Florida Occupational Therapy Continuing Education

Florida Accepts OnlineCE.com Courses


Florida Continuing Education Requirements:

OT: 26 hrs biennially - Florida Accepts 12 hours of Online Continuing Education Coursess


Special Requirements:
1 hour of AIDS/HIV for first year licensees ONLY
2 hours Prevention of Medical Errors
2 hours Florida OT Laws and Rules

NEW Human Trafficking requirement for Florida Department of Health. Licensed healthcare professionals are required to earn 1 hour of Board-Approved CE in Human Trafficking. This is a one-time requirement that licensees must complete before January 1, 2021. Human Trafficking 204 is Approved by the Board to meet this requirement.

Florida CE Provider # 50-4763- Approval Period 1/9/2007 - 2/28/25

NBCOT: 36 hours of continuing education every 3 years. The NBCOT accepts 36 hours of OnlineCE courses. OnlineCE is an approved provider of the AOTA # 4023


Please scroll down to view courses accepted and their approval code/langauge.  When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.


Continuing Education Requirements for Certified Hand Therapists:  

The Hand Therapy Certification Commission (HTCC) is the governing body that is responsible for credentialing certified hand therapists (CHT). In order to maintain the CHT credential, a CHT must accumulate a minimum of 80 contact hours of professional development activities during their five-year accrual period. Professional development hours may be earned in seven different categories. OnlineCE.com offers courses in 3 Categories: A, B and C.

Category A - Formal Courses in Upper Extremity Therapy, 3 hours or more in length. All 80 hours can be earned in this category. HTCC Accepts OnlineCE courses.

Category B - Informal Courses in Upper Extremity Therapy, less than 3 hours in length. Maximum accepted: 30 hours per 5-year accrual cycle. HTCC Accepts OnlineCE courses.

Category C - Formal Courses with General Clinical OT or PT content. Maximum accepted: 20 hours per 5-year accrual cycle. HTCC Accepts OnlineCE courses.

Continuing Education Requirements by NBCOT

The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) is the national governing body responsible for credentialing Occupational Therapists (OTR) and Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTA). In order to maintain current certification as an OTR or OTA, therapists must meet all NBCOT continuing education (CE) requirements. A total of thirty-six (36) professional development units during a three year cycle are required. A maximum of 36 hours can be obtained through OnlineCE.com Online Continuing Education Courses.



The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.


State of Florida Continuing Education Requirements

Florida Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Florida continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Florida OT/OTA licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Florida continuing education requirements.

Continuing education courses offered on OnlineCE.com provide Online CEU for Florida Occupational Therapists (OT) and Florida Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTA). The online courses enhance the knowledge bases of OT/OTA to enhance clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour AOTA approved online home study CE credit course for new Florida Occupational Therapy and Occupational Therapy Assistant registered users at www.OnlineCE.com

Found 426 courses

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Therapeutic Modalities 210 : Lasers and Lights and Ultraviolet Light

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$57.00 USD

Case Studies, Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the physical properties of electromagnetic radiation
  • Become familiar with the history and physical properties of lasers and lights
  • List and describe 6 effects of lasers and lights
  • Review the indications and contraindications for the use of lasers and lights
  • Outline the steps involved in the application of lasers and lights
  • Discuss important components involved in documentation with the use of lasers and lights
  • Read case studies to understand clinical application
  • Outline and describe the physical properties of ultraviolet radiation
  • Describe 5 effects of ultraviolet radiation
  • List and examine 2 clinical indications for the use of ultraviolet radiation
  • List 5 contraindications and adverse effects for the use of ultraviolet radiation
  • Describe application techniques for ultraviolet radiation

(Content from this course is included in the Therapeutic Modalities 101 course. Do not take this individual course if you plan or have taken TM 101)

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Therapeutic Modalities 211 : Traction

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$57.00 USD

Case Studies, Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe 5 clinical indications for the use of spinal traction
  • Outline and describe application techniques for mechanical traction, lumbar, cervical, self and positional traction
  • Examine important aspects included in documentation for the use of traction

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Therapeutic Modalities 212 : Electrical Currents for Soft Tissue Healing and Pain Control

