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Functional Medicine 209 - 212
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors Richard Powers, DC
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Functional Medicine 209 through 212.
Approval Code(s) 954426 PACE Approved Course 10305 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine 210 : Evaluating and Addressing Common Chronic Patient Conditions - Part Two
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Richard Powers, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Design an efficient and cost-effective approach to evaluating your patients’ underlying health challenges
Select key questions to ask your patients (consultation, history, questionnaires) to hone-in on their principal underlying imbalances
Discover in-office, economical evaluation tools to efficiently reveal key diagnostic clues
Create a systematic decision-making process that directs your testing recommendations
Devise a practical and effective formula to skillfully evaluate gut health (dysbiosis), adrenal imbalance, blood sugar dysregulation (dysglycemia); oxidative stress; methylation defects; thyroid insufficiency; and sex hormone imbalances
Generate a logical treatment sequence to competently treat the fundamental underlying conditions revealed in your evaluation
Differentiate which nutraceuticals best support and rebalance underlying physiological imbalances.
Approval Code(s) 954408 PACE Approved Course 10302 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine 211 : A Practical Approach to Implementing Clinical Detoxification Programs in Your Practice
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Richard Powers, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the appropriate candidates (patients) for a detoxification program
Effectively communicate the need for detoxification support
Ensure a safe and comfortable detoxification experience
Establish realistic expectations - for you and your patient
Measure the outcome of your patient’s detoxification using novel, in-office, cost-effective evaluation procedures
Generate 14 and 21 day detoxification programs
Devise detoxification programs for various levels of patient commitment and participation
Easily and readily respond to common patient questions and concerns about detoxification
Address post-detoxification clinical considerations and directions
Approval Code(s) 954412 PACE Approved Course 10303 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine 212 : Supporting Your Patients Before, During, and After a Cancer Diagnosis
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Richard Powers, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the most common pre-disposing factors for the initiation of cancer
Design a screening protocol to evaluate cancer risk factors
Discover specific evaluation procedures that identify biochemical imbalances indicative of cancer risk
Interpret specialized laboratory test results that portray a physiological environment conducive to cancer promotion
Devise treatment strategies shown to reverse cancer related imbalances
Hone diagnostic skills by reviewing and analyzing a series of patient case studies, inclusive of history, exam findings, lab test results
Develop safe and effective treatment recommendations for some of the more common chronic degenerative conditions, e.g., thyroid imbalances, chronic fatigue, inflammatory bowel disease
Approval Code(s) 954418 PACE Approved Course 10304 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 201 : GI Health from a Functional Perspective
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Thomas Fabian, PhD, CNTP
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Explain how beneficial commensal microbes support gastrointestinal health
Describe the major components of the intestinal barrier
Summarize the microbial composition of a typical stool sample
Explain the role of comprehensive stool testing in assessing gastrointestinal health
Hour 2
Recognize the three most common types of microbial dysbiosis
Describe common factors that can reduce beneficial microbes and disrupt the intestinal barrier
Assess pathogens and opportunistic microbes identified with comprehensive stool testing
Discuss how the selection of microbial testing methodology may affect the identification of pathogens and opportunists
Outline therapeutic approaches that address common dysbiosis types identified via comprehensive stool testing
Approval Code(s) 869660 PACE Approved Course 10114 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 201 - 210 : 10-Course Basic Certificate Program
Credit Hours(s) 21.0
Instructors multiple
Price $795.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This course contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 201 through 210
Other Info NCCAOM Providers: By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course. This package course includes a FREE 1 hour Bonus course: The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity: Case Studies
Approval Code(s) 858231 PACE Approved Course 10115 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 202 : The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the current epidemiologic trends in autoimmune incidence, morbidity and mortality.
Associate the linkage between autoimmune disease prevalence and factors including the GI microbiota composition, food immune reactions, stealth infections, molecular mimicry, lack of early diverse antigen exposure, and other elements.
Examine the available clinical laboratory testing related to autoimmune disease risk assessment, diagnosis, and clinical management, including qPCR molecular-based evaluation of the GI microbiota.
Explain the difference between quantitative molecular testing (qPCR) versus next-generation sequencing of the GI microbiota in the support of clinical decision making.
Appraise the available evidence-based integrative and complementary therapeutic interventions for autoimmune disorders.
Approval Code(s) 869670 PACE Approved Course 10116 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 203 : Detoxification and Environmental Health
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the current common routes and mechanisms of toxic exposure for individuals living in the industrialized world.
Associate the linkage between chronic diseases, including mitochondrial dysfunction, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, cancer and others with increased levels of exposure to various environmental and food toxins.
Examine the available clinical laboratory testing related to toxic load and related disease risk assessment, diagnosis, and clinical management using various lifestyle and nutritional approaches.
Explain the difference between the various methods to assess toxic burden and detoxification at the level of the individual in the support of clinical decision making.
Appraise the available evidence-based integrative and complementary therapeutic interventions for lowering toxic load and improving detoxification function.
Approval Code(s) 869676 PACE Approved Course 10117 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 204 : Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Oscar Coetzee, MS, DCN
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Describe the general diagnostic criteria of Metabolic Syndrome and CVD.
Demonstrate an understanding of the enhanced diagnostic criteria and the importance of investigating these potential earlier markers.
Demystify the “Cholesterol and HDL hypothesis” and explain the compensation mechanisms of the body for this.
Recognize the biometric and physical signs of the progressive nature of CVD, CHD and MetS.
Investigate Lifestyle Modification Programs as the major intervention strategy for the reversal and stagnation of these comorbidities.
Hour 2
Describe the general dietary interventions of Metabolic Syndrome and CVD.
Demonstrate an understanding of sodium/salt as it relates to CVD/HTN.
Demystify the confusion of major supplements and foods as it relates to CVD/HTN.
Recognize the associations between insomnia and CVD, CHD and MetS.
Investigate various peer reviewed studies and the outcomes of nutritional interventions.
Approval Code(s) 869678 PACE Approved Course 10118 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 205 : Functional Endocrinology
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Michael Jurgelewicz, DC, CNS
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Provide an understanding of the clinical applications of biochemical/metabolic evaluations to determine a patient’s hormonal status
Explain the differences between various assessments of hormonal status
Evaluate hormonal imbalances and disorders
Evaluate nutrient needs in metabolic disorders Plan and monitor nutrient interventions to correct abnormalities found by the tests
Approval Code(s) 869680 PACE Approved Course 10119 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 206 : Mitochondrial Health and Energy Metabolism
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Todd LePine, MD
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
Describe the origin of mitochondria from an evolutionary perspective.
Understand the critical role that the thyroid plays in metabolism and how this relates to healthy mitochondrial function.
Explain how to test for mitochondrial function/dysfunction.
Show how living in a thermos neutral modern society contributes to obesity.
Recognize how antibiotics can damage mitochondria and how that can play a role in obesity.
Give examples of toxins/drugs that can adversely affect mitochondria.
Hour 2:
Describe how common mitochondrial genetic problems are in the general population.
Explain how mitochondria are needed to produce glutathione and why glutathione is needed for healthy mitochondria.
Discover how oxidative stress can be both good and bad for the body.
Discuss how mitochondrial dysfunction plays a key role in a variety of diseases ranging from Parkinson’s, Cancer, NASH, Alzheimer’s, Autism and Diabetes.
Discover key ways to optimize mitochondrial function in patients.
Approval Code(s) 869682 PACE Approved Course 10120 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 207 : Mental Health from a Functional Perspective
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Oscar Coetzee, MS, DCN
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Describe the associations of micronutrient deficiencies as it relates mental health disorders.
Demonstrate an understanding of major prescriptive medications and their negative influence on mental health disorders.
Explain the overlap of certain pathophysiological conditions and mental health disorders.
Recognize the current lack of proper diagnosis of mental health disorder.
Hour 2
Describe the associations of micronutrient and nutritional deficiencies as it relates mental health disorders.
Demonstrate an understanding of the major biochemical pathways, their enzymes and nutritional elements as it relates to psychological issues.
Explain the importance of fatty acids in mental health disorders.
Recognize the current lack of proper nutritional interventions as it pertains to TBI, mTBI and PCS.
Approval Code(s) 869684 PACE Approved Course 10121 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 208 : Functional Medicine and Nutrition Lab Testing
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Michael Jurgelewicz, DC, CNS
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Provide an understanding of the clinical applications of biochemical/metabolic evaluations to determine a patient’s status of nutrients, toxicants and cell regulators, and functional gastrointestinal status.
Explain the differences between various assessments of element status
Evaluate specific nutrient deficiency states
Determine weaknesses in digestive, assimilative and intestinal microbiological status
Plan and monitor nutrient interventions to correct abnormalities found by the tests
Approval Code(s) 869686 PACE Approved Course 10122 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 209 : Sports, Nutrition, Exercise & Fitness
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Mark J. Smith, PhD
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Define and explain the difference between "calories in, calories out" versus the “carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity”. Discuss the causes of increased intestinal permeability in competitive athletes and identify strategies to combat the condition. Identify the energy intake athletes require by calculating their total energy expenditure.
Recall the quality and function of macronutrients and their role in physical performance.
Describe common micronutrient deficiencies seen in competitive athletes and identify strategies to prevent such occurrences.
Hour 2
Summarize the physiological energy and macronutrient requirements of the sprint/power athlete and game-playing athlete. Identify supplement strategies to support the sprint/power athlete and game-playing athlete.
Summarize the physiological energy and macronutrient requirements of the endurance athlete.
Identify supplement strategies to support the endurance athlete.
Outline an effective whole food diet to support competitive athletes.
Approval Code(s) 869690 PACE Approved Course 10123 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 210 : Food As Medicine
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Eleonora Gafton, MS, DCN
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Describe the secondary metabolites in whole foods.
Understand the role of phytochemicals.
Demonstrate an understanding of how they interact with our cells.
Explain how to preserve them during cooking.
Hour 2
Recognize the challenges caused by ultra-processed foods
Identify the compounds in the Brassicaceae family
Explain the health benefits of sulforaphane
Explain the importance of preserving secondary metabolites
Recognize the benefits of the fungal kingdom
Approval Code(s) 869692 PACE Approved Course 10124 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 211 : Therapeutic Essential Oils Clinical Applications
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Sarah LoBisco, ND, IFMCP
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Describe the characteristics and mechanisms of actions of essential oils.
Explain several key controversies in aromatherapy and the implications.
Generalize the safety and quality issues surrounding the clinical use of essential oils.
Compare the various modes of applications of essential oils.
Summarize the pharmacology and biotransformation of essential oils and its constituents.
Recognize the potential interactions of essential oils with medications and nutraceuticals.
Hour 2
Generalize the various considerations for prescribing essential oils.
Calculate equivalent dosages of essential oils using several different units of measurement.
Apply the guidelines for appropriate prescribing the internal use of essential oils.
Determine the proper application and dosage for various essential oils used for digestive health.
Specify the usage and dose determination for essential oils for mental health.
Other Info NCCAOM Providers: By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course.
Approval Code(s) 869694 PACE Approved Course 10125 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 212 : Fibromyalgia Global Pain and Fatigue
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN
Price $190.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Analyze the concept of central pain processing and the consequences of dysfunction of descending inhibition.
Associate FM with trauma and abuse, depression, anxiety, sleep disorder and pain processing disorders with emphasis on limbic system dysfunction, aberrant stress physiology, and ultimate failure of descending anti-nociception.
Assess the difference between regionalized somatic pain and true central allodynia
Describe the accurate differential diagnosis of patients presenting with suspicion of FMS
Identify common subsets of clinical disorders that may lead to an erroneous diagnosis of FMS (i.e., “pseudo” FMS)
Other Info NCCAOM Providers: By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course.
Approval Code(s) 869696 PACE Approved Course 10126 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 213 : Functional Approach to Pediatrics
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors multiple
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe and Identify the functional medicine approach to common pediatric problems
Develop a comprehensive functional medicine assessment and treatment of common pediatric problems such as constipation, headaches and migraines, upper respiratory infections and otitis media, food sensitivities, allergies, asthma and atopy
Examine the salient features of history, physical examination and laboratory testing to best implement functional medicine interventions to common pediatric problems
Utilize a functional medicine approach to assess what each child may need to get or get rid of to treat each of these common pediatric problems
Summarize the literature supporting the use of functional medicine in pediatrics
Recognize the four pillars of a functional medical approach to chronic pediatric illness – gastroenterologic, immunologic, metabolic and neurologic
Classify and explain the importance of the genetic and genomic susceptibilities/predisposition and environmental triggers of chronic pediatric illnesses
Utilize a functional medicine approach to assessing and treating chronic pediatric disease such as ADHD, Autism, Autoimmune Encephalitis, Anxiety, Allergy and Atopy
Interpret the literature citations and develop protocols based on emerging evidence supporting a functional medicine approach to these chronic pediatric problems
Appraise the assessment and management of the importance of the microbiome in immune tolerance, allergy and autoimmunity.
Other Info NCCAOM Providers: By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course.
Approval Code(s) 869698 PACE Approved Course 10127 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 214 : Nutritional Genomics Foundations
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Robert Brody ND, MS
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the catecholamine pathway will be presented in an organized fashion with emphasis on real world applications.
Review clinical case studies.
Assess different genetic mutations within the catecholamine pathway .
Individualize treatment plans in practice.
Demonstrate a basic road map of the catecholamine pathway.
Use genetic parsing software and the tools attained form this course to highlight and modulate genes/SNPs of interest.
Derive natural therapeutic agents to modulate epigenetic expression.
Utilize basic nutrigenomic assessment and treatment knowledge in the catecholamine pathway.
Other Info NCCAOM Providers: By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course.
Approval Code(s) 892798 PACE Approved Course 10129 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 215 : Optimized Exercise & Fitness
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Mark J. Smith, PhD
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Define and explain the different terms that identify exercise intensity and their relationship to maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max).
Discuss the history of exercise physiology and how technology influenced research and ultimately, exercise guidelines.
Differentiate the physiological responses to sprint interval training and to low-to-moderate intensity continuous training.
Reconstruct a lay explanation to patients and/or clients of why sprint interval training is an extremely effective strategy for improving overall health and fitness.
Summarize key research studies that support sprint interval training.
Hour 2
Recognize additional research that supports sprint interval training.
Identify key physiological benefits of sprint interval training.
Recall important case study benefits.
Outline effective overall strategies for implementing sprint interval training.
Distinguish appropriate sprint interval exercises for differing populations.
Other Info NCCAOM Providers: By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course.
Approval Code(s) 892802 PACE Approved Course 10130 Expires: 2026-07-31
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 216 : Nutritional Genomics of Autoimmunity and Chronic Inflammation
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Rob Boyd, ND, CNS
Price $95.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
Summarize the differences between genomics, genetics, and epigenetics
Illustrate how genomics can affect risk and outcomes in auto-immune and inflammatory conditions
Interpret relative function of genes based on presence of relevant SNPs
Identify genes and SNPS involved in autoimmune disease and chronic inflammation
Assess Dietary, Lifestyle and Herb/Nutrient recommendations based on genomics
Hour 2:
Apply nutritional genomics in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
Outline basic disease pathogenesis in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
Explain which genes and SNPs are relevant depending on the clinical scenario
Assess other contributors to chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease
Other Info NCCAOM Providers: By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course.
Approval Code(s) 960362 PACE Approved Course 10306 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gastroenterology 201 : Fecal Microbial Transplant Research Review
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joshua Goldenberg, ND
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the current state of legal status and research on fecal microbial transplants (FMT)
Describe the state of research of FMT for irritable bowel syndrome
Describe the state of research of FMT for hepatic encephalopathy
Describe the state of research of FMT for antibiotic associated diarrhea/dysbiosis
Describe the state of research of FMT for ulcerative colitis
Describe the state of research of FMT for Clostridium difficile infection
Describe the state of research of FMT for autism
Approval Code(s) 861098 PACE Approved Course 7563 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gastroenterology 203 : The Leaky Gut
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joshua Goldenberg, ND
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define leaky gut
Recall basic histology/molecular biology involved in leaky gut
List conditions associated with leaky gut
Compare diagnostic tools in the differential diagnosis of leaky gut
Recite how the lactulose mannitol test works
List therapeutic interventions for leaky gut
Approval Code(s) 861102 PACE Approved Course 7565 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gastroenterology 204 : Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joshua Goldenberg, ND
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Define Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
List common causes/ associations/risk factors of SIBO
Recall the various estimates of SIBO prevalence
Explain why SIBO prevalence estimates vary
Describe the trajectory of SIBO research over the past decades
Hour 2
Explain the limitations of using breath tests for the diagnosis of SIBO compared to other alternatives.
Describe the specific issues with glucose-based breath tests for SIBO diagnosis.
Describe the specific issues with lactulose-based breath tests for SIBO diagnosis.
Critique the North American consensus document on breath testing for SIBO
Approval Code(s) 861104 PACE Approved Course 10005 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gastroenterology 205 : IBS/SIBO Research
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joshua Goldenberg, ND
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Implement the 2020 ACG Guidelines as it relates to breath testing for patients with IBS.
Implement the 2020 ACG Guidelines as it relates to breath testing for patients taking PPIs.
Discriminate between normal and abnormal ppm of H2S on a breath test.
