effectiveness of the Nordic Hamstring Exercise for preventing hamstring injuries in athletes

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 256 : Soft Tissue Treatment Lumbopelvic Spine

Linda Simon, DC

$19.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Explain the biomechanics of the lumbopelvic spine
  • Describe the examination of the lumbopelvic spine
  • Explain the mechanism of scoliosis
  • Describe the pathological conditions of the lumbopelvic spine
  • Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the lumbopelvic spine  

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 257 : The TMJ

Linda Simon, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Explain the biomechanics of the TMJ
  • Describe the examination of the TMJ
  • Describe the pathological conditions of the TMJ
  • Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the TMJ
  • Define functional relationships of the TMJ with associated regions

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 257 - 259


$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
Hour 1:  The TMJ
  • Explain the biomechanics of the TMJ
  • Describe the examination of the TMJ
  • Describe the pathological conditions of the TMJ
  • Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the TMJ
  • Define functional relationships of the TMJ with associated regions
Hour 2:  Soft Tissue Injury and Treatment
  • Explain injury and healing of soft tissues
  • Perform somatic technique and strain/counterstrain
  • Utilize friction massage and post isometric relaxation
  • Perform active release and myofascial release
  • Apply trigger point ultrasound, exercise, stretching and manipulation
Hour 3 - 6:  The TMJ:  Examination and Treatment
  • Distinguish the anatomical structures involved in TMJ dysfunction, including the temporomandibular joint, mandible, and associated muscles and the different types of jaw movements and their biomechanical implications.
  • Interpret the normal biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint during various jaw movements.
  • Identify the key ligaments and soft tissues supporting the temporomandibular joint and the factors that can lead to abnormal biomechanics and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.
  • Explain the role of muscle imbalances and joint misalignments in TMJ dysfunction.
  • Differentiate the relationship between the temporomandibular joint and adjacent anatomical structures.
  • Appraise the various assessment tools used in evaluating TMJ dysfunction, such as patient history, physical examination, and imaging studies.
  • Arrange a comprehensive physical examination of the temporomandibular joint, including range of motion assessment, palpation, loading, stressing, and compressing.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform a comprehensive evaluation of TMJ dysfunction and posture, including assessing range of motion, muscle strength, joint stability, and postural alignment.
  • Discriminate the indications of differential diagnoses for TMJ dysfunction.
  • Analyze the findings from a TMJ dysfunction and posture assessment to formulate an accurate clinical diagnosis.
  • Develop a holistic approach to managing TMJ dysfunction, considering both conservative and interventional treatment options.
  • Apply specific chiropractic techniques and adjustments aimed at restoring normal joint alignment and function of the temporomandibular joint and about occlusal splints and their use in managing TMJ dysfunction.
  • Propose a role of therapeutic exercises and stretching in improving jaw mobility and strengthening supporting muscles and the importance of patient education and lifestyle modifications in the management of TMJ dysfunction.
  • Develop a treatment plan for patients with TMJ dysfunction and posture issues, incorporating therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, postural re-education, and other appropriate interventions.
  • Evaluate the efficacy of potential benefits and risks associated with various treatment modalities for TMJ dysfunction and posture problems, considering evidence-based practices and patient-specific factors
  • Develop effective communication skills to educate patients about TMJ dysfunction, its causes, and treatment options.
  • Establish efficient and patient-centered procedures for the assessment and management of TMJ dysfunction in a chiropractic practice.
  • Recognize the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in managing complex cases of TMJ dysfunction specific to the role of dentists in assessing and managing occlusal factors contributing to TMJ dysfunction.
  • Foster collaborative relationships with other healthcare providers involved in the management of TMJ dysfunction to ensure coordinated and comprehensive patient care.
  • Stay updated with current research and advancements in the field of TMJ dysfunction and posture, fostering a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development.

This course contains the same content as found in the individual courses Management of Common Conditions 257, 258 and 259
No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 258 : Soft Tissue Injury and Treatment

Linda Simon, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Explain injury and healing of soft tissues
  • Perform somatic technique and strain/counterstrain
  • Utilize friction massage and post isometric relaxation
  • Perform active release and myofascial release
  • Apply trigger point ultrasound, exercise, stretching and manipulation

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 259 : The TMJ: Examination and Treatment

David Hannah, DC, DACO

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶


  • Distinguish the anatomical structures involved in TMJ dysfunction, including the temporomandibular joint, mandible, and associated muscles and the different types of jaw movements and their biomechanical implications.
  • Interpret the normal biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint during various jaw movements.
  • Identify the key ligaments and soft tissues supporting the temporomandibular joint and the factors that can lead to abnormal biomechanics and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.
  • Explain the role of muscle imbalances and joint misalignments in TMJ dysfunction.
  • Differentiate the relationship between the temporomandibular joint and adjacent anatomical structures.