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$57.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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Electrical Currents for Soft Tissue Healing

  • Explain how electrical stimulation facilitates wound healing
  • Describe 3 parameters for electrical stimulation to promote wound healing
  • Explore and list 2 parameters for the use of iontophoresis
  • Describe the use of electrical currents for edema control
  • List 3 precautions and 3 contraindications for the use of electrical currents in tissue healing

Electrical Currents for Pain Control

  • Describe the use of conventional TENS, Low-rate and Burst-Mode TENS for the use of pain control
  • List and describe 3 contraindications for the use of electrical currents for pain control
  • Examine parameters such as waveform, electrode placement, amplitude, treatment time and frequency in the use of electrical currents for the use ofpain control
  • Read case studies and highlight clinical application

(This content is NOT included in the Therapeutic Modalities 101 course)

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Therapeutic Modalities 213 : Hydrotherapy

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$57.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Define 4 physical properties of water
  • Describe 6 physiological effects of hydrotherapy
  • Examine 4 uses for the use of hydrotherapy in clinical practice
  • List and describe 4 adverse effects and 5 contraindications and precautions for hydrotherapy
  • Compare and contrast clinical use and application techniques
  • Examine and describe 3 important safety considerations for infection prevention

(This content is NOT included in the Therapeutic Modalities 101 course)

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Therapeutic Modalities 214 : Compression

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$57.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe 3 benefits and the effects of the use of external compression
  • Outline and describe 5 clinical indications for the use of external compression
  • List 5 contraindications and precautions
  • Outline and describe application techniques for bandaging, compression garments, and compression pumps
  • Examine the adverse effects of external compression

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Therapeutic Modalities 215 : Electrical Stimulation: Principles and Parameters

Pamela Houghton, PhD, PT

$57.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Understand electrical principles so that you can predict the amount and location of current flow in human tissues including muscles. 
  • Decide whether an individual is appropriate for EStim given relevant contraindications, precautions, and associated risks.
  • Link electrode placement and electrical waveform selection. 
  • Chose common electrical stimulus parameters based on the desired outcome and individual patient needs. 
  • Describe application techniques that are safe, comfortable, and effective manner. 
  • Identify resources for continue learning and application of knowledge

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Vision and Aging 101 : Vision and Aging

Miriam Watson, OTR, CDRS

$399.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Become familiar with the importance of primary vision care in geriatrics
  • Identify normal age-related vision changes in the aging population
  • Describe 5 age-related systemic and neurological diseases
  • Differentiate between anterior and posterior segment diseases in the older adult
  • Become familiar with the optometric examination of the older adult
  • List 5 factors that complicate eye examination in the older adult
  • Describe auditory impairment in the older adult
  • Describe 3 pharmacological aspects of aging
  • Identify options for vision correction in the older adult
  • Discuss the option of contact lenses and the older adult
  • Describe the importance of functional therapy in rehab of the older adult
  • Identify important factors in the care of older adults who are visually impaired
  • Outline and compare 3 common issues facing the older driver
  • Identify key nutritional concerns in the older adult
  • Describe the delivery of vision care in nontraditional settings
  • Discuss 5 public health aspects involving care of the older adult
  • Become familiar with 3ethical issues involving care of the older adult
  • Desccribe the field of vision rehab and the aging population

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 106 : Anatomy and Physiology of Skin and Soft Tissue

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the mechanisms by which the skin is able to provide its 6 major functions
  • Describe the structures, function and cellular composition of the skin layers, including layers within the dermis and eipdermis
  • Explain the relationship between skin pigmentation and protection against ultraviolet light
  • Compare and contrast the structural and cellular development of the skin in the fetus, premature infant, full-term neonate, adolescent and adult
  • Describe at least 2 effects on the skin of the following: hydration, sun, nutrition, soaps and medications
  • Compare and contrast the structure and function of dark and light pigmented skin

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 107 : Wound Healing Physiology

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Compare and contrast wound healing processes for each type of closure: primary, intention, secondary intention and tertiary intention
  • Distinguish between partial thickness and full thickness wound repair
  • Explain the difference between acute and chronic full thickness wounds
  • Describe 4 characteristics of a chronic wound
  • Describe the role of various types of cells in the wound repair process
  • Describe features and characteristics of scarless healing
  • Distinguish between keloid and hypertrophic scarring and the treatment of each
  • Identify conditions and comorbidities that affect the wound healing process

