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Manipulation 117 - 122
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors multiple
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Manipulation 117 through Manipulation 122
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10356 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 118 : Maintenance Care, Cervical Hemodynamics & Neurophysiological Effects of the Adjustment
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify a sub-group of recurrent low back pain patients that might respond most favorably to a maintenance care schedule
Summarize existing research literature on chiropractic maintenance care
Investigate short-term changes in pain-pressure threshold (PPT) and temporal summation (TS) after lumbar spinal manipulation (SMT) compared to a credible sham intervention
Determine whether cervical spinal manipulation leads to meaningful changes in vertebral and cerebral hemodynamics, compared to neutral or end-range neck rotation postures in adults with chronic neck pain
Summarize the current state of the literature regarding the neurophysiological effects of high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulative therapy (HVLA-SMT) in asymptomatic and symptomatic humans
Critique the existing, sham-controlled literature evaluating the acute changes in autonomic nervous system (ANS) markers and function in patients receiving manipulation to spinal or peripheral joints
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 8843 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 119
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Identify important spinal anatomy with relation to joint pain, degeneration and stabilization.
Explain the efficacy of spinal manipulation (SM) for various clinical presentations
Discuss current literature reviews regarding safety concerns and controversies with SM.
Perform joint manipulative procedures to the spine and pelvis
Hour 2
Discuss common clinical anatomy related to the trunk and torso, with practically to joint manipulation.
Examine the thoracic and lumbar spine through important clinical landmarks and topical anatomical structures.
Perform alternative manipulative procedures to the spine and pelvis
Hour 3
Discuss common clinical anatomy related to the head, and neck.
Examine the cervical spine through important clinical landmarks and topical anatomical structures.
Perform joint manipulative procedures for cervical spine.
Perform manipulative and mobilization procedures to the temporomandibular joints.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 9660 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 120
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Examine the effect of chiropractic manipulation on reaction and response time in combat-ready special operations forces qualified personnel
Assess the influence of chiropractic care on the strength, balance, and/or endurance in active-duty United States military personnel
Evaluate the impact of upper- vs lower-extremity chiropractic manipulation on postural sway and dual task performance
Provide an update regarding the mechanisms of action for manual therapy, the impact of manual therapy on pain management, health care conditions for which manual therapy may be beneficial and treatment plans
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10025 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 121 : Extremity Adjustment - Foot and Ankle
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Review common foot and ankle anatomy.
Evaluate the foot and ankle.
Perform physical and neurological examinations and tests related to the foot and ankle.
Identify uncomplicated common conditions during the evaluation of the foot and ankle.
Hour 2
Discuss evidence-based literature suggesting the practically of manipulation of the foot and ankle.
Perform adjustments of the foot.
Perform adjustments of the ankle.
Utilize a speeder/toggle board for the foot.
Hour 3
Describe the impact of disturbances on the determinant factors of health in the structures of the foot and ankle
Apply corrective and preventative measures to conditions affecting the health of the foot and ankle
Utilize evidence-based low technology rehabilitative methods to manage patient care of common foot and ankle conditions.
User strategies to address challenges patients have with adhering to rehabilitative programs.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10020 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 122 : Upper Extremities Manipulation - Hand, Wrist and Shoulder
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Jennifer Illes, DC
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Review common hand, wrist and shoulder anatomy.
Evaluate the hand write and shoulder.
Perform physical and neurological examinations and tests related to hand wrist and shoulder.
Identify uncomplicated common conditions during the evaluation of the hand wrist and shoulder
Hour 2
Discuss evidence-based literature suggesting the practically of manipulation of the hand, wrist and shoulder.
Perform adjustments of the hand.
Perform adjustments of the wrist.
Perform adjustments of the shoulder
Hour 3
Describe the impact of disturbances on the determinant factors of health in the structures of the hand, wrist and shoulder
Apply corrective and preventative measures to conditions affecting the health of the hand, wrist and shoulder
Utilize evidence-based low technology rehabilitative methods to manage patient care of common hand, wrist and shoulder
User strategies to address challenges patients have with adhering to rehabilitative programs.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10022 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 123 : Research Updates on Mechanisms, Targeting, Adverse Events & Immunity
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize existing literature regarding the neurophysiological mechanisms of spinal manipulation for spine pain
Identify the beliefs, perceptions and practices of chiropractors and patients regarding benign adverse events after spinal manipulation and potential strategies to mitigate them
Explore recent research pertaining to the importance or segmental pain and stiffness when targeting the application of spinal manipulation
Assess the literature on the effect of SMT on acute neck pain, including pain, disability and quality of life measures and reported adverse effects
Examine the evidence pertaining to the efficacy and effectiveness of spinal manipulation for preventing infectious disease and improving disease-specific health outcomes among patients with infectious disease
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10316 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 124 : Adverse Events Associated with Spinal Manipulation and Manual Therapy
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define and classify adverse events associated with manipulation and mobilization
Review symptoms patients perceive as adverse
Describe the incidence of severe adverse events among chiropractic recipients
Outline adverse events in the pregnant and postpartum periods
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10342 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 125 : Sensor-Based-Technique
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Lawrence DelRe, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the vertebral architectural distortion that predicts spinal imbalances.
Explain the factors involved in the etiology related to the primary components of the proprioceptor-cerebellar network.
Cite the law that establishes a classic chiropractic patient via radiograph.
Compare the classic manual osseous adjustment to Sensor-Based-Technique in regards to risk and effectiveness for reversing the cause of most chronic subluxations: An aberrant proprioceptor-cerebellar network feedback loop, (usually initiated by injury,) sustained through time by wedged vertebral bodies via Wolff's law, involving neuromuscular fixation engrams compensating for unlevel vertebral architecture.
Palpate the tendinous insertions of the paraspinal musculature in the areas of the spinous process tips and identify those areas that show tension, and demonstrate proper cross-friction massage at those points.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10357 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 126 : Chiropractic & Radicular Low Back Pain
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize our current understanding of biomechanical and biochemical processes that contribute to the development of discogenic back pain
Assess the possible association between receiving chiropractic spinal manipulation and the risk of subsequent cauda equina syndrome (CES) in adults with low back pain
Determine the impact of receiving chiropractic spinal manipulation on the odds of being prescribed Benzodiazepines for radicular low back pain
Establish if receiving chiropractic spinal manipulation following a radicular low back pain diagnosis influences the likelihood of subsequently receiving a gabapentin prescription
Examine the association between receipt of spinal manipulation and tramadol prescription among adults with a new diagnosis of radicular low back pain
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10532 Expires: 2026-07-31
Manipulation 127 : The Science of the Chiropractic Adjustment: Have we cracked the code?
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors Shawn Thistle, DC
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives History and Background
Recognize the historical emergence of spinal manipulation (SMT) throughout numerous time periods and among different professions
Outline the development of the chiropractic profession from the late 1800s to modern day
Briefly review existing and historical models of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT)
What’s that sound?
Distinguish cavitation from tribonucleation and explore the relevance of the popping sound with SMT.
Integrate the concept of mechanotransduction into your understanding and appraisal of SMT mechanisms
Outline different ways methods to provide mechanical stimulation during chiropractic treatment
Explain what the evidence tells us about joint motion, gapping and location of popping sounds with SMT
Explore contemporary areas of scientific inquiry into the neurophysiologic mechanism(s) of action for high-velocity spinal manipulation
Describe how SMT may influence pain modulation
Critique the evidence relating to the influence of SMT on blood biomarkers and immunity
Discuss the potential brain and sensorimotor functional impacts of SMT
Appreciate the relevance of spinal stiffness and the potential impact of SMT on spinal biomechanics
Summarize existing evidence relating to the SMT and muscle function.
Clinical Considerations
Describe clinical factors that could influence how SMT exerts its effect(s).
Discuss existing evidence on the dose-response relationship between SMT and clinical outcomes.
Recognize the importance of contextual factors, patient expectations and comfort in driving positive clinical outcomes.
Briefly summarize existing research on studies evaluating SMT for non-spinal conditions.
Course Conclusion
Propose an integrated, conceptual model of how SMT may exert its effects for our patients.
Recognize that chiropractic care helps patients via many aspects of the clinical encounter.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10559 Expires: 2026-07-31
MD Jurisprudence Board Rules Course : A Review of Board Rules affecting Chiropractors in Maryland
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Paul Powers, DC, DABCN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Review and comprehend COMAR Subtitle 43, Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Cite and understand the code of ethics
Perform acceptable advertising Board Hearings
Understand Rules associated with Clinical Demonstrations, Record Keeping, Continuing Education requirements
Apply appropriate administrative rules for Chiropractic Assistants
Comprehend rules associated with Massage Therapy under the Chiropractic Rules
Other Info Updated December 2017
Approval Code(s) Please contact regarding this course
Medical Errors 202a - 202b : Definitions, Concepts, Scope of the Problem and Types of Errors
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define Medical Error
Discuss Medical Errors in the Context of Other Types of Error
Illustrate the Scope of the Medical Error Problem
List Serious Reportable Medical Events
Define Key Events in the Field of Patient Safety
Review the Epidemiology of Medical Error
Describe the Taxonomy of Medical Error
Identify commonly misdiagnosed conditions
Identify populations of special vulnerability
Review Types of Medical Errors
Discuss Falls and Teamwork/Communication Errors and how to prevent them
Summarize the following types of medical errors:
medication errors
handoff errors
diagnostic errors
healthcare acquired infections
device associated infections
List factors that increase the risk of the above medical errors
Describe strategies to prevent the above medical errors
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 9658 Expires: 2026-07-31
Medical Errors 202b : Types of Medical Errors, Risk Factors and Prevention
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the following types of medical errors:
medication errors
handoff errors
diagnostic errors
healthcare acquired infections
device associated infections
List factors that increase the risk of the above medical errors
Describe strategies to prevent the above medical errors
Other Info
Recommend taking Medical Errors 202a prior to taking this course
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2181 Expires: 2026-07-31
Medical Errors 202c : Reporting, Root Cause Analysis, What To Do When Things Go Wrong
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recommend taking Medical Errors 202a and 202b prior to taking this course
Summarize surgical errors and identify factors that increase the risk of surgical error as well as strategies to prevent them
Discuss proper reporting of medical errors
Enumerate the elements that comprise root cause analysis
Describe strategies patients, providers, systems can use to reduce the risk of medical errors and improve patient health and safety
Describe what to do when things go wrong
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3553 Expires: 2026-07-31
Medical Errors 203
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the definition and scope of medical error
Summarize the types of medical error
Identify and describe ongoing safety research within the chiropractic profession
Review the literature on the adverse events following chiropractic care
Illustrate strategies to prevent common errors
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10028 Expires: 2026-07-31
Medical Errors 205
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Gregory Priest, DC, DABCO
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour One:
Discuss common medical errors made in the process of choosing diagnostic imaging for patients with cervical spine injuries
Discuss the role of Clinical Prediction Rules and their role in preventing common errors in overutilization of radiographic studies in patients with cervical spine injuries
Describe the Canadian C-Spine Rule, Canadian Head CT Rule and NEXUS Low-Risk Criteria, as well as their limitations and exceptions
Review the literature supporting the use of Clinical Prediction Rules in the prevention of medical errors
Hour Two:
Discuss limitations of plain film radiography in the evaluation of injured patients, and strategies to avoid medical errors due to inappropriate selection of imaging modalities
Discuss relevant clinical indications for ordering advanced imaging studies in the evaluation of patients with cervical spine injuries
Review common advanced imaging studies and their role in preventing medical errors of commission or omission
Discuss the clinical relevance of recognizing loss of cervical motion segment integrity in the evaluation and management of injured patients
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10446 Expires: 2026-07-31
Medical Marijuana 201 : Eligibility and Use
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Emmett Hughes, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List the conditions commonly treated with medical marijuana.
List the basic physiological mechanism that result from medical marijuana
Explain the different cannabinol receptors known in human tissues
Explain the benefits of cannabidiol vs. tetrahydrocannabinols
List the specific physiological benefits for conditions commonly treated with medical marijuana
Recognize the side effects and potential dangers of medical marijuana
Approval Code(s) Please contact regarding this course
Mental Health Conditions Common to Veterans
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Richard Saporito, DC
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Cite the rate of physical and mental health disability amongst veterans
Recognize the incidence and distribution of mental illness in the veteran population
State the definition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
List the DSM-5 criteria for PTSD
Explain the risk factors to developing PTSD
Summarize the relationship between PTSD and chronic pain
Outline screening strategies for PTSD
Explain the Primary Care PTSD Screen (PC-PTSD)
Describe approaches to the discussion of the results of screening with the patient and Family
List the effects of PTSD on the family
Summarize the psychological and pharmacological treatment for PTSD
Define depression
List the DMS-5 criteria for depression
Recognize the signs and symptoms of depression
Explain “Survivor Guilt”
Identify the incidence of suicide amongst veterans
List the risk factors for suicide generally and within the veteran population
Recall the warning signs of potential suicidal behavior
Outline the VA Risk Assessment Guide
Describe the SAD PERSONS instrument
List local and national resources available to physicians, families and individuals
Define who is a veteran
Assess veteran status based on active service, length of service, discharge status, service in war time versus peace time and service in the National Guard and Reserves
Identify the benefits available for spouses, children and survivors of veterans
Describe CHAMPVA
Summarize the Veteran Administration “Caregiver Program”
List mental health resources available to veterans and their families through the Veterans Administration and official State agencies
Approval Code(s) Please contact regarding this course
Mobilization 201 : Joint Mobilizations for the Upper Quarter
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List and define the components of the SINSS classification used for an upper quarter evaluation
Recall two neurophysiological effects of upper quarter joint mobilizations
Cite two indications for performing grade 1-2 joint mobilizations to the upper quarter
Identify two conditions that would warrant performing grad 3-4 joint mobilizations to the upper quarter
Enumerate 5 contraindications for performing joint mobilizations to the upper quarter State two specific diagnostic or impairment-based indications for performing a cervical distraction mobilization.
