Alabama Chiropractic Continuing Education

Alabama Accepts Online Courses


Alabama Continuing Education Requirements: 18 hours by 9/30 each year.
Alabama Accepts 8 hours of Online Continuing Education Course (6 hours + 2 hours of Alabama Laws and Board Rules)

Special Requirements: All licensees must obtain two (2) hours per year in Alabama Law and Board Rules and Regulations as part of the minimum 18 per year. New licensees must obtain four (4) hours prior to first license renewal and 2 hours per year for each renewal after that. All clinic owners with a Non Licensed Practice Permit must obtain two (2) hours per year in Alabama Law as part of the permit renewal. is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider.  Scroll down to view courses and Alabama Board of Chiropractic approval codes.

When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.


New Licensee Information: New licensees must complete four (4)hours of continuing education in Board approved courses on chiropractic regulation and compliance with the Alabama Chiropractic Practice Act and Board Rules as a condition of renewal for the year following their initial licensure. The continuing educational requirement for the purpose of license renewal for any person who has graduated from a recognized CCE chiropractic college within the licensure year immediately preceding the licensure year indicated on the license renewal form except for the four (4) hours required above, may be met through attendance at a recognized CCE chiropractic college (a minimum of 18 hours). This applies only to the first license renewal period after initial licensing.


Reporting Requirements: Licensee submits Certificates of Completion

State of Alabama Continuing Education Requirements

Alabama Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Alabama continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Alabama Chiropractic licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Alabama continuing education requirements.

Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for Alabama Chiropractic Physicians (DC). The online courses enhance the knowledge bases of Doctor of Chiropractic to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online home study CE credit course for new Alabama Chiropractic Physician registered users at

Found 14 courses

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Acupuncture 400 - 461

James Ventresca, DOM

$1560.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Acupuncture 400 through Acupuncture 461

Course Group includes all Acupuncture Courses numbered 400 thru 461
PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Alabama Chiropractic Law 201

Paul Powers, DC, DABCN

$40.00 USD


More Course Information ▶
  • Evaluate and apply the Alabama State Board of Chiropractic Examiners Chiropractic Practice Act
  • Cite the rights and duties of Chiropractors in Alabama
  • Perform acceptable advertising
  • Engage in the practice of acceptable care in the practice of Chiropractic in Alabama
  • Comprehend injunctive actions
  • Develop a working knowledge of the creation and composition of the Alabama Board of Chiropractic and its powers and duties
  • Discuss those actions which are grounds for disciplinary action by the Board
  • Review refusal, revocation and suspension of licenses by the Alabama Board of Chiropractic
  • Comprehend the administrative process of hearings as held by the Alabama Board of Chiropractic

Updated August 2018
PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Alabama Chiropractic Law 201 - 202

Paul Powers, DC, DABCN

$80.00 USD


More Course Information ▶
  • Evaluate and apply the Alabama State Board of Chiropractic Examiners Chiropractic Practice Act
  • Cite the rights and duties of Chiropractors in Alabama
  • Perform acceptable advertising
  • Engage in the practice of acceptable care in the practice of Chiropractic in Alabama
  • Comprehend injunctive actions
  • Develop a working knowledge of the creation and composition of the Alabama Board of Chiropractic and its powers and duties
  • Discuss those actions which are grounds for disciplinary action by the Board
  • Review refusal, revocation and suspension of licenses by the Alabama Board of Chiropractic
  • Comprehend the administrative process of hearings as held by the Alabama Board of Chiropractic
  • Discuss Alabama Administrative Code, Chapter 190-X-1 through Chapter 190-X-7 , Alabama State Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • Review the Administrative Code pertaining to Organization, Administration and Procedure
  • Appraise the requirements of licensure
  • Comprehend the requirements of specialty certification
  • Assess the Code as it pertains to Disciplinary Actions
  • Adhere to the rules of Professional Conduct •
  • Review the requirements for amendment of rules
  • Discuss the requirements of the preceptor and extern/intern program
  • Review a Professional Boundaries presentation given by the Alabama Board of Chiropractic

Updated August 2018
PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Biomechanics 231 - 235


$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
Hour 1
  • Identify ideal walking gait biomechanics
  • Discuss the indexed literature surrounding movement patterns, gait impairments and compensations.
  • Analyze arm swing, leg swing, and interlimb timing and coordination.
  • Interpret local foot biomechanics and compensations.
Hour 2
  • Review the gait cycle and gait cycle biomechanics
  • View and discuss case studies of gait pathologies
  • Assess actions of the lower kinetic chain during gait
  • Predict pathomechanics that will arise from gait abnormalities presented
  • Propose remedies and rehabilitation strategies for the gait abnormalities seen