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 108 : Types of Skin Damage and Differential Diagnosis

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the process of at least 5 factors that contribute to skin damage
  • Distinguish among the following terms; macule, papule, plaque, nodule, wheal, pustule, vescile and bulla
  • Describe 4 types of mechanical trauma by the extent of tissue damage associated with each
  • Discuss 3 interventions for preventing each type of mechanical trauma
  • Describe 3 preventive interventions for 3 common causes of chemical damage
  • Describe the process of an allergic contact dermatitis
  • Identify factors that predispose a patient to candidiasis
  • Describe manifestations and care of skin damage due to irradiation

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 109 : Skin and Wound Inspection and Assessment

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Differentiate between skin inspection and assessment
  • List 6 factors to consider when assessing darkly pigmented skin
  • Distinguish between wound assessment and evaluation of healing
  • Define partial-thickness and full-thickness tissue loss
  • Compare and contrast a normal and an abnormal finding for each wound assessment parameter
  • Describe how to measure the length, width, depth tunneling and undermining of a wound

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 110 : Pressure Ulcers: Impact, Etiology and Classification

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$19.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the incidence and prevalence of pressure ulcers in various clinical settings and vulnerable patient populations
  • Define pressure ulcer
  • Identify the 3 most common locations at which pressure ulcers develop
  • Describe the role of subcutaneous tissue and muscle in preventing pressure ulcers
  • Describe the role of the causative factors for pressure ulcer formation

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 111 : Developing and Maintaining a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Explain 3 justifications for a pressure ulcer prevention program
  • Distinguish between an avoidable and an unavoidable pressure ulcer
  • List components of a best practice bundle of a pressure ulcer prevention program
  • Distinguish between a pressure ulcer risk assessment and a skin assessment
  • Identify the risk factor subscales in the Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk
  • Distinguish between turning and repositioning
  • Describe 5 repositioning techniques

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 112 : Support Surfaces

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$19.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • List 3 limitations to the reliance of capillary closing values for support surface evaluation
  • List 4 factors to consider when interpreting the significance of interface tissue pressure readings
  • Define pressure redistribution, immersion and envelopment
  • Explain the difference between a reactive and an active support surface
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of support surface categories and features
  • List factors to consider for appropriate selection of a support surface

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 113 : Neuropathic Wounds: The Diabetic Wound

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe 3 types of neuropathy that may occur in the patient with diabetes
  • Identify critical factors to be included in the history and physical exam of the patient with lower-extremity neuropathic disease
  • Describe the correlation of protective sensation with risk for diabetic foot ulcer
  • Distinguish among the musculoskeletal foot deformities that lead to focal areas of high pressure in the patient with peripheral neuropathy
  • Identify key concepts in effective and appropriate offloading

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 114 : Wound Debridement

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$19.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the role of debridement in the wound healing process
  • List contraindications to debridement
  • Distinguish between selective and nonselective debridement
  • Compare and contract 4 methods of debridement: autolysis, chemical, mechanical and sharp
  • List debridement options for the infected wound
  • Describe 5 factors to consider when selecting a debridement approach
  • For each method of debridement, list 2 advantages, disadvantages and relevant special considerations

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 115 : Topical Management

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identify 3 principles of wound management
  • Describe the characteristics of a physiologic wound environment
  • Identify at least 5 objectives in creating a physiologic wound environment
  • Define the terms occlusive, semiocclusive, moisture retentive, primary dressing and secondary dressing
  • List 2 indications and 1 contraindication for each dressing category
  • Describe the factors to consider when selecting a wound dressing

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 116 : Electrical Stimulation

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$19.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Become familiar with electrical stimulation for the use of wound healing
  • Define terminology associated with electrical stimulation for wound healing
  • Explain the physiologic effects of electrical stimulation
  • List at least 2 indications for electrical stimulation
  • List at least 2 contraindications for electrical stimulation

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 117 : Ultraviolet Light and Ultrasound