Summarize the purpose for performing a posterior mobilization to the glenohumeral joint
Paraphrase the clinical prediction rule used to determine the effectiveness of cervico-thoracic mobilizations for patient’s presenting with subacromial impingement.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7566 Expires: 2026-07-31
Mobilization 202 : Joint Mobilizations for the Lower Quarter
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Robert McCabe, PT, OCS
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List and define the components of the SINSS classification used for a lower quarter evaluation
Recall two neurophysiological effects of joint mobilizations as applied to the lower quarter
Cite two indications for performing grade 1-2 joint mobilizations for the lower quarter
Identify two conditions that would warrant performing grad 3-4 joint mobilizations for the lower quarter
Enumerate 5 contraindications for performing joint mobilizations as applied to the lower quarter
State two specific diagnostic or impairment-based indications for performing a lateral to caudal hip joint mobilization.
Explain the purpose for performing a posterior to anterior proximal tibiofibular glide
Provide two common indications for performing a medial patella mobilization technique
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7567 Expires: 2026-07-31
Mobilization 203 : Releasing Subluxations through Comfort and Ease
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Ethan Feldman, DC
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss the history behind the discovery of and development of releasing somatic dysfunction via positional release techniques via the work of Lawrence Jones, DO, George Goodheart, DC and others
Discuss the basic concepts of how the body responds to stress and trauma according to Irvin Korr and how slackening the dysfunctional muscle and joint tissues works to restore normal function.
Apply anatomy and kinesiology as a means of finding and unwinding somatic dysfunction.
Include the learned techniques into your practice.
Compare and contrast the rapid thrust vs. positional release modes of releasing subluxations or somatic dysfunction.
Hour 2
Summarize the muscle spindle, specifically, the anatomy and physiology of the spindle subcomponents and how it regulates function of skeletal muscle.
Breakdown the neural reflex mechanisms of the muscle spindle and appreciate how these mechanisms operate in both somatic function and dysfunction.
Explain the hypothesis of the “facilitated segment” aka somatic dysfunction, explained both in terms of neurology and by analogies so as to be clear to both the doctor and the patient
Identify somatic dysfunction via locating tender points and learn the mechanism of slackening in order to relieve the tender point reactivity and restore normal function to the muscle and joint.
Identify and correct tender point locations and positional releases.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10190 Expires: 2026-07-31
MRI 101 : Basic Principles of MRI Imaging as it Relates to the Lumbar Spine
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Jeff Swift, DC, DABCN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the basic principles of MRI imaging as it relates to the musculoskeletal system.
Summarize current criteria utilized to identify Lumbar pathology and the appropriate lexicon utilized in neuroradiology to assist the Doctor of Chiropractic in interpreting studies ordered.
Identify normal anatomy of the lumbar spine on MRI images.
Differentiate gross pathology associated with the most common MRI presentations associated with general Chiropractic practice.
Assess the necessity of MRI imaging for lumbar pathology, with an understanding of the pathophysiology of the degenerative process associated with lumbar spine aging
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3785 Expires: 2026-07-31
NeuroFascial Integration 201 : Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes Module 1
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
Describe the tensegrity model as it relates to biomechanics from a cellular to organism level.
Define fascia, including anatomical lines and physical properties.
Describe the Dural Fascial Kinetic Chain and its relationship to Adverse Mechanical Tension (AMT) on the spine and CNS.
Describe the clinical relevance of biotensegrity, and how to apply these updated architectural and biomechanical principles to the delivery of chiropractic adjustments.
Hour 2:
Explain the impact of chronic stress
Recognize common signs and symptoms of sympatheticotonia during initial patient presentation.
Outline the diagnostic process for sympatheticotonia, including both testing and interpretation.
Summarize clinical considerations for the patient with sympatheticotonia.
Hour 3:
Recognize and describe the common signs and symptoms of imbalance during initial patient presentation.
Outline and demonstrate testing procedures for imbalance.
Describe clinical interpretation of test results for imbalance.
Make referral for imbalance when appropriate.
Hour 4:
Describe statistical incidence and association with head and neck trauma
Be able to recognize in clinical practice the common signs and symptoms of head and neck trauma
Outline the diagnostic process for head and neck trauma, including both testing and interpretation.
Summarize clinical considerations for the patient with head and neck trauma
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10243 Expires: 2026-07-31
NeuroFascial Integration 201 - 203 : Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed for NeuroFascial Integration 201 - 203
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10277 Expires: 2026-07-31
NeuroFascial Integration 202 : Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes Module 2
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
Describe layered components of restrictions including updated osseous, muscular, and fascial relational anatomy.
Describe how to palpate muscle tension versus fascial adhesion versus fascial tension lines.
Differentiate between osseous restriction, muscular tension, and fascial restriction as they relate to spinal motion restriction.
Use palpatory findings to select technique application for adjustments that last longer by addressing mechanical root cause and encourage parasympathetic dominance at rest.
Hour 2:
Describe the difference between static misalignments and dynamic spinal restrictions (joints incapable of full range of motion).
Differentiate with palpation both static and dynamic spinal restrictions.
Describe neurological information gathered from palpation, including dysesthesia, hyperesthesia, reactive erythema, temperature differentials, and other signs.
Palpate the patient with chronic pain, trauma history, and/or sympatheticotonia without triggering sympathetic bracing.
Hour 3:
Describe the Oxford Grading Scale for manual muscle testing.
Describe interpretation of manual muscle testing findings, including differentials for clinical significance of findings other than normal.
Demonstrate manual muscle testing of major postural muscles.
Apply manual muscle testing as pre- and post-clinical intervention measures during adjustment visits and to track change during review examination.
Hour 4:
Describe the relevance of clinical history as it relates to chronic stress and trauma.
List specific questions to assess for sympatheticotonia.
List specific questions to assess for indications of head and neck trauma
Determine appropriate individualized examination procedures based on history answers.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10244 Expires: 2026-07-31
NeuroFascial Integration 203 : Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes Module 3
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1:
List the relevant indications to assess using cross-crawl patterning.
Describe testing procedures to determine specific cross-crawl pattern issues
Describe testing procedures to assess for signs of sympatheticotonia.
Describe testing procedures to assess for signs of imbalance.
Hour 2:
Perform seated functional range of motion testing with segmental and curve analysis.
Perform standing functional range of motion testing with segmental and curve analysis.
Describe fascial considerations to modify common orthopedic tests (including straight leg raise, supine apparent arm length inequality, bilateral prone knee flexion, and soto hall).
List the orthopedic exam procedures specifically relevant to Fascial Kinetic Chain tension.
Hour 3:
Describe clinical considerations in terms of safety of providing care (knowing when to adjust and when NOT to adjust).
Define what is “primary” (including considerations of “cause” as well as “least stressful point of access” to determine what to adjust or otherwise apply therapeutic input).
Recognize patterns of and describe gestalt clinical interpretation for sympatheticotonia.
Recognize patterns of and describe gestalt clinical interpretation for adverse mechanical tension in the Fascial Kinetic Chain
Describe patterns of peripheral nerve interference found through synthesis of clinical history and exam procedures.
Hour 4:
Summarize the concept of an initial Therapeutic Trial of care, including reasoning behind it and how to complete this extension of initial assessment in order to customize patient care.
Describe considerations for technique selection (including where to start, how intensely to adjust, and how to adjust).
Explain reasoning behind initial frequency of care, and how/when/why to modify this frequency.
Describe the considerations for projecting response to care and prognosis.
Summarize guidelines for patient home care recommendations, including considerations for movement and rest, ergonomics, nutrition, and referrals when appropriate.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10245 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 101 : The Patient Interview
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Demonstrate skills to properly perform a patient interview
Properly record a chief complaint
Perform a neurological examination of the head and neck
Perform a mental status examination
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 1069 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 101 - 107
Credit Hours(s) 9.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $180.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This course contains all content from Neurological Exam 101 through 107. Please see educational objectives for those courses
Other Info Course Group includes all Neurological Exam Courses numbered 101 thru 107
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4142 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 102 : Cranial Nerves
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Cite anatomy and function of the cranial nerves
Examine the twelve cranial nerves during a clinical examination
Discuss disorders of cranial nerves
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2464 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 103 : Somatic Motor System, Involuntary Movements and Non-Paralytic Movement Disorders
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform and chart a neurological examination of the voluntary motor system and the somatic sensory system
Apply results of the examination findings in the differential diagnosis of patients
Describe the three neuron pathway involved with sensorineural innervation
Discuss multimodal sensations
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2465 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 104 : The Reflex Systems
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform an appropriate examination of the reflexes, including deep tendon, superficial, visceral and pathological reflexes
Describe the anatomy associated with reflexes
Properly grade and record reflexes
Interpret the Results of Reflex Testing
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3555 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 105 : Examination of the Cerebellar Systems
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform an examination of the systems involved with Movement and Coordination
Discuss cerebellar anatomy
Differentially Diagnose by applying clinical signs of cerebellar dysfunction
Recognize cerebellar syndromes by their anatomical areas
Apply specific principles of examination to improve the Chiropractic Spinal Examination
Describe specific procedures of the spinal examination
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2185 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 106 : Clinical Assessment of Pain and Function
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform a clinical assessment of pain and function
Explain the psychophysiological profile of pain patients
Discuss the treatment of pain
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3557 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurological Exam 107 : Record Maintenance and Narrative Report Writing
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Maintain proper records of neurological examination in the SOAP format
Write narrative reports reflecting the neurological examination
Apply an outline of fundamental procedures in performing a complete chiropractic neurological examination
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2187 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 101 : The Neurological Aspects of Manipulation
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Paul Powers, DC, DABCN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the neurological aspects of manipulation
Review the basics of cellular physiology as it relates to manipulation
Discuss action potentials and synapses
Evolve an understanding of receptors
Describe nociception and effects of manipulation
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2188 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 102 : The Neurological Effects of Manipulation
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Paul Powers, DC, DABCN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Further elucidate the neurological aspects of manipulation
Discuss nociceptive input to the spinal cord
Review mechanoreceptors and their fibers
Identify the relationship of mechanoreceptors with endorphin/enkephalin
Analyze the history of referred pain patterns
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3560 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 103 : Inflammatory Neuropathy
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Robert Schwer, DC
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe axonal degeneration in inflammatory neuropathy
Construct criteria for diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
Discuss the use of antioxidant therapy in neurologic disease
Review the sensory innervation of the SI joint
Identify mechanoreceptor control of shoulder musculature
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2190 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 104 : Differential Diagnosis with Nerve Conduction and EMG
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Jeff Swift, DC, DABCN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate the basics of nerve conduction
Comment on recording action potentials
Review NCV/EMG recording issues
Identify the diagnostic usefulness of H-reflex and F-response
Construct differential diagnosis with Nerve Conduction
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3562 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 106 : Modular Theory of Headache
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Jeff Swift, DC, DABCN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the use of Co-Enzyme Q as preventive treatment for migraines
Discuss the modular headache theory
Describe the neurovascular aspects of cluster headaches
Identify the nutritional etiology of headache and ataxia
Review the relationship of migraines and menstruation
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3564 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 108 : Chiropractic and Motor Control, Theories, Assessment
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the effect of chiropractic on motor control
Discuss theories of how movements are chosen
Discuss how movements are sequenced, and skills are learned
Develop a motor control examination for your practice
Distinguish components of the motor assessment
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3566 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 109 : Functional Symptoms in Neurology and Neuropathic Pain
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe an approach to the assessment and diagnosis of functional symptoms in neurology
Outline an approach to the management of functional symptoms in neurology
Discuss concepts in neuropathic pain
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2196 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 110 : Neuropathic Pain - Part I
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore current understanding of pain concepts, physiology and theories behind neuropathic pain
Discuss in detail the relevant neurological anatomy and functional neurology
Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to pain receptors and neural integration
Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to neural plasticity, articular neurology, and mechanisms of pain
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3568 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 111 : Neuropathic Pain - Part 2
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore current understanding of pain concepts, physiology and theories behind neuropathic pain and allodynia
Discuss the importance of the neurological implications of a nerve injury
Describe mechanisms of neural plasticity
Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to neural plasticity, articular neurology, and mechanisms of pain
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2198 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 113 : Neck Adjustments and Stroke: Just the Facts
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Summarize the anatomy and hemodynamics of the upper cervical spine and brain
Discuss the nature of the pathophysiological changes common in arterial dissection
Outline the various forms and limitations of the bedside examination and laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging
Develop criteria for necessity of evaluation procedures (physical, orthopedic, neurologic)
Justify the development and significance of recognition and management of vascular accidents
Integrate current considerations regarding risk factors and therapeutic intervention
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2200 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 115 : Neuropathy Advanced Labs - Chiropractic Applications
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss common conditions that are associated with neuropathy
Identify presenting signs and symptoms in patients that would lead to examination for neuropathy
Differentiate different conditions that can present with signs and symptoms similar to neuropathy
Measure and interpret blood chemistries to demine the possible cause of neuropathy in a patient
Prepare a comprehensive diagnostic and management strategy for patients with neuropathy
Comprehend and be able to assess relative to neuropathy, drug-nutrient interactions in patients
Breakdown possible contributions of poly-pharmacy to the development and or maintenance of the neuropathic condition in their patients
Appraise risk factors for complications such as neuropathy and diabetic ulcers in patients with elevated blood sugar
Order and interpret neuropathy screening tests for patients with symptoms of neuropathy
Devise a strategy to reduce risk factors of neuropathy and translate this strategy into a treatment plan for the patient
Choose and apply biomarker lab tests to manage patients with neuropathy
Provide basic interpretation of nerve conduction and EMG findings for patients
Discuss the use of medications in neuropathy and explain their mechanisms of action
Advise patients on possible side effects of neuropathy medications
Use Tinel's Sign as a diagnostic procedure and translate these findings into optimal location for therapy in neuropathy patients
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2679 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 115 - 116
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Neurology 115 through Neurology 116
Other Info Course Group includes all Neurology Courses numbered 115 thru 116
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4128 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 116 : Neuropathy - Treatment Applications
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Contrast historical versus neuroanatomical theories of acupuncture
Describe the 4 basic mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia.