Hour 3

  • Identify some common gait abnormalities seen in gait analysis and develop mental strategies in evaluating the 3 cardinal planes of motion and potential failures in the loading of these planes.
  • Categorize the Fast and Slow phases of an imbalance asymmetrical gait and define rehabilitation strategies to remedy the gait pathology.
  • Develop a conceptual overview of how step length and stride length change in a limping gait.
  • Breakdown portions of the gait cycle into its component parts, including compensation patterns
  • Conceptualize the gait changes oriented around a hallux (great toe) amputation and learn to predict gait compensations off of a fixed anatomic anomaly.
  • Describe arm swing and how it plays out in gait, particularly asymmetrical, and develop some treatment concepts in addressing this asymmetry.

Hour 4

  • Discuss the critical function of the deep neck flexors and transverse abdominus, and how they related to gait, especially the running athlete.
  • Identify the 3 compartments of the thoracolumbar fascia and translate them into gait concepts and treatment concepts.
  • Develop treatment concepts in addressing this asymmetry and define in-phase and out-of-phase arm and leg swing assimilation
  • Discuss on a surface level the concepts of speed in gait, and how to adjust the speed of one's gait to break down gait components that might lead to better treatment directions.
  • Describe central pattern generators and relate to arm swing on a neurologic level.
  • Recognize some common gait abnormalities seen in gait analysis such as arm swing, step length, the cross over gait, and develop mental strategies in evaluating the 3 cardinal planes of motion and potential failures in the loading of these planes when it comes to these gait parameters.
Hour 5
  • Present the etiology of blister and callus formation
  • Review the gait cycle and the biomechanical events relevant to callus formation
  • Review pronation and supination motions of the foot and how they relate to low and high gear push off
  • Review the 3 rockers and how they can relate to callus formation
  • Discuss the more common callus patterns in feet
  • Describe the foot pathomechanics that lead to callus formation
Hour 6
  • Discuss the anatomy of the tibialis posterior muscle
  • Emphasize the importance of blood supply and the presence of watershed areas leading to tendon pathoanatomy
  • Present the biomechanics associated with this muscles normal activity vs dysfunction
  • Show clinical examples of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
  • Discuss orthotic intervention and exercises that are useful in remediation of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction

PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 215 - 217


$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, Text

More Course Information ▶
Hour 1
  • Utilize a more comprehensive knowledge of primitive birth practices and outcomes in a clinical consultation setting with a prenatal patient.
  • Integrate a deeper understanding of the contextual nature of women’s attitudes toward childbirth in the 17th Century as a continuum between more primitive and modern birth.
  • Describe the key environmental factors that negatively impacted childbirth outcomes in the 16-20th Centuries.
  • Describe the impact of the lithotomy position on birth outcomes.
  • Analyze the significance of the puerperal fever epidemic of the 19th Century and its iatrogenic origins.
Hour 2
  • Describe the state of obstetrical practice and performance in the late 19th and early 20th Century.
  • Describe the state of midwifery practice and performance in the late 19th and early 20th Century.
  • Communicate the three elements of the DeLee protocols and how they each impacted childbirth outcomes in the early 20th Century.
  • Analyze the current state of maternity care in the United States in the context of the industrialized world.
  • Utilize the information concerning the history of the emergence of universally medicalized childbirth to empower patients to advocate for their optimal birth experience.
Hour 3
  • Describe the three primary tangents from indigenous birth experiences that the development of agrarian and industrial societies generated.
  • Describe the origins of the early pioneers of natural childbirth in America in the 1940’s-1970’s.
  • Communicate the relationship between economic and industrial considerations and the development of universal obstetric intervention in childbirth in the U.S.
  • Analyze the concept of ‘pasmo’ as it relates to the effect of the external environment on a laboring woman.
  • Communicate the current evidence comparing home and hospital births in terms of safety and efficacy.
Hour 4

