Maine Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education

Maine Accepts Online Courses


Maine Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements: 25 hours annually
Maine Accepts 25 hours of Online Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Courses


The vast majority of our courses are automatically accepted as they are facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department and are approved by other state naturopathic licensing boards. Scroll down to view courses.
(Ref:  02 
 502 Chapter 5, 3)

When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.


Special Requirements:
At least 7 hours shall be in pharmacology.
Naturopathic Physician who hold a specialty certification in Naturopathic Physician acupuncture must complete an additional 15 hours of continuing education annually, specific to that specialty. The additional 15 hours of continuing education required for specialty certification in acupuncture shall meet the standards of continuing education for acupuncturists as described in chapter 5, section 2 (B) of the rules.


State of Maine Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements

Maine Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Maine Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Maine Naturopathic Physician licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Maine Naturopathic Physician continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for Maine Naturopathic Physicians. The online courses increase the knowledge bases of the Naturopathic Physician to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online continuing education course for new Maine Naturopathic Physicians who register with

Found 1098 courses
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Nutrition 207 : Diet Patterns, Types and Habits and How They Affect Health and Aging

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$23.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identify various dietary patterns and habits
  • Determine how diet patterns affect health and promote disease
  • Explore the typical American diet pattern
  • Review the vegetarian diet pattern
  • Analyze the Mediterranean diet pattern and its components

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 208 : The Antiaging foods; Fish, Fruits and Vegetables and Garlic

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$23.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identify why fruits and vegetables are anti-aging foods
  • Determine how fruits and vegetables offer health benefits
  • Select what components of fish have positive effects on health
  • Investigate how fish affects cardiovascular disease and cancer
  • Identify how garlic affects health and inhibits disease

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 209 : The Antiaging Foods; Grains, Nuts, Soy and Legumes

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$23.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Demonstrate the role grains have in health and longevity
  • Explain the basics of fiber and how it can affect health and disease
  • Identify how nuts can positively affect health and decrease disease
  • Investigate how legumes and soy can affect heart disease
  • Relate how legumes and soy can affect cancer

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 210 : The Antiaging Foods; Yogurt, Chocolate and Tea

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$23.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Recognize the beneficial components of yogurt
  • Identify how yogurt can affect the immune system
  • Define what prebiotics are and how they affect health
  • Describe how chocolate can promote health and longevity
  • Explore how tea can positively affect health and decrease disease risk

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 211 : The Antiaging Foods; Wine and Water. Nutrient Deficiencies and Aging

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$23.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identify what the beneficial components of wine are
  • Determine the how and when of wine consumption
  • Explain basic concepts of water and signs of dehydration
  • List how water affects disease and promotes health
  • Identify who is susceptible to nutrient deficiencies

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Nutrition 212 : Antiaging Hormones; DHEA, Testosterone, Growth Hormone and Melatonin

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$23.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Determine the relationship between a daily multiple vitamin and health
  • Analyze how growth hormone can promote health and possibly slow aging
  • Explain the risk versus benefit of using testosterone and melatonin
  • Recognize the role of DHEA and DHEA-S on health and longevity
  • Identify the main concepts of an anti-aging strategy

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Opioid Management 203 : Impact of Chiropractic Care

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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  • Assess the association between opioid use and chiropractic treatment for LBP
  • Demonstrate the potential for chiropractic care to reduce the use of prescription opioids in patients with spinal pain
  • Summarize two papers exploring the effects of utilization and availability of chiropractic services on opioid usage and medical services
  • Evaluate the impact of chiropractic utilization on the use of prescription opioid use in Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 and over with spinal pain
  • Describe the comparative risk of treatment escalation in patients with neck pain between recipients of spinal manipulation and nonrecipients of spinal manipulation

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 102 : Posture: Biomechanics and Control, Relation to Injuries

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify differences between strength and balance training
  • Discuss the dynamic aspects of posture
  • Learn aspects of Postural control in chronic LBP patients
  • Understand relationship of posture and sports injuries
  • Review some concepts of posture, mobility and pain in children

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 103 : Cervical Spine Biomechanics and Whiplash, Muscle Adaptation to Stretching, Manipulation and EMG

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Review normal cervical biomechanics and apply to examination
  • Discuss some effects of manipulation on EMG/ROM
  • Recognize lumbar movements during mobilization
  • Discuss how whiplash invisibility is not evidence of absence of injury
  • Understand muscle adaptation through stretching

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 104 : Muscular Strength in Clinical Practice: Influence of Chiropractic, Assessment with Dynamometry, Training Principles and Guidelines

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Distinguish Chiropractic influences on muscular strength
  • Develop the use of hand-held dynamometry in chiropractic practice
  • Identify basic strength training principles for chiropractors
  • Construct basics of strength training guidelines for all ages

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 105 : Postural and Spinal Stability: Introduction, Changes with Posture and Strength Training