Identify and utilize the local, segmental and central effects of acupuncture for neuropathy pain control
Combine nutraceutical substances that may enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture
Prepare a comprehensive acupuncture point prescription for maximum analgesic effects in patients suffering from neuropathy
Contrast real versus placebo acupuncture and discuss the pitfalls in placebo controlled trials
Utilized knowledge of the effects of acupuncture on GABA, Glutamate & 5HTP to maximize acupuncture analgesia in neuropathy patients
Utilize basic pharmacognosy to support and enhance the neurotransmitter effects of acupuncture
Apply sensory stimulation techniques to promote Neurotrophic factors in nerve repair and regeneration
Apply the basic science of acupuncture as a bridge to non-invasive neuromodulation in neuropathy patients
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2434 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 116 - 124
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Neurology 116 through Neurology 124
Other Info Course Group includes all Neurology Courses numbered 116 thru 124
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4171 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 117 : Neuropathy Management - Part 1
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Relate the effects of voltage gated sodium and calcium channels to the development of neuropathy
Draw the pathways specific of TRPs, NaV 1.8 and CaV 3.2 ion channels in the nervous system
Understand the application of selective NaV 1.8 and CaV 3.2 channel blockers in patients with neuropathy
Discuss basic science research that links ion channels with the signs and symptoms of neuropathy
Utilize the neurobiology of the Rubber Hand phenomena to treat patients with peripheral neuropathy.
Discuss various ion channels and their roles in neuron hyper-excitability related to neuropathy
Utilize natural substances that modulate ions channels related to neuropathy
Differentiate the roles of Protein Kinase C and Aldose Reductase in neuropathy
Identify potential signaling pathways that are targets of neuromodulation through natural substances
Prepare a comprehensive natural-substance management strategy for patients with neuropathy
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3793 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 117 - 121
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Neurology 117 through Neurology 121
Other Info Course Group includes all Neurology Courses numbered 117 thru 121
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2758 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 118 : Pharmacognosy: Signaling Pathways in Neuropathy
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss how insulin signaling abnormalities can directly and indirectly contribute to neuropathy
Utilize natural substances that modulate insulin signaling pathways
Differentiate the roles of Endocannabinoid receptors in pain processing versus recreation “High”
Create a strategy to modulation Endocannabinoids receptors with legal natural substances for pain relief
Understand the role of Nerve Growth Factors (NGF) in the development of symptoms of neuropathy and also the role of NGF promoting natural substances which may stimulate repair and regeneration.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3264 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 119 : Pharmacognosy: Neurotransmitters
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Utilize natural substances as neurotransmitter based treatments for neuropathy.
Identify GABA modulating substances and their effects on GABA metabolism and GABA receptors
Utilize natural substances that modulate Glutamate metabolism and receptors
Differentiate the roles of GABA, Glutamate and Glycine receptors in pain processing
Create a strategy to modulation neurotransmitter receptors using natural substances for pain relief
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 1892 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 120 : Non-Invasive Neuromodulation in Neuropathy Treatment
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compared and contrast usual transcutaneous nerve stimulation techniques (TENs) with techniques of non-invasive neuromodulation using High Voltage Pulsed Galvanic stimulation
Identify the anatomical location of electrode placement for central and peripheral non-invasive neuromodulation techniques
Differentiate various forms of peripheral versus central non-invasive neuromodulation techniques
Discuss the theory of application and be able to apply techniques of non-invasive neuromodulation in practice.
Create a strategy for neuromodulation of the patient suffering from neuropathy
Identify appropriate choices of non-invasive neuromodulation techniques for a patient suffering from neuropathy.
Breakdown risk versus benefits of neuromodulation and be able to discuss them with the patient suffering from neuropathy
Appraise a neuropathy patient and construct a comprehensive neuropathy treatment plan which includes non-invasive neuromodulation techniques
Breakdown and discuss the investigational nature of non-invasive neuromodulation techniques and understand the importance of obtaining written informed consent before proceeding with non-invasive neuromodulation in neuropathy patients
Comprehend the basic electronics of non-invasive neuromodulation techniques.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3355 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 121 : Neuromodulation: Use of Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss stimulation parameters for using High Voltage Galvanic stimulation for neuromodulation
Identify optimal ranges for pulse-width, milli-AMPs, phase and other parameters of electrical stimulation
Differentiate and choose optimal types of electrical stimulation (TENS vs. HVG) for clinician applications
Draw out the neuro-anatomical pathways of vagal nerve stimulation and use this information to guide appropriate use of vagal nerve stimulation in clinical practice
Discuss the investigational nature of tVNS, potential risk-benefits, with patients and construct a treatment plan using tVNS with a properly informed and consenting patient.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2096 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 122 : Trans-spinal Direct Current Stimulation (ts-DC)
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Understand the differences and similarities between TENs, low voltage and high voltage galvanic and be able to use this knowledge to select the most appropriate type to stimulation for use in ts-DC applications
Apply precautions, other safety considerations and informed consent when administering high voltage galvanic stimulation for non-invasive spinal cord stimulation.
Craft evidence-based treatment strategies using ts-DC stimulation for pain control and modulation of both ascending sensory and descending motor pathways based on recently published literature on central nervous systems effects of direct current stimulation.
Be able to select optimal electrode placement for ts-DC based on clinical presentation of the patient
Understand the basic technique for non-invasive Stellate Ganglion transcutaneous stimulation and its possible application for sympathetic maintained pain.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3548 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 123 : Neuromodulation with Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS)
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss the history of GVS and the historic use of GVS as diagnostic procedure.
Identify the effects of GVS on the nervous system and use this information to construct an effective clinical protocol for his/her patient
Apply GVS as an adjunct procedure to assist in balance rehabilitation.
Understand and apply GVS as part of a comprehensive strategy for the treatment of neuropathic pain syndromes.
Create a treatment protocol in terms of electrode placement, intensity, duration and precautions for the use of GVS in clinical practice.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2211 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 124 : Neuromodulation with tDC
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Communicate the risks, potential benefits and the investigational nature of tDC with a potential patient for the purpose of securing a written informed consent prior to treatment
Understand the similarities and differences between low voltage direct current and high voltage pulsed galvanic and how to apply knowledge of their polarity specific effects in clinical neuromodulation
Identify brain targets for neuromodulation and construct a therapeutic electrode montage, treatment protocol in terms of intensity, duration, frequency and dose of tDC
Explain the theory of tDC as it relates to pain modulation based on contemporaneous scientific literature
Apply tDC as an adjunct procedure to assist in intractable pain relief
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3837 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 125 : Neuromodulation and Balance
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compared and contrast galvanic vestibular stimulation and Tone Burst Vestibular Stimulation in the treatment of the balance impaired patient.
Apply the polarity specific effects of the anode and cathode on the vestibular system for amelioration of common balance impairments.
Identify the anatomical location of electrode placement for Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation.
Create a treatment strategy using Tone Bursts based on physiological pairing of semicircular canals.
Apply Specific Tone Protocols based on Saccule versus Utricle dysfunction in balance impaired patients.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2259 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 126 : Neurological Conditions in Chiropractic Practice
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recognize Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in your chiropractic patients
Summarize the prevalence in your patient population
Identify the type of patient that presents with TBI
Explain why a chiropractor needs to differential diagnose TBI patients
Compile correlations of TBI inciting factors with your patient presentations
Demonstrate the pathology that occurs with TBI
Classify the grades of TBI and discriminate what can be treated conservatively
Identify the incidence of injuries that commonly cause TBI
Evaluate the probability of TBI in your patient
Describe the many different types of evaluations, in the field, in the office and upon referral
Implement in-office Screening Tools and apply diagnostic criteria
Identify the risk of post-concussive syndrome
Detect patients with “Brain Cognitive Reserve”
Identify Second Impact Syndrome
Assess the value of MRI
Identify Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Integrate the current concepts of conservative treatment
Design Cognitive Rehab
Provide appropriate patient advice, treatment or referral options
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4108 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 126 - 127
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1 - 5
Recognize Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in your chiropractic patients
Summarize the prevalence in your patient population
Identify the type of patient that presents with TBI
Explain why a chiropractor needs to differential diagnose TBI patients
Compile correlations of TBI inciting factors with your patient presentations
Demonstrate the pathology that occurs with TBI
Classify the grades of TBI and discriminate what can be treated conservatively
Identify the incidence of injuries that commonly cause TBI
Evaluate the probability of TBI in your patient
Describe the many different types of evaluations, in the field, in the office and upon referral
Implement in-office Screening Tools and apply diagnostic criteria
Identify the risk of post-concussive syndrome
Detect patients with “Brain Cognitive Reserve”
Identify Second Impact Syndrome
Assess the value of MRI
Identify Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Integrate the current concepts of conservative treatment
Design Cognitive Rehab
Provide appropriate patient advice, treatment or referral options
Hour 6
Define the trophic model
Describe the pathology of trophic model to your patients
Apply the trophic model of subluxation into clinical practice
Detect signs & symptoms that correlate with the trophic model
Extrapolate the model to patient care, especially maintenance manipulative therapy.
Other Info Course Group includes all Courses numbered 126 thru 127
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2759 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 127 : Trophic Subluxation Theory and How it Affects Your Patient
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the trophic model
Describe the pathology of trophic model to your patients
Apply the trophic model of subluxation into clinical practice
Detect signs & symptoms that correlate with the trophic model
Extrapolate the model to patient care, especially maintenance manipulative therapy.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3657 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 128 : The Neurological Evaluation: What You Need to Know (And Why You Need to Know It)
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Identify and recite all components of the neurological examination
Outline basic peripheral and central nervous system pathways that are clinically relevant to the bedside (ambulatory) neurological examination.
Perform an examination of the cranial nerve and somatic motor system, including aspects of strength, tone and volume.
Hour 2
Perform an examination of the cranial nerve and somatic sensory system, including sensory testing of deep and superficial CNS pathways.
Perform an examination of the reflex system, including testing of deep, superficial, visceral and pathological reflexes.
Hour 3
Perform an examination of the movement, balance and coordination systems, including tests of cerebellar function.
Demonstrate an examination flow and performing tests taking the patient from sitting to standing, to the supine and prone positions.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the central nervous system.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the peripheral nervous system.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2645 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 128 - 129
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors multiple
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Identify and recite all components of the neurological examination
Outline basic peripheral and central nervous system pathways that are clinically relevant to the bedside (ambulatory) neurological examination.
Perform an examination of the cranial nerve and somatic motor system, including aspects of strength, tone and volume.
Hour 2
Perform an examination of the cranial nerve and somatic sensory system, including sensory testing of deep and superficial CNS pathways.
Perform an examination of the reflex system, including testing of deep, superficial, visceral and pathological reflexes.
Hour 3
Perform an examination of the movement, balance and coordination systems, including tests of cerebellar function.
Demonstrate an examination flow and performing tests taking the patient from sitting to standing, to the supine and prone positions.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the central nervous system.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the peripheral nervous system.
Hour 4
Identify the domains of and concepts within motor control
Outline some research on chiropractic's influence on motor control
Discuss principles of motor control and rehabilitation applied to practice
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 6180 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 129 : Motor Control in Chiropractic Practice
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Dean Smith, DC, PhD
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the domains of and concepts within motor control
Outline some research on chiropractic's influence on motor control
Discuss principles of motor control and rehabilitation applied to practice
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3715 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 133 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 1
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Relate the effects of chemotherapy to the development of neuropathy.
Draw the pathways specific to Lamina I versus Lamina V sensory pathways.
Discuss basic science research that links Na, Ca and TRPA1 ion channels with hyper-excitability of sensory neurons.
Apply Lo-TENs over acupuncture points known to down regulate TRPA1 and PKC for the treatment of neuropathy.
Utilize natural substances that modulate ions channels related to neuropathy.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 9659 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 134 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 2
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Obtain the most appropriate diagnostic tests for their patients suspected of suffering from small fiber neuropathy
Implement the use of serum biomarkers for the management of small fiber neuropathy
Utilize hair analysis for heavy metals, in cases of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy
Implement a nutritional detox strategy for the elimination of heavy metals in patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy
Institute a nutritional strategy to elevate NAD+ or to down regulate NAMPT to protect axons from degeneration in cases of peripheral neuropathy.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10008 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 135 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 3
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss how small fiber nerve dysfunction may contribute to painful conditions commonly seen in chiropractic practice.
