New Jersey Physical Therapist Continuing Education

New Jersey Accepts Courses


New Jersey Continuing Education Requirements:

PT: 30 hrs biennially - New Jersey Accepts 30 hours of Online Continuing Education Courses

Special Requirements:

Licensees must complete four hours of jurisprudence and professional ethics continuing education during each biennial renewal period. The Jurisprudence Assessment Modules will provide 1.5 credits and these specific modules are mandatory for all licensees. Licensees can complete any ethics course of 2.5 credits or more to meet the four-credit jurisprudence and professional ethics requirement.

A maximum of 10 hours is awarded per internet course

PT licenses expire on January 31st of each even numbered year


Please scroll down to view courses accepted and their approval code/langauge.  When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.


Continuing Education Requirements for Certified Hand Therapists:  

The Hand Therapy Certification Commission (HTCC) is the governing body that is responsible for credentialing certified hand therapists (CHT). In order to maintain the CHT credential, a CHT must accumulate a minimum of 80 contact hours of professional development activities during their five-year accrual period. Professional development hours may be earned in seven different categories. offers courses in 3 Categories: A, B and C.

Category A - Formal Courses in Upper Extremity Therapy, 3 hours or more in length. All 80 hours can be earned in this category. HTCC Accepts OnlineCE courses.

Category B - Informal Courses in Upper Extremity Therapy, less than 3 hours in length. Maximum accepted: 30 hours per 5-year accrual cycle. HTCC Accepts OnlineCE courses.

Category C - Formal Courses with General Clinical OT or PT content. Maximum accepted: 20 hours per 5-year accrual cycle. HTCC Accepts OnlineCE courses.


State of New Jersey Continuing Education Requirements

New Jersey Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. New Jersey continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, New Jersey PT/PTA licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the New Jersey continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for New Jersey Physical Therapists (PT) and New Jersey Physical Therapy Assistants (PTA). The online courses enhance the knowledge bases of PT/PTA to enhance clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour online home study CE credit course for new New Jersey Physical Therapy and Physical Therapy Assistant registered users at

  • Found 18 courses in 5 seconds

  • An Overview of CTS
    An Overview of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


    $18.00 USD

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    • Describe the the etiology, incidence and prevalence of CTS and list 5 risk factors
    • Identify the anatomy of the carpal tunnel and describe its contents
    • Outline, describe and differentiate 3 provocative maneuvers for diagnosing CTS
    • List and describe 3 conservative treatment interventions for CTS and the advantages of each technique
    • Describe and differentiate open vs. endoscopic CT release along with possible complications

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Arthritis 102
    Ankylosing Spondylitis: The Stiff Back


    $18.00 USD

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    • Define and explore Ankylosing Spondylitis
    • Enumerate and differentiate 3 symptoms
    • Describe 5 therapy examination tools
    • Examine and summarize 3 surgical options
    • Outline and examine therapy treatment interventions

    Riddhi Patel, PT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Breathing Essentials 201 - 207

    $162.00 USD

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    • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Breathing Essentials 201 through Breathing Essentials 207

    Course Group includes all Breathing Essentials Courses numbered 201 through 207

    Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Cardiopulmonary 103 - 104

    Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology and Clinical Assessment of the Cardiopulmonary System


    $72.00 USD

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    Cardiopulmonary 103:

    • Discuss how smoking impacts the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems
    • Describe how lung dysfunction leads to cardiac dysfunction
    • Describe how cardiac dysfunction leads to lung dysfunction
    • Differentiate obstructive from restrictive pulomary pathology and the manifestations of each
    • Name 5 factors that precipitate an asthma attack
    • List 3 risk factors of coronary artery disease
    • Describe the process of artherosclerosis
    • Discuss rheumatoid arthritis and its impact on specific organs

    Cardiopulmonary 104:

    • Identify anatomic structures and key topographic landmarks of the chest
    • Describe various chest wall configurations
    • Differentiate peripheral and central cyanosis
    • Differentiate normal bronchial breath sounds from abnormal bronchial breath sounds
    • Identify various components of a chest examination
    • List 2 causes of decreased breath sounds
    • List the steps involved to ausculatate lung sounds

    Rocco Labbadia, RPT

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Core Stability 201

    Foundation Form and Function


    $72.00 USD

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    Hour 1 and 2

    • Describe the components of the core and the function of the core.
    • Describe the function of the diaphragm as it relates to posture, muscular relationships and stability of the spine.
    • Describe the function and structure of the superficial muscle system of the body.
    • Describe two concepts of spinal stability. 