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$19.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Become familiar with ultraviolet light and ultrasound for the use of wound healing
  • List at least 1 indication each for ultraviolet-C, high frequency ultrasound and low frequency ultrasound use
  • List at least 2 contraindications for each modality
  • Explain the mechanisms of action for each modality

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 118 : Burns

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$38.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Identify the 3 phases of burn care and discuss the goal of each phase
  • Discuss the causes of burns including thermal, chemical and electrical injuries
  • Identify how the 3 zones of tissue damage relate to the depth of the burn wound
  • Describe 3 methods commonly used to calculate the total body surface area of a burn
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of at least 4 topical burn care products and dressings
  • Identify 3 principles of managing burn wounds in an outpatient setting

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Wound Management 119 : Surgical Wounds and Incision Care

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$19.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss current issues related to surgical wound infection and recommendations made by national collaboratives or evidenced-based guidelines to address these problems and improve outcomes
  • Compare intrinsic and extrinsic patient characteristics associated with surgical wound healing complications or infection
  • Identify wound assessment characteristics comparing the ASEPSIS method of evaluating wounds with Center for Disease Control and Prevention-defined characteristics for surgical site infection
  • Identify evidence-based measures for surgical wounds including dressing, topical treatment, and care of sutures, staples and tissue adhesives
  • Discuss 3 aspects of care or evaluation for patients with surgical wounds and how they can help to promote healing and prevent complications of healing

Course Brochure
FL CE Provider 50-4763
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Yoga and Rehab 101 : Yoga and Rehabilitation

Riddhi Patel, PT

$38.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Briefly outline the 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga 
  • Enumerate classification of asanas 
  • List 5 benefits of asanas or yogic postures 
  • Understand the application of asanas with therapy 
  • List 5 Asanas for low back pain 
  • List 3 Asanas for hip stretches 
  • Name 5 poses/ asanas for upper extremity strengthening 
  • Recite contraindications for all poses

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Yoga and Rehab 102 : Pranayama and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Riddhi Patel, PT

$57.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour # 1

  • Describe what is Pranayama
  • List 5 benefits of Pranayama or Yogic Breathing

Hour #2

  • Understand the application of Pranayama with Rehab
  • List 3 simple Breathing exercises for warm up

Hour #3

  • List 9 Yogendra Pranayama
  • Summarize importance of Breathing correct
  • Be familiar with contraindication for all Pranayama

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Yoga and Rehab 103 : Yoga for Upper Extremity Injuries

Riddhi Patel, PT

$38.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • List 5 benefit of Yoga Asana
  • Understand the application of Yogic Asanas or Postures with Rehab
  • State 5 Asanas to improve shoulder flexibility
  • Propose poses for progressing with scapular stabilization
  • Be able to differentiate between use of static and dynamic poses
  • Recognize ways to modify poses when painful
  • Create HEP with Yogic Postures
  • Be familiar with correct alignment during poses
  • Summarize ways to prevent injuries with yoga asanas

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Yoga and Rehab 104 : Yoga for Balance and Lower Extremity Conditions

Riddhi Patel, PT

$38.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Justify the use of  Yoga poses with rehabilitation 
  • Name 3 poses for each stage of rehabilitation 
  • List 5 poses helpful for balance 
  • Describe how to implement yoga with patients and establish a POC 
  • Perform a biomechanical analysis with poses 
  • Recognize and list Do’s and Don'ts with  poses 
  • Describe 5 ways to avoid injuries with poses

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-02-28

Yoga and Rehab 105 : Yoga for Low Back Pain and Core Stabilization

Riddhi Patel, PT

$38.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Understand application of core stability for low back pain 
  • Recall physiology associated with low back pain 
  • What is eoga and enumerate various benefits 
  • Enlist asanas for acute low back pain 
  • List 5 important asanas for increasing flexibility 
  • Select appropriate asanas for core strengthening 
  • Propose modification in yoga asanas 
  • Deduce information from latest evidence-based studies on yoga for low back pain 
  • Summarize importance of yoga for low back pain

Course Brochure
CE Accepted for NBCOT Recert
Expires: 2025-12-31