Apply the Thermal Grill to evoke Conditioned Pain Modulation and Offset Analgesia to relieve neuropathy pain.
Utilize techniques to treat deafferentation pain.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10009 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 136 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 4
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Draw the components of the Central Autonomic Network
Relate the effects of brain lateralization and asymmetry to sympathetic-parasympathetic balance and tone.
Apply the technique of High Voltage Galvanic stimulation to create a non-invasive Stellate Ganglion Block.
Apply Lo-TENs to transcutaneously perform Vagal Nerve Stimulation.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10023 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 137 : Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 5
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Formulate a viable alternative treatment for chemotherapy induced neuropathy.
Offer guidance to patients on how they may prevent or reduce the severity of chemotherapy induced neuropathy.
Utilize various forms of nervous system stimulation as a substitute for acupuncture.
Apply techniques for determining where nerves are attempting to heal and formulate a treatment strategy designed to accelerate nerve repair.
Choose the most beneficial type of stimulation and the optimal locations where stimulation should reduce symptoms and promote nerve repair in chemotherapy induced neuropathy.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10024 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 138 : The Neurological Physiological Lesion
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define physiological lesion & functional lesion
Differentiate an anatomical pathology from physiological pathology
Recognize the debate on it’s validity
Apply the defined lesions to current known brain pathologies
Illustrate the physiological lesion in known cord pathologies
Demonstrate how the lesions can be measured
Examine the applications to manipulative therapy
Investigate clinical application
Evaluate the validity of the theory to chiropractic applications.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10029 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 139 : Concussion - Signs and Symptoms
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors IACN Guest Instructor
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List common symptoms and physical examination findings that are seen with concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries.
Recognize red flags and referrals needed in patients diagnosed with concussion.
Implement tools like the CDC’s Acute Concussion Evaluation into the patient interview.
Utilizef advanced imaging and diagnostic testing used for the diagnosis of concussion and pathologies that resemble concussion.
Identify specific findings from the patient interview and examination that led to the diagnosis of other co-occurring pathologies
Other Info IACN Guest Lecturer: Felicia Danio, DC, DIBCN
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10376 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 140 : Innovative and practical applied clinical neuroscience applications for ADHD patients
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors IACN Guest Instructor
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recall classifications of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Itemize the four-step approach to management of ADHD.
Administer sensorimotor integration techniques – Interactive Metronome.
Assess balance and posture and implement rehabilitation.
Observe eye movement abnormalities and implement therapeutic protocols.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10377 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 141 : Introduction and overview, Parkinson's Disease rating scales A
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Classify a Parkinson's disease patient using the H and Y scale
Formulate a specific treatment plan for musculoskeletal symptoms experienced by an individual patient.
Use the Parkinson's Autonomic Rating Scale to formulate a treatment plan for non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Recognize and utilize the three main staging and scoring scales of the conditions.
Utilize the three major components of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale to formulate a specific treatment plan for your patient.
Understand how the autonomic scoring scale for Parkinson's overlaps and interacts with the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Score.
Combine the rating scales to formulate a stage for disability for the Parkinson's patient.
Utilize the United Parkinson's Rating Scale to craft a patient-specific rehabilitation program.
Recognize Parkinsons and refer to appropriate healthcare providers as indicated.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10471 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 142 : Neurobiology: Biomarkers Foundation for Treatment and Rehabilitation
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Develop a comprehensive understanding of common biomarkers relative to Parkinson's disease patients.
Explore the utility of Cystatin C relative to Parkinson's patients
Analyze the newly released Neurofilament Light Chain biomarker and its role in Parkinson's disease patients.
Examine the role of glial cells in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease and investigate the potential of the S100B protein as a biomarker for tissue damage in Parkinson's disease patients.
Gain insights into the significance of glial cells in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease and evaluate the efficacy of the S100B protein as a biomarker for tissue damage in individuals suffering from Parkinson's disease.
Make appropriate referrals to Medical Doctors for Parkinsons Patients
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10481 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 143 : Neurodegeneration: a-Synuclein Neuroinflammation
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Apply knowledge of alpha synuclein metabolism to formulate targets for patients suffering with Parkinson’s Disease based on studies of the effect of natural substances on alpha synuclein pathology.
Match specific herbal and natural formulas to target precise defects in the pathological metabolism of alpha synuclein in Parkinson’s Disease.
Map out the complex life cycle of alpha synuclein with specific emphasis on known defects that create pathological inclusion bodies in neurons of Parkinson’s Disease patients.
Recognize natural substances for their potential to reverse pathology related to misfolded alpha synuclein molecules.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10487 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 144 : Parkinson Disease: SARM1 Pathway, Prion Pathology
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Apply an understanding of NAD+ metabolism to formulate therapeutic targets for patients suffering with Parkinson’s Disease based on studies of the effect of natural substances on neurodegeneration.
Match specific herbal and natural formulas to target precise pathways related to neuroprotection.
Formulate Parkinson’s Disease specific strategies to suppress SARM1 and DLK neurodegeneration pathways.
Discuss the similarities between alpha synuclein molecules and prion proteins.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10489 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 145 : Neurogenesis and neurotrophic factors
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Apply neurotrophic factors to formulate therapeutic targets for patients suffering with Parkinson’s Disease based on studies of the effect of natural substances on neurotrophic enhancement.
Match specific herbal and natural formulas to target precise neurotrophic pathways.
Map out the function of BDNF, GDNF, CDNF, MANF and Nurr-1 related to the proliferation, migration, maturation and functional connection of neural stem cells.
Utilize specific natural substances for their potential to reverse pathology related to Parkinson’s Disease through the stimulation of neurogenesis.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10492 Expires: 2026-08-31
Neurology 146 : Neuromodulation: Specific rehabilitation protocols
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Apply available non-invasive neuromodulation techniques to formulate therapeutic targets for patients suffering with Parkinson’s Disease based on the latest studies.
Match specific non-invasive neuromodulation techniques to target precise physical impairments in Parkinson’s Disease patients.
Discuss the physiological effects of non-invasive neuromodulation techniques and their applications to the care of Parkinson’s Disease patients.
Use vagal nerve stimulation, galvanic vestibular stimulation, transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation, rhythmic auditory stimulation and other neuromodulation techniques to assist in the rehabilitation of Parkinson’s Disease patients.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10496 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 147 : Non-Invasive Stimulation of Deep Brain Targets
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Use the function of various deep brain structures to formulate treatment strategies for patients suffering with Parkinson’s Disease based on the latest studies.
Match specific non-invasive techniques to target precise deep brain structures in Parkinson’s Disease patients.
Discuss the physiological effects of deep brain activation techniques and their applications to the care of Parkinson’s Disease patients.
Apply specific techniques related to activation of the Pedunculopontine, Globus Pallidus, Subthalamic Nucleus and VIM to the rehabilitation of patients wih Parkinson’s Disease.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10507 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 148 : Parkinsons Disease - Specific Rehabilitation Protocols
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore cutting-edge cognitive rehabilitation techniques that enhance brain function and recovery.
Develop personalized strategies to address individual cognitive challenges and improve overall mental agility.
Gain clinically applicable experience with innovative tools and technologies that support cognitive rehabilitation practices.
Foster a collaborative learning environment to share insights and best practices for effective cognitive rehabilitation.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10557 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 149 : Rehab of Hypomimia, drooling and swallowing deficits in Parkinsons Disease
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Implement evidence-based strategies to enhance emotional regulation and coping mechanisms for managing hypomimia in individuals with Parkinson's disease.
Apply advanced techniques for drooling management to promote patient comfort and maintain dignity during activities of daily living.
Design and instruct patients in effective swallowing exercises to ensure safe and efficient oral intake during meals and hydration.
Facilitate the strengthening of facial muscles and expressions to improve non-verbal communication and social engagement for Parkinson's patients.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10521 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 150 : Rehab of Hypomimia, drooling and swallowing deficits in Parkinson?s Disease
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Explain the neurophysiological basis of motor deficits in Parkinson's disease, focusing on basal ganglia dysfunction and its impact on fine motor control and gait.
Evaluate evidence-based interventions for improving hand dexterity in Parkinson's patients, including task-specific training and emerging technologies like virtual reality.
Analyze the neuroscientific principles behind gait rehabilitation strategies, such as external cueing and dual-task training, and their effects on neural plasticity in Parkinson's disease.
Design a comprehensive rehabilitation program that integrates hand dexterity and gait interventions, considering the latest research on neuroplasticity and motor learning in Parkinson's disease.
Hour 2
Explain the neurophysiological underpinnings of motor deficits affecting lower extremity function
Analyze the neuroscientific principles driving rehabilitation strategies such as external cueing and dual-task training.
Evaluate evidence-based interventions aimed at enhancing lower extremity ADLs, including task-specific training for sit-to-stand transfers, stair climbing, and the application of emerging technologies that target motor function.
Design a comprehensive rehabilitation program that integrates the aforementioned interventions for lower extremity ADLs and gait training
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10525 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 151 : Axial Signs and Symptoms
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors George Kukurin, DC, DACAN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Analyze normal postural control mechanisms and identify common postural abnormalities associated with Parkinson's Disease.
Explain the pathophysiology of Parkinson's Disease and its impact on functional mobility and balance.
Evaluate evidence-based rehabilitation strategies and interventions for managing postural instability in individuals with Parkinson's Disease.
Demonstrate understanding of the clinical assessment tools used to measure postural control and track rehabilitation progress in Parkinson's Disease patients.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 10558 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201 : Basic Brain Anatomy and Function: The Motor Cortex
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss briefly the relevant brain anatomy and functional neurology with focus on the frontal lobe and motor cortex.
Describe the anatomy and physiology of the human brain cortex as it relates to the basic tenants of chiropractic and to spinal subluxation.
Identify key anatomical components of the frontal lobe and motor cortex.
Discuss some of the pioneers in neuroscience underscoring their individual contributions.
Draw basic neurological pathways associated with the frontal lobe and motor cortex.
Relate function of the frontal lobe and motor cortex to various associated disease conditions.
Other Info
NOTE: Recommended to take after Neuro 201-intro and prior to Neuro 201a
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2611 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201 Session 1
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $216.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 12 hours of 201 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 201 module
Other Info All Courses in the Neurology 201 Series
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4163 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201-intro : Anatomy of the Skull and Spine With Dissection of the Cervical Spine
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore current role of the art and science of clinical neurology for the chiropractor
Discuss briefly the relevant neurological anatomy and functional neurology
Describe in detail the anatomy and function of the components of the human skull with attention to aspects which may be important to the chiropractic physician
Explore the current role of clinical neurology for the practicing chiropractor
Describe in detail the anatomy and function of the components of the human spine with attention to aspects which may be important to the chiropractic physician
Other Info
NOTE: Recommended to take as first course in 201 series
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3983 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201a : Introduction to Chiropractic Clinical Neurology: Basic Lower Brain, Brainstem and Spinal Cord Anatomy: A Clinical Perspective
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore current role of the art and science of clinical neurology for the chiropractor
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy of the central nervous system, exclusive of the cortex
Summarize relevant functional neurology of the central nervous system exclusive of the cortex
Illustrate the clinical presentation resulting from disease of the various brain and cord areas
Outline various categories for spinal cord lesions
Organize findings of central nervous system disease by anatomical location and clinical presentation
Other Info
NOTE: Recommended to have taken Neuro 201-intro and Neuro 201 prior to taking this class
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2438 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201b-c100 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 100
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a paraplegic
Explore the relevant issues and action protocols involved in acute spinal cord disease
Evaluate relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Summarize relevant functional neurology of the spinal cord
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3468 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201c : Syndromes Involving the Spinal Cord
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore current role of the art and science of clinical neurology for the chiropractor
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy of the spinal cord
Summarize relevant functional neurology of the spinal cord
Illustrate the clinical presentation resulting from disease of the various cord areas
Outline various categories for spinal cord lesions
Organize findings of spinal cord disease by anatomical location and clinical presentation
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2098 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 201d : Clinical Aspects of Spinal Cord Disease
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy and function of the meninges
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy and function of the arterial and venous CNS circulation
Discuss relevant neurological anatomy and function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation
Illustrate the clinical presentation resulting from disease of the various areas
Outline various categories for vascular CNS lesions
Utilize a Grand Rounds type case presentation
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2439 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202 : The Patient Interview, Cranial Nerves, Cervical Adjustments and Strokes: The Complete Story
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Properly record a chief complaint
Demonstrate skills to properly perform a patient interview
Perform a neurological examination of the head and neck
Perform a mental status examination
Cite anatomy and function of the cranial nerves
Examine the twelve cranial nerves during a clinical examination
Discuss disorders of cranial nerves
Discuss, in detail, aspects of neural ischemia and Cervical Spinal Manipulation
Overview cerebrovascular anatomy and hemodynamics
Describe pathophyiological mechanisms in vascular injuries
Clinically test a patient to evaluate predisposition
Recognize postadjustment vertebrobasilar insufficiency and review case studies
Other Info
NOTE: This course is the same content as Neurological Exam 101, 102 and Neurology 107
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2676 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202 Session 2
Credit Hours(s) 26.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $442.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 26 hours of 202 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 202 module
Other Info All Courses in the Neurology 202 Series
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4192 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c101 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 101
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a young female with a primary complaint of a balance problem
Improve the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Develop improved patient examination techniques
Evaluate relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2099 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c102 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 102
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a middle aged female with a primary complaint of upper extremity paralysis.