  • Evaluate the evidence for chiropractic care for pregnancy-related low back pain and pelvic girdle pain
  • Assess the effectiveness of treatments within the chiropractic scope of practice for low back pain, pelvic girdle pain, or combination pain during the postpartum period
  • Summarize best-practice recommendations for chiropractic care of pregnant and postpartum patients
Hour 5
  • Summarize the three stages of pregnancy.
  • Recognize common pregnancy abbreviations.
  • List the benefits of exercise during pregnancy.
  • Explain how the hormones, relaxin and hCG, can impact physical activity.
  • Design a subjective and history taking examination for a pregnant patient.
  • Complete a physical examination on a pregnant patient including common complaints such as pelvic girdle pain and low back pain.
  • Assess patient positions to ensure comfort and safety during physical assessments and/or rehabilitation.
  • Recognize when to refer a pregnant patient to another specialty for evaluation and treatment.
  • Identify pelvic health dysfunction and determine appropriate referral.
Hour 6
  • Differentiate between low back pain and pelvic girdle pain.
  • Address low back pain, pelvic girdle pain and pelvic floor dysfunction in a pregnant patient.
  • Discuss appropriate supportive devices for back pain, pelvic girdle pain and lower extremity edema.
  • Recognize alternative non-analgesic methods of pain relief through massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care.
  • Assess sleep positions to reduce hip and back discomfort.
  • Identify red flags while treating a pregnant patient.
  • List contraindicated treatment modalities for the pregnant patient

PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 201 - 210 : 10-Course Basic Certificate Program


$795.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • This course contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 201 through 210

NCCAOM Providers:  By registering for this course, I understand that the information in this course presented by the Provider and/orInstructor(s) is for educational purposes only and should only be applied with appropriateclinical judgment and used by a trained and licensed practitioner. Governmental laws andregulations vary from region to region and the contents of this course vary in permissibleusage. The participant is required to check their local, state, and federal laws and regulationsregarding the practice requirements and scope of practice issues and the use of theinformation of this course including, but not limited to, theory, herbal medicine, andacupuncture. I acknowledge that NCCAOM does not endorse any specific treatment regimensof any kind. Furthermore, if I use any modalities or treatments taught in this course, I agree towaive, release, indemnify, discharge, and covenant not to sue NCCAOM from and against anyliability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, arising out of any injury, loss, ordamage that a person may sustain related to the use of the information in this course. I understand that this Release is governed by the laws of District of Columbia, U.S.A. and shallsurvive the termination or expiration of this course.

This package course includes a FREE 1 hour Bonus course:  The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity: Case Studies
PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Got Documentation 201 - 204

Gregg Friedman, DC

$240.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶

Hours 1 - 3

  • Discuss ethical standards of insurance reporting and coding
  • Illustrate how documentation can affect state board complaints
  • Discuss why insurance companies file complaints against chiropractors
  • Discuss why patients file board complaints against chiropractors
  • Define the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR)
  • Illustrate taking a thorough history using the OPQRST method
  • Discuss the components of the ortho/neuro exam
Hour 4 - 6
  • Discuss the misrepresentation of certain orthopedic tests
  • Illustrate sensitivity and specificity of orthopedic tests
  • Define the 2021 changes to Evaluation and Management codes
  • Discuss the differences between using time vs. medical decision making for E/M
  • Distinguish between subjective and objective outcome assessments Illustrate methods of proving medical necessity
  • Illustrate the CMS requirements of chiropractic documentation
  • Illustrate condition-specific functional outcome questionnaires
  • Define the A of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
  • Define the R of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
  • Illustrate the different methods of evaluating spinal range of motion
  • Define the T of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
  • Describe the timing of the first re-assessment
  • Demonstrate proper coding for range of motion measurements
  • Describe the P.A.R.T. format of documentation
  • Define the P of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
  • Describe the concept of outcome assessments in clinical practice
Hour 7 - 9
  • Illustrate different outcome assessments for the T of P.A.R.T
  • Demonstrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for the initial patient encounter
  • Integrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for subsequent patient encounters
  • Discuss proper diagnosing in notes and on a claim form
  • Define the short, moderate and long-term diagnoses for Medicare
  • Define proper Assessments
  • Illustrate how to determine an assessment for each condition
  • Illustrate complicating factors that can be documented for each condition
Hours 10 - 12
  • Illustrate the two types of Plan
  • Discuss common therapeutic modalities
  • Demonstrate proper documentation for time-based codes
  • Illustrate how to document measurable treatment goals
  • Describe the red flags of a record review
  • Demonstrate the determination of causation for a motor vehicle collision
  • Discuss the different mechanisms of injury for motor vehicle collisions
  • Discuss some of the key value drivers of Colossus
  • Discuss the difference between impairment and disability
  • Illustrate the determination of the end of justifiable treatment
  • Define the main components of an impairment evaluation
  • Illustrate Duties Under Duress and Loss of Enjoyment
  • Illustrate the important diagnoses for personal injury cases
  • Define the 5 Colossus prognoses
  • Demonstrate the 5 grades of injury severity for the Croft Guidelines for the Treatment of CAD Injuries

PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Laser 212 : Create life-changing initiatives with Chiropractic, Lasers, Nutrition and Exercise

Kristin Hieshetter, DC

$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶

Hour 1

  • Breakdown the implications of inflammation on epigenetics and relate inflammation to genetic damage and musculoskeletal disease.
  • Develop a plan for clinical anti-inflammatory protocols

Hour 2

  • Interpret blood chemistry markers related to inflammation and translate into laymen’s terms for patient understanding.
  • Devise office strategies for obtaining blood chemistry markers, delivering the report of findings to the patient
  • Discuss the physiological mechanisms of the gut-brain axis, distinguish the molecular players in gut-brain axis syndromes, and identify behavioral modifications and nutritional therapies
  • Demonstrate knowledge of calcium ions as an egregious free radical

Hour 3

  • Identify blood chemistry markers
  • Differentiate between different classes of lasers, Class I, II, IIIA, IIIB, and IV lasers, and outline the therapeutic effects of each

Hour 4

  • Explain the difference between nIR and fIR saunas, and identify key physiological mechanisms
  • Discuss Low Level Laser Therapy wavelengths as they pertain to various upregulation of metabolic functions and integrate into the health of the body.
  • Differentiate between Class 1, Class 2, Class 3R, Class 3B, and Class 4 lasers, and determine proper clinical application of each laser
  • Develop plans to calculate Joules of output for various lasers using physics and demonstrate fundamental understanding of laser frequency output to address various clinical cases.

Hour 5

  • Discuss Clinical Cases and outcomes citing specific patient histories and medical studies from the National Institute of Health and; integrate these ideas and extrapolate health plans into current clinical situations.
  • Discuss how low-level laser therapy affects the body
  • Discuss supplementation and integrate effective neuroprotective supplementation protocols in a clinical setting based on the work of the world’s best universities’ studies

Hour 6

  • Outline the basic types of intermittent fasting, relate to patient goals as determined in nutritional consultations, and design intermittent fasting protocols for clinical settings.
  • Summarize the concepts of ketosis, brain energy utilization, and neuroprotection; relate to medium-chain triglyceride consumption.

PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Management of Common Conditions 260 - 266


$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, Text

More Course Information ▶
Hour 1
  • Explain the biomechanics of the ankle and foot.
  • Administer thorough examination of the ankle and foot.
  • Differentially diagnose the pathological conditions of the ankle and foot.
  • Perform soft tissue treatments for the ankle and foot.
  • Apply functional relationships of the ankle and foot to associated regions for thorough evaluation and treatment.
Hour 2
  • Compare headache criteria and classifications from the World Health Organization, International Headache Society and Cleveland Clinic for chronic, acute and traumatic headaches. 
  • Explain primary and secondary headaches for patient comprehension and communication of their condition with other healthcare practitioners. 
  • Devise appropriate history, examination and treatment protocols for your adult and child headache patient.
  • Utilize Headache categories and criteria to accurately diagnose your patient’s condition for migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches, medication induced headaches, traumatic headaches and more. 
  • Determine headache sequela that may be emergencies for adult and youth headache sufferers.
Hour 3
  • Explain the biomechanics of the shoulder
  • Describe the examination of the shoulder
  • Describe the pathological conditions of the shoulder
  • Demonstrate soft tissue treatments for pathological conditions of the shoulder
  • Define functional relationships of the shoulder with associated regions 
Hour 4
  • Interpret cranial bone, suture and meninges anatomy applicable to the practice of Craniopathy treatment.
  • Relate the principles of Craniopathy and cranial faults to their effect on the brain regarding headaches and other conditions.
  • Assess the temporomandibular joint, cranial faults and the cervical spine as they interrelate for effective headache treatment protocols.
  • Examine cranial bones and sutures using Applied Kinesiology.
  • Apply treatment protocols using Craniopathy for cranial bones and sutures, and manipulative therapeutics and manual methods for treating the TMJ and cervical spine.
Hour 5
  • Discuss the immediate effect of different sitting postures during a standardized computer task on perceived pain in healthy participants 
  • Analyze the immediate and short-term effects of three common sitting postures (slouched, upright and supported sitting with a backrest) on pain, lumbar range of motion, proprioception and trunk muscle activity in asymptomatic subjects
  • Summarize the evidence regarding the association between objectively measured sitting time and immediate increases in perceived low back pain 
  • Compare the effectiveness of the Smart Work and Life (SWAL) intervention, with and without a height adjustable desk, on daily sitting time during and outside of work
Hour 6
  • Explain the biomechanics of the hip and knee.
  • Administer thorough examination of the hip and knee.
  • Differentially diagnose the pathological conditions of the hip and knee.
  • Perform soft tissue treatments for the hip and knee.
  • Apply functional relationships of the hip and knee to associated regions for thorough evaluation and treatment.

PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Neurology 115 - 116

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Neurology 115 through Neurology 116

Course Group includes all Neurology Courses numbered 115 thru 116
PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Nutrition 148 - 154


$120.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Nutrition 148 through 154

Course Group includes all Nutrition courses numbered 148 thru 154
PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Nutrition 170 : Nutrition and the Neurological System

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Design an effective nutrition treatment program for carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Develop a nutritional treatment program for Multiple Sclerosis
  • Investigate the role of nutrition and supplements in regards to the treatment of headaches
  • Understand how nutrition and nutrition supplements can influence dementia
  • Identify appropriate diet and supplement agents in the treatment of dementia

PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 200 : Fundamental concepts of pain and How pain assessed, quantified, and communicated


$140.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Explain the complex multidimensional and individual specific nature of pain
  • Present the theories and science for understanding pain
  • Define the terminology for describing pain and associated conditions
  • Describe the impact of pain on society
  • Explain how cultural, institutional, societal and regulatory influences affect assessment and management of pain  
  • Use valid and reliable tools for measuring pain and associated symptoms to assess and reassess outcomes as appropriate for the clinical context and population.
  • Describe patient, provider, and system factors that can facilitate or interfere with effective pain assessment and management
  • Assess patient preferences and values to determine pain-related goals and priorities
  • Demonstrate empathetic and compassionate communication during pain assessment

PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31

Risk 119 : Understanding the Legalities of Fee Discounts, Particularly Time-of-Service Discounts and Hardship Discounts - 6 Hour

Peter Van Tyle, Esq

$120.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Assess state, federal and board rulings regarding fee discounts, particularly time-of-service discounts and hardship discounts, and the extent to which they may be impacted by anti-kickback legislation, insurance regulations, self-referral laws, marketing restrictions, and the tenets of unprofessional conduct..
  • Identify potential problems associated with routine approval of hardship discounts and the requirement for inquiry and documentation regarding qualifying for same.
  • Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate/illegal marketing relating to fees and professional services.
  • Demonstrate how these discounts are regarded by relevant professional boards, and state and federal enforcement agencies.
  • Explain terms associated with time of service discounts and relevant factors associated in calculating an appropriate reduction in fees.
  • Identify specific conduct and activities within the practice of healthcare that violate a host of regulatory and statutory proscriptions relating to pre-paid fee arrangements.
  • Explain the development of current fee discounting legislation, rules and holdings.
  • Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate/illegal marketing relating to fees and professional services.
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge regarding the roles played by the various state and federal enforcement agencies as they related to fee splits and kickbacks.
  • Assess one’s working knowledge regarding the process by which state and federal rulings regarding fees impact a healthcare provider’s practice in light of marketing, fee-splitting and anti-kickback legislation, insurance regulations, self-referrals, and the tenets of unprofessional conduct generally.
  • Verify how certain discount practices may be legally actionable as “improper inducements.”
  • Evaluate federal Stark legislation and the discouragement of corruption in sound professional healthcare decision-making.
  • Identify distinctions between federal anti-kickback and the federal Stark legislation.
  • Critique state anti-kickback laws.
  • Recognize the role the FTC played, and continues to play, in discouraging the fraudulent marketing of discount health care programs.
  • Draw associations between co-pay requirements, consumer habits and federal healthcare expenditures.
  • Assess how "professional courtesy" discounts may raise enforcers' concerns under the federal anti-kickback statute.
  • Diagram how prepaid fee arrangements often resemble health insurance to unwitting patients.
  • Illustrate pitfalls that advertising discounts visit on the practitioner.

PACE Approved AL Course
Expires: 2025-12-31