Contrast between the microbial diversity of the small intestine in those with and without SIBO.
Identify the aberrant organism most associated with SIBO in the REIMAGINE study.
Implement the 2020 ACG Guidelines as it relates to testing IBS patients for food sensitivities.
Implement the 2020 ACG Guidelines as it relates to the use of low FODMAP diets in IBS patients.
Select the Gut Directed Hypnotherapy regimen associated with the largest effect size.
Explain the need for GRADE within the context of Guideline development.
Critique a guideline using the AGREE-II criteria.
Define the concepts of pre- and post-test probability.
Calculate a post-test probability.
Approval Code(s) 898607 PACE Approved Course 10214 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gastroenterology 206
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joshua Goldenberg, ND
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the role of GRADE in Guideline development
Recall the recommendations of the ACG SIBO Guidelines
Identify key concepts of SIBO as delineated by the authors
Appraise the ACG Guidelines
Approval Code(s) 945514 PACE Approved Course 10289 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gastroenterology 207 : Proton Pump Inhibitors for Barret's Esophagus
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joshua Goldenberg, ND
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recall the pathophysiology of the progression of Barrett’s esophagus to adenocarcinoma
Implement the 2022 ACG guidelines on the use of PPIs for Barrett’s esophagus
Evaluate the conclusions from the three competing meta-analyses on PPIs for Barrett’s
Apply relative risk reduction calculations to the determination of the benefit of PPIs for Barrett’s
Approval Code(s) 952936 PACE Approved Course 10297 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gastroenterology 208 : Handheld Device for SIBO
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joshua Goldenberg, ND
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Distinguish what gases are measured with Aire versus Aire2
Judge the diagnostic agreement between Quintron and Aire devices in patients suspected of having SIBO
Map the relationship between ‘fermentation scores’ and ppm
Illustrate how you could use the Aire device to conduct formal SIBO breath tests
Hour 2
Extrapolate hydrogen levels in the background of high methane
Compare and contrast the pros and cons of using the Aire device
Implement the clinician dashboard for breath testing
Clarify why CO2 levels are not needed for Aire
Approval Code(s) 988568 PACE Approved Course 10333 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gastroenterology 209 : Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joshua Goldenberg, ND
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recall the most common symptoms which H2S patients present with
Identify which H2S treatment interventions led to a statistically significant rate of adequate patient response
Evaluate an H2S SIBO case with a focus on severity and treatment history
Determine reasonable treatment options for an H2S SIBO case
Approval Code(s) 1024972 PACE Approved Course 10361 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gender and Sensitivity 101 : Professional Boundaries in Healthcare Relationship; Harassment vs. Misconduct
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Angelica Redleaf, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Examine the impact of sexual boundaries on the health care relationship
Recognize the most common misconceptions about sexual boundaries
Distinguish between sexual misconduct and sexual harassment
Demonstrate the need for providing safety for patients
Identify the inherent dangers of being in a power position
Approval Code(s) 1172646 PACE Approved Course 1894 Expires: 2026-07-31
Gender and Sensitivity 102 : Caring for Those Who Have Been Sexually Abused; Patient Protection Protocol
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Angelica Redleaf, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define sex abuse
Identify the characteristics of an abused individual
Appraise the effects of abuse on the health care relationship
Create an individualized Patient Protection Protocol
Develop office procedures and policies that will create a safe and comfortable environment for all patients
Approval Code(s) 1172656 PACE Approved Course 3266 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 101 : Exercise Effects on Wound Healing, Balance, Depression, and Anxiety in Older Adults
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the effect of exercise on wound healing in older adults
Discuss the relationship between trunk muscle composition and functional capacity
Assess the effects of high-intensity strength training on balance
Describe a study that examines the reliability and validity of a new steadiness measure
Assess the effect of an endurance exercise program on depression, anxiety and quality of life
Approval Code(s) 919291 PACE Approved Course 1970 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 102 : Mitochondrial Degeneration, Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the concept of mitochondrial degeneration
Discuss the free-radical mitochondrial theory of aging and the susceptibility of the brain to oxidative stress
Assess the relationship between mitochondrial decay and age-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD)
Illustrate the array of mitochondrial nutrients and the various vitamins that may improve mitochondrial function
Approval Code(s) 919293 PACE Approved Course 2065 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 103 : Breaking down the biomechanical and biochemical aspects of longevity
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Michelle Binkowski, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Breakdown the biomechanical processes of spinal degeneration
Explain the biochemical processes that occur in the geriatric population in
Differentiate between various diagnosis of structural and chemical conditions seen in geriatric patients
Analyze the radiological findings and how they influence clinical decisions
Explain Syndrome X and how it affects physiology
Differentiate trauma and its late effects on the body
Approval Code(s) 841918 PACE Approved Course 3704 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 103 - 106
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors Michelle Binkowski, DC
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Geriatrics 103 through 106
Other Info Course Group includes all Geriatrics Courses numbered 103 through 106
Approval Code(s) 861106 PACE Approved Course 2805 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 104 : Psychology of mind/body as it relates to improvement of patient results
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Michelle Binkowski, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Describe psychoneuroimmunology and its application to clinical diagnosis of geriatric patients
Apply psychoneuroimmunology to activities of daily living
Hour 2
Differentiate clinical approaches to managing psychoneuroimmunology
Measure clinical treatment outcomes
Hour 3
Relate what factors contribute to this field in the elderly patient
Incorporate hormonal balancing with nutrition in clinical treatment plans for Chiropractic Patients
Approval Code(s) 757915 PACE Approved Course 2642 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 105 : Nutrition for the aging population
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Michelle Binkowski, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Implement nutrients that promote spinal and joint function to obtain positive clinical outcomes
Explain Ph., alkalinity and acidity as it impacts the physiology of the body in regards to healing
Categorize toxins in the environment that create clinical presentations of geriatric patients clinical care
Utilize vitamins herbals and supplements to augment patients’ care
Factor nutritional aspects of protein, fats and carbs into clinical treatment plans to improve healing
Create treatment goals and nutritional plans
Approval Code(s) 927309 PACE Approved Course 2643 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 106 : Therapeutic clinical solutions to common geriatric conditions
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Michelle Binkowski, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Assess various treatment modalities
Implement treatment protocols as found in the latest research
Progress patients to incorporate wellness into their lifestyle
Perform postural evaluations and discuss clinical significance to the patient
Appropriately factor radiographic findings into diagnosis and clinical decision making of the geriatric patient
Examine physical findings and set specific and measurable patient treatment goals
Approval Code(s) 927313 PACE Approved Course 2644 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 106 - 108
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors multiple
Price $216.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Geriatrics 106 through 108
Approval Code(s) 938495 PACE Approved Course 10345 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 107 : Clinical Care and Risk of Falls
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Review evidence-based recommendations regarding best practices for chiropractic care of older adults
Outline the relationship between individual sagittal posture and risk falling in an elderly back pain population
Explore the cost impact of utilizing chiropractic in older patients with chronic low back pain and multiple comorbidities
Examine the effectiveness of nonpharmacological therapies for dizziness in older people
Assess the impact of chiropractic care on measures of sensorimotor function associated with the risk of falls in older adults
Approval Code(s) 861108 PACE Approved Course 5128 Expires: 2026-07-31
Geriatrics 108 : Older & Bolder: Chiropractic Care for Healthy Aging
Credit Hours(s) 8.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $160.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the United Nations (UN) Decade of Healthy Aging and its initiatives
Describe challenges specific to conducting clinical research on older patients
Examine epidemiological trends and opportunities related to an aging population
Define agism and elderspeak
Explore relevant concepts of, and goals for, healthy aging
Outline relevant clinical considerations for aging patients in a chiropractic practice
Specify red flags in older patients that would warrant clinical referral
Assess general function in elderly patients using simple clinical tests
Examine our unique clinical opportunities (and challenges) relating to providing chiropractic care for older patients
Recognize the clinical impact of multi-site pain in elderly patients
Cite existing data on chiropractic care patterns for older patients
Summarize and critique the existing body of research on chiropractic care for spinal conditions in older patients
Explore the relationship between hip and spine function in elderly patients
Integrate existing literature pertaining to the patient experience and understand what matters to them
Summarize best practices for providing chiropractic care for older patients
Discuss the rational use of imaging in chiropractic practice
Define osteoarthritis and review the societal impact of this condition
Identify risk factors for the development of osteoarthritis
Outline our current state of knowledge on the pathophysiology and diagnosis of osteoarthritis
Appraise the state of the evidence regarding general treatment recommendations for osteoarthritis
Explore the scientific literature regarding various treatment modalities for osteoarthritis
Recognize the value of exercise for managing osteoarthritis
Critique the literature regarding common medical interventions for osteoarthritis
Define lumbar spinal stenosis and review the societal impact of this condition
Classify pathognomonic signs and symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis
Differentiate lumbar spinal stenosis from other clinical conditions
Breakdown the evolving evidence relating to the management of lumbar spinal stenosis
Discover the important role chiropractic can play in the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis
Outline our current state of knowledge on the pathophysiology and diagnosis of degenerative cervical (spondylotic) myelopathy
Recognize the importance of identifying this pathology in aging patients to facilitate appropriate care
Approval Code(s) 924378 PACE Approved Course 10274 Expires: 2026-07-31
Got Documentation 201 : The Problem Oriented Medical Record - Taking a Great History
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Gregg Friedman, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss ethical standards of insurance reporting and coding
Illustrate how documentation can affect state board complaints
Discuss why insurance companies file complaints against chiropractors
Discuss why patients file board complaints against chiropractors
Define the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR)
Illustrate taking a thorough history using the OPQRST method
Discuss the components of the ortho/neuro exam
Approval Code(s) 922110 PACE Approved Course 9276 Expires: 2026-07-31
Got Documentation 201 - 204
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors Gregg Friedman, DC
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hours 1 - 3
Discuss ethical standards of insurance reporting and coding
Illustrate how documentation can affect state board complaints
Discuss why insurance companies file complaints against chiropractors
Discuss why patients file board complaints against chiropractors
Define the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR)
Illustrate taking a thorough history using the OPQRST method
Discuss the components of the ortho/neuro exam
Hour 4 - 6
Discuss the misrepresentation of certain orthopedic tests
Illustrate sensitivity and specificity of orthopedic tests
Define the 2021 changes to Evaluation and Management codes
Discuss the differences between using time vs. medical decision making for E/M
Distinguish between subjective and objective outcome assessments Illustrate methods of proving medical necessity
Illustrate the CMS requirements of chiropractic documentation
Illustrate condition-specific functional outcome questionnaires
Define the A of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Define the R of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Illustrate the different methods of evaluating spinal range of motion
Define the T of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Describe the timing of the first re-assessment
Demonstrate proper coding for range of motion measurements
Describe the P.A.R.T. format of documentation
Define the P of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Describe the concept of outcome assessments in clinical practice
Hour 7 - 9
Illustrate different outcome assessments for the T of P.A.R.T
Demonstrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for the initial patient encounter
Integrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for subsequent patient encounters
Discuss proper diagnosing in notes and on a claim form
Define the short, moderate and long-term diagnoses for Medicare
Define proper Assessments
Illustrate how to determine an assessment for each condition
Illustrate complicating factors that can be documented for each condition
Hours 10 - 12
Illustrate the two types of Plan
Discuss common therapeutic modalities
Demonstrate proper documentation for time-based codes
Illustrate how to document measurable treatment goals
Describe the red flags of a record review
Demonstrate the determination of causation for a motor vehicle collision
Discuss the different mechanisms of injury for motor vehicle collisions
Discuss some of the key value drivers of Colossus
Discuss the difference between impairment and disability
Illustrate the determination of the end of justifiable treatment
Define the main components of an impairment evaluation
Illustrate Duties Under Duress and Loss of Enjoyment
Illustrate the important diagnoses for personal injury cases
Define the 5 Colossus prognoses
Demonstrate the 5 grades of injury severity for the Croft Guidelines for the Treatment of CAD Injuries
Approval Code(s) 861110 PACE Approved Course 9277 Expires: 2026-07-31
Got Documentation 202 : Medical Necessity - Determining the Justification of Treatment
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Gregg Friedman, DC
Price $60.00 USD
More Course Information ▶
Educational Objectives
Discuss the misrepresentation of certain orthopedic tests
Illustrate sensitivity and specificity of orthopedic tests
Define the 2021 changes to Evaluation and Management codes
Discuss the differences between using time vs. medical decision making for E/M
Distinguish between subjective and objective outcome assessments Illustrate methods of proving medical necessity
Illustrate the CMS requirements of chiropractic documentation
Illustrate condition-specific functional outcome questionnaires
Define the A of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Define the R of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Illustrate the different methods of evaluating spinal range of motion
Define the T of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Describe the timing of the first re-assessment
Demonstrate proper coding for range of motion measurements
Describe the P.A.R.T. format of documentation
Define the P of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Describe the concept of outcome assessments in clinical practice
Other Info Recommend to take course 201 prior to this course.
Approval Code(s) 922114 PACE Approved Course 9278 Expires: 2026-07-31
Got Documentation 203 : Assessment and Plan - The required elements of an Assessment and justification of therapeutic procedures, including CMT
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Gregg Friedman, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Illustrate different outcome assessments for the T of P.A.R.T
Demonstrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for the initial patient encounter
Integrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for subsequent patient encounters
Discuss proper diagnosing in notes and on a claim form
Define the short, moderate and long-term diagnoses for Medicare
Define proper Assessments
Illustrate how to determine an assessment for each condition
Illustrate complicating factors that can be documented for each condition
Other Info Recommend to take courses 201 and 202 prior to this course.
Approval Code(s) 920925 PACE Approved Course 9279 Expires: 2026-07-31
Got Documentation 204 : Personal Injury - How to properly and ethically manage a traumatically injured patient
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Gregg Friedman, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Illustrate the two types of Plan
Discuss common therapeutic modalities
Demonstrate proper documentation for time-based codes
Illustrate how to document measurable treatment goals
Describe the red flags of a record review
Demonstrate the determination of causation for a motor vehicle collision
Discuss the different mechanisms of injury for motor vehicle collisions
Discuss some of the key value drivers of Colossus
Discuss the difference between impairment and disability
Illustrate the determination of the end of justifiable treatment
Define the main components of an impairment evaluation
Illustrate Duties Under Duress and Loss of Enjoyment
Illustrate the important diagnoses for personal injury cases
Define the 5 Colossus prognoses
Demonstrate the 5 grades of injury severity for the Croft Guidelines for the Treatment of CAD Injuries
Other Info Recommend to take courses 201, 202 and 203 prior to this course.
Approval Code(s) 920929 PACE Approved Course 9280 Expires: 2026-07-31
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 201 : HIPAA Compliance & Cybersecurity: How they catch you off guard and what they demand you produce!
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Prepare to manage and document protocols, for litigation protection, in a crisis, such as Covid.
Discover how to avoid a HIPAA investigation and becoming a ‘HIPAA statistic’, often by surprise.
Operate an office with protocols to avoid ransom ware and other Cyber-attacks.
Complete a HIPAA program to be prepared for document production, demanded by the government, when a complaint (or even a simple inquiry) is made by a patient, peer, or ex-employee.
Approval Code(s) 867479 PACE Approved Course 10177 Expires: 2026-07-31
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 201 - 208
Credit Hours(s) 8.0
Instructors Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE
Price $160.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed in Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 201 - 208
Approval Code(s) 1172690 PACE Approved Course 10189 Expires: 2026-07-31
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 202 : Required HIPAA policies and required OIG self-audits for those who treat Medicare patients
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Prepare for the required OIG compliance program, required for all who treat one of more Medicare patients per year.
Aid in understanding and preparing required written documented policies under the HIPAA law.
Identify what thieves do with stolen patient information.
Discover what is included in a comprehensive table of contents for a HIPAA compliance program.
Describe the type and number of complaints against doctors and their often surprise origins
Use of required accounting logs
Approval Code(s) 867483 PACE Approved Course 10178 Expires: 2026-07-31
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 203 : What to do if you are ever notified you are under investigation or audit and the new ONC law requirements
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Classifying what you say and when, when notified of an investigation or audit, to avoid saying the wrong thing and complicating your case.
Examine what every office must do, regarding the ONC law, to deliver patient records electronically if so requested, even if you don’t have computers.
Show a step-by-step approach to responding to the government in the event of a breach, investigation, or audit.
Solve the puzzle as to avoiding audits and compliance investigations.
Approval Code(s) 867489 PACE Approved Course 10180 Expires: 2026-07-31
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 204 : NO Surprises Law and latest from the Washington DC HIPAA and cybersecurity symposiums
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain tele-health pros and cons.
Categorize the risks that lead to being turned in for violations, often not knowing you were doing anything wrong.
Point out the most common HIPAA scams that involve impersonating a federal official.
Examine the parts of the HIPAA law that enforcers are enforcing and those parts they are not enforcing.
Approval Code(s) 867491 PACE Approved Course 10181 Expires: 2026-07-31
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 205 : No Risk analysis and no ISARs equals maximum HIPAA fines
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discover how to conduct the required ISAR (information system activity review) that leads to maximum fines if not completed.
Aid you and/or your staff in conducting the required risk analysis that leads to maximum fines, if not completed.