Improve the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Develop improved patient examination techniques
Evaluate relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3471 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c103 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 103
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a young female with a generalized headache without any specific area of pain
Improve the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Develop improved patient examination techniques
Evaluate relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2101 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c104 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 104
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor patient encounter where the patient is a young female with a primary complaint of tremor
Explore the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Observe patient examination techniques
Summarize relevant clinical findings
Illustrate the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3811 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202-c105 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 105
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe a doctor sort through a difficult history in a patient encounter where the patient is a female with multiple and unusual complaints
Explore the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Observe patient examination techniques
Summarize relevant clinical findings
Illustrate the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis
Organize findings during the examination and explore for relevancy as applied to diagnosis of the presenting complaint
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2102 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202a : The Patient Interview
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore basic principles of the patient interview
Discuss briefly the relevance of maintaining good history taking procedures
Describe in detail the benefits of history questionnaires
Explore different types of patient historians and as strategy for dealing with each type
Describe specific area constituting a complete patient interview
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3812 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202b : The Assessment of Mental Status
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore basic principles of the mental status examination
Discuss briefly the relevance of maintaining good history taking procedures
Describe in detail the need for a mental status assessment
Explore different techniques and a strategy for dealing with mental status problems
Demonstrate specific methods of implementing the Mini-Mental State Examination.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2103 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202c : Examination of the Head and Neck
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore basic principles of the physical examination of the face, head and neck
Discuss briefly the relevance the physical examination prior to the neurologic examination
Describe in detail rational and procedure for observation, auscultation, palpation and percussion
Visualize patient problems and deformities that might go un-noticed by a casual observer
Demonstrate specific methods of implementing a brief orthopedic examination of the cervical spine.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3475 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202d : Aspects of Functional Versus Organic Illness
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define specific terminology including organic disease, non-organic disease, functional disease, somatoform disease, malingering and others
Discuss the distinction between somatoform disorders (hysteria) and malingering
Describe patient presentations and examination techniques which are useful in somatoform disorders of the special senses
Elaborate on the somatic manifestations of somatoform disease in motor and sensory presentations
Explore caveats of diagnosing somatoform disorders
Discuss completely the performance and usefulness of in office "credibility" tests used to unveil non-organic disorders
Define and describe aspects of the malingering patient
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4055 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202e : The Ophthalmoscopic Examination
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the reasons for using an ophthalmoscope in the clinical bedside examination
Define and contrast the Pan-Optic ophthalmoscope from the common ophthalmoscopes
Discuss common settings and features of the ophthalmoscope
Define methods of describing findings in the fundus of the eye\
Identify and define common systemic and local pathologic processes that may be encountered in the course of the ophthalmoscopic examination.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2613 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 202f : Cervical Spinal Manipulative Therapy (CSMT) and Vertebrobasilar Ischemia (VBI)
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Outline methods used and estimations as to the incidence of cervical spinal manipulative therapy and subsequent vertebrobasilar ischemia
Review and describe cerebrovascular anatomy and hemodynamics
Discuss proposed patho-physiological mechanisms believed responsible for subsequent vertebrobasilar ischemia
Review and discuss past and present scientific literature to explore the evolution of what we think we know about the process of cervical spinal manipulative therapy and subsequent vertebrobasilar ischemia
Explore issues and examination procedures related to patient assessment as well as vertebrobasilar ischemia recognition and proper diagnosis
Define and contrast currently suggested procedures and develop a vertebrobasilar ischemia plan of action
Explore various perspectives and reveal bias in both public media and biomedical journals
Identify and define new theoretical concepts and prophylactic therapies
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4103 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203 : The Somatic Motor System, Involuntary Movements and Non-Paralytic Movement Disorders, The Reflex System and Ancillary Neurologic Examination Procedures
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform and chart a neurological examination of the voluntary motor system and the somatic sensory system
Apply results of the examination findings in the differential diagnosis of patients
Describe the three neuron pathway involved with sensorineural innervation
Discuss multimodal sensations
Perform an appropriate examination of the reflexes, including deep tendon, superficial, visceral and pathological reflexes
Describe the anatomy associated with reflexes
Properly grade and record reflexes
Interpret the Results of Reflex Testing
Other Info
NOTE: This course is the same content as Neurological Exam 103, 104
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2614 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203 c106-c107 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 106 and 107
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe doctor patient encounters that focus on aspects of the complete neurological examination
Explore the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Observe patient examination techniques
Identify the key components of a complete neurologic examination
Review major aspects of the examination under each component of the clinical neurologic examination
Observe doctor patient encounters that focus on evaluation of the mental status of the patient.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3478 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203 c108 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 108
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe doctor patient encounters that focus on evaluation of the patient's complaint
Observe doctor patient encounters that focus on aspects of the complete neurological examination
Explore the history taking process in an actual clinical setting
Observe patient examination techniques
Identify the key components of a complete neurologic examination
Review major aspects of the examination under each component of the clinical neurologic examination
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2108 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203 c109 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 109
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Observe doctor patient encounters that focus on evaluation of the patient's complaint
Observe doctor patient encounters that focus on aspects of the complete neurological examination
Explore the history making process in an actual clinical setting
Observe patient examination techniques
Identify the key components of a neurologic examination of diplopia
Review information regarding evaluation of diplopia.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3480 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203 Session 3
Credit Hours(s) 22.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $374.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 22 hours of 203 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 203 module
Other Info All Courses in the Neurology 203 Series
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2816 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203-intro : Introduction to the Neurological Examination
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the components of the neurological examination
Demonstrate a basic examination flow and performing tests taking the patient from sitting to standing, to the supine and prone positions
Outline "Ferezy's MSR's" which is a pneumonic devise to help recall areas needing to be tested
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the central nervous system
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the peripheral nervous system.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3481 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203a : The Cranial Nerve Examination
Credit Hours(s) 8.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $160.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Outline the clinical anatomy of each of the cranial nerves and their origin from the diencephalon and brainstem
Summarize clinical function of the corticobulbar pathways
Relate information regarding the ocular system, including upper motor neuron, internuclear and lower motor neuron pathways
Distinguish between central and peripheral lesions involving cranial nerve function
Predict the location of lesions in the visual system by analyzing information from the clinical examination
Identify cranial nerve nuclei in the brainstem and discuss their function
Describe the clinical function of each of the cranial nerves
Describe and demonstrate the clinical bedside examination of each cranial nerve
Compare and contrast the effects of lesions involving voluntary, involuntary and emotional movements associated with the cranial nerves
Discuss the various common clinical disorders which affect the cranial nerves
Discuss common ophthalmoscopic findings, both normal and pathological, which may be observed on the ophthalmoscopic examination
Identify anatomical and functional relationships which help explain multiple chiropractic concepts, including that of cervicogenic headache
Differentiate between central and peripheral varieties of facial paralysis
Break down the various tuning fork tests of hearing
Differentiate between neuro-sensory and conductive hearing loss
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4138 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203b : Blind Spot Testing and Cortical Perceptual Mapping
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the procedure for blind spot measurement by manual perimetry
Contrast blind spot measurement by manual perimetry with automated perimetry
Distinguish adequate test retest reliability, for both intra-examiner and inter-examiner reliability
Recognize concepts of adequate test validity
Identify relevant aspects of visual neuroanatomy and neuro-circuitry
Review and assess various contentions elaborated in the paper "Changes in Brain Function after Manipulation of the Cervical Spine”
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2111 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203c : The Voluntary Somatic Motor System Examination
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the basic anatomical pathways of central nervous system control mechanisms involved in voluntary movement of the body
Identify the basic anatomical pathways of peripheral nervous system and neuromuscular control mechanisms involved in voluntary movement of the body
Describe the evaluation of strength and the functional roles of muscles
Discuss the categorizations and terminology used describing the various varieties of muscular contraction
Review and assess concepts and skills necessary to perform an accurate bedside examination of the voluntary motor system
View and identify patient video vignettes demonstrating lecture points
Recognize examination procedures and signs to distinguish primary muscular disease (myopathy)
Define and categorize involuntary movements
Compare and contrast pathological from non-pathological involuntary movements
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3986 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 203d : The Somatic Reflex Examination
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define and categorize types of patient reflexes commonly tested at the bedside examination
Identify the basic anatomical pathways of central nervous system control mechanisms involved in the various reflexes that can be tested in the body
Identify the basic anatomical pathways of peripheral nervous system control mechanisms involved in the various reflexes that can be tested in the body
Describe the evaluation of the four basic types of testable reflexes
Review and assess concepts and skills necessary to perform an accurate bedside examination of the reflex system
View and identify patient video vignettes demonstrating lecture points
Compare and contrast pathological from non-pathological reflex findings
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2616 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 204 Session 4
Credit Hours(s) 24.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $408.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 24 hours of 204 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 204 course
Other Info All Courses in the Neurology 204 Series
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4190 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 204a : The Somatic Sensory Examination
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define and categorize types of patient sensation commonly tested at the bedside examination
Identify the basic anatomical pathways of central nervous system control mechanisms involved in the various sensory systems that can be tested in the body
Identify the basic anatomical pathways of peripheral and central nervous system control mechanisms involved in the various sensations that can be tested in the body
Describe the evaluation of both superficial and deep sensory systems
Review and assess concepts and skills necessary to perform an accurate bedside examination of the sensory system
View and identify patient video vignettes demonstrating lecture points
Compare and contrast pathological from non-pathological sensory findings
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4104 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 204b : The Examination of Station, Movement and Gait
Credit Hours(s) 7.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $140.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the terms station, movement and gait
Define and categorize types of motor systems utilized by the patient and how these are commonly tested at the bedside examination
Identify the basic anatomical pathways of central and peripheral nervous system movement control of mechanisms involved in the various movement systems that can be tested in the body
Describe in detail the evaluation of station, movement and gait
Describe and demonstrate the phases of normal gait
Visualize normal and abnormal gait patterns
Review and assess concepts and skills necessary to perform an accurate bedside examination of the station, movement and gait systems
View and identify patient video vignettes demonstrating station, movement and gait lecture points
Compare and contrast pathological from non-pathological station, movement and gait findings
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4131 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 204c : The Examination of Communication and Knowledge
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the terms communication, language, and a wide variety of descriptive terms for cortical language and knowledge impairments
Review the functions classically associated with the cerebral cortex
Categorize cortical deficits and associated patient conditions
Identify neurological pathways used by the cerebral cortex
Describe in detail concepts of lateralization of brain function and hemisphere "dominance" or "hemisphericity"
Describe and demonstrate a schema to maintain a methodical approach to the patient with a communication disorder
Visualize a patient with a "split brain disorder"
Review and assess concepts and skills necessary to perform an examination of a patient with a communication disorder
Compare and contrast loss of neurologic function at the level of the primary modality to disorders of the primary cortical receptive area as well as in the association cortex
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4105 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 204d : Ancillary Neurologic Examination Procedures
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define terms relevant to comprehending and performing various nervous system tests not typically a part of the motor, sensory and reflex examinations.
Review various ancillary tests, including the purpose behind the test as well as test performance.
Categorize ancillary neurological tests and explain their use and purpose.
Identify, describe and discuss meningeal stretch tests.
Identify, describe and discuss neurodynamic tests.
Identify, describe and discuss nerve tension tests.
Identify, describe and discuss peripheral nerve palpation and Tinel's sign.
Identify, describe and discuss Dix-Hallpike test.
Identify, describe and discuss pressure algometry and introduce the instruments to perform this test.
Identify, describe and discuss sensory threshold testing and introduce the instruments to perform these tests.
Discuss the nature and performance of tests used to diagnose defects in function of the neurovascular bundle in the upper and lower extremities (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome).
Identify, describe and discuss use of the stethoscope and points to auscultate in the head and neck area
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2687 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 204e : The Cerebellar Systems and Spinal Analysis
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform an examination of the systems involved with Movement and Coordination
Discuss cerebellar anatomy
Differentially Diagnose by applying clinical signs of cerebellar dysfunction
Recognize cerebellar syndromes by their anatomical areas
Apply specific principles of examination to improve the Chiropractic Spinal Examination
Describe specific procedures of the spinal examination
Other Info
NOTE: This course contains the same content as Neurological Exam 105
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3483 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 204f : Mental Status Examination: A Detailed Discussion and Complete Neurological Examination - Case 110
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define terms relevant to comprehending and performing various aspects of the mental status examination.
Categorize the components of the mental status examination.
Identify, define and discuss dementia and Disease of the Alzheimer's Type (DAT).
Identify, define and discuss the five levels of consciousness.
Define and discuss the components of the mental status examination.
Compare and contrast dementia and depression.
Discuss and describe methods of charting mental status examination findings.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2442 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c112 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 112
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting with an acute onset of headache and facial paralysis
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with an acute onset of headache and facial paralysis
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with an acute onset of headache and facial paralysis
Differentially diagnose patients with acute onset of headache and facial paralysis
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3484 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c113 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 113
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting with an acute onset of post traumatic headache
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with an acute onset of post traumatic headache
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with an acute onset of post traumatic headache
Differentially diagnose patients with acute onset of post traumatic headache
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3814 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c114 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 114
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting with an acute onset of post traumatic neck pain and unusual “burping” upon neck manipulation
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with an acute onset of post traumatic neck pain and unusual “burping” upon neck manipulation
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with an acute onset of post traumatic neck pain and unusual “burping” upon neck manipulation
Differentially diagnose patients with acute onset of post traumatic neck pain and unusual “burping” upon neck manipulation
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2114 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c115 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 115
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting with a shoulder complaint
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with a shoulder complaint
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with a shoulder complaint
Differentially diagnose patients with a shoulder complaint
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3486 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c116 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 116
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting with a sudden onset of dizziness, sensory complaints and ataxia
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with a sudden onset of dizziness, sensory complaints and ataxia
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with a sudden onset of dizziness, sensory complaints and ataxia
Differentially diagnose patients with a sudden onset of dizziness, sensory complaints and ataxia
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2444 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c117 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 117
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting with shoulder and arm pain.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with shoulder and arm pain.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings in a patient with shoulder and arm pain.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with shoulder and arm pain.