  • Appraise the various assessment tools used in evaluating TMJ dysfunction, such as patient history, physical examination, and imaging studies.
  • Arrange a comprehensive physical examination of the temporomandibular joint, including range of motion assessment, palpation, loading, stressing, and compressing.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform a comprehensive evaluation of TMJ dysfunction and posture, including assessing range of motion, muscle strength, joint stability, and postural alignment.
  • Discriminate the indications of differential diagnoses for TMJ dysfunction.
  • Analyze the findings from a TMJ dysfunction and posture assessment to formulate an accurate clinical diagnosis.

Mobilization and Adjusting

  • Develop a holistic approach to managing TMJ dysfunction, considering both conservative and interventional treatment options.
  • Apply specific chiropractic techniques and adjustments aimed at restoring normal joint alignment and function of the temporomandibular joint and about occlusal splints and their use in managing TMJ dysfunction.
  • Propose a role of therapeutic exercises and stretching in improving jaw mobility and strengthening supporting muscles and the importance of patient education and lifestyle modifications in the management of TMJ dysfunction.
  • Develop a treatment plan for patients with TMJ dysfunction and posture issues, incorporating therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, postural re-education, and other appropriate interventions.
  • Evaluate the efficacy of potential benefits and risks associated with various treatment modalities for TMJ dysfunction and posture problems, considering evidence-based practices and patient-specific factors


  • Develop effective communication skills to educate patients about TMJ dysfunction, its causes, and treatment options.
  • Establish efficient and patient-centered procedures for the assessment and management of TMJ dysfunction in a chiropractic practice.
  • Recognize the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in managing complex cases of TMJ dysfunction specific to the role of dentists in assessing and managing occlusal factors contributing to TMJ dysfunction.
  • Foster collaborative relationships with other healthcare providers involved in the management of TMJ dysfunction to ensure coordinated and comprehensive patient care.
  • Stay updated with current research and advancements in the field of TMJ dysfunction and posture, fostering a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 260 : Soft Tissue Injury of the Ankle and Foot

Linda Simon, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Explain the biomechanics of the ankle and foot.
  • Administer thorough examination of the ankle and foot.
  • Differentially diagnose the pathological conditions of the ankle and foot.
  • Perform soft tissue treatments for the ankle and foot.
  • Apply functional relationships of the ankle and foot to associated regions for thorough evaluation and treatment.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 261 : Headaches: Classifications and Conditions

Linda Simon, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Compare headache criteria and classifications from the World Health Organization, International Headache Society and Cleveland Clinic for chronic, acute and traumatic headaches. 
  • Explain primary and secondary headaches for patient comprehension and communication of their condition with other healthcare practitioners. 
  • Devise appropriate history, examination and treatment protocols for your adult and child headache patient.
  • Utilize Headache categories and criteria to accurately diagnose your patient’s condition for migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches, medication induced headaches, traumatic headaches and more. 
  • Determine headache sequela that may be emergencies for adult and youth headache sufferers.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 262 : Soft Tissue Treatment of the Shoulder

Linda Simon, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Explain the biomechanics of the shoulder
  • Describe the examination of the shoulder
  • Describe the pathological conditions of the shoulder
  • Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the shoulder
  • Define functional relationships of the shoulder with associated regions 

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 263 : Craniopathy and Headaches

Linda Simon, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Interpret cranial bone, suture and meninges anatomy applicable to the practice of Craniopathy treatment.
  • Relate the principles of Craniopathy and cranial faults to their effect on the brain regarding headaches and other conditions.
  • Assess the temporomandibular joint, cranial faults and the cervical spine as they interrelate for effective headache treatment protocols.
  • Examine cranial bones and sutures using Applied Kinesiology.
  • Apply treatment protocols using Craniopathy for cranial bones and sutures, and manipulative therapeutics and manual methods for treating the TMJ and cervical spine.

No CE Required
Expires: 2030-12-31