Prepare an electronic device maintenance schedule to protect yourself relative to data breaches.
Examine how to reduce your exposure to HIPAA fines.
Approval Code(s) 867495 PACE Approved Course 10183 Expires: 2026-07-31
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 206 : Required Data Security and Fee Compliance
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discover illegal fee structures and the legal options that do exist.
Prepare the four requirements relative to the notice of patient privacy policy.
Generate a legally required BAA process for every individual or company with whom you share or provide access to your patient data.
Discuss the requirements for data recover and emergency mode operations under HIPAA.
Approval Code(s) 867497 PACE Approved Course 10184 Expires: 2026-07-31
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 207 : Medicare Compliance, ABN Form and Additional HIPAA Policies
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Prepare a protocol for creating required policies under HIPAA.
Assess the risks of seeing Medicare patients with inadequate use of the ABN form.
Operate proper procedures to appropriately use the ABN form in a Medicare practice.
Summarize the Ohio workers’ compensation requirements that elevate chiropractic and put restrictions upon spinal surgeons.
Approval Code(s) 867503 PACE Approved Course 10186 Expires: 2026-07-31
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 208 : Required Staff Training, Physical Plant Audit and Disciplinary Policies
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Generate proper staff training to meet HIPAA requirements.
Examine the pitfalls around a physical plant audit and what you must do to avoid them.
Completing a required disciplinary policy that will pass an investigation.
Classify the little-known training requirements above and beyond the ‘annual HIPAA training’.
Approval Code(s) 867505 PACE Approved Course 10187 Expires: 2026-07-31
HIPAA 201 : Security Risk Assessment - A Key Component of HIPAA Risk Management
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Jill Foote - Healthcare IT Specialist
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify ePHI assets within the clinic and assess exposure to threats and vulnerabilities
Understand how to create an action plan and implement Security Safeguards
Recognize the components of the Risk Assessment that must be considered when developing policies and procedures
Approval Code(s) 861116 PACE Approved Course 2346 Expires: 2026-07-31
HIPAA 202 : Security Risk Management- A HIPAA Requirement
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Jill Foote - Healthcare IT Specialist
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Manage Risk Assignments and assign Target Dates to comply with federal requirements
Audit Risk Factors that may be present
Manage Security Events that may come up during the course of everyday workflow
Set up Workforce Security Standards to be complied with by all team members
Ongoingly Monitor Security Safeguards to ensure the integrity of your data and minimize risk
Approval Code(s) 861118 PACE Approved Course 3731 Expires: 2026-07-31
HIPAA 203 : Getting a Handle on HIPAA Privacy
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Jill Foote - Healthcare IT Specialist
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recognize PHI Identifiers- Know what you are looking for
Identify important components of the Notice of Privacy Practices and how it puts the patient in the driver seat
Execute, track and audit Business Associate Agreements
Apply the rules of Patient Authorizations regarding when TPO applies
Approval Code(s) 861120 PACE Approved Course 5533 Expires: 2026-07-31
HIPAA Made Simple : HIPAA Protocols and Compliance Standards
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Paul Sherman, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the history of HIPAA and its application to the Chiropractic office
Interpret the terminology of HIPAA i.e.: PHI, IIHI, NPP, TPO, NPI, EIN, EDI, etc.
Contrast covered entities vs. non-covered entities
Create a HIPAA compliant practice
Utilize appropriate Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), code sets, identifiers, security and privacy
Apply the Privacy Rule, Patient Consent Form, Notice of Privacy Practices, Patient Authorization, Business Associate Agreements, Appointments of Privacy Officers and Staff training
Provide patient their proper rights as it pertains to access of their medical information, records and your practice etc
Other Info
NOTE: This program includes a compliance manual and the forms you need to make your office HIPAA compliant
Approval Code(s) 861124 PACE Approved Course 2167 Expires: 2026-07-31
Homeopathy 201 : Acute Care Homeopathy for Knee Injuries
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Richard Powers, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recognize acute situations for which homeopathic remedies are appropriate and effective
Apply limited homeopathic remedies to acute care situations that arise in practice and day- to-day life
Evaluate methods of application of homeopathic remedies to fit the situation at hand
Distinguish between the available homeopathic remedies for a specific situation in order to select the most appropriate remedy for the individual
Use homeopathic remedies in concert with existing therapeutic training
Approval Code(s) 861126 PACE Approved Course 3539 Expires: 2026-07-31
IASTM 201 - 203 : Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilizations to the Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity and the Spine
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Hour 1
List 3 factors which impact the mechanical properties of fascia
Recall 3 important functions of fascia
Cite 3 negative biological effects of fibrosis
Describe 3 proposed neurophysiological effects of IASTM
Itemize three biological effects of IASTM
Hour 2
Cite 8 indications for using IASTM for upper/lower quarter musculoskeletal conditions
Provide 8 indications for using IASTM for upper/lower quarter musculoskeletal conditions
Enumerate 8 indications for using IASTM for upper/lower quarter musculoskeletal conditions
when using IASTM for musculoskeletal disorders.
List 2 features of IASTM tools and the effect that these features have on the treatment effect (tissue penetration)
Summarize 5 IASTM basic stroke techniques
Apply IASTM techniques for over 30 common upper quarter musculoskeletal conditions
Hour 3
Outline 3 general purposes for using instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilizations (IASTM) for lower quarter musculoskeletal disorders.
Recall 3 clinical indications for using IASTM to the hip
State 3 clinical indications for providing IASTM to the lumbar spine
Present 3 clinical indications for using IASTM for knee-related musculoskeletal disorders
Itemize 3 clinical conditions of the lower leg and foot for which IASTM would be appropriate
Approval Code(s) 861128 PACE Approved Course 5216 Expires: 2026-07-31
Implicit Bias : The Connection of Implicit Bias: Barriers to Care and Disparities in Access to and the Delivery of Health Care
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Jeanine Abrons, PharmD, MS
Price $38.00 USD
More Course Information ▶
Educational Objectives
Define the concepts of implicit bias and equitable access to health care
Describe historical factors impacting trust in the medical system
Recognize and understand the impact of implicit bias on perception, judgment, and actions that may result in inequitable decision making, failure to effectively communicate, and barriers or disparities in access to and the delivery of health care services
Identify appropriate methods of addressing implicit bias
Identify strategies to ensure that healthcare providesr are enhancing access to care and reducing disparities in the access to and delivery of healthcare services (e.g., understanding differences in needs of diverse population, establishing diversity and inclusion initiatives, and working to enhance personal cultural sensitivity)
Other Info NCCAOM Approved for 2 hours of Ethics: By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course. This course is being offered in partnership with,, and PharmCon; divisions of Knowfully Learning Group
Approval Code(s) 906709 PACE Approved Course 10220 Expires: 2026-07-31
Infectious Disease 101 : Evidence Based Decontamination for Manual Providers
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Brett Kinsler, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the terminology of decontamination, disinfection and sterilization in a clinical setting.
Explain the basis of universal precautions and its implementation
Discuss the latest research and evidence for risk of treatment table contamination in chiropractic and manual therapy offices.
Learn the recommended evidence based disinfection methods of clinician hands, tables and equipment for manual providers.
Identify the Spaulding Classification System for disinfection and sterilization of patient care items and equipment.
Approval Code(s) 864792 PACE Approved Course 2174 Expires: 2026-07-31
Intro to Hormones 101a : Overview of All Hormones With Special Focus on Estrogen Dominance, Metabolic Syndrome, Adrenal Fatigue
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Robin Mayfield, DC
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recall and integrate the function of the individual endocrine organs and all hormones into the diagnosis and treatment plan
Identify the causative factors present in the patient that led to a hormonal imbalance
Discuss Estrogen Dominance and thus educate the patient
Diagnose Metabolic Syndrome
Differentiate Adrenal Fatigue from menopause and perimenopause
Explain lifestyle modifications to the patient
Prepare for the intricacies of treating the hormonally imbalanced patient
Approval Code(s) 861152 PACE Approved Course 2678 Expires: 2026-07-31
Intro to Hormones 102 : Salivary Hormone Testing
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ron Steriti, ND, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of salivary hormone testing, its interfering factors and hormones
Illustrate hormone metabolism and biochemistry, and identify diseases that are associated with hormonal imbalances
Outline the biochemistry of tryptophan and its metabolites
Discover salivary adrenal functional assessments and the measurement of cortisol, DHEA and DHEAS
Discuss nutritional support for women's health and define the action of phytoestrogens, saw palmetto and zinc on hormone balance
Approval Code(s) 861154 PACE Approved Course 2179 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 201 : Revolutionary Wellness - An Integrative Approach to Health
Credit Hours(s) 8.0
Instructors Robert Silverman, DC, DABCN, DCBCN
Price $160.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Utilize reproducible, implementable protocols in your practice
Apply neurodynamic tests and corrective laser protocols
Assess and understand traumatic brain injuries (concussion, neurodegenerative diseases)
Summarize strategies to initiate the positive impact of gut health on the musculoskeletal system
Elucidate the science of the different types of fasting
Discuss the breakthrough technique for non-invasive fat reduction
Apply clinical breakthroughs in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries
Appreciate new laser research and its clinical applicability
Assess intestinal and blood-brain dysfunctions
Perform laser applications
Other Info Disclosure Statement: This course is jointly sponsored by Erchonia
Approval Code(s) 898621 PACE Approved Course 8615 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 202 : Vitality - Management of Common Clinical Syndromes
Credit Hours(s) 8.0
Instructors Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO
Price $160.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Integrate infection, evolution, immunity, inflammation, fibrosis, blood flow, mitochondria, ATP, oxidative stress, and DNA.
Integrate mechanical integrity in gravity, weight, load, levers, posture, mechanoreception, mechanotransduction, mechanobiology, tensegrity, neurology, blood flow, and DNA.
Justify high vegetable, low lectin, low glycemic dietary habits, and their influence on physiology.
Summarize problems with refined carbohydrates, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, and chemical toxins.
Support high intensity interval training, weight lifting, brain derived neurotrophic factor, human growth hormone, and interleukin-10.
Explain the biphasic nature of laser photon therapy, wavelength, frequency, speed of light, fluence, penetration, secondary and primary physiological influences.
Develop the relationship between mitochondria, free radicals, ATP, cytochrome c oxidase enzyme, and laser photon therapy
Justify why all people need between 5-8 different supplements and explain why.
Diagram a protocol for influencing immunology and the brain through the intestinal tract; integrating the vagus nerve and the nucleus tractus solitarius.
Integrate a protocol for brain function that discusses trauma, degenerative, and vascular compromise.
Demonstrate a protocol for chronic low back pain that integrates the intervertebral disc, posture, mechanics, exercise, and laser therapy.
Support a protocol for acute whiplash that includes applying controlled motion and anti-inflammation strategies.
Apply a protocol for remodeling scar tissue and the fibrosis of repair.
Other Info Disclosure Statement: This course is jointly sponsored by Erchonia
Approval Code(s) 898629 PACE Approved Course 8616 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 210 : Personal Injury for Busy Providers
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recognize areas of risk and liability within Personal Injury cases
Identify common med-legal concerns
Recognize various important components associated with the Personal Injury history
Improve the accuracy and thoroughness of the initial Personal Injury history
Examine and document common Personal Injury traumatic injuries
Create a plan to minimize patient risk and improve provider outcomes
Recognize the versatility and benefits of low level laser therapy for musculoskeletal injuries
Develop clinical protocols for low lever laser application and documentation for musculoskeletal injuries
Recognize conditions, injuries and symptoms requiring advanced imaging
Apply diagnostics and humanize trauma cases
Discover the importance and relevance of Personal Injury case management
Identify opportunities for improved clinical decision making and case management
Approval Code(s) 927331 PACE Approved Course 8925 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 211 : Get Back in the Game Body Recalibration through Laser Therapy Part 2
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors Kirk Gair, DC, IDE
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the differences between the effects of 635 nm laser and 405 nm laser
Illustrate effective protocols with the laser and exercises to support each condition
Discuss case studies to demonstrate potential therapeutic outcomes
Summarize the results of the level 1, double blind study that showed the effectiveness of class 2 635 nm for chronic pain and inflammation
Discuss how inflammation can lead to many chronic musculoskeletal conditions that affect people in the United States
Use lab testing to identify inflammation
Illustrate treatment applications and contraindications
Identify the conditions that respond to laser therapy for support, the research that supports them, and to identify which conditions are either not supported with laser therapy or are contraindicated
Aggregate which class of lasers can be used for support and which are contraindicated
Generate a treatment plan with lasers for different musculoskeletal conditions
Categorize the negative impacts of scar tissue on range of motion, pain, and function
Classify which conditions are contraindications and which types of lasers are contraindicated
Summarize the changes that occur in scar tissue and when movement of tissue or a joint triggers pain for a prolonged period
Apply low level laser to musculoskeletal injuries that respond well to low level laser
Summarize the studies that have been published on PubMed for these conditions being supported with lasers
Set up methods and treatment protocols for several conditions
Summarize the studies that showed improvement from laser therapy in performance metrics like muscle strength, endurance, and recovery
Comprehend the studies that show a 25 to 35% faster recovery for several sports injuries and auto accident injuries when laser therapy is applied
Use laser therapy with athletes in the office both for injuries and for performance enhancement by rehabilitating their balance and coordination with lasers
Approval Code(s) 927327 PACE Approved Course 8927 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 212 : Create life-changing initiatives with Chiropractic, Lasers, Nutrition and Exercise
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors Kristin Hieshetter, DC
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Breakdown the implications of inflammation on epigenetics and relate inflammation to genetic damage and musculoskeletal disease.
Develop a plan for clinical anti-inflammatory protocols
Hour 2
Interpret blood chemistry markers related to inflammation and translate into laymen’s terms for patient understanding.
Devise office strategies for obtaining blood chemistry markers, delivering the report of findings to the patient
Discuss the physiological mechanisms of the gut-brain axis, distinguish the molecular players in gut-brain axis syndromes, and identify behavioral modifications and nutritional therapies
Demonstrate knowledge of calcium ions as an egregious free radical
Hour 3
Identify blood chemistry markers
Differentiate between different classes of lasers, Class I, II, IIIA, IIIB, and IV lasers, and outline the therapeutic effects of each
Hour 4
Explain the difference between nIR and fIR saunas, and identify key physiological mechanisms
Discuss Low Level Laser Therapy wavelengths as they pertain to various upregulation of metabolic functions and integrate into the health of the body.
Differentiate between Class 1, Class 2, Class 3R, Class 3B, and Class 4 lasers, and determine proper clinical application of each laser
Develop plans to calculate Joules of output for various lasers using physics and demonstrate fundamental understanding of laser frequency output to address various clinical cases.
Hour 5
Discuss Clinical Cases and outcomes citing specific patient histories and medical studies from the National Institute of Health and; integrate these ideas and extrapolate health plans into current clinical situations.
Discuss how low-level laser therapy affects the body
Discuss supplementation and integrate effective neuroprotective supplementation protocols in a clinical setting based on the work of the world’s best universities’ studies
Hour 6
Outline the basic types of intermittent fasting, relate to patient goals as determined in nutritional consultations, and design intermittent fasting protocols for clinical settings.
Summarize the concepts of ketosis, brain energy utilization, and neuroprotection; relate to medium-chain triglyceride consumption.
Approval Code(s) 927335 PACE Approved Course 9281 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 213 : Super Highway to Health - Advanced Protocols for Clinical Success
Credit Hours(s) 8.0
Instructors Robert Silverman, DC, DABCN, DCBCN
Price $160.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Build the ultimate back: from chronic back pain to high performance
Evaluate exercise’s effect on hormones and human performance
Create a flowchart explaining laser therapy and its application during the correlated stages of healing
Review the newest laser research and its clinical applicability
Apply neurodynamic tests and advanced corrective laser protocols
Evaluate techniques for non-invasive fat reduction
Elucidate the science of different types of fasting
Utilize advanced clinical breakthroughs in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries
Implement strategies to initiate the positive impact of gut health on the musculoskeletal system
View hands-on reproducible, implementable protocols
Incorporate laser effectively into your practice
Assess intestinal and blood-brain barrier dysfunction
Integrate leading-edge protocols for SIBO
Identify modern lifestyle and environmental triggers that affect the gut brain axis
Approval Code(s) 927337 PACE Approved Course 9282 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 214 : The Neuro-Orthopedic Cascade of Trauma and Whiplash
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Erik Reis, DC, DACNB
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss the etiology, pathophysiology, and symptoms of trauma and post-auto whiplash.
Translate how low-level laser impacts inflammation and trauma.
Explain modern neuron theory and how low-level laser can optimize cellular communication within the PNS/CNS.
Conceptualize how to change the brain and body by using low-level laser and sensory inputs to modify central circuitry.
Hour 2
Discuss the interplay between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
Explain how changes in autonomic function affect the brain and body following trauma.
Share relevant research about the gut/brain connection.
Give an overview of the neuroinflammatory cascade of trauma and how low-level laser impacts inflammatory processes.
Hour 3
Discuss the anatomy/physiology of the cerebellum and it’s integration with the cervical spine.
Outline how changes in cerebellar function and the cervical spine affect the brain and body following trauma
Explain how low-level laser therapy can optimize structural, neurological, and metabolic parameters following trauma.