Differentially diagnose patients with shoulder and arm pain.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3487 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c118 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 118
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting with a brachial plexus injury, severe arm pain and a “flail” upper extremity.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with a brachial plexus injury, severe arm pain and a “flail” upper extremity.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings in a patient with a brachial plexus injury, severe arm pain and a “flail” upper extremity.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with a brachial plexus injury, severe arm pain and a “flail” upper extremity.
Differentially diagnose patients with a brachial plexus injury, severe arm pain and a “flail” upper extremity.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2445 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c119 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 119
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting with a tremor of the left upper extremity.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with a tremor of the left upper extremity.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings in a patient with a tremor of the left upper extremity.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with a brachial plexus injury, severe arm pain and a tremor of the left upper extremity.
Differentially diagnose patients with a tremor of the left upper extremity.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2446 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c120 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 120
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting with chronic spasm of the muscles of the lower face and tongue.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with a oromandibular dystonia.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings in a patient with oromandibular dystonia.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient oromandibular dystonia.
Differentially diagnose patients with oromandibular dystonia.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3818 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c121 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 121
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting following treatment for a malignant nerve sheath tumor involving the L4 nerve root.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with a malignant nerve sheath tumor involving the L4 nerve root.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings in a patient with a malignant nerve sheath tumor involving the L4 nerve root.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with a malignant nerve sheath tumor involving the L4 nerve root.
Consider the differential diagnosis of patients with a malignant nerve sheath tumor involving the L4 nerve root.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2448 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c122 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 122
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed real doctor/patient encounter of a patient presenting carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and chronic neck pain.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and chronic neck pain.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings in a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and chronic neck pain.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and chronic neck pain.
Consider the differential diagnosis of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and chronic neck pain.
Comprehend the principle of ongoing, medically necessary chiropractic treatment of a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and chronic neck pain.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2117 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c123-125 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 123-125
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate two unrehearsed, real doctor/patient encounter; the first of a patient presenting with simultaneous radiculopathy, polyneuropathy and mononeuropathy and the second of a patient presenting with migraine headache and related trigeminal neuralgia.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of patient’s presenting with radiculopathy, polyneuropathy and mononeuropathy, migraine headache and trigeminal neuralgia.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings of patient’s presenting with radiculopathy, polyneuropathy and mononeuropathy, migraine headache and trigeminal neuralgia.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of patient’s presenting with radiculopathy, polyneuropathy and mononeuropathy, migraine headache and trigeminal neuralgia.
Consider the differential diagnoses of patient’s presenting with radiculopathy, polyneuropathy and mononeuropathy, migraine headache and trigeminal neuralgia.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2449 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c126 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 126
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed, real doctor/patient encounter involving an elderly women presenting with a sudden onset of lower extremity paralysis.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of a patient presenting with a sudden onset of lower extremity paralysis.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings of patient’s presenting with a sudden onset of lower extremity paralysis.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of patient’s presenting with a sudden onset of lower extremity paralysis.
Consider the differential diagnoses of presenting with a sudden onset of lower extremity paralysis.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3821 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 c128-130 : Complete Neurological Examination - Case 128 - 130
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate two unrehearsed, real doctor/patient encounters; the first case is that of an adult male patient with multiple sclerosis. The second case is that of an adult male with cerebral palsy.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing an examination of patient’s presenting with multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings of patient’s presenting with multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of patient’s presenting multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy.
Consider the differential diagnoses of patient’s presenting with multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2617 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 205 Session 5
Credit Hours(s) 24.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $408.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 24 hours of 205 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 205 course
Other Info All Courses in the Neurology 205 Series
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 41911 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 206 c110c137 : Electrodiagnosis Case: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List the electrodes necessary to perform in Electrodiagnosis nerve conduction study
Describe the placement of the various electrodes in conduction studies of the median nerve at the wrist
Draw a simple diagram of the carpal tunnel, defining the boundaries
Itemize parts of a thorough chiropractic management plan for carpal tunnel syndrome
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2312 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 206 c129 : Cases in Neurology: Multiple Symptoms in a 35 Year Old Female
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List the differential diagnoses that may accompany various symptoms
Describe various essential elements of the history taking process
List several components of the mini mental status examination
Itemize and describe several tests of cerebellar function
Contrast and compare aspects of malingering and somatoform disorders
Use proper language and nomenclature when producing a report for referring physicians
Recognize aspects of functional illness
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3845 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 206 c131 : Video Case: Pain, Weakness and Unsteadiness
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate an unrehearsed, real doctor/patient encounter; regarding a case of an adult female patient who complains of lower back pain; pain radiating down her left lower extremity to her heel; weakness in her thighs; and unsteadiness.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing a neurological examination of patient’s presenting with pain, weakness and unsteadiness.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings of patient presenting with pain, weakness and unsteadiness.
List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of patient’s presenting with pain, weakness and unsteadiness.
Consider the differential diagnoses of patient’s presenting with pain, weakness and unsteadiness.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2126 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 206 c132 : Cases in Neurology: Numbness and Weakness in a 50 Year Old Male
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List the differential diagnoses that may accompany various symptoms.
Describe various essential elements of the history taking process.
List differential diagnoses for this and similar cases.
Itemize and describe several tests of lower extremity motor and reflex function.
Recognize a true extensor toe sign from an equivocal or false finding.
Contrast and compare aspects of various disorders causing cervical spine myelopathy.
Use proper language and nomenclature when producing a report for referring physicians.
Recognize aspects of spinal cord disease.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3846 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 206 c133 : Cases in Neurology: Concussion. Assault on an 18 Year Old Female
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List the differential diagnoses that may accompany various symptoms.
Describe various essential elements of the history taking process.
Use proper language and nomenclature when discussing brain injury.
Recognize aspects of so called “post concussion syndrome” or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI).
Recite levels of consciousness.
Discuss scoring criterion when using the Glascow Coma Scale.
Identify abnormal imaging findings associated with concussion on diffusion tensor tractography.
Define and describe “myoclonic jerks”.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3703 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 206 Session 6
Credit Hours(s) 20.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $340.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 20 hours of 206 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 206 module
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7117 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 206a1 : Electrodiagnostic Testing I
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compare and contrast neuronal cells from the neuroglial cells.
Identify various types of neurons of the peripheral and central nervous system.
Describe the types of neuroglial cells found in the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
Categorize the types of mammalian nerve fibers by neuron a diameter, conduction velocity and susceptibility to compression.
Describe the incidence and prevalence of dizziness as a complaint.
Define the term “motor unit” from a clinical perspective.
Compare and contrast type one and type two muscle fibers.
Identify anatomical components and describe physiological function of the cell membrane.
Define the terms summation and generator potentials.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2686 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 206a2 : Electrodiagnostic Testing II
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the terms “electrodiagnosis, nerve conduction study, needle electrode examination, late responses and evoked potentials”.
Identify the various components of the action potential recording.
Compare and contrast synaptic versus electrical nerve stimulation.
Recite the components of the modern electromyographic machine.
Describe the different types of electrodes used in an electrodiagnostic examination and include the purpose and benefits/drawbacks to each type.
Categorize the types of electrodiagnostic testing.
Discuss performance and use of electrodiagnostic testing, including conduction studies and latencies, late responses (including the “H” reflex and “F” wave) and evoked potentials.
Properly order and interpret the results of electrodiagnostic testing.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4056 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 206a3 : Electrodiagnostic Testing III
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the terms “spasm, interexaminar and intraexaminer reliability, global myoelectric activity and muscle fatigue”.
Identify the various components of the modern paraspinal electrode EMG machine. recording.
Compare and contrast the use of surface electrodes in the traditional electromyographic examination versus the paraspinal surface electrode electromyographic examination.
Recite several scientific studies regarding paraspinal surface electrode electromyographic, and strengths and weaknesses of each study.
Describe tissue filtering, best ways to overcome it, and explain its significance in obtaining useful data.
Recite the names of the paraspinal musculature organized by their depth, action and activation response.
Discuss performance and utility of the test for the “flexion relaxation” phenomenon.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2705 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 207 Session 7
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $216.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 12 hours of 207 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 207 module
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7118 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 207a : Introduction to Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors multiple
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List several textbooks on electrodiagnostic medicine and discuss the benefits and limitations of each text.
Recite several applications of electrodiagnostic medicine and discuss the utility of each of the tests performed.
Describe the components required to perform an electrodiagnostic examination.
Compare and contrast peripheral nerve injury classifications.
Define some of the current terminology used in electrodiagnostic medicine.
Compare and contrast the different types of electrodes used in electrodiagnostic medicine.
Describe terminal motor latencies.
Describe sensory and motor conduction velocities and studies.
Describe electromyography.
Discuss orthodromic and anti-dromic testing.
Define motor unit potentials and discuss the normal and abnormal phases.
Describe the varieties of evoked potentials and discuss the clinical utility of ordering each test.
Describe the varieties of late potentials and discuss the clinical utility of ordering these tests.
Identify the relevant neuroanatomy of the peripheral nervous system.
Demonstrate median and ulnar nerves and the position of the various electrodes in common motor and sensory electrodiagnostic studies of the median and ulnar nerves.
Discuss the conditions and circumstances when electrodiagnostic testing of the central nervous system may be beneficial or necessary.
Describe the various electrodiagnostic procedures for the peripheral nervous system.
Differentiate between motor unit potentials (MUP’s), fibrillations, positive sharp waves and sensory nerve action potentials (SNAP’s).
Contrast and compare electrodiagnostic tests for extremity complaints such as weakness and sensory loss.
Define the role of electrodiagnosis in clinical practice.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4080 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 207b : Physiological Basis of Nerve Conduction and Bioinstrumentation
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors multiple
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compare and contrast Compound Muscle Action potential (CMAP), Sensory Nerve Action Potential (SNAP) and Motor Unit Potential (MUP).
List the components of a spinal cord alpha motor neuron.
Describe the basic structure of Schwann Cells and myelin.
Discuss the role of Schwann Cells and myelin in action potential transmission.
Recite the levels of the neuraxis which may be involved in disease that is detectable by electrodiagnostic testing.
List the types and levels of nervous system compression.
List common reasons and disorders for referral for electrodiagnostic testing.
Describe a routine electrodiagnostic encounter.
Demonstrate the position of electrodes in a typical median nerve study through the carpal tunnel.
List the most common neuropathies of the upper and lower extremities.
Compare and contrast typical electrodiagnostic findings for radiculopathy versus neuropathy.
Define and discuss the “Gold Standard” portions of the electrodiagnostic examinations.
Discuss single fiber EMG.
Identify the components of the needle EMG examination and discuss how various pathological conditions might be demonstrated by each component of the examination.
Describe the morphology of positive sharp waves, fibrillations and motor unit potentials.
Describe the morphology of positive sharp waves and fibrillations.
Identify normal from abnormal patterns of muscular recruitment under minimal, moderate and maximal muscle contraction.
List various causes of radiculopathy.
Discuss the history of radiculopathy through time.
Contrast and compare various causes of radiculopathy.
Discuss the need for and types of advanced imaging following abnormal findings on an electrodiagnostic examination.
Discuss the utility of electrodiagnosis to the Doctor of Chiropractic.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2634 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 207c : Aspects of the Clinical Examination
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors multiple
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recite relevant anatomy of the peripheral nervous system including the brachial plexus, upper limb nerves, lumbosacral plexus and lower limb nerves.
Define and draw the brachial plexus.
List the nerves of the upper limb.
Compare and contrast the anatomy of the median and the ulnar nerves.
Describe innervation of the major nerve branches of the major nerve divisions of the brachial plexus.
Discuss the most common compressive lesions of the upper extremity involving the peripheral nervous system.
List the muscles most commonly tested during EMG of the upper extremity.
Define and draw the lumbosacral plexus.
List the nerves of the lower limb.
Discuss the most common compressive lesions of the lower extremity involving the peripheral nervous system.
List the muscles most commonly tested during EMG of the lower extremity.
Discuss the distinction between motor and sensory neural fibers and salutatory versus local circuit conduction.
Compare and contrast the two types of compound potentials and discuss waveform morphology and parameters.
Describe effects and patterns of demyelination.
Describe the effects of axonal loss.
Identify the electro-physiologic changes that may be noted in disease of the neuromuscular junction.
Discuss late responses (F-waves and H-Reflexes) and describe the performance and clinical significance of each.
Identify components involved in the tendon tap response.
Thoroughly discuss all aspects of median and ulna nerve testing, including common congenital anomalies that are like to be encountered in the patient population.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4109 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 208 Session 8
Credit Hours(s) 18.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $324.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 18 hours of 208 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 208 module
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7119 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 208a : Demyelinating Disease, Recognition and Chiropractic Management
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Recite general information regarding incidents and prevalence of multiple sclerosis in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada.
Describe the pathophysiological process believed to be responsible for the most common types of multiple sclerosis.