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Review an Introduction to the Clinical Biomechanics of Stability
  • Identify causes of select musculoskeletal injuries
  • Describe how LBP in golfers alters motor control
  • Describe spinal stability changes with posture
  • Distinguish how stability improves with resistance training

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 109 : Neck Pain and Dysfunction: Anticipatory Control, Fatigue, Rehabilitation Through Exercise

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$23.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe neck anticipatory control with pain
  • Describe lateralized fatigue with unilateral neck pain
  • Assess head and trunk motion during neck manipulation
  • Identify neuromuscular dysfunction in neck pain patients
  • Outline exercises for the rehabilitation of neck neuromuscular dysfunction

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 111 : Back Belts: Biomechanics, Recommendations and Use of, Affordances

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD


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  • Discuss the biomechanical, physiological and psychological evidence for the use of back belts
  • Identify and describe recent recommendations and findings for the use of back belts.
  • Discuss the principle of affordances and how they relate to environmental constraints (such as a back belt) and posture.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 112 : Low Back Pain and Disorders: Health Status and Risk, Lumbar Curvature, Movement Impairments

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Summarize the affects of low back health status on low back disorder risk
  • Discuss the relation between lumbar curvature and LBP risk factors during postural loading
  • Assess the relation between asymmetric lifting and spine loading
  • Describe the differences in spine kinematics between LBP patients and normal controls
  • Analyze the functional deficits that occur following low back disorders

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 113 : Backpacks: Research, Health Effects and Clinical Recommendations

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Summarize recommendations for backpack use
  • Appraise recent research on backpacks and human health
  • Discuss the effects of backpacks on musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal variables
  • Describe current studies on backpack use in children: perceptions, load, biomechanics, physiology

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 114 : Low Back Pain: Causes, Ergonomics and Exercise

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Learn current perspectives on which structures are strongly but variably linked to back pain
  • Review the state-of-the art in low back disorders research applied to ergonomics
  • Describe workplace design guidelines for asymptomatic and low back pain workers
  • Determine the influence of exercise on lumbar spine disorders

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 115 : Waddell Signs and Non-Organic Pain

Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US)

$21.00 USD


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  • Identify common underlying causes of non-organic pain
  • Recognize the eight Waddell signs of non-organic back pain
  • Develop a level of knowledge, comprehension, and understanding of the medicolegal system as it relates to Waddell signs
  • Encourage development and nurturing of skill sets in utilizing Waddell signs

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 116 : Back Pain, Neck Pain and Tension Type Headaches in Children

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Determine the epidemiology of low back pain in children and adolescents
  • Assess the risk factors associated with back pain in school children
  • Outline the effect of an intervention to improve sitting habits in schoolchildren
  • Assess the effects of reading a book or using a computer on neck and upper back muscle activity in children
  • Review the diagnostic criteria of tension-type headaches in children

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 117 : Postural Control: Principles, Assessment, Rehabilitation

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Describe the basic principles of postural control
  • Clinically assess postural control
  • Outline a protocol of postural rehabilitation

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 118 : Bone Healing - Everything You Need to Know

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify and describe the phases of bone healing
  • List and describe 3 objectives that serve as the foundation of fracture management and bone healing
  • Define and differentiate osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes
  • Define and discuss Wolff’s law
  • Discuss 3 principles of stress deprivation, immobilization, and normal physiologic stress as they apply to fracture healing
  • Identify 3 complications of bone healing
  • Outline and describe 6 areas of descriptive organization of classifying fractures
  • Describe pathologic fractures and list 4 types
  • Discuss 2 ways how osteoporosis affects fractures
  • List 2 common methods of fracture fixation, fixation devices, and fracture classifications

Course Brochure
Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 119 : Muscle and Tendon Healing

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$19.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Describe and differentiate between the macrostructure and microstructure of muscle and tendon
  • List and describe the 2 main types of muscle fibers. List and describe the 3 mechanisms for a muscle injury
  • Describe the difference between a supraphysiologic and a sub-failure load and how each type may contribute to an injury
  • Define how a muscle strain differs from a ligament sprain
  • Describe the differences between a tendinitis and a tendinosis
  • Describe the effects of aging on tendons
  • Name and describe the 3 phases of connective tissue healing
  • Describe the effects of immobilization on connective tissue

Course Brochure
Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 120 : Lumbar Disc & Sciatica: Testing, Treatment & Outcomes

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review

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  • Examine the association between chiropractic spinal manipulation for newly diagnosed lumbar disc herniation and/or lumbosacral radiculopathy and the odds of lumbar discectomy over 1-year and 2-year follow-up periods 
  • Evaluate the clinical outcomes and MRI changes in a cohort of patients who had surgery compared to conservative treatment for sequestered lumbar disc herniations 
  • Summarize existing evidence relating to the reliability of the straight leg raise (SLR) and crossed SLR test in patients with suspected lumbar radicular pain 
  • Establish the validity of the extended straight leg raise (ESLR) compared to findings on MRI 
  • Recognize the effectiveness of neural mobilization interventions in improving pain, disability, and function in adults with low back and radicular pain