    Hour 3

    • Demonstrate how to determine the length of quadratus lumborum and erector spinae. 
    • Demonstrate how to evaluate Transversus abdominus function
    • Demonstrate how to facilitate the core and initiate a core training program

    Hour 4

    • List three pathologies related to less than optimal core function.
    • Describe three postural strategies that the patient may develop when the core is in dysfunction.
    • Describe how weakness of the abdominals can alter diaphragm contractions.
    • Explain how respiratory fatigue can alter core control.

    Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Edema 101
    Edema: An Overview


    $18.00 USD

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    • Define edema 
    • List 3 key features of different types of edema 
    • Differentiate between different types of edema 
    • Examine and explain how to identify different types of edema 
    • Describe three treatment approaches for various types of edema

    Kristyn Fletcher, PT, DPT, CLT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Ethics for Professionals 102

    Ethical Problems, Ethical Distress and Ethical Dilemma's


    $36.00 USD

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    • Identify the goal of professional ethics activity.
    • Describe the basic idea of a caring response and some ways this response in a professional relationship is distinguished from expressions of care in other types of relationships.
    • Identify three component parts of any ethical problem.
    • Describe what an agent is and, more importantly, what it is to be a moral agent.
    • Name the three prototypical ethical problems.
    • Describe the role of emotions in ethical distress.
    • Distinguish between two varieties of ethical distress.
    • Compare the fundamental difference between ethical distress and an ethical dilemma.
    • Define ethical paternalism or parentalism.
    • Describe a type of ethical dilemma that challenges a professionals desire (and duty) to treat everyone fairly and equitably.
    • Identify the fundamental difference between distress or dilemma problems and locus of authority problems.
    • Identify four criteria that will assist you in deciding who should assume authority for a specific ethical decision to achieve a caring response.
    • Become familiar with AOTA and APTA Code of Ethics
    • Become familiar with the Guide to Professional Conduct for PT
    • Indiana PTs - become familiar with the IN PT Rules and Practice Act
    • Texas PTs - become familiar with the TX PT Rules and Practice Act
    • Utah PTs - become familiar with the UT PT Rules and Practice Act

    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Ethics for Professionals 103-105

    The Analysis of Ethical Problems in Professional Life, Ethics of Confidential Information, Informed Consent


    $72.00 USD

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    The Analysis of Ethical Problems in Professional life

    • Identify six steps in the analysis of ethical problems encountered in everyday professional life and how each plays a part in arriving at a caring response.
    • Describe the central role of narrative and virtue theories in gathering relevant information for a caring response.
    • List four areas of inquiry that will be useful when gathering relevant information to make sure you have the story straight.
    • Describe the role of conduct-related ethical theories and approaches in arriving at a caring response.
    • Describe why imagination is an essential aspect of seeking out the practical alternatives in an ethically challenging situation.
    • Discuss how courage assists you in a caring response.
    • Identify two benefits of taking time to reflect on and evaluate the action afterward.
    • Become familiar with AOTA and APTA Code of Ethics
    • Become familiar with the Guide to Professional Conduct for PT's

    Ethics of Confidential Information

    • Define the terms confidential information and confidentiality.
    • Identify the relationship of a patient's legal right to privacy with his reasonable expectations regarding confidential information.
    • Describe how the telling and keeping of secrets is relevant to understanding the importance of confidentiality.
    • Discuss the ethical norms involved in keeping and breaking professional confidences.
    • Name five general legal exceptions to the professional standard of practice that confidences should not be broken.
    • Consider practical options that a professional can take when faced with the possibility of breaking a confidence.
    • Discuss some important aspects of documentation that affect confidentiality.
    • Compare ethical issues of confidentiality traditionally conceived with those that have arisen because of computerized medical records and patient care information systems.
    • Describe the key ethical strengths and challenges of the recent U.S. federal regulations related to privacy considerations (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).
    • Become familiar with AOTA and APTA Code of Ethics
    • Review and become familiar with the TX PT Rules
    • Read case scenarios illustrating ethical decision making