Hour 2
Recognize the common signs and symptoms of a patient presenting with demyelinating disease.
Recognize typical lesions in the brain and spinal cord associated with multiple sclerosis on MRI studies.
Define the McDonald criteria for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
Hour 3
Identify various blood tests for diseases that may mimic multiple sclerosis.
Compare and contrast the category types of multiple sclerosis.
Describe the common medical treatment for multiple sclerosis.
Hour 4
Recite studies associated with complementary and alternative approaches to management of patients with multiple sclerosis.
Synthesize a plan for the management of patients with multiple sclerosis.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2704 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 208b : Recognizing Tumors Involving the CNS
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Recite statistics regarding the percentage of primary versus secondary tumors found in the central nervous system.
Recognize the signs and symptoms of a patient with an intracranial or spinal canal tumor.
Hour 2
Describe the pathophysiological process associated with neoplasia.
Discuss the most common types of primary intracranial tumors, metastatic neoplasms and other spinal cancers.
Hour 3
Identify advanced imaging studies of various types of nervous system tumors.
Describe mechanisms of cerebrospinal fluid flow in their association with symptoms caused by intracranial tumors.
Hour 4
Contrast and compare the signs and symptoms associated with tumors arising in various parts of the spinal cord.
Discuss various forms of medical treatment for patients with nervous system tumors.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4077 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 208c : Congenital Disorders of the Nervous System
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Discuss the etiology of congenital conditions of the brain and spinal cord.
Recite statistics regarding incidence and prevalence of neural tube defects.
Hour 2
Describe common forms and categories of neural tube defects.
Recognize various forms of neural tube defects at birth, in infant life as well as on advanced imaging studies.
Hour 3
Identify defects of the cranial cervical junction including categorizing Chiari Malformation and discuss clinical significance and management of patients with Chiari Malformation I, II and III.
Utilize plain film radiometrics to identify multiple forms of cranial cervical junction deformities.
Hour 4
Discuss various congenital syndromes including Dandy-Walker Syndrome and Mobius Syndrome.
Compare and contrast different types of developmental defects such as hydrocephalus, crainiosynostosis, achondroplasia, microcrania, and others.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2707 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 208d2 : Neurodegeneration: Mechanisms, Pathways and Therapeutic Actions.
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define Neurodegeneration.
Identify some of the core mechanisms of Neurodegeneration.
Define and discuss oxidative stress and damage of neurons.
List most common neurological illnesses thought to be due to long-term Neurodegeneration.
Cite specific biochemical pathways to target therapeutically to slow down or reverse Neurodegeneration.
Itemize common clinical findings in Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's disease, and multiple sclerosis.
List the mechanisms involved in the neurodegenerative process.
Define free radicals, articulate the issue with free radicals and describe their role in the neurodegenerative process.
Discuss the role of glial cells in regard to Neurodegeneration.
Itemize ways to increase the Nrf2 pathway.
Discuss glutathione and list specific methods to increase glutathione levels.
List dangers found in regard to genetically modified foods.
Compare and contrast normal mitochondrial structure and function with dysfunctional mitochondria with attention to free radical damage to my no conjugal proteins and mitochondrial DNA.
Discuss the therapeutic role of essential fatty acids (EFA's), Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and coenzyme Q-10.
List and discuss methods for laboratory evaluation of systemic inflammation.
Itemize issues associated with the "leaky gut" syndrome, including aspects of inflammation, relation to diabetes, and Zonulin.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 5499 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 208e : Toxic, Metabolic and Neurodegenerative Diseases Affecting the Nervous System
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives Hour 1
Describe the most common laboratory procedures used to diagnose infections of the central nervous system, including lumbar puncture indications, contraindications and complications.
Recite characteristics and components of normal cerebrospinal fluid.
Hour 2
Define the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and how it affects the nervous system.
Discuss Lyme disease, its vectors of transmission, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, clinical diagnosis and therapeutic options.
Compare and contrast stage I, stage II and stage III Lyme disease.
Hour 3
Identify multiple types of infections capable of producing spinal meningitis and encephalitis.
Compare and contrast bacterial meningitis from viral meningitis.
Discuss serious nervous system toxins such as tetanus and botulism.
Hour 4
Discuss other nervous system infections including brucellosis, psittacosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, rickettsial, protozoan, viral and fungal infections of the nervous system.
Recognize and act appropriately in cases of suspected Reye syndrome.
Recite and perform appropriate universal precautions necessary to avoid the transmission of communicable diseases in the chiropractic practice.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4079 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 209 Session 9
Credit Hours(s) 15.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $270.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 15 hours of 209 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 209 module
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7120 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 209a : Issues of Sexual Misconduct and Gender Sensitivity
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $44.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define and discuss professional boundaries
Define and discuss sexual misconduct
Sensitize the D.C. To Issues Relating to Sexual Interaction with The Patient
Discuss the problem of sexual misconduct, either real or perceived
Define and discuss specific examination procedures
Provide methods for recording examinations and incidents
Discuss case of alleged sexual misconduct
Discuss strategies to avoid misunderstandings that may lead to charges of sexual misconduct
Other Info
NOTE: This course contains the same content as Boundary 113
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2452 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 209b : Considerations in Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recite the incidence and prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Discuss the cost of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on society.
Identify disorders and situations that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Describe the common symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Define the anatomical boarders of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Differentiate the methods of Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery.
Describe the scientific literature comparing different methods of Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3498 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 209c : Professional Boundaries and Ethics - An Interactive Discussion
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Review items included in the State and American Chiropractic Association "Principles of Chiropractic Ethics".
Define and distinguish between principles of philosophy, ethics and morality.
Explore the concept of "The Greater Good".
Differentiate general concepts of what is right and wrong, from personal decisions of what is right and wrong.
Define the term "Fiduciary Responsibility".
Give examples of "Ethical Dilemmas" that might face a doctor of chiropractic and provide discussion of alternative thoughts.
Discuss issues of “boundary crossings & violations” in regard to chiropractic practice.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 5294 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 209d : Upper Extremity Neurovascular Entrapment Syndromes
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recite the types of Thoracic Outlet Syndromes and identify which types are “real” and which are disputed.
Demonstrate different clinical maneuvers designed to identify Thoracic Outlet Syndromes.
Identify the anatomical structures thought to be responsible for entrapment in the various Thoracic Outlet Syndromes.
Discuss the significance of the nine fibrous bands discussed by Roos.
Describe the anatomical and physiological changes that are thought to occur post-accident, resulting in a traumatic variety of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.
Differentiate the compressive causes of upper extremity paresthesia using orthopedic and neurological testing.
Contrast and compare the resultant clinical profile expected with upper extremity compression of vascular structures versus compression of neural structures.
Define and perform orthopedic and neurological tests used to determine upper extremity compression of neurovascular structures.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2257 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 209e : CVD Vessel Anatomy, Irrigation Areas and Related Agnosias, Apraxic and Aphasic Syndromes
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Outline topography and discuss internal anatomy of the cortex.
Illustrate and list functions of the various lobes of the brain.
Identify and describe anterior and posterior intracranial circulatory patterns.
Relate cortical anatomy with electrode placement when eliciting somatosensory evoked potentials.
Identify irrigation distribution of all major intracranial arteries.
Diagram irrigation to the levels of the spinal cord.
Describe intracranial venous drainage of the skull and differentiate between dural sinuses, boney sinuses and cerebral veins.
List areas of the cortex responsible for vision, hearing and touch and explain their interaction with the association cortex.
Give examples traits and characteristics which are associated with hemisphere dominance.
Define and differentiate the agnosias, such as apraxia, aphagia, etc.
Define constructional apraxia, and discuss the clinical significance.
Quantify the incidence of various types of neurovascular disease.
Contrast and compare strokes from a vascular anatomical and etiology viewpoint.
List and discuss choices for various forms of imaging based upon suspected stroke etiology.
Identify treatable, untreatable and possible risks for cerebrovascular accident.
Identify medical and conservative options for treatment of cerebrovascular accident risk factors.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4110 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 209f : Aspects of Lower Motor Neuron Paralysis, Anterior Poliomyelitis, Polio Vaccination and Chiropractic Treatment
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compare and contrast chiropractors of the 1940s with modern day chiropractors.
Define neuropathy.
Recite the major points related to chiropractic physical rehabilitation of neuropathy.
Contrast and compare medical treatment of polio in the 1940s, to chiropractic treatment of polio at the same time.
List potential reasons related to public hygiene which may account for disease epidemics.
Discuss facts related to "Sister Kenny" in regard to her credentials, her claims, and her notoriety.
Itemize the early chiropractic colleges and discuss Willard Carver school of thought and the "mixers".
Critically evaluate the world health organization's campaign to eradicate polio.
Discuss the ethics of herd immunity.
Compare and contrast individual interests vs. societal interests.
Discuss the types, risks and benefits of the inactive polio virus (injected).
Discuss the risks and benefits of the oral polio virus (live, attenuated).
List the types of wild polio virus.
Define vaccine associated paralytic polio mile items (VAPP)
Define circulating vaccine derived polio virus.
Discuss the concepts of risk: benefit ratio.
Discuss the transmission and pathophysiology and list the presenting signs and symptoms of a polio virus infection.
List the different types of Polio virus infection.
Quantify the various affects of the polio virus on different groups of individuals.
Itemize ethical concerns regarding Dr. Jonas Salk.
Graph the incidence of polio cases after other vaccines were introduced and after the definition of a polio diagnosis was altered.
Discuss SV40 tainted vaccines.
Define acute flaccid paralysis as it relates to new “non-polio” outbreaks.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2713 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 210 Session 10
Credit Hours(s) 8.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $158.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 8 hours of 210 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 210 module
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7121 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 210a : The Subluxation Complex and the Chiropractic Adjustment
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate the subluxation complex and the chiropractic adjustment.
Develop a working knowledge of the neurology of spinal joints and how this may be altered by a spinal subluxation complex.
Consider the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments through a review of the scientific literature and understanding of a decline in literature integrity and literature bias.
Consider the scientific literature regarding chiropractic adjustments and a measurable decrease in pain.
List and identify the components of the synovial joint and spinal joint mechanoreceptors.
Consider activities in and around the nervous system that occur after nerve tissue injury.
Distinguish different levels of nervous system involvement in neuropathic pain, including the peripheral neuron, the dorsal root ganglia and the dorsal horn neurons, as well as concepts of descending inhibition.
Analyze the goals and effects of the chiropractic adjustment on pain.
Examine the scientific literature regarding the physiological effects of a subluxation and adjustment upon non-musculoskeletal systems.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4122 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 210b : Documentation Of Chiropractic Subluxation: The Medicare Standard
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explain how and why documentation of a subluxation is so important for Medicare patients in chiropractic practice.
Compare and contrast the Medicare reimbursement of chiropractic providers vs. Medical and other providers for similar services.
Describe payments made to chiropractors, calculate the actual dollars per visit and explain what portion of payments made are considered inappropriate as medically unnecessary according to a report issued by the Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS).
Compare and contrast non-provider services, such as drugs and durable medical devices with costs associated with chiropractic care.
Define requirements for chiropractic services to be covered by Medicare.
List and discuss how a subluxation may be properly documented in the medical record for Medicare patients.
Evaluate your understanding of subluxation compared to other chiropractic providers.
List the various types of subluxation which may be demonstrated on xray and are acceptable to Medicare.
List the components of the physical examination which are required by Medicare to be demonstrated in order to verify the existence of a subluxation.
Identify the specific requirements accepted by Medicare for the initial and subsequent visits of the chiropractic patient.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 5575 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 211 Session 11
Credit Hours(s) 23.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $391.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 23 hours of 211 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 211 module
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7122 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 211a : Clinical Assessment of Pain, Function, and Neuropathic Pain, Lower Back Pain and Spinal Decompressive Traction, Disorders Presenting with Dizziness
Credit Hours(s) 7.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $140.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Perform a clinical assessment of pain and function
Explain the psychophysiological profile of pain patients
Discuss the treatment of pain
Define spinal decompression therapy
Demonstrate decompression table structure and use
Describe the relevant anatomy of the lumbar spine
Critically examine published reports of clinical outcomes of decompression therapy
Present and discuss clinical outcomes of decompression therapy
Determine spinal decompression table treatment protocols
Define dizziness
Define vertigo and other associated symptoms
Discuss cervicogenic dysequilibrium
Discuss diagnostic tests to determine the cause of vertigo
Explore current understanding of pain concepts, physiology and theories behind neuropathic pain
Discuss in detail the relevant neurological anatomy and functional neurology
Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to pain receptors and neural integration
Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to neural plasticity, articular neurology, and mechanisms of pain
Explore current understanding of pain concepts, physiology and theories behind neuropathic pain and allodynia
Discuss the importance of the neurological implications of a nerve injury
Describe mechanisms of neural plasticity
Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to neural plasticity, articular neurology, and mechanisms of pain
Analyze current literature regarding spinal adjustments, and break down concepts, physiology and theories behind chiropractic treatment
Appraise new and existing ideas related to mechanisms involved whereby chiropractic spinal adjustments might effect the vascular and nervous system
Describe the anatomy and physiology of relevant components of human nervous system as it relates to chiropractic adjustments, neural plasticity, articular neurology, and mechanisms of pain
Explore current understanding of pain physiology and theories behind neuropathic pain, allodynia and proposed treatment using chiropractic adjustments
Other Info
NOTE: This course contains the same contents as Spinal Decompression 150, Physical Diagnosis 127, Neurology 110 through 112 and Neurological Exam 106
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2761 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 211b : Headache: A Clinical Discussion
Credit Hours(s) 6.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $120.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Explore current role of the art and science of obtaining a relevant patient history at the bedside
Discuss and demonstrate relevant neurological examination procedures required to examine and diagnose pathological conditions of the nervous system
Outline considerations regarding the relationship of the upper cervical spine and headache
Summarize characteristics of several clinical headache syndromes, emphasizing recognition and differential diagnosis of pathological conditions
Illustrate levels of the central and peripheral nervous system and relate that to the clinical presentation resulting from disease of the various brain and cord areas
Outline and organize various categories for headache
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4123 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 211c : Dealing with the Dizzy Patient
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define vertigo and differentiate vertigo in the "dizzy" patient population
Identify disorders that cause dizziness and vertigo.