Create a greater understanding for providers to know how to utilize their skillset to treat complex cases.
Hour 4
Discuss the anatomy and physiology of the visual and vestibular systems.
Identify how changes in the visual and vestibular system affect the brain and body following trauma.
Share mechanisms and treatment applications for utilizing low-level laser therapy.
Create awareness around the modern utilization of structural, neurological, and metabolic treatment paradigms for complex cases.
Approval Code(s) 852970 PACE Approved Course 10068 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 215 : A Comprehensive Analysis of Todays Healthcare Topics
Credit Hours(s) 8.0
Instructors Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO
Price $160.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
Integrate the following concepts as it pertains to laser therapy: wavelength, frequency, speed of light, fluence, penetration, secondary and primary physiological influences
Contrast the differences between thermal and non-thermal laser therapy
Hour 2:
Conceptualize the relationship between mitochondria, free radicals, ATP, cytochrome coxidase enzyme, and laser photon therapy
Explain the biphasic nature of laser therapy
Hour 3:
Introduce evidence as to the integrative physiology between chiropractic care for musculoskeletal pain syndromes and improved systemic health.
Develop a neuroanatomical and neurophysiological model for the influence of spinal mechanical function with visceral neurology.
Hour 4:
Correlate upper cervical spine symmetry and the function of the nucleus tractus solitarius of the vagus nerve.
Explore the mechanical, vascular and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics as related to spinal anatomy.
Hour 5:
Show the history and modern-day evidence for the influence of exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic field waveforms.
Detail the two most plausible mechanisms of exposure non-ionizing electromagnetic field waveforms on human biology.
Hour 6:
Explore the various relationships from a functional neurological perspective.
Contrast the relationship between various neurochemicals
Hour 7:
Justify why many people need between 5-8 different supplements and explain why.
Connect the link between dietary lectins, leak gut, systemic inflammation and autoimmune conditions.
Hour 8:
Explain some of the physiological complications to COVID-19.
Review studies that explain the biological plausibility related to COVID-19.
Approval Code(s) 852972 PACE Approved Course 10070 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 215 - 216
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors multiple
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Laser 215 through Laser 216
Approval Code(s) 1008532 PACE Approved Course 10355 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 216 : Joint and Biomechanical Restoration: Stopping the Pain Cycle
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Brandon Brock, DC, DACNB
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss the physiology associated with laser therapy
Describe the electron transport chain
Examine common cervical and plexus pathologies through orthopedic and soft tissue testing
Treat the scapular area using non-thermal lasers
Outline a description of electron volts
Hour 2
Summarize important factors regarding wavelengths relative to using laser therapy
Describe mitochondiral function
Recognize damage to mitochondria and appreciate its role in disease
Examine patients with potential upper extremity nerve entrapments using orthopedic testing, soft tissue testing
Hour 3
Discuss neuron receptors
Explain pain to patients
Identify soft tissue structures
Summarize the function of progenitor cells
Hour 4
Perform an evaluation of the shoulder
Perform an evaluation of the elbow
Perform an evaluation of the wrist and the hand
Perform an evaluation of the lower extremities
Approval Code(s) 852974 PACE Approved Course 10072 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 217 : Advanced Pain Solutions with Next Gen Laser Therapy
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Integrate concepts in laser photon therapy: wavelength, frequency, speed of light, fluence, penetration, secondary and primary physiological influences
Contrast the differences between thermal and non-thermal laser therapy
Develop the relationship between mitochondria, free radicals, ATP, cytochrome c oxidase enzyme, and laser photon therapy
Discuss the physiology of applying laser therapy to both the anatomical part of injury/complaint and to the nerve roots that innervate that anatomical part
Explain the biphasic nature of laser photon therapy as related to evolutionary biology and current clinical applications
Approval Code(s) 860377 PACE Approved Course 10156 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 219 : Practical Personal Injury
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
Improve specific elements of the four PI office visits.
Outline the documentation steps of a causation statement.
Hour 2:
Identify med-legal considerations associated with PI documentation.
Develop an outline to create a PI final discharge report.
Hour 3:
Recognize and evaluate several commonly missed traumatic injuries.
Create a to plan improve the capture of acute objective findings.
Hour 4:
Recognize LLLT versatility and benefits with PI-related conditions.
Develop clinical protocols for LLLT application in PI cases.
Hour 5:
Identify and avoid inherent risks within PI case management.
Create an algorithm for case management clinical decisions.
Hour 6:
Discover the importance and relevance of PI co-management.
Assess cases for co-management decisions and opportunities.
Approval Code(s) 910129 PACE Approved Course 10223 Expires: 2026-07-31
Laser 220 : A comprehensive overview of the use of light lasers in the clinic, including their principles, applications, safety considerations, and recent advancements
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Michelle Binkowski, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
Define the Basics of light: Properties of light, electromagnetic spectrum, visible light wavelengths.
Describe Laser principles: Stimulated emission, different types of lasers, laser safety standards.
Review the Tissue interaction with light: Absorption, scattering, penetration depth, photothermal and photochemical effects.
Define Laser safety protocols and equipment
Discuss Potential risks and adverse effects of laser therapy
Describe Informed consent and patient education
Describe Regulatory requirements for laser therapy
Determine Ethical considerations for laser therapy
Hour 2:
Clinically use a laser for conditions such as chronic pain and discuss the wavelength, time and other factors
Clinically use a laser for various conditions seen by Chiropractic Doctors, with specifics to the wavelength, time and other factors
Review clinical studies demonstrating the use of a laser for various conditions seen by Chiropractic Doctors
Discuss protocols as discovered in the latest research for successful outcome cases of various conditions seen by Chiropractic Doctors
Discuss clinical cases with aspects of pain management in acute pain
Hour 3:
Review other potential applications for conditions Chiropractic Doctors may encounter
Give examples of successful laser therapy protocols based on various conditions seen by Chiropractic Doctors
Discuss clinical studies for the use of laser in various conditions seen by Chiropractic Doctors
Identify clinical studies that provide empirical support for the user of laser therapy
Clinical use of lasers in personal injury cases, efficacy, standard of care and application
Approval Code(s) 1261614 PACE Approved Course 10520 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 201 : Lumbar Disc Management I
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Todd Turnbull, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recognize lumbar disc signs and symptoms.
Differentiate disc prolapse from disc extrusion.
Identify anatomical structures related to lumbar disc conditions.
Describe neuro-muscular physiology as it relates to disc injuries.
Determine appropriate exam procedures for diagnosing disc conditions.
Assess static range of motion coupled with cross-plane evaluation.
Analyze dynamic joint motion using outcome-based assessment tools.
Interpret manual muscle testing using eccentric break testing protocols.
Grade muscle tone and discover muscle palpation techniques.
Interpret neurological tests to determine levels of disc involvement.
Design treatment plans based on exam findings.
Apply manual manipulation techniques to address the lumbo-pelvic joint lesions.
Demonstrate manual methods to reduce abdominal and pelvic muscular dysfunction.
Create new muscle memory patterns to correct chronic conditions.
Compare pre- and post- treatment findings to support care plans.
Approval Code(s) 924986 PACE Approved Course 2509 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 202 : Lumbar Disc Management II
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Todd Turnbull, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss different types of lumbar stretching and their effects.
Define therapeutic stretching goals, protocols and precautions for the lumbar spine.
Measure lumbar pain, agility and joint crepitus associated with therapeutic stretching.
Apply lumbo-pelvic circumduction training to improve disc related joint mobility.
Integrate PreActive therapeutic stretching techniques to reduce lumbo-pelvic muscle tension.
Devise strengthening protocols for the lumbo-pelvic region using graduated isometric protocols.
Discuss mobility during lumbar traction to reduce disc pressure.
Compare static traction versus dynamic traction.
Define contra-indications for decompression therapy of the lumbar spine.
Apply appropriate lumbar decompression therapy to various patient populations.
Demonstrate lumbar mobility training exercises used to enhance decompression effectiveness.
Justify reimbursement through accurate documentation of lumbar disc treatment progression.
Diagnose lumbar disc conditions with clarity.
Select outcome-based assessment tools to monitor patient progress.
Illustrate lumbar range of motion and muscle testing deficiencies concisely.
Summarize patient status for lumbar mobility, crepitus and pain intensity.
Approval Code(s) 924988 PACE Approved Course 3881 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 203 : Concussion Management - Part 1
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Todd Turnbull, DC
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recognize concussion signs and symptoms.
Differentiate concussion grades.
Identify anatomical structures related to concussions.
Describe pathophysiology as it relates to concussions.
Determine appropriate exam procedures for diagnosing concussions.
Apply diagnostic skills to on-field and clinic settings.
Interpret diagnostic tests to evaluate concussion progress.
Design treatment plans based on exam findings.
Demonstrate manual manipulation techniques to address concussion symptoms.
Compare pre- and post-treatment findings to support care plans.
Approval Code(s) 923602 PACE Approved Course 2386 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 203b : Concussion Management - Part 2
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Todd Turnbull, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss neurophysiology of musculoskeletal dysfunction.
Create new memory patterns to restore neuromascular integration.
Demonstrate manual methods to reduce muscular dysfunction.
Address cranial nerve lesions with manipulation techniques.
Introduce the half-somersault maneuver for vertigo relief.
Other Info
NOTE: Recommend taking Management of Common Conditions 203 prior to taking this course.
Approval Code(s) 923604 PACE Approved Course 1681 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 204 : Cervical Disc Management 1
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Todd Turnbull, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recognize cervical disc signs and symptoms.
Differentiate disc prolapse from disc extrusion.
Identify anatomical structures related to cervical disc conditions.
Describe neuro-muscular physiology as it relates to disc injuries.
Determine appropriate exam procedures for diagnosing disc conditions.
Assess static range of motion coupled with cross-plane evaluation.
Analyze dynamic joint motion using outcome-based assessment tools.
Interpret manual muscle testing using eccentric break testing protocols.
Develop muscle palpation skills and grade muscle tonicity.
Interpret neurological tests to determine levels of disc involvement.
Design treatment plans based on exam findings.
Apply manual manipulation techniques to address the cervical joint lesions.
Demonstrate manual methods to reduce cervical muscular dysfunction.
Create new muscle memory patterns to correct chronic conditions.
Compare pre- and post-treatment findings to support care plans.
Approval Code(s) 923606 PACE Approved Course 3882 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 204 - 209
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors multiple
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Management of Common Conditions 204 through Management of Common Conditions 209
Other Info Course Group includes all Management of Common Conditions Courses numbered 204 thru 209
Approval Code(s) 861158 PACE Approved Course 4151 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 205 : Cervical Disc Management II
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Todd Turnbull, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss different types of cervical stretching and their effects.
Define therapeutic stretching goals, protocols and precautions for the cervical spine.
Measure cervical pain, agility and joint crepitus associated with therapeutic stretching.
Integrate PreActive therapeutic stretching techniques to reduce cervical muscle tension and improve disc related joint mobility.
Devise strengthening protocols for the cervical region using graduated isometric protocols.
Discuss cervical mobility during traction to reduce disc pressure.
Compare static traction versus dynamic traction of the cervical spine.
Define contra-indications for cervical decompression therapy.
Apply appropriate cervical decompression therapy to various patient populations.
Demonstrate cervical mobility training exercises used to enhance decompression effectiveness.
Justify reimbursement through accurate documentation of cervical disc treatment progression.
Diagnose cervical disc conditions with clarity.
Select outcome-based assessment tools to monitor patient progress for cervical conditions.
Illustrate cervical range of motion and muscle testing deficiencies concisely.
Summarize patient status for cervical mobility, crepitus and pain intensity.
Approval Code(s) 923608 PACE Approved Course 2512 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 206 : Evaluation of the Adolescent Overhead Athlete
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the relationship between glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD), SLAP tears, posterior impingement, scapula dyskinesis and shoulder micro-instability
Effectively diagnose SLAP tears, posterior impingement, scapula dyskinesis and shoulder mico-instability using screening and clinical tests.
Cite common pitching pathomechanics and describe their association with specific elbow injuries.
Paraphrase the peel back model for SLAP tears
Relate proper pitching biomechanics with injury prevention strategies for the adolescent overhead athlete
Approval Code(s) 861160 PACE Approved Course 1606 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 207 : Joint and Soft Tissue Mobilization Techniques for the Shoulder-Scapula Complex
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define and differentiate the anatomical relationship between the rotator cuff muscles and the glenohumeral joint capsule
Gain deeper insight into the causes and treatment of scapula dyskinesia
Describe and perform contemporary scapula mobilization techniques
Apply innovative soft tissue mobilization techniques to patients with shoulder hypomobility
Perform soft tissue mobilization techniques for sub deltoid bursitis
Approval Code(s) 861162 PACE Approved Course 1607 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 208 : Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Scapula Dyskinesia
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Classify functional anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder - scapula complex
Apply current strategies for the evaluation of patients with scapular disorders
Perform innovative scapular mobilization techniques for the patient with scapular dyskinesia
Differentiate the relationship between scapular dyskinesia, soft tissue/muscle tightness, and shoulder pathology
Integrate a systematic scapular muscle training program / protocol for patients with scapular dyskinesia
Approval Code(s) 861164 PACE Approved Course 2979 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 209 : Evaluation and Management of the TMJ
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the prevalence and etiology of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD)
Define the anatomy of the TMJ and surrounding facial structures.
Recognize the three most common causes of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) seen within the chiropractic practice.
Outline various types of pain referral sources to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Evaluate the TMJ using physical examination procedures
Compare and contrast TMJ synovitis and capsulitis
Distinguish the difference between anterior disc displacements with and without reduction
Describe standard imaging processes ordered for specific TMJ conditions
Outline various conservative management options for temporomandibular disorders
Construct a treatment plan for a typical patient with temporomandibular dysfunction
Apply specific myofascial techniques for the muscles of mastication
Define the co-management care of a dental professional with patients presenting temporomandibular joint dysfunction
Approval Code(s) 861168 PACE Approved Course 3884 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 210 : Upper Extremity I
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the state of the literature on common treatment options for adhesive capsulitis
Apply an effective and streamlined exercise program in the management of subacromial impingement
Recognize the value of radial nerve mobilization in patients with thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis
Appraise the potential value of adding low-level laser therapy to other interventions for subacromial impingement
Summarize the state of the literature regarding Kinesiotape for preventing sports injuries
Approval Code(s) 861170 PACE Approved Course 1609 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 212 : Concussion Rehabilitation
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Todd Turnbull, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Determine appropriate protocols for patient progress.
Discuss tools to reduce vertigo symptoms.
Incorporate nutritional support for better brain function.
Utilize brain therapy programs to improve cognition.
Apply traction therapy to reduce intrathecal pressure.
Hour 2
Evaluate balance and stability with a variety of tools.
Demonstrate mobility exercises to improve musculoskeletal function.
Discuss cardio exercise to stimulate blood flow to the brain.
Apply exercise therapy to stimulate neogenesis.
Devise strength protocols using graduated isometrics.
Hour 3
Discuss the benefits of flexibility training.
Define contra-indications for flexibility training.
Interpret evaluation tools to discover zones of tension.
Measure pain, agility and crepitus with outcome-based tools.
Integrate PreActive StretchingSM protocols to improve agility.
Approval Code(s) 861176 PACE Approved Course 3907 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 213 : Conservative Management of Parkinson's Disease
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Ivo Waerlop, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Present literature based dietary recommendations for Parkinson’s disease symptom management
Discuss literature based exercise recommendations for Parkinson’s disease symptom management, with an emphasis on aerobic exercise
Review the literature regarding acupuncture for Parkinson’s disease symptom management
Discuss lifestyle modifications that can be helpful with Parkinson’s disease symptom management
Approval Code(s) 861178 PACE Approved Course 1680 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 214 : Shoulder Pain
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Todd Turnbull, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss shoulder anatomy.
Differentiate the causes of shoulder pain
Assess joint mobility and muscle function.
Apply manual manipulation to reduce shoulder dysfunction.
Incorporate rehab techniques to restore strength and flexibility.
Hour 2
Discuss scapulo-thoracic anatomy.
Define the causes of scapulo-thoracic pain.
Assess joint mobility and muscle function.
Apply manual manipulation to reduce scapular dysfunction.
Introduce rehab techniques to restore strength and mobility.
Hour 3
Discuss gleno-humeral anatomy.
Define the causes of gleno-humeral pain.
Assess joint mobility and muscle function.
Apply manual manipulation to reduce joint dysfunction.
Introduce rehab techniques to restore strength and mobility.
Approval Code(s) 861180 PACE Approved Course 3908 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 215 : Concussion: Return to Play Guidelines
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Todd Turnbull, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss concussion causes and pathophysiology.
Introduce return to play guidelines.
Explore other return to lifestyle guidelines.
Understand modifying factors for RTP.
Examine concussion grading procedures.
Hour 2
Review tools for concussion evaluation.
Understand the health concerns of pediatric athletes.
Incorporate strategies for pediatric patients.
Apply pediatric RTP guidelines for football.
Hour 3
Investigate medico-legal issues of RTP.
Explore appropriate documentation standards.
Read state concussion law development.
Compare professional Position Papers.