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Ortho 121 : Utilizing Orthopedic Test Item Clusters: The Evidence-Based Orthopedic Examination

Gregory Priest, DC, DABCO

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1

  • Describe four purposes for performing orthopedic tests
  • Describe three approaches to performing orthopedic tests
  • Discuss the clinical importance of pertinent negative findings when performing orthopedic tests
  • Discuss the concept of “Evidence Based Medicine”
  • Define “Orthopedic Test Item Cluster”
  • Describe several metrics used in the validation of orthopedic tests for inclusion in orthopedic test item clusters

 Hour 2

  • Describe three Orthopedic Test Item Clusters (OSTs) relevant to the evaluation of the sacroiliac region
  • Describe the five procedures included in the Laslett Cluster #2 for the assessment of sacroiliac pain
  • Describe the two primary types of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Discuss the clinical utility of the Bakody Test and the Reverse Bakody Test

 Hour 3

  • Describe four testing procedures included in Wainner’s Cluster for the assessment of cervical radiculopathy
  • Describe Cook’s Cervical Myelopathy Cluster
  • Discuss potential problems that may arise in the application of OST clusters
  • Discuss ways to minimize inappropriate application of OST clusters

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Over The Counter Non Prescriptive Substances 201


$79.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Recognize reasons why overdoses of OTC drugs occur
  • Describe the toxic effects that occur with overdoses of OTC drugs such as acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, cough and cold meds, loperamide, imidazoline decongestants, and vitamins
  • Identify interventions to help prevent overdoses of OTC drugs
  • Differentiate between the various antihistamines available over the counter
  • Identify special patient populations that should avoid specific over the counter products
  • Recognize when further referral for work up is advised
  • Identify over the counter medications that are commonly abused
  • Identify the possible benefits associated with the proper use of essential oils.
  • Identify the risks associated with the improper use of essential oils.
  • Recognize the common homeopathic medications presented and recall their potential uses.

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Pain 105 : Cancer: Pathology, Physical Activity, Nutrition, Massage Therapy and Acupuncture

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$22.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Outline the nature of and hallmarks of cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between physical activity and cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between nutrition and cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between massage therapy and cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between acupuncture and cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between manual therapy and cancer

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Pain 106 : Pain, Inflammation, Back Pain, Fibromyalgia and Peripheral Neuropathy

Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Summarize the assessment and diagnosis of pain
  • List and describe 5 common causes of back pain and how to prevent injury
  • Outline the causes of fibromyalgia
  • Illustrate the mechanisms of inflammation and pain
  • Discuss the pain of peripheral neuropathy

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Pain 108 : Pain Diagrams, Neuropathic Pain and Neuroplasticity, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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  • Evaluate the test-retest, intra- and inter-examiner reliability of the body pain diagram for determining pain distribution and location for musculoskeletal conditions
  • Summarize the current state of knowledge on neuropathic pain, with focus on how it differs from nociception
  • Review of the current literature regarding the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Explore central nervous system neuroplastic adaptations that may contribute to the pathophysiology of chronic conditions
  • Differentiate symptoms and signs of central sensitization, peripheral neuropathic pain and nociceptive pain in patients with low back pain (with or without leg pain)

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Pain 109 : Pain Management

David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Gain insight into the different types of pain
  • Differentiate different sources of spinal pain
  • Summarize the societal and clinical challenges of the pain patient
  • Describe the difference between acute and chronic pain
  • Provide an initial appreciation of alternative treatment options
  • Understand the importance of chiropractic principles with the pain patient

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Pain 110 : Orthopedic Management of Pain and Pain Syndromes

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Describe 3 ways how pain can be a burden to the patient and society
  • Describe 2 key components of the biopsychosocial model for treating pain
  • Describe how pain is a multisystem output
  • Describe the neuromatrix and how it relates to a person’s neural signature
  • List 3 medical terms that can influence a patient’s level of fear and anxiety
  • Describe 3 body systems that can be influenced by a persistent state of pain
  • Outline the 12 treatment principles in the context of therapeutic neuroscience education for patients with persistent pain

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31

Pain 111 : Chronic Pain

Shawn Thistle, DC

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Journal Article Review, Text

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  • Evaluate the relationships among thoracic spinal stiffness, pain and muscle activity in healthy subjects and those with chronic thoracic pain
  • Summarize updated chronic pain classification updates from the ICD-11
  • Compare and contrast the clinical presentation and pathophysiology of Fibromyalgia (FM) and Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)
  • Summarize a clinical framework to sub-categorize pain patients based on an individual’s dominant pain etiology 
  • Examine the effect of neural tissue management on pain and disability in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain

Course automatically accepted as facilitated by the University of Bridgeport, Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department
Expires: 2028-12-31