Discuss modes of presentation, providers consulted and other aspects.
Differentiate primary and secondary dizziness.
Understand aspects of serious and other uncommon causes of dizziness.
Describe basic anatomy and physiologic function of components of the vestibular system.
Demonstrate and comprehend performance of the Dix-Hallpike and Eply Maneuvers.
Define and diagnose Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV).
Perform a bedside examination for evaluation of the dizzy patient.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2453 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 211d1 : Dealing with the Dizzy Patient: Part 1
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the incidence and prevalence of dizziness as a complaint.
Define the term vertigo from a clinical perspective.
Identify anatomical components and describe physiological function of the vestibular system.
Perform a brief bedside examination for basic evaluation of the dizzy patient.
Categorize varieties of conditions causing dizziness and identify which are likely to be amenable to conservative care.
Compare and contrast the function of the utricle, saccule and semicircular canals.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4054 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 211d2 : Dealing with the Dizzy Patient: Part 2
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe the anatomical structures involved and the overall significance of the Dix-Hallpike Maneuver.
Perform the Dix-Hallpike Maneuver.
Describe the anatomical structures involved and the overall significance of the Epley Maneuver.
Perform the Epley Maneuver.
Compare and contrast the use of the Dix Hallpike and the Roll Test.
Discuss in detail the proper use of various vestibular function tests (past pointing, veering, balance, gait, etc.), Swivel Chair Test, Swinging Stool Test, Semont Procedure and the Brandt-Daroff exercises.
Perform vestibular function tests (past pointing, veering, balance, gait, etc.), Swivel Chair Test, Swinging Stool Test, Semont Procedure and the Brandt-Daroff exercises.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2693 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212 c173 : A Case of Facial Spasms: Functional or Organic?
Credit Hours(s) 3.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $60.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Evaluate a case of an adult female patient who presents with facial spasms and other complaints including facial weakness, slurred speech, and drooling.
Differentiate central causes of facial spasm from central causes of facial spasm.
Consider the effect of chiropractic adjustments on intracranial arterial function.
Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing a neurological examination of patient’s presenting with facial spasms.
Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings of patients presenting with facial spasms.
List the differential diagnoses to consider in a patient presenting with facial spasms.
Identify portions of the brainstem, origins of the cranial nerves and the relationship between arteries and cranial nerves at the brainstem.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3990 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212 Session 12
Credit Hours(s) 19.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $342.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 19 hours of 212 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 212 module
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7123 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212a : Physical Diagnosis 1: Physical Examination of Peripheral Arteries and Veins
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the anatomical components of the peripheral arterial system.
Identify the anatomical components of the peripheral venous system.
Identify, define and discuss commonly presenting disorders of the vascular system.
Briefly describe methods of medical and conservative treatment for select vascular illnesses.
Compare and contrast clinical findings in arterial versus venous disease involving the lower extremity.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2128 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212b : Exam of the Thyroid and Lymphatic System and Thoracic Landmarks
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the anatomical components of the thyroid gland.
Identify the anatomical components and drainage areas of the lymphatic vascular system.
Identify, define and discuss commonly presenting disorders of the thyroid gland and lymphatic vascular system.
Briefly describe methods of medical and conservative treatment for select thyroid and lymphatic illnesses.
Define and discuss landmarks of the human thorax and their implication in the clinical examination.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3500 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212c : Examination of The Lungs
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the surface anatomy of the 5 lobes of the lungs.
Identify anatomical landmarks related to the lung lobes.
Identify, define and discuss normal and abnormal breath sounds.
Briefly describe methods of stethoscope use and placement.
Define and discuss methods used to analyze breaths during auscultation.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2130 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212d : Physical Diagnosis: Cardiac Auscultation Points, Breath Sounds and Breathing Abnormalities
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recall normal chest ratios and differentiate from abnormal chest ratios.
Compare and contrast clinical findings associated with various breathing abnormalities.
Recognize the location of the cardiac auscultation points and distinguish which structures are best heard at each point.
Identify pain producing structures in the thorax.
Describe the physics of sound transmission.
Define and discuss physical signs in selected abnormalities of the bronchi and lungs.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3502 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212e : Cases in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $22.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Relate relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases
Explain diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in thyroid disease
Give examples of diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in drug toxicity
Describe diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in diabetic neuropathy
Demonstrate diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin deficiency
Other Info
NOTE: This course contains the same content as Physical Diagnosis 128
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2132 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212e2 : Grand Rounds in Family Medicine
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Outline relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases.
Comprehend diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in multiple pathological conditions.
Demonstrate knowledge of laboratory tests for alcoholic cirrhosis.
Recite abnormal blood pressure parameters in malignant hypertension.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3504 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212f : Grand Rounds in Family Practice
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Relate relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases including vitamin B12 deficiency, metabolic conditions, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion.
Explain diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin B12 deficiency, neuropathy, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion.
Give examples of diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin B12 deficiency, neuropathy, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion.
Describe diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin B12 deficiency, neuropathy, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion.
Demonstrate diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin B12 deficiency, neuropathy, drug toxicity, neuropathy, lymphoma and drug diversion.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3505 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212f2 : Grand Rounds in Family Practice
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Relate relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases including myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
Explain diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
Give examples of diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
Describe diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3631 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212f3 : Interesting Cases in Family Practice
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List common signs and symptoms of Perinephric Abscess.
List common signs and symptoms of Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus.
List common signs and symptoms of Methanphetimine use and Complications.
List common signs and symptoms of Cavernous Hemangioma.
List common signs and symptoms of Cardiomyopathy.
Discuss use of Zoll Lifevest.
List common signs and symptoms of Quinolone toxicity.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 5292 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212f4 : Orthopedic Surgery and Joint Replacement
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Compare and contrast use of PRP injections for joints versus tendons.
Itemize criticisms of Stem Cell injections and discuss the current state of the science.
Contrast characterized and uncharacterized Stem Cell therapies.
List the relative indications for hip replacement.
List common hip injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed.
List Indications for knee replacement.
Describe progression from normal knee to a knee with severe osteoarthritis.
Compare and contrast the indications and procedures for a partial knee replacement and a total knee replacement.
List the benefits of robotic joint replacement surgery.
List the rational for surgical referral for surgical treatment and possible joint replacement.
List common knee injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed.
Compare and contrast shoulder replacement and reverse shoulder replacement, emphasizing the relative indications for each.
List common shoulder injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed.
List common elbow injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed.
List common hand and wrist injuries that may require surgical referral, and discuss the surgical procedure most likely to be employed.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 5293 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212g : Physical Diagnosis: Evaluation of the Abdomen
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recall the location of the organs in the abdomen.
Define various regions of the abdomen.
Describe techniques of examination including observation, palpation, percussion and special tests and their relevant clinical findings associated with abdominal disease.
Recognize signs and symptoms of abdominal visceral disease including differentiation of symptoms by hollow versus solid viscera.
Identify somatic locations of pain associated with abdominal visceral disease.
Describe changes in stool and vomitus associated with various pathological conditions.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2135 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212h : Evaluation of the External Eye
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recall the structural anatomy of the external eye.
Define various functions of components of the external eye.
List local disorders affecting the external eye.
Differentiate local conditions of the external eye with cranial nerve II, III, IV, V, VI and VII.
Describe techniques of examination of the internal eye such illumination, observation, and special tests and their relevant clinical findings associated with local external eye disease.
Recognize the appearance of common eyelid conditions such as chalazion, internal and external hordeolum, blepharitis, blepharospasm, dacrocystitis, and a wide variety of others.
Identify and perform methods for examining the external eye for conjunctivitis, episceritis and others.
Perform the technique of removing a foreign body from the external eye.
Identify and describe pathological changes associated with disease of the cornea.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3825 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 212i : Physical Diagnosis: Evaluation of the Internal Eye
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recall the structural anatomy of the internal eye.
Define various functions of components of the internal eye.
List local disorders affecting the internal eye.
Describe techniques of examination of the internal eye such illumination, observation, and special tests and their relevant clinical findings associated with local internal eye disease.
Identify and perform methods for examining the internal eye for uveal tract disease, cataracts, and vitreous disease.
Identify and describe pathological changes conditions associated with disease of the uveal tract disease, cataracts, and vitreous humor.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2455 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 213 Session 13
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 5 hours of 213 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 213 module
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7124 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 213a : Neuroradiology for the Chiropractic Neurologist
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Review the categorizations for the specialty of radiology and its related subspecialties
Compare and contrast typical analog x-ray suites with Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital radiology (DR) detection systems
Review and describe equipment, concepts and various types of CT Scanning
Review and describe equipment, concepts and various types of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI/MRA), and angiography
Discuss newer technologies for assessing neurological tissue function, including SPECT, PET and fMRI scanning
Review and describe equipment, concepts and various types of diagnostic ultrasoundography
Identify and define other techniques of diagnostic imaging
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4106 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214 Session 14
Credit Hours(s) 29.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $482.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
This allows you to purchase all 29 hours of 214 level courses. Please see the educational objectives listed for each individual 214 module
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 7125 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214a : Ethical Issues for Doctors of Chiropractic
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define professional ethics and morals
Sensitize the DC to issues related to common ethical dilemma in chiropractic practice
Discuss specific ethical considerations in situations and scenarios related to patients, former patients and society
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2136 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214c1 : Record Maintenance and Narrative Report Writing
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Maintain proper records of neurological examination in the SOAP format
Write narrative reports reflecting the neurological examination
Apply an outline of fundamental procedures in performing a complete chiropractic neurological examination
Other Info
NOTE: This course contains the same content as Neurological Exam 107
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2335 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214c2 : Documentation for the Neurologist
Credit Hours(s) 12.0
Instructors Gregg Friedman, DC
Price $240.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Discuss ethical standards of insurance reporting and coding
Define the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR)
Describe the P.A.R.T. format of documentation
Define the P of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Define the A of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Demonstrate the POMR and the P and A of P.A.R.T. formats for the initial patient encounter
Describe the concept of outcome assessments in clinical practice
Distinguish between subjective and objective outcome assessments Illustrate methods of proving medical necessity
Develop a strategy to justify treatment
Define the R of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Illustrate the different methods of evaluating spinal range of motion
Define the T of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
Describe the timing of the first re-exam
Demonstrate proper coding for range of motion measurements
Illustrate different outcome assessments for the T of P.A.R.T
Demonstrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for the initial patient encounter
Integrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for subsequent patient encounters
Define proper Assessments
Illustrate the two types of Plan
Demonstrate proper documentation for timed codes
Define the short, moderate and long term diagnoses for Medicare
Illustrate the legal definition of medical necessity
Describe the red flags of a record review
Demonstrate the determination of causation for a motor vehicle collision
Discuss the different mechanisms of injury for motor vehicle collisions
Demonstrate the key value drivers of Colossus
Discuss the difference between impairment and disability
Illustrate the determination of the end of justifiable treatment
Define the main components of an impairment evaluation
Illustrate Duties Under Duress and Loss of Enjoyment
Illustrate the important diagnoses for personal injury cases
Define the 5 Colossus prognoses
Demonstrate the 5 grades of injury severity for the Croft Guidelines for the Treatment of CAD Injuries
Illustrate the Croft Treatment Guidelines
Discuss the complicating factors for the Croft Guidelines
Define the critical points for documentation of personal injury cases
Discuss the concepts that personal injury attorneys look for in our documentation
Illustrate the differences between subjective and objective testimony
Discuss the appropriate order of visits for functional exams
Other Info
NOTE: This course contains the same content as Coding and Documentation 201 - 204
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4175 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214d : Neurological Examination Flow: A Brief Review
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Correctly assess the level of the lesion in case scenario questions.
Identify the components of the neurological examination.
Demonstrate a basic examination flow from sitting to standing, to the supine and prone positions.
Outline "Ferezy's MSR's" which is a pneumonic devise to help recall areas needing to be tested.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the central nervous system.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions in various parts of the peripheral nervous system.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3508 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214e : Review: History and Mental Status
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Describe areas of concern in the history taking process
List areas of concern in the mental status examination
Identify and perform methods for eliciting a patient history
Identify and perform methods for examining the patient’s mental status
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2138 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214e2 : Bedside Neurological Examination Review
Credit Hours(s) 5.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $100.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Identify the areas of proper placement of the stethoscope bell in order to auscultate various arteries and other vascular structures available in the head and neck.
Perform palpation of the thyroid gland.
Perform an examination of the cranial nerves.
Evaluate the head and neck for signs of nervous system trauma.
Draw out the visual pathways from retina to striate cortex of the occipital lobe.
Associate patterns of visual field losses with various portions of optic pathway disease.
List retinal areas to evaluate and associated parameters during the fundoscopic examination.
Correlate disorders of eye position