Discuss the role of Chiropractors.
Approval Code(s) 861182 PACE Approved Course 2539 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 216 : Evaluation and Management of Common Upper and Lower Extremity Conditions
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Describe techniques and principles of examination for peripheral joints
Identify important surface anatomy of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand
Identify normal range of motion of the joints of the upper extremity
Describe how to perform an examination of the upper extremity
Recognize common musculoskeletal abnormalities
Hour 2
Outline special maneuvers for the evaluation of carpal tunnel syndrome
Outline special maneuvers for the evaluation of shoulder impingement syndrome
Identify important landmarks necessary for the exam of lower extremities
Describe the physical examination technique for the lower extremities
Interpret normal findings, including range of motion of the hip, knee and ankle
Recognize some common abnormal findings through physical examination
Describe some special maneuvers for examination of the hip, knee and ankle
Hour 3
Outline special maneuvers for the evaluation of knee instability.
Outline special maneuvers for the evaluation of an inversion ankle sprain
Distinguish the differences between anterior interosseous membrane syndrome and tibial stress fracture.
Design a treatment plan for acute patients with myofascial dysfunction for the upper and lower extremities.
Approval Code(s) 861184 PACE Approved Course 4113 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 216 - 221
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors multiple
Price $216.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Management of Common Conditions 216 through Management of Common Conditions 221
Approval Code(s) 861186 PACE Approved Course 7327 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 218 : Cervicogenic and Tension Headache Research
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Update the findings of the Neck Pain Task Force (NPTF) and examine the effectiveness of interventions for the management of headache in patients with neck pain
Assess the effectiveness of conservative interventions for cervicogenic headache
Examine the extent to which changes in specific cervical spine impairments contribute to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of treatment for chronic tension-type headache
Evaluate existing evidence regarding the reliability and diagnostic accuracy of physical examination tests used for diagnosing cervicogenic headache (CGH)
Outline the clinical relevance of the cervical myodural bridge
Approval Code(s) 861190 PACE Approved Course 6064 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 219 : Evaluation and Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recall the clinical definition of adhesive capsulitis, based on shoulder range of motion measurements.
List 5 risk factors for adhesive capsulitis.
Enumerate the 4 pathophysiological stages of adhesive capsulitis.
List and define the 3 sub-components of the tissue-response classification system for adhesive capsulitis.
Provide 2 clinical findings for each of the 3 sub-components of the tissue-response classification system for adhesive capsulitis.
State 3 treatment guidelines for each of the 3 sub-components of the tissue-response classification system for adhesive capsulitis.
Summarize the grades of evidence for common physical therapy interventions (i.e. therapeutic exercise, joint mobilizations, modalities and patient education) for adhesive capsulitis
Approval Code(s) 861192 PACE Approved Course 5498 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 220 : Pelvic Crossed Syndrome
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the specific pattern of contracted and weak muscles found with Pelvic Crossed Syndrome.
Discern the effects on the spine and pelvis from the spastic and weak muscle pattern.
Apply modalities and manual methods to treat weak and contracted muscles.
Rehabilitate weak and atrophied muscles using stretching and exercise.
Determine spinal and pelvic effects of the abnormal muscular patterns found with Pelvic Crossed Syndrome and apply treatment protocol.
Approval Code(s) 919297 PACE Approved Course 6186 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 221 : Autonomic Nervous System Response to Injury
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Evan Mladenoff, DC, DIBAK
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss a functional overview of the Autonomic nervous System
Describe Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction specifically associated with neuromusculoskeletal injury
Identify the role of the Vagus Nerve in Controlling the Inflammatory cascade with neuromusculoskeletal injury
Hour 2
Include physical examination procedures specific to autonomic nervous system and vagus nerve dysfunction
Perform neurological exam procedures specific to autonomic nervous system and vagus nerve dysfunction
Perform chiropractic exam procedures specific to autonomic nervous system and vagus nerve dysfunction
Hour 3
Describe therapeutic Protocols for musculoskeletal injuries with concomitant signs associated with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system
Discuss structural chiropractic treatment protocols of musculoskeletal injuries with concomitant signs associated with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system
Present phytonutrient protocols for musculoskeletal injuries with concomitant signs associated with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system
Approval Code(s) 861194 PACE Approved Course 6187 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 223 : Cerebellar Response to Injury
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Evan Mladenoff, DC, DIBAK
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss a functional overview of the Cerebellar dysfunction
Describe Cerebellar Dysfunction specifically associated with neuromusculoskeletal injury
Identify the role of the Cerebellum in balance disorders associated with neuromusculoskeletal injuries
Hour 2
Include physical examination procedures specific to the cerebellar system
Perform neurological exam procedures specific to the cerebellar system
Perform chiropractic exam procedures specific to the cerebellar system
Hour 3
Describe therapeutic Protocols for musculoskeletal injuries with concomitant signs associated with dysfunction of the cerebellum
Discuss structural chiropractic treatment protocols of musculoskeletal injuries with concomitant signs associated with dysfunction of the cerebellum
Present phytonutrient protocols for musculoskeletal injuries with concomitant signs associated with dysfunction of the cerebellum
Approval Code(s) 861198 PACE Approved Course 6176 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 224 : Identification and Treatment of Scoliosis
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the histological features of Scoliosis
Discern Structural vs. Functional Scoliosis and their primary causes
Coordinate treatment protocols to cervical, thoracic and lumbopelvic spine, rib cage and scapula for Scoliosis curvature
Utilize modalities and soft tissue treatment methods to address functional changes resulting in a Scoliosis curvature
Advise the Scoliosis patient in effective methods of stretching and exercise
Approval Code(s) 848020 PACE Approved Course 6070 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 225 : Shoulder Crossed Syndrome
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the specific pattern of contracted and weak muscles found with Shoulder Crossed Syndrome.
Discern the effects on the spine, upper extremity and pelvis from the spastic and weak muscle pattern.
Apply modalities and manual methods to treat weak and contracted muscles.
Rehabilitate weak and atrophied muscles using stretching and exercise.
Determine spinal, extraspinal and pelvic effects of the abnormal muscular patterns found with Shoulder Crossed Syndrome and apply treatment protocol.
Approval Code(s) 919305 PACE Approved Course 6177 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 226 : Soft Tissue Treatment Adhesive Capsulitis
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the specific pattern of fibrosis development around and within the glenohumeral joint found with Adhesive Capsulitis.
Discern the effects of the fibrosis and adhesions on the glenohumeral joint and associated soft tissues.
Understand the rules of treatment specific to Adhesive Capsulitis.
Apply modalities and manual methods to treat fibrosis and adhesions in the soft tissue structures around and within the glenohumeral joint as well as associated contracted muscle tissue.
Rehabilitate weak and atrophied muscles using stretching, exercise and modalities.
Approval Code(s) 848022 PACE Approved Course 6098 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 227 : Evaluation and Treatment of Non-Surgical SLAP Lesions
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the relationship among SLAP tears, posterior shoulder tightness and scapula dyskinesis
Explain how to perform the modified dynamic labral shear test and summarize the clinical usefulness of this test
Cite the clinical prediction rule (CPR) for favorable outcome in patients undergoing conservative management for SLAP lesions
Paraphrase the efficacy of conservative treatment for patients with SLAP disorders.
List one indication for performing an anterior to posterior mobilization of the humerus on the glenoid (posterior shoulder mobilization)
Identify one appropriate intervention (specific manual technique or exercise) for phase I, phase II and phase III SLAP rehabilitation program.
Approval Code(s) 861200 PACE Approved Course 10291 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 228 : Evaluation and Treatment of Shoulder Instability: Non-Surgical and Surgical Conditions
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the relationship among shoulder micro-instability, scapula dyskinesis and hyperlaxity
Explain how to perform the surprise test and summarize the clinical usefulness of this test
Paraphrase the efficacy of conservative treatment for patients with atraumatic shoulder instability.
Contrast the difference between a capsule reconstruction/ shift and a capsular repair.
Cite 2 major precautions, and corresponding time frames following an anterior capsule reconstruction or repair (during the first 12 weeks)
Identify one appropriate intervention (exercise) for phase I, phase II and phase III post- rehabilitation program following capsular shift / reconstruction or repair
Approval Code(s) 861202 PACE Approved Course 6701 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 229 : Neck Pain & Whiplash
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compare active cervical range of motion in patients with neck pain to those with whiplash or no neck pain
Critically appraise and synthesize recommendations of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the management of common conditions related to traffic collisions
Investigated the possibility of posttraumatic cervical artery dissections (including those involving the vertebral artery) in patients who have sustained a whiplash injury in a motor vehicle collision
Update findings from the Neck Pain Task Force regarding the effectiveness of manual therapies, passive physical modalities, and acupuncture for the management of whiplash and neck pain
Determine which treatments or combinations of treatments are most effective for the management of neck pain- (NAD) and whiplash-associated disorders (WAD)
Approval Code(s) 861204 PACE Approved Course 6702 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 230 : Soft Tissue Treatment - Iliotibial Band Syndrome at the Hip
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the specific pattern of fibrosis development around and within the iliotibial band found with Iliotibial Band Syndrome at the Hip.
Discern the effects of the fibrosis and adhesions on the iliotibial band, associated soft tissues and the functional biomechanics of the region.
Understand the rules of treatment specific to Iliotibial Band Syndrome at the Hip.
Apply modalities and manual methods to treat fibrosis and adhesions in the soft tissue structures around and within the iliofemoral joint as well as associated contracted muscle tissue.
Rehabilitate weak and atrophied muscles using stretching, exercise and modalities.
Approval Code(s) 861206 PACE Approved Course 6814 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 231 : Soft Tissue Treatment - Plantar Fasciitis
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the specific pattern of fibrosis development around and within the plantar myofascia of the foot.
Discern the effects of the fibrosis and adhesions on the plantar fascia, associated soft tissues and the functional biomechanics of the region.
Understand the rules of treatment specific to Plantar Fasciitis of the Foot.
Apply modalities and manual methods to treat fibrosis and adhesions in the soft tissue structures around and within the foot and ankle joint as well as associated contracted muscle tissue.
Rehabilitate weak and atrophied muscles using stretching, exercise and modalities.
Approval Code(s) 861208 PACE Approved Course 7562 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 232 : Clinical Research of the Elbow and Shoulder
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Justify examination of the cervico-thoracic spinal regions for dysfunction in lateral epicondylalgia patients
Explain and identify posterolateral rotary instability (PLRI) of the elbow
Optimize clinical assessment and diagnosis for the long head of biceps complex
Explore the potential pathological commonalities amongst adhesive capsulitis, metabolic syndrome and low-grade inflammation
Discuss current neuroanatomical and biochemical theories as they pertain to shoulder pain and its clinical management
Approval Code(s) 861210 PACE Approved Course 7816 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 233 : Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Assess the effectiveness of three nonsurgical interventions on symptoms, physical function, and physical activity in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
Compare the effectiveness of a structured, comprehensive conservative treatment program with a focus on self-management and improved walking ability (including lumbar manipulation, exercise and education) to a self-directed program in patients with neurogenic claudication due to lumbar spinal stenosis.
Summarize the 2013 North American Spine Society (NASS) clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis.
Examine the literature pertaining to the diagnostic accuracy of available tests for lumbar spinal stenosis.
Analyze the effectiveness of the 6-week Boot Camp Program for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Approval Code(s) 861212 PACE Approved Course 8216 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 234 : Fibromyalgia Assessment and Conservative Management
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Demonstrate an understanding of the epidemiology of fibromyalgia, its impact on patient health, and the clinical controversy surrounding the syndrome.
Evaluate available treatment options and design a treatment plan for the patient with fibromyalgia.
Evaluate the available evidence regarding chiropractic manipulation, and complementary and alternative medicine for fibromyalgia.
Justify the role of patient self-care in the treatment of fibromyalgia.
Approval Code(s) 861214 PACE Approved Course 7921 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 235 : Viscerosomatic, Somatovisceral and Psychosomatic Reflexes: Diagnosis and Management of Common Patient Scenarios
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Define and apply viscerosomatic reflexes and influences.
Define and apply somatoviscera reflexes and influences.
Define and apply psychosomatic reflexes and influences.
Apply autonomic reflexes to clinical conditions including somatic dysfunction.
Hour 2
Identify the general nature of pain and its mechanisms including the physiology and psychology of pain.
Describe the effect of somatic dysfunction on the autonomic nervous system and apply this knowledge to the use of manipulative therapy
State the definition, location, and identification of Chapman’s points on the body.
Express Chapman’s points in relation to the major organ systems of the body.
Hour 3
Illustrate Chapman’s points of the cardiovascular system.
Illustrate Chapman’s points of the respiratory system.
Describe management of Chapman’s reflexes in a common clinical scenario.
Critically appraise, and utilize relevant scientific literature and information to assess and improve patient care practices; and, contribute to the ongoing scholarly development of the chiropractic profession
Approval Code(s) 861216 PACE Approved Course 8217 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 236 : Scapular Dyskinesis: How to Manage Common Shoulder Pain
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Provide an overview of the complex regional anatomy of the shoulder girdle and how this allows the scapula to act as a both a dynamic and static stabilizer to the upper limb.
Explore the normal biomechanics and the etiology, epidemiology and pathological occurrences which can disrupt the normal function and lead to scapula dyskinesis.
Summarize the typical scapular dyskinesis clinical assessment which is most likely to identify the source of the pathology and guide the treatment.
Demonstrate common extremity and shoulder manipulations that may help the patient with scapular dyskinesis.
Approval Code(s) 1232776 PACE Approved Course 10494 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 237 : Evaluation and Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Enumerate five physical / clinical examination findings associated with lumbar spinal stenosis
List 3 essential components of a rehabilitation program for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis
Recall four flexion-based exercises that are part of a rehabilitation program for a patient with lumbar spinal stenosis
Identify three common soft tissue mobility impairments associated with lumbar spinal stenosis
Cite two common joint mobility impairments associated with lumbar spinal stenosis
Provide two evidence-based exercises that elicit high EMG activity of the transverse abdominis
Enumerate three evidence-based exercises that elicit high EMG levels of the gluteus medius
Approval Code(s) 861218 PACE Approved Course 9413 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 239 : Cervical Spinal Stenosis Management
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Relate the effects of posture on compression of the cervical cord and nerve roots and use this knowledge to develop decompression exercises for their cervical stenosis patients.
Decompress the cervical spine utilizing the Cervico 2000 ambulatory traction device.
Implement a strategy of upper extremity peripheral nerve stimulation to relieve symptoms of cervical spinal stenosis.
Develop and institute a comprehensive cervical spinal stenosis rehabilitation protocol as a potential alternative to surgery.
Approval Code(s) 866204 PACE Approved Course 10038 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 240 : Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Neurological Rehabilitation
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Relate the effects of spinal stenosis in the development of intermittent claudication.
Utilize a treadmill and a stopwatch, to quantify both the effects of stenosis on functional ability of patients and the effectiveness of treatment of spinal stenosis.
Apply TENs over acupuncture points known to increase nerve blood supply and how to reverse the pathophysiology of lumbar spinal stenosis.
Utilize dynamic imaging techniques, to gain a full appreciation of the changes in compression of the neural elements in different postures and spinal positions.
Hour 2
Apply an evidence based protocol of spinal decompression utilizing flexion-distraction techniques for spinal stenosis and degenerative spondylolisthesis.
Utilize therapeutic ultrasound to reduce congestion and inflammation of the compressed nerve roots in patients suffering from spinal stenosis.
Apply the neurophysiology of acupuncture, without needles, to reduce pain and promote proper nerve function in of lumbar spinal stenosis.
Hour 3
Utilize, best evidence, related to the use of lumbosacral support and back braces in their patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis.
Utilize the Vertetrac ambulatory decompression belt as the treatment for patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis.
Implement a dynamic decompression exercise program for patients suffering from lumbar spinal stenosis, based on best evidence.
Understand the pathophysiology of lumbar spinal stenosis and implement nutritional strategies that may potentially modify the course of the condition.
Utilize trans-spinal direct current stimulation as a form of noninvasive neuromodulation for patients suffering from intermittent claudication and spinal stenosis.
Approval Code(s) 848752 PACE Approved Course 10039 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 241 : Migraine Headache
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the available literature and assess the effect of aerobic exercise on the number of headache days, duration and pain intensity in patients with migraine headache.
Explore the efficacy of manual acupuncture and quantify the true placebo response in the prophylaxis of episodic migraine without aura.
Outline the existing evidence and theories pertaining to the evolutive nature of migraine headaches for most patients.
Assess the impact of spinal manipulation on pain and disability associated with migraine headache.
Critically review the prevalence and patient-related factors associated with the use of manual therapy for treatment of chronic recurrent headaches.
Approval Code(s) 848746 PACE Approved Course 10055 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 242 : Foot & Ankle
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Investigate whether manipulations of the ankle joint complex increase the force production and muscle activation of the hip abductors on the affected limb in individuals with a history of ankle sprain
Summarize the latest evidence pertaining to the diagnosis and treatment of insertional Achilles tendinopathy
Outline the association between ankle dorsiflexion and dynamic knee valgus
Discuss the state of the evidence pertaining to the clinical effects of joint mobilization on grades I and II ankle sprains
Describe how manual therapy can help alleviate symptoms of Cuboid Syndrome in spite of the presence of active bony pathology
Approval Code(s) 856717 PACE Approved Course 10084 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 243 : Patellofemoral Pain
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compare the effectiveness of multiple interventions for patellofemoral pain.