    Informed Consent

    • Describe three basic legal concepts that led to the doctrine of informed consent.
    • Describe three approaches to determining the disclosure standard for judging that a patient or client has been informed.
    • Discuss three major aspects of the process of obtaining informed consent.
    • Distinguish "general consent" from "special consent" documents.
    • Differentiate between the never-competent and once-competent patient or client and the challenges posed by each in regard to informed consent.
    • Compare informed consent as it is used in health care practice and in human studies research.
    • Describe some considerations one must always take into account to be sure one is being culturally competent and honoring cultural difference when informed consent is the standard.

    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Hand Therapy 129 - 130
    Common Conditions of the Elbow


    $54.00 USD

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    Hour 1 - 2

    • Understand, identify and describe the significance of the lateral epicondyle and the common extensor tendon
    • Explain 3 causative factors that may lead to developing LE
    • Identify the main movements or activities that put someone at risk for LE
    • Describe the pathophysiology involved in LE
    • Describe 5 conservative treatment interventions for LE
    • Outline and describe post-operative rehab protocols following surgery and list 3 possible complications
    • Discuss what prolotherapy is, what it does, how it works and what the research says
    • State 2 indications for surgical intervention
    • Outline the basic principles of surgery and list 3 operative techniques
    • Discuss research findings and the efficacy of elbow surgery and the efficacy of treatment techniques

    Hour 3

    • Describe the 3 joints that make up the elbow and explain static and dynamic forces that stabilize the elbow
    • Define the boundaries of the cubital tunnel and explain the route of the ulnar nerve as it travels around the elbow
    • List and describe the phases involved in throwing and how this activity places stress on the medial aspect of the elbow
    • List and describe 5 conditions that produce medial-sided elbow pain including presenting signs and symptoms and how each condition is diagnosed
    • Consider differential diagnosis and list 2 conditions that result in anterior, posterior and lateral elbow pain

    Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

    Case Studies

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Implicit Bias
    The Connection of Implicit Bias: Barriers to Care and Disparities in Access to and the Delivery of Health Care


    $38.00 USD

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    • Define the concepts of implicit bias and equitable access to health care
    • Describe historical factors impacting trust in the medical system
    • Recognize and understand the impact of implicit bias on perception, judgment, and actions that may result in inequitable decision making, failure to effectively communicate, and barriers or disparities in access to and the delivery of health care services
    • Identify appropriate methods of addressing implicit bias
    • Identify strategies to ensure that healthcare providesr are enhancing access to care and reducing disparities in the access to and delivery of healthcare services (e.g., understanding differences in needs of diverse population, establishing diversity and inclusion initiatives, and working to enhance personal cultural sensitivity)

    NCCAOM Approved for 2 hours of Ethics:  By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course.

    This course is being offered in partnership with,, and PharmCon; divisions of Knowfully Learning Group

    Jeanine Abrons, PharmD, MS

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Lymphedema 101
    Complete Decongestive Therapy: The Gold Standard for Lymphedema Treatment:An Overview


    $18.00 USD

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    • Define lymphedema 
    • Summarize the 4 components of complete decongestive therapy (CDT) 
    • Recite 3 indications for CDT 
    • Recall 3 contraindications for CDT 
    • Explain the course of treatment for lymphedema with CDT

    Kristyn Fletcher, PT, DPT, CLT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Lymphedema 103
    Post-Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction: Considerations for Therapists


    $18.00 USD

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    • Summarize the relationship between breast cancer and mastectomy
    • Recall 3 types of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction surgeries
    • Explain 2 benefits of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction surgery
    • Discuss 2 risks of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction surgery
    • Generalize how therapy can benefit patient's post-mastectomy breast reconstruction