Assess the literature on the effects of spinal or local joint manipulation or mobilization for patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Evaluate the efficacy of knee strengthening with or without hip strengthening for improving strength and decreasing pain in patients with patellofemoral pain.
Summarize the factors that contribute to the development of patellofemoral pain.
Investigate the influence of exerted state running on lower extremity kinematics during the stance phase in runners with patellofemoral pain.
Approval Code(s) 860369 PACE Approved Course 10152 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 244 : Conservative management of femoro-acetabular impingement
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Nicholas Hedges DC, MS, CCSP
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe relevant anatomy, and the structural components of femoroacetabular impingement
Explain factors associated with development of femoroacetabular impingement
Discuss integration of manual therapies along with rehabilitation and lifestyle modification
Outline what a successful treatment plan may look like for the non-surgical management of femoroacetabular impingement
Analyze what factors my influence and necessitate modifications for treatment plans in individuals with femoroacetbular impingement syndrome
Approval Code(s) 914212 PACE Approved Course 10253 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 245 : PatelloFemoral Pain Syndrome
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Nicholas Hedges DC, MS, CCSP
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss up to date research on the etiology of PatelloFemoral Pain Syndrome
Differentiate the diagnosis of patellofemoral pain syndrome from other painful diagnosis of the knee
Discuss what interventions are effective in managing patellofemoral pain syndrome
Integrate manual techniques with rehabilitative techniques for optimal outcomes in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome
Summarize optimal treatment strategies and plans for the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome
Approval Code(s) 912912 PACE Approved Course 10256 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 246 : Making Sense of Hip Pain
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour One:
List three non-musculoskeletal diagnoses that can affect the hip with referred pain.
Describe two symptoms of axial spondyloarthropathy that may mimic posterior gluteal pain
Describe sacral insufficiency.
List three risk factors of statin involved muscle pain.
Hour Two:
Describe the key features of soft tissue posterior buttock pain.
Describe the key features of peripheral nerve related posterior buttock pain.
List three variable in the proposed CPR for lumbar radiculopathy.
Describe the referral pattern of thoracolumbar involvement.
Hour Three:
List three symptoms of a labral defect of the hip.
List two variables for the CPR of Osteoarthritis of the hip.
List four factors documented in the clinical presentation of Gluteal tendinopathy.
Describe four aspects of the pathomechanics for gluteal tendinopathy
Approval Code(s) 924376 PACE Approved Course 10273 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 247 : Soft Tissue Injuries of the Cervical Spine
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain the biomechanics of the cervical spine
Demonstrate examination of the cervical spine
Explain the mechanism of acceleration/deceleration impact
Describe pathological conditions of the cervical spine
Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the cervical spine
Approval Code(s) 926620 PACE Approved Course 10283 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 249 : Chiropractic Checkup from the Neck Up
Credit Hours(s) 8.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $160.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore the societal burden of headaches
Rank the prevalence of common headache types
Give examples of common lifestyle contributors to headache syndromes
Recognize the difference between primary and secondary headaches
Review clinical characteristics of common headache types
Differentiate cervicogenic headache from occipital neuralgia
Contrast trigeminal neuralgia and idiopathic facial pain
Summarize relevant clinical history questions for headache patients
Recognize red flags specific to headache patients
Define ‘dizziness’, ‘vertigo’ and other related terms
Review common differential diagnoses and assessment strategies for the dizzy or vertiginous patient
Utilize a TiTrATE approach to differentially diagnose and/or classify dizzy patients
Breakdown our contemporary understanding of cervicogenic dizziness
Summarize current diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic dizziness
Outline various physical examination procedures for evaluating cervical sensorimotor function
Define and outline the defining features of sports-related concussion
Outline the ‘neuro-metabolic cascade’ in concussion injuries
Summarize known risk factors for concussion
Contrast on-field versus in-clinic evaluation of concussion
Explore various clinical tools for evaluating concussion (ex. SCAT5, CRT, VOMS)
Identify and categorize common concussion symptoms
Recognize risk factors for prolonged recovery from concussion
Explore short- and long-term consequences of concussion
Summarize contemporary concussion management considerations for chiropractors
Appraise the reasons for concern relating to neck manipulation and stroke
Classify cervical artery strokes
Explore the epidemiology of cervical artery strokes
Summarize best-evidence relating to the association between spinal manipulation and cervical artery stroke
Outline relevant challenges and other factors relating to researching the relationship between neck manipulation and cervical artery stroke
Define protopathic bias and how it relates to stroke and neck manipulation
Critique potential mechanisms of injury relating to cervical manipulation and the cervical arteries
Integrate best practices into your clinical approach for ruling our emergent stroke in neck pain and headache patients
Review the HINTS examination as a mechanism to differentially diagnose acute vestibular syndrome
Review the evidence on the appropriateness and efficacy of manual therapy for treating headaches
Explore the literature pertaining to the complex interplay between cervical spine function and dizziness, persistent post-concussion symptoms, neck pain and headache
Critique the literature pertaining to the management of cervicogenic dizziness
Summarize existing evidence regarding the chiropractic management of concussion
Approval Code(s) 934556 PACE Approved Course 10285 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 250 : Soft Tissue Injury of the Elbow Wrist and Hand
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain the biomechanics of the elbow, wrist and hand.
Administer thorough examination of the elbow, wrist and hand.
Differentially diagnose the pathological conditions of the elbow, wrist and hand.
Perform soft tissue treatments for the elbow, wrist and hand.
Apply functional relationships of the elbow, wrist and hand to associated regions for thorough evaluation and treatment.
Approval Code(s) 942424 PACE Approved Course 10286 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 251 : Thoracic spine and ribs
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain the biomechanics of the thoracic spine and ribs
Describe the examination of the thoracic spine and ribs
Describe the pathological conditions of the thoracic spine and ribs
Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the thoracic spine and ribs
Define functional relationships of the thoracic spine and ribs with associated regions
Approval Code(s) 965716 PACE Approved Course 10309 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 252 : Chiropractic & Healthy Aging
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Investigate the association between brain age and chronic low back pain duration and pain severity
Compare Medicare expenditures over time in older adults with chronic low back pain who initially receive opioid analgesic therapy versus spinal manipulation
Recognize the impact of spinal manipulation on escalation of care and risk of adverse drug events among older Medicare patients with chronic low back pain
Summarize existing clinical practice guidelines on fall prevention and management for older adults
Outline the neuroinflammatory contribution to the development of tissue damage and joint-related pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
Approval Code(s) 925720 PACE Approved Course 10310 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 253 : Injuries in rock climbers
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Nicholas Hedges DC, MS, CCSP
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss relevant anatomy associated with specific injuries to climbers
Summarize common climbing movements and grip types
Apply knowledge of relevant anatomy, movement, and grip types in discussing etiology of climbing injuries
Differentiate common presentations of injuries in rock climbers
Determine which presentations and etiologies require further interventions such as imaging, surgical consult etc..
Briefly describe active management strategies and treatment plans for rock climbing injuries
Approval Code(s) 966782 PACE Approved Course 10314 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 254 : Low Back Pain Treatment Updates
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the recent NASS clinical guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of low back pain
Assess the literature to determine which mode(s) of exercise is/are best for treating chronic low back pain
Discuss the comparative effectiveness of currently available treatments for acute and subacute mechanical non-specific low back pain
Explore how clinicians can optimally facilitate self-management in patients with back pain
Evaluate the effectiveness of Foot Levelers shoe orthotics with and without chiropractic treatment for chronic low back pain as compared with no treatment
Approval Code(s) 988572 PACE Approved Course 10334 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 255 : Hamstrings, Achilles Tendinopathy, Ankle Sprains & Plantar Heel Pain
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain current best practices for the diagnosis and management of Achilles tendinopathy
Synthesize the evidence from randomized controlled trials to determine the clinical effectiveness of shockwave therapy, either as a monotherapy or part of a multimodal package of care for chronic mid- and insertional-Achilles tendinopathy
Appraise an international, multi-disciplinary consensus statement on return to sport decisions after lateral ankle injuries
Outline best practices in the management of plantar heel pain based on the latest evidence
Establish the effectiveness of the Nordic Hamstring Exercise for preventing hamstring injuries in athletes
Approval Code(s) 988574 PACE Approved Course 10335 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 256 : Soft Tissue Treatment Lumbopelvic Spine
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain the biomechanics of the lumbopelvic spine
Describe the examination of the lumbopelvic spine
Explain the mechanism of scoliosis
Describe the pathological conditions of the lumbopelvic spine
Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the lumbopelvic spine
Approval Code(s) 996584 PACE Approved Course 10343 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 257 : The TMJ
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain the biomechanics of the TMJ
Describe the examination of the TMJ
Describe the pathological conditions of the TMJ
Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the TMJ
Define functional relationships of the TMJ with associated regions
Approval Code(s) 1024974 PACE Approved Course 10362 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 257 - 259
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors multiple
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1: The TMJ
Explain the biomechanics of the TMJ
Describe the examination of the TMJ
Describe the pathological conditions of the TMJ
Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the TMJ
Define functional relationships of the TMJ with associated regions
Hour 2: Soft Tissue Injury and Treatment
Explain injury and healing of soft tissues
Perform somatic technique and strain/counterstrain
Utilize friction massage and post isometric relaxation
Perform active release and myofascial release
Apply trigger point ultrasound, exercise, stretching and manipulation
Hour 3 - 6: The TMJ: Examination and Treatment
Distinguish the anatomical structures involved in TMJ dysfunction, including the temporomandibular joint, mandible, and associated muscles and the different types of jaw movements and their biomechanical implications.
Interpret the normal biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint during various jaw movements.
Identify the key ligaments and soft tissues supporting the temporomandibular joint and the factors that can lead to abnormal biomechanics and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.
Explain the role of muscle imbalances and joint misalignments in TMJ dysfunction.
Differentiate the relationship between the temporomandibular joint and adjacent anatomical structures.
Appraise the various assessment tools used in evaluating TMJ dysfunction, such as patient history, physical examination, and imaging studies.
Arrange a comprehensive physical examination of the temporomandibular joint, including range of motion assessment, palpation, loading, stressing, and compressing.
Demonstrate the ability to perform a comprehensive evaluation of TMJ dysfunction and posture, including assessing range of motion, muscle strength, joint stability, and postural alignment.
Discriminate the indications of differential diagnoses for TMJ dysfunction.
Analyze the findings from a TMJ dysfunction and posture assessment to formulate an accurate clinical diagnosis.
Develop a holistic approach to managing TMJ dysfunction, considering both conservative and interventional treatment options.
Apply specific chiropractic techniques and adjustments aimed at restoring normal joint alignment and function of the temporomandibular joint and about occlusal splints and their use in managing TMJ dysfunction.
Propose a role of therapeutic exercises and stretching in improving jaw mobility and strengthening supporting muscles and the importance of patient education and lifestyle modifications in the management of TMJ dysfunction.
Develop a treatment plan for patients with TMJ dysfunction and posture issues, incorporating therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, postural re-education, and other appropriate interventions.
Evaluate the efficacy of potential benefits and risks associated with various treatment modalities for TMJ dysfunction and posture problems, considering evidence-based practices and patient-specific factors
Develop effective communication skills to educate patients about TMJ dysfunction, its causes, and treatment options.
Establish efficient and patient-centered procedures for the assessment and management of TMJ dysfunction in a chiropractic practice.
Recognize the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in managing complex cases of TMJ dysfunction specific to the role of dentists in assessing and managing occlusal factors contributing to TMJ dysfunction.
Foster collaborative relationships with other healthcare providers involved in the management of TMJ dysfunction to ensure coordinated and comprehensive patient care.
Stay updated with current research and advancements in the field of TMJ dysfunction and posture, fostering a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development.
Other Info This course contains the same content as found in the individual courses Management of Common Conditions 257, 258 and 259
Approval Code(s) 1124568 PACE Approved Course 10405 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 258 : Soft Tissue Injury and Treatment
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain injury and healing of soft tissues
Perform somatic technique and strain/counterstrain
Utilize friction massage and post isometric relaxation
Perform active release and myofascial release
Apply trigger point ultrasound, exercise, stretching and manipulation
Approval Code(s) 1074466 PACE Approved Course 10375 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 259 : The TMJ: Examination and Treatment
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors David Hannah, DC, DACO
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Introduction
Distinguish the anatomical structures involved in TMJ dysfunction, including the temporomandibular joint, mandible, and associated muscles and the different types of jaw movements and their biomechanical implications.
Interpret the normal biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint during various jaw movements.
Identify the key ligaments and soft tissues supporting the temporomandibular joint and the factors that can lead to abnormal biomechanics and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.
Explain the role of muscle imbalances and joint misalignments in TMJ dysfunction.
Differentiate the relationship between the temporomandibular joint and adjacent anatomical structures.
Appraise the various assessment tools used in evaluating TMJ dysfunction, such as patient history, physical examination, and imaging studies.
Arrange a comprehensive physical examination of the temporomandibular joint, including range of motion assessment, palpation, loading, stressing, and compressing.
Demonstrate the ability to perform a comprehensive evaluation of TMJ dysfunction and posture, including assessing range of motion, muscle strength, joint stability, and postural alignment.
Discriminate the indications of differential diagnoses for TMJ dysfunction.
Analyze the findings from a TMJ dysfunction and posture assessment to formulate an accurate clinical diagnosis.
Mobilization and Adjusting
Develop a holistic approach to managing TMJ dysfunction, considering both conservative and interventional treatment options.
Apply specific chiropractic techniques and adjustments aimed at restoring normal joint alignment and function of the temporomandibular joint and about occlusal splints and their use in managing TMJ dysfunction.
Propose a role of therapeutic exercises and stretching in improving jaw mobility and strengthening supporting muscles and the importance of patient education and lifestyle modifications in the management of TMJ dysfunction.
Develop a treatment plan for patients with TMJ dysfunction and posture issues, incorporating therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, postural re-education, and other appropriate interventions.
Evaluate the efficacy of potential benefits and risks associated with various treatment modalities for TMJ dysfunction and posture problems, considering evidence-based practices and patient-specific factors
Develop effective communication skills to educate patients about TMJ dysfunction, its causes, and treatment options.
Establish efficient and patient-centered procedures for the assessment and management of TMJ dysfunction in a chiropractic practice.
Recognize the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in managing complex cases of TMJ dysfunction specific to the role of dentists in assessing and managing occlusal factors contributing to TMJ dysfunction.
Foster collaborative relationships with other healthcare providers involved in the management of TMJ dysfunction to ensure coordinated and comprehensive patient care.
Stay updated with current research and advancements in the field of TMJ dysfunction and posture, fostering a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development.
Approval Code(s) 1094400 PACE Approved Course 10393 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 260 : Soft Tissue Injury of the Ankle and Foot
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain the biomechanics of the ankle and foot.
Administer thorough examination of the ankle and foot.
Differentially diagnose the pathological conditions of the ankle and foot.
Perform soft tissue treatments for the ankle and foot.
Apply functional relationships of the ankle and foot to associated regions for thorough evaluation and treatment.
Approval Code(s) 1082684 PACE Approved Course 10383 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 261 : Headaches: Classifications and Conditions
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compare headache criteria and classifications from the World Health Organization, International Headache Society and Cleveland Clinic for chronic, acute and traumatic headaches.
Explain primary and secondary headaches for patient comprehension and communication of their condition with other healthcare practitioners.
Devise appropriate history, examination and treatment protocols for your adult and child headache patient.
Utilize Headache categories and criteria to accurately diagnose your patient’s condition for migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches, medication induced headaches, traumatic headaches and more.
Determine headache sequela that may be emergencies for adult and youth headache sufferers.
Approval Code(s) 1085170 PACE Approved Course 10385 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 262 : Soft Tissue Treatment of the Shoulder
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain the biomechanics of the shoulder
Describe the examination of the shoulder
Describe the pathological conditions of the shoulder
Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the shoulder
Define functional relationships of the shoulder with associated regions
Approval Code(s) 1092758 PACE Approved Course 10391 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 263 : Craniopathy and Headaches
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Interpret cranial bone, suture and meninges anatomy applicable to the practice of Craniopathy treatment.
Relate the principles of Craniopathy and cranial faults to their effect on the brain regarding headaches and other conditions.
Assess the temporomandibular joint, cranial faults and the cervical spine as they interrelate for effective headache treatment protocols.
Examine cranial bones and sutures using Applied Kinesiology.
Apply treatment protocols using Craniopathy for cranial bones and sutures, and manipulative therapeutics and manual methods for treating the TMJ and cervical spine.
Approval Code(s) 1116840 PACE Approved Course 10402 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 265 : Association Between Sitting & Low Back Pain
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the immediate effect of different sitting postures during a standardized computer task on perceived pain in healthy participants
Analyze the immediate and short-term effects of three common sitting postures (slouched, upright and supported sitting with a backrest) on pain, lumbar range of motion, proprioception and trunk muscle activity in asymptomatic subjects
Summarize the evidence regarding the association between objectively measured sitting time and immediate increases in perceived low back pain
Compare the effectiveness of the Smart Work and Life (SWAL) intervention, with and without a height adjustable desk, on daily sitting time during and outside of work
Approval Code(s) 1134686 PACE Approved Course 10418 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 266 : Soft Tissue Injuries of the Hip and Knee
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Linda Simon, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain the biomechanics of the hip and knee.
Administer thorough examination of the hip and knee.
Differentially diagnose the pathological conditions of the hip and knee.
Perform soft tissue treatments for the hip and knee.
Apply functional relationships of the hip and knee to associated regions for thorough evaluation and treatment.
Approval Code(s) 1221076 PACE Approved Course 10486 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 269 : Diagnosis and Management of Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia - What Nobody Told You About Headache & Head Injury
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss an overview of Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia
Discuss the statistical incidence and association with head and neck trauma
Identify associated and confounding Factors
Recognize in clinical practice the common signs and symptoms of CTE
Refer for appropriate evaluation and diagnostic imaging for patients with this condition
Hour 2
Appraise Updated Biomechanics: The Biotensegrity Model
Describe the tensegrity model as it relates to biomechanics from a cellular to organism level.
Define fascia, including anatomical lines and physical properties.
Describe the Dural Fascial Kinetic Chain and its relationship to Adverse Mechanical Tension
Describe the clinical relevance of biotensegrity, and how to apply these updated architectural and biomechanical principles to the delivery of chiropractic adjustments.
Identify the different types of Adverse Mechanical Tension affecting patients
Discuss the relationship between fascia and CNS function, including both direct mechanical tension and embedded proprioceptive/nociceptive feedback mechanisms influencing autonomic neurological function.
Hour 3
Explain CNS distortion: Chronic Stress
Summarize the impact of chronic stress on CNS processing.
List Common types of dysautonomia
Recognize common signs and symptoms of dysautonomia during initial patient presentation.
Explain the diagnostic process for dysautonomia, including both testing and interpretation.
Summarize clinical considerations for the patient with sympatheticotonia.
Hour 4
Recognize CSF hydrodynamics and cranial anatomy, and related symptomatology.
Recognize and describe the common signs and symptoms of abnormal hydrodynamics and Adverse Mechanical Tension (AMT) affecting cranial and dural dynamics.
Refer for appropriate evaluation and testing procedures for CSF and cranial dynamics.
Perform modified cranial and fascial release techniques
Approval Code(s) 1239530 PACE Approved Course 10503 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 272 : TMJ & Facial Pain
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe pertinent differential diagnoses for facial pain
Breakdown the available interventions available for chronic pain secondary to temporomandibular disorders
Compare the effectiveness of two types of treatment – dry needling and upper cervical spinal manipulation versus interocclusal splint therapy, topical NSAIDs and TMJ mobilization for patients with temporomandibular disorder
Evaluate the comparative effectiveness of cervical versus combined cervico-craniomandibular manual therapy in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD)
Approval Code(s) 1274225 PACE Approved Course 10533 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 273 : Important Low Back Pain Papers
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Develop a better understanding of the clinical course of low back pain across different pain durations and populations
Assess the literature linking hip biomechanics to low back pain
Outline prolonged standing pain developer characteristics and risk factors associated with standing-induced low back pain
Investigate the clinical and cost effectiveness of an individualized, progressive walking and education program for preventing recurrences of low back pain
Examine the effects of diagnostic labels for low back pain on patients’ perceived need for imaging and other aspects of their condition
Approval Code(s) 1274226 PACE Approved Course 10534 Expires: 2026-07-31
Management of Common Conditions 274 : Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Update the 2013 Cochrane review and determine the current state of the literature on non-operative treatment for neurogenic claudication caused by lumbar spinal stenosis
Summarize a treatment algorithm for the management of lumbar spinal stenosis derived from and international expert Delphi consensus process
Identify the relevant clinical indicators and pertinent physical examination procedures that can assist in the identification of peripheral arterial diseases or lower limb blood flow limitations
Assess the value of adding spinal manipulation and electrical dry needling to standard physical therapy for lumbar spinal stenosis patients
Evaluate whether primary care patients with lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms benefit from programs designed for patients with non-specific low back pain
Approval Code(s) 1274227 PACE Approved Course 10535 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 103 - 114
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors multiple
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Manipulation 103 through Manipulation 114
Other Info Course Group includes all Manipulation Courses numbered 103 thru 114
Approval Code(s) 861228 PACE Approved Course 2799 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 104 : Chiropractic and Movement Time, Heart Rate Variability
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Determine the effect of chiropractic on movement time
Assess the effects of spinal manipulation and ultrasound on chronic low back pain
Describe heart rate variability as a measurement tool
Assess the effects of chiropractic on heart rate variability
Approval Code(s) 861230 PACE Approved Course 3318 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 105 : Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation and Cervicogenic Headaches, Autonomic Output
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Determine the effect of thoracic spine manipulation on autonomic output to the heart
Review criteria for the diagnosis of cervicogenic headaches
Describe a clinical assessment for cervicogenic headaches
Assess the effects of chiropractic and spinal manipulation on cervicogenic headaches
Approval Code(s) 861232 PACE Approved Course 1948 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 106 : Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation: Epidemiology, Cost-Effectiveness, Patient Outcomes, and Theories
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe spinal manipulation use by time, place, and person, identify predictors of the use of spinal manipulation
Review cost-effectiveness of SMT compared to other treatment options for people with spinal pain of any duration
Describe the current literature on patient-centered outcomes following a specific type of commonly used SM, high-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA), in patients with LBP
Review the putative mechanical features of the subluxation and three theories that form the foundation for much of chiropractic practice
Approval Code(s) 861234 PACE Approved Course 3320 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 107 : Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation: Sensorimotor Integration and Neurophysiology, Human Performance, and Visceral Function
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Provide an overview of research on the effects of spinal manipulation on sensory processing, motor output, functional performance and sensorimotor integration
Examine performance based outcome measures used in an attempt to objectively measure the ramifications of spinal manipulation
Update knowledge regarding several physical characteristics of an applied SMT, and review what is known about the signaling characteristics of sensory neurons innervating the vertebral column in response to spinal manipulation
Review the physiological evidence that spinal manipulation can impact visceral function
Approval Code(s) 861236 PACE Approved Course 1997 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 109 : Cervical Spine
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Outline the limitations of a recent trial on preventive treatments including spinal manipulation for neck pain and how they contribute to our interpretation of the results of the study
Interpret results of an important trial on spinal manipulation and exercise for neck pain
Discuss recent evidence comparing spinal manipulation to mobilization for recent onset neck pain
Use recent evidence to justify manipulating various spinal regions for patients with neck pain
Critique the potential for chest and neck mobilizations to affect spirometric performance (breathing)
Approval Code(s) 861240 PACE Approved Course 1951 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 110 : Review of Journal Articles Regarding Efficacy of SMT
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Contrast Clinical Guideline-based care with usual medical care for acute low back pain
Recognize the potential benefit of adding exercise prescription to spinal manipulation for low back pain
Compare the effectiveness of spinal manipulation to McKenzie Method interventions for persistent low back pain
Outline factors that may help predict improvement in patients seeking chiropractic care for low back pain
Explain the benefits of evidence-based care for low back pain
Approval Code(s) 861242 PACE Approved Course 3334 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 111 : Review of Journal Articles Regarding Lumbar Manipulation
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compare the efficacy of standard medical care (SMC) alone versus chiropractic spinal manipulation + SMC for acute low back pain patients
Discuss the value of a combined (pragmatic) chiropractic approach for treating low back pain
Analyze the state of the research literature directly comparing spinal manipulation, exercise and acupuncture as treatments for low back pain
Update your understanding of joint cavitation during side posture lumbar manipulation
Critique the only study (to date) on maintenance care for low back pain including spinal manipulation
Approval Code(s) 861244 PACE Approved Course 1998 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 112 : Efficacy and Factors Involved with Cervical Manipulation
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Develop evidence-based chiropractic treatment recommendations for nonspecific (mechanical) neck pain in adults
Discuss the clinical criteria justifying spinal manipulative therapy for neck pain
Assess the relative effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy and rehabilitative exercise for neck pain in seniors
Describe the working mechanism of manual therapy in participants with chronic tension-type headache
Examine the cerebrovascular hemodynamic response of cervical spine positions using MRI on the vertebral artery
Approval Code(s) 861246 PACE Approved Course 3370 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 113 : Disc Herniation, Radiculopathy and Chronic Neck Pain
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Critique the state of the evidence for manual therapy interventions in the treatment of cervical radiculopathy
Compare two common interventions – spinal manipulation and nerve root injection – for patients with MRI-confirmed lumbar disc herniation
Critique the state of the evidence for spinal manipulation (specifically) in the treatment of cervical radiculopathy
Interpret the results of a cohort study of MRI-confirmed symptomatic cervical disc herniation patients treated with cervical manipulation
Compare isolated cervical SMT versus a combination of cervical, cervico-thoracic and thoracic SMT in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain
Approval Code(s) 861248 PACE Approved Course 2105 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 115 : How does Chiropractic Affect Your Patient?
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the science behind chiropractic care
Translate the intent of manipulative therapy to patients and other healthcare providers
Describe the potential results of not having recommended chiropractic care
Outline the different theories of the subluxation complex
Justify the care you recommend based on electrodiagnostic, imaging, and laboratory studies
Approval Code(s) 861252 PACE Approved Course 2272 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 117 : Important papers on: Maintenance Care, Effects on Biomechanical Markers, Association with Acute Lumbar Disc Herniation
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compare chiropractic maintenance care to symptom-guided care for patients with persistent or recurrent low back pain
Investigate whether adding chiropractic care to usual medical care improves outcomes for military personnel suffering from low back pain
Evaluate the research on the effectiveness of mobilization and manipulation for chronic non-specific low back pain
Determine the effects of spinal manipulation on biochemical markers in humans
Appraise the associations between chiropractic and primary care physician care in relation to acute lumbar disc herniation with early surgery
Approval Code(s) 861256 PACE Approved Course 6373 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 117 - 122
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors multiple
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Manipulation 117 through Manipulation 122
Approval Code(s) 1008534 PACE Approved Course 10356 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 118 : Maintenance Care, Cervical Hemodynamics & Neurophysiological Effects of the Adjustment
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify a sub-group of recurrent low back pain patients that might respond most favorably to a maintenance care schedule
Summarize existing research literature on chiropractic maintenance care
Investigate short-term changes in pain-pressure threshold (PPT) and temporal summation (TS) after lumbar spinal manipulation (SMT) compared to a credible sham intervention
Determine whether cervical spinal manipulation leads to meaningful changes in vertebral and cerebral hemodynamics, compared to neutral or end-range neck rotation postures in adults with chronic neck pain
Summarize the current state of the literature regarding the neurophysiological effects of high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulative therapy (HVLA-SMT) in asymptomatic and symptomatic humans
Critique the existing, sham-controlled literature evaluating the acute changes in autonomic nervous system (ANS) markers and function in patients receiving manipulation to spinal or peripheral joints
Approval Code(s) 861258 PACE Approved Course 8843 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 119
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Identify important spinal anatomy with relation to joint pain, degeneration and stabilization.
Explain the efficacy of spinal manipulation (SM) for various clinical presentations
Discuss current literature reviews regarding safety concerns and controversies with SM.
Perform joint manipulative procedures to the spine and pelvis
Hour 2
Discuss common clinical anatomy related to the trunk and torso, with practically to joint manipulation.
Examine the thoracic and lumbar spine through important clinical landmarks and topical anatomical structures.
Perform alternative manipulative procedures to the spine and pelvis
Hour 3
Discuss common clinical anatomy related to the head, and neck.
Examine the cervical spine through important clinical landmarks and topical anatomical structures.
Perform joint manipulative procedures for cervical spine.
Perform manipulative and mobilization procedures to the temporomandibular joints.
Approval Code(s) 861260 PACE Approved Course 9660 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 120
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Examine the effect of chiropractic manipulation on reaction and response time in combat-ready special operations forces qualified personnel
Assess the influence of chiropractic care on the strength, balance, and/or endurance in active-duty United States military personnel
Evaluate the impact of upper- vs lower-extremity chiropractic manipulation on postural sway and dual task performance
Provide an update regarding the mechanisms of action for manual therapy, the impact of manual therapy on pain management, health care conditions for which manual therapy may be beneficial and treatment plans
Approval Code(s) 824350 PACE Approved Course 10025 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 121 : Extremity Adjustment - Foot and Ankle
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Review common foot and ankle anatomy.
Evaluate the foot and ankle.
Perform physical and neurological examinations and tests related to the foot and ankle.
Identify uncomplicated common conditions during the evaluation of the foot and ankle.
Hour 2
Discuss evidence-based literature suggesting the practically of manipulation of the foot and ankle.
Perform adjustments of the foot.
Perform adjustments of the ankle.
Utilize a speeder/toggle board for the foot.
Hour 3
Describe the impact of disturbances on the determinant factors of health in the structures of the foot and ankle
Apply corrective and preventative measures to conditions affecting the health of the foot and ankle
Utilize evidence-based low technology rehabilitative methods to manage patient care of common foot and ankle conditions.
User strategies to address challenges patients have with adhering to rehabilitative programs.
Approval Code(s) 848468 PACE Approved Course 10020 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 122 : Upper Extremities Manipulation - Hand, Wrist and Shoulder
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Review common hand, wrist and shoulder anatomy.
Evaluate the hand write and shoulder.
Perform physical and neurological examinations and tests related to hand wrist and shoulder.
Identify uncomplicated common conditions during the evaluation of the hand wrist and shoulder
Hour 2
Discuss evidence-based literature suggesting the practically of manipulation of the hand, wrist and shoulder.
Perform adjustments of the hand.
Perform adjustments of the wrist.
Perform adjustments of the shoulder
Hour 3
Describe the impact of disturbances on the determinant factors of health in the structures of the hand, wrist and shoulder
Apply corrective and preventative measures to conditions affecting the health of the hand, wrist and shoulder
Utilize evidence-based low technology rehabilitative methods to manage patient care of common hand, wrist and shoulder
User strategies to address challenges patients have with adhering to rehabilitative programs.
Approval Code(s) 856703 PACE Approved Course 10022 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 123 : Research Updates on Mechanisms, Targeting, Adverse Events & Immunity
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize existing literature regarding the neurophysiological mechanisms of spinal manipulation for spine pain
Identify the beliefs, perceptions and practices of chiropractors and patients regarding benign adverse events after spinal manipulation and potential strategies to mitigate them
Explore recent research pertaining to the importance or segmental pain and stiffness when targeting the application of spinal manipulation
Assess the literature on the effect of SMT on acute neck pain, including pain, disability and quality of life measures and reported adverse effects
Examine the evidence pertaining to the efficacy and effectiveness of spinal manipulation for preventing infectious disease and improving disease-specific health outcomes among patients with infectious disease
Approval Code(s) 930599 PACE Approved Course 10316 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 124 : Adverse Events Associated with Spinal Manipulation and Manual Therapy
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define and classify adverse events associated with manipulation and mobilization
Review symptoms patients perceive as adverse
Describe the incidence of severe adverse events among chiropractic recipients
Outline adverse events in the pregnant and postpartum periods
Approval Code(s) 995912 PACE Approved Course 10342 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 125 : Sensor-Based-Technique
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Lawrence DelRe, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the vertebral architectural distortion that predicts spinal imbalances.
Explain the factors involved in the etiology related to the primary components of the proprioceptor-cerebellar network.
Cite the law that establishes a classic chiropractic patient via radiograph.
Compare the classic manual osseous adjustment to Sensor-Based-Technique in regards to risk and effectiveness for reversing the cause of most chronic subluxations: An aberrant proprioceptor-cerebellar network feedback loop, (usually initiated by injury,) sustained through time by wedged vertebral bodies via Wolff's law, involving neuromuscular fixation engrams compensating for unlevel vertebral architecture.
Palpate the tendinous insertions of the paraspinal musculature in the areas of the spinous process tips and identify those areas that show tension, and demonstrate proper cross-friction massage at those points.
Approval Code(s) 1008536 PACE Approved Course 10357 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 126 : Chiropractic & Radicular Low Back Pain
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize our current understanding of biomechanical and biochemical processes that contribute to the development of discogenic back pain
Assess the possible association between receiving chiropractic spinal manipulation and the risk of subsequent cauda equina syndrome (CES) in adults with low back pain
Determine the impact of receiving chiropractic spinal manipulation on the odds of being prescribed Benzodiazepines for radicular low back pain
Establish if receiving chiropractic spinal manipulation following a radicular low back pain diagnosis influences the likelihood of subsequently receiving a gabapentin prescription
Examine the association between receipt of spinal manipulation and tramadol prescription among adults with a new diagnosis of radicular low back pain
Approval Code(s) 1274224 PACE Approved Course 10532 Expires: 2026-07-31
Medical Errors 205
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Gregory Priest, DC, DABCO
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour One:
Discuss common medical errors made in the process of choosing diagnostic imaging for patients with cervical spine injuries
Discuss the role of Clinical Prediction Rules and their role in preventing common errors in overutilization of radiographic studies in patients with cervical spine injuries
Describe the Canadian C-Spine Rule, Canadian Head CT Rule and NEXUS Low-Risk Criteria, as well as their limitations and exceptions
Review the literature supporting the use of Clinical Prediction Rules in the prevention of medical errors
Hour Two:
Discuss limitations of plain film radiography in the evaluation of injured patients, and strategies to avoid medical errors due to inappropriate selection of imaging modalities
Discuss relevant clinical indications for ordering advanced imaging studies in the evaluation of patients with cervical spine injuries
Review common advanced imaging studies and their role in preventing medical errors of commission or omission
Discuss the clinical relevance of recognizing loss of cervical motion segment integrity in the evaluation and management of injured patients
Approval Code(s) 1168196 PACE Approved Course 10446 Expires: 2026-07-31
Medical Marijuana 201 : Eligibility and Use
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Emmett Hughes, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List the conditions commonly treated with medical marijuana.