    Kristyn Fletcher, PT, DPT, CLT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Physical Diagnosis 166 - 169
    Differential Diagnosis in Physical Therapy


    $72.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Physical Diagnosis 166 through Physical Diagnosis 169

    Course Group includes all Physical Diagnosis Courses numbered 166 through 169

    Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Physical Diagnosis 175

    $54.00 USD

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    • Compare the difference between angular and linear motion.
    • List the limiting factors necessary for stability in respect to linear motion.
    • List and describe the function of the limiting structures of the atlantooccipital joint and the atlantoaxial joint.
    • Describe the path of the vertebral artery from the subclavian artery to the basilar artery
    • List the three types of Atlantooccipital fractures.
    • Describe five diseases that may compromise the stability of the cervical region and how.
    • List and elaborate on the immune specific diseases that can affect the atlantoaxial joint.
    • Summarize the normal growth of the cervical spine and craniovertebral region in children.
    • Outline the details of IFOMPT Framework for Red Flags.
    • Demonstrate three stability tests of the cervical region and interpret the results.
    • Demonstrate a neurological scan to clear spinal cord and neurological dysfunction in the cervical spine.
    • Apply a vigorous mandatory scan for all patients to rule out serious pathology of the cervical spine and the neurological system and be able to interpret the results.

    Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Rehab 133
    Quadriceps/ Patella Tendon Repair


    $18.00 USD

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    • Enumerate three physical / clinical examination findings associated with rupture of the quadriceps tenon.
    • List 3 patient specific factors that need to be considered when following a rehabilitation program following repair of the quadriceps or patella tendon.
    • Recall three goals during phase 1 (0-2 weeks) of a rehabilitation program following repair of the quadriceps or patella tendon.
    • Identify three goals during phase 3 of a rehabilitation program following repair of the quadriceps or patella tendon.
    • Cite five return to play criteria that need to be met following repair of the quadriceps or patella tendon.

    Robert McCabe, PT, OCS

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Shoulder Rehab 115 - 116

    Joint and Soft Tissue Mobilization Techniques for the Shoulder Scapula Complex, Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Non Surgical and Surgical SLAP Tears


    $36.00 USD

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    Part I:

    • Describe and perform contemporary scapula mobilization techniques
    • Apply innovative soft tissue mobilization techniques for the patient with shoulder hypomobility
    • Gain deeper insight into the causes and treatment of scapula dyskinesia
    • Define and differentiate the anatomical relationship between the rotator cuff muscles and the glenohumeral joint capsule
    • Become acquainted with soft tissue mobilization techniques for sub deltoid bursitis


    • Review functional anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder - scapula complex
    • Become famiiliar and understand current strategies for the evaluation of patients with scapular disorders
    • List and describe innovative  scapular mobilization techniques for the patient with scapular dyskinesia
    • Differentiate the relationship between scapular dyskinesia, soft tissue/muscle tightness, and shoulder pathology
    • Apply a sytematic scapular muscle training program / protocol for patients with scapular dyskinesia

    Robert McCabe, PT, OCS

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Shoulder Rehab 121
    Biceps Tendinopathy: Biceps Tendinitis


    $18.00 USD

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    • Define biceps tendinopathy and list 3 presenting characteristics of the condition
    • Examine and differentiate normal anatomy vs. pathology of the biceps
    • Describe 3 symptoms of biceps tendinitis
    • Discuss differential diagnosis for biceps tendinitis
    • Outline and describe 2 examination techniques for diagnosing biceps tendinitis
    • Examine and describe 3 therapeutic interventions in the treatment of biceps tendinitis

    Riddhi Patel, PT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31

    Yoga and Rehab 101
    Yoga and Rehabilitation


    $36.00 USD

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    • Briefly outline the 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga 
    • Enumerate classification of asanas 
    • List 5 benefits of asanas or yogic postures 
    • Understand the application of asanas with therapy 
    • List 5 Asanas for low back pain 
    • List 3 Asanas for hip stretches 
    • Name 5 poses/ asanas for upper extremity strengthening 
    • Recite contraindications for all poses

    Riddhi Patel, PT

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2026-01-31