List the basic physiological mechanism that result from medical marijuana
Explain the different cannabinol receptors known in human tissues
Explain the benefits of cannabidiol vs. tetrahydrocannabinols
List the specific physiological benefits for conditions commonly treated with medical marijuana
Recognize the side effects and potential dangers of medical marijuana
Approval Code(s) 1196074 PACE Approved Course 5504 Expires: 2026-07-31
Mobilization 201 : Joint Mobilizations for the Upper Quarter
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List and define the components of the SINSS classification used for an upper quarter evaluation
Recall two neurophysiological effects of upper quarter joint mobilizations
Cite two indications for performing grade 1-2 joint mobilizations to the upper quarter
Identify two conditions that would warrant performing grad 3-4 joint mobilizations to the upper quarter
Enumerate 5 contraindications for performing joint mobilizations to the upper quarter State two specific diagnostic or impairment-based indications for performing a cervical distraction mobilization.
Summarize the purpose for performing a posterior mobilization to the glenohumeral joint
Paraphrase the clinical prediction rule used to determine the effectiveness of cervico-thoracic mobilizations for patient’s presenting with subacromial impingement.
Approval Code(s) 861264 PACE Approved Course 7566 Expires: 2026-07-31
Mobilization 202 : Joint Mobilizations for the Lower Quarter
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List and define the components of the SINSS classification used for a lower quarter evaluation
Recall two neurophysiological effects of joint mobilizations as applied to the lower quarter
Cite two indications for performing grade 1-2 joint mobilizations for the lower quarter
Identify two conditions that would warrant performing grad 3-4 joint mobilizations for the lower quarter
Enumerate 5 contraindications for performing joint mobilizations as applied to the lower quarter
State two specific diagnostic or impairment-based indications for performing a lateral to caudal hip joint mobilization.
Explain the purpose for performing a posterior to anterior proximal tibiofibular glide
Provide two common indications for performing a medial patella mobilization technique
Approval Code(s) 861266 PACE Approved Course 7567 Expires: 2026-07-31
Mobilization 203 : Releasing Subluxations through Comfort and Ease
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Ethan Feldman, DC
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss the history behind the discovery of and development of releasing somatic dysfunction via positional release techniques via the work of Lawrence Jones, DO, George Goodheart, DC and others
Discuss the basic concepts of how the body responds to stress and trauma according to Irvin Korr and how slackening the dysfunctional muscle and joint tissues works to restore normal function.
Apply anatomy and kinesiology as a means of finding and unwinding somatic dysfunction.
Include the learned techniques into your practice.
Compare and contrast the rapid thrust vs. positional release modes of releasing subluxations or somatic dysfunction.
Hour 2
Summarize the muscle spindle, specifically, the anatomy and physiology of the spindle subcomponents and how it regulates function of skeletal muscle.
Breakdown the neural reflex mechanisms of the muscle spindle and appreciate how these mechanisms operate in both somatic function and dysfunction.
Explain the hypothesis of the “facilitated segment” aka somatic dysfunction, explained both in terms of neurology and by analogies so as to be clear to both the doctor and the patient
Identify somatic dysfunction via locating tender points and learn the mechanism of slackening in order to relieve the tender point reactivity and restore normal function to the muscle and joint.
Identify and correct tender point locations and positional releases.
Approval Code(s) 827313 PACE Approved Course 10190 Expires: 2026-07-31
MRI 101 : Basic Principles of MRI Imaging as it Relates to the Lumbar Spine
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Jeff Swift, DC, DABCN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the basic principles of MRI imaging as it relates to the musculoskeletal system.
Summarize current criteria utilized to identify Lumbar pathology and the appropriate lexicon utilized in neuroradiology to assist the Doctor of Chiropractic in interpreting studies ordered.
Identify normal anatomy of the lumbar spine on MRI images.
Differentiate gross pathology associated with the most common MRI presentations associated with general Chiropractic practice.
Assess the necessity of MRI imaging for lumbar pathology, with an understanding of the pathophysiology of the degenerative process associated with lumbar spine aging
Approval Code(s) 861268 PACE Approved Course 3785 Expires: 2026-07-31
NeuroFascial Integration 201 : Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes Module 1
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
Describe the tensegrity model as it relates to biomechanics from a cellular to organism level.
Define fascia, including anatomical lines and physical properties.
Describe the Dural Fascial Kinetic Chain and its relationship to Adverse Mechanical Tension (AMT) on the spine and CNS.
Describe the clinical relevance of biotensegrity, and how to apply these updated architectural and biomechanical principles to the delivery of chiropractic adjustments.
Hour 2:
Explain the impact of chronic stress
Recognize common signs and symptoms of sympatheticotonia during initial patient presentation.
Outline the diagnostic process for sympatheticotonia, including both testing and interpretation.
Summarize clinical considerations for the patient with sympatheticotonia.
Hour 3:
Recognize and describe the common signs and symptoms of imbalance during initial patient presentation.
Outline and demonstrate testing procedures for imbalance.
Describe clinical interpretation of test results for imbalance.
Make referral for imbalance when appropriate.
Hour 4:
Describe statistical incidence and association with head and neck trauma
Be able to recognize in clinical practice the common signs and symptoms of head and neck trauma
Outline the diagnostic process for head and neck trauma, including both testing and interpretation.
Summarize clinical considerations for the patient with head and neck trauma
Approval Code(s) 910424 PACE Approved Course 10243 Expires: 2026-07-31
NeuroFascial Integration 201 - 203 : Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed for NeuroFascial Integration 201 - 203
Approval Code(s) 943056 PACE Approved Course 10277 Expires: 2026-07-31
NeuroFascial Integration 202 : Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes Module 2
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
Describe layered components of restrictions including updated osseous, muscular, and fascial relational anatomy.
Describe how to palpate muscle tension versus fascial adhesion versus fascial tension lines.
Differentiate between osseous restriction, muscular tension, and fascial restriction as they relate to spinal motion restriction.
Use palpatory findings to select technique application for adjustments that last longer by addressing mechanical root cause and encourage parasympathetic dominance at rest.
Hour 2:
Describe the difference between static misalignments and dynamic spinal restrictions (joints incapable of full range of motion).
Differentiate with palpation both static and dynamic spinal restrictions.
Describe neurological information gathered from palpation, including dysesthesia, hyperesthesia, reactive erythema, temperature differentials, and other signs.
Palpate the patient with chronic pain, trauma history, and/or sympatheticotonia without triggering sympathetic bracing.
Hour 3:
Describe the Oxford Grading Scale for manual muscle testing.
Describe interpretation of manual muscle testing findings, including differentials for clinical significance of findings other than normal.
Demonstrate manual muscle testing of major postural muscles.
Apply manual muscle testing as pre- and post-clinical intervention measures during adjustment visits and to track change during review examination.
Hour 4:
Describe the relevance of clinical history as it relates to chronic stress and trauma.
List specific questions to assess for sympatheticotonia.
List specific questions to assess for indications of head and neck trauma
Determine appropriate individualized examination procedures based on history answers.
Approval Code(s) 910426 PACE Approved Course 10244 Expires: 2026-07-31
NeuroFascial Integration 203 : Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes Module 3
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
List the relevant indications to assess using cross-crawl patterning.
Describe testing procedures to determine specific cross-crawl pattern issues
Describe testing procedures to assess for signs of sympatheticotonia.
Describe testing procedures to assess for signs of imbalance.
Hour 2:
Perform seated functional range of motion testing with segmental and curve analysis.
Perform standing functional range of motion testing with segmental and curve analysis.
Describe fascial considerations to modify common orthopedic tests (including straight leg raise, supine apparent arm length inequality, bilateral prone knee flexion, and soto hall).
List the orthopedic exam procedures specifically relevant to Fascial Kinetic Chain tension.
Hour 3:
Describe clinical considerations in terms of safety of providing care (knowing when to adjust and when NOT to adjust).
Define what is “primary” (including considerations of “cause” as well as “least stressful point of access” to determine what to adjust or otherwise apply therapeutic input).
Recognize patterns of and describe gestalt clinical interpretation for sympatheticotonia.
Recognize patterns of and describe gestalt clinical interpretation for adverse mechanical tension in the Fascial Kinetic Chain
Describe patterns of peripheral nerve interference found through synthesis of clinical history and exam procedures.
Hour 4:
Summarize the concept of an initial Therapeutic Trial of care, including reasoning behind it and how to complete this extension of initial assessment in order to customize patient care.
Describe considerations for technique selection (including where to start, how intensely to adjust, and how to adjust).
Explain reasoning behind initial frequency of care, and how/when/why to modify this frequency.
Describe the considerations for projecting response to care and prognosis.
Summarize guidelines for patient home care recommendations, including considerations for movement and rest, ergonomics, nutrition, and referrals when appropriate.
Approval Code(s) 910430 PACE Approved Course 10245 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 101 : The Patient Interview
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Demonstrate skills to properly perform a patient interview
Properly record a chief complaint
Perform a neurological examination of the head and neck
Perform a mental status examination
Approval Code(s) 861270 PACE Approved Course 1069 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 101 - 107
Credit Hours(s) 9.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $180.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This course contains all content from Neurological Exam 101 through 107. Please see educational objectives for those courses
Other Info Course Group includes all Neurological Exam Courses numbered 101 thru 107
Approval Code(s) 866786 PACE Approved Course 4142 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 102 : Cranial Nerves
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Cite anatomy and function of the cranial nerves
Examine the twelve cranial nerves during a clinical examination
Discuss disorders of cranial nerves
Approval Code(s) 861272 PACE Approved Course 2464 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 103 : Somatic Motor System, Involuntary Movements and Non-Paralytic Movement Disorders
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform and chart a neurological examination of the voluntary motor system and the somatic sensory system
Apply results of the examination findings in the differential diagnosis of patients
Describe the three neuron pathway involved with sensorineural innervation
Discuss multimodal sensations
Approval Code(s) 861274 PACE Approved Course 2465 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 104 : The Reflex Systems
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform an appropriate examination of the reflexes, including deep tendon, superficial, visceral and pathological reflexes
Describe the anatomy associated with reflexes
Properly grade and record reflexes
Interpret the Results of Reflex Testing
Approval Code(s) 861276 PACE Approved Course 3555 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 105 : Examination of the Cerebellar Systems
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform an examination of the systems involved with Movement and Coordination
Discuss cerebellar anatomy
Differentially Diagnose by applying clinical signs of cerebellar dysfunction
Recognize cerebellar syndromes by their anatomical areas
Apply specific principles of examination to improve the Chiropractic Spinal Examination
Describe specific procedures of the spinal examination
Approval Code(s) 861278 PACE Approved Course 2185 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 106 : Clinical Assessment of Pain and Function
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform a clinical assessment of pain and function
Explain the psychophysiological profile of pain patients
Discuss the treatment of pain
Approval Code(s) 861280 PACE Approved Course 3557 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 107 : Record Maintenance and Narrative Report Writing
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Maintain proper records of neurological examination in the SOAP format
Write narrative reports reflecting the neurological examination
Apply an outline of fundamental procedures in performing a complete chiropractic neurological examination
Approval Code(s) 861282 PACE Approved Course 2187 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201 : Basic Brain Anatomy and Function: The Motor Cortex
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss briefly the relevant brain anatomy and functional neurology with focus on the frontal lobe and motor cortex.
Describe the anatomy and physiology of the human brain cortex as it relates to the basic tenants of chiropractic and to spinal subluxation.
Identify key anatomical components of the frontal lobe and motor cortex.
Discuss some of the pioneers in neuroscience underscoring their individual contributions.
Draw basic neurological pathways associated with the frontal lobe and motor cortex.
Relate function of the frontal lobe and motor cortex to various associated disease conditions.
Other Info
NOTE: Recommended to take after Neuro 201-intro and prior to Neuro 201a
Approval Code(s) 927315 PACE Approved Course 2611 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201-intro : Anatomy of the Skull and Spine With Dissection of the Cervical Spine
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore current role of the art and science of clinical neurology for the chiropractor
Discuss briefly the relevant neurological anatomy and functional neurology
Describe in detail the anatomy and function of the components of the human skull with attention to aspects which may be important to the chiropractic physician
Explore the current role of clinical neurology for the practicing chiropractor
Describe in detail the anatomy and function of the components of the human spine with attention to aspects which may be important to the chiropractic physician
Other Info
NOTE: Recommended to take as first course in 201 series
Approval Code(s) 757917 PACE Approved Course 3983 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201a : Introduction to Chiropractic Clinical Neurology: Basic Lower Brain, Brainstem and Spinal Cord Anatomy: A Clinical Perspective
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore current role of the art and science of clinical neurology for the chiropractor
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy of the central nervous system, exclusive of the cortex
Summarize relevant functional neurology of the central nervous system exclusive of the cortex
Illustrate the clinical presentation resulting from disease of the various brain and cord areas
Outline various categories for spinal cord lesions
Organize findings of central nervous system disease by anatomical location and clinical presentation
Other Info
NOTE: Recommended to have taken Neuro 201-intro and Neuro 201 prior to taking this class
Approval Code(s) 861348 PACE Approved Course 2438 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201b-c100 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 100
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a paraplegic
Explore the relevant issues and action protocols involved in acute spinal cord disease
Evaluate relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Summarize relevant functional neurology of the spinal cord
Approval Code(s) 841916 PACE Approved Course 3468 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201c : Syndromes Involving the Spinal Cord
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore current role of the art and science of clinical neurology for the chiropractor
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy of the spinal cord
Summarize relevant functional neurology of the spinal cord
Illustrate the clinical presentation resulting from disease of the various cord areas
Outline various categories for spinal cord lesions
Organize findings of spinal cord disease by anatomical location and clinical presentation
Approval Code(s) 841914 PACE Approved Course 2098 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201d : Clinical Aspects of Spinal Cord Disease
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy and function of the meninges
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy and function of the arterial and venous CNS circulation
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy and function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation
Illustrate the clinical presentation resulting from disease of the various areas
Outline various categories for vascular CNS lesions
Utilize a Grand Rounds type case presentation
Approval Code(s) 861350 PACE Approved Course 2439 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c101 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 101
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a young female with a primary complaint of a balance problem
Improve the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Develop improved patient examination techniques
Evaluate relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint
Approval Code(s) 861356 PACE Approved Course 2099 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c102 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 102
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a middle aged female with a primary complaint of upper extremity paralysis.
Improve the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Develop improved patient examination techniques
Evaluate relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint.
Approval Code(s) 861358 PACE Approved Course 3471 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c103 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 103
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a young female with a generalized headache without any specific area of pain
Improve the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Develop improved patient examination techniques
Evaluate relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint
Approval Code(s) 861360 PACE Approved Course 2101 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c104 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 104
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a young female with a primary complaint of tremor
Explore the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Observe patient examination techniques
Summarize relevant clinical findings
Illustrate the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint
Approval Code(s) 861362 PACE Approved Course 3811 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c105 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 105
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor sort through a difficult history in a patient encounter where the patient is a female with multiple and unusual complaints
Explore the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Observe patient examination techniques
Summarize relevant clinical findings
Illustrate the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint
Approval Code(s) 861364 PACE Approved Course 2102 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202a : The Patient Interview
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore basic principles of the patient interview
Discuss briefly the relevance of maintaining good history taking procedures
Describe in detail the benefits of history questionnaires
Explore different types of patient historians and as strategy for dealing with each type
Describe specific area constituting a complete patient interview
Approval Code(s) 861366 PACE Approved Course 3812 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202b : The Assessment of Mental Status
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore basic principles of the mental status examination
Discuss briefly the relevance of maintaining good history taking procedures
Describe in detail the need for a mental status assessment
Explore different techniques and a strategy for dealing with mental status problems
Demonstrate specific methods of implementing the Mini-Mental State Examination.
Approval Code(s) 861368 PACE Approved Course 2103 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202c : Examination of the Head and Neck
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore basic principles of the physical examination of the face, head and neck
Discuss briefly the relevance the physical examination prior to the neurologic examination
Describe in detail rational and procedure for observation, auscultation, palpation and percussion
Visualize patient problems and deformities that might go un-noticed by a casual observer
Demonstrate specific methods of implementing a brief orthopedic examination of the cervical spine.
Approval Code(s) 861370 PACE Approved Course 3475 Expires: 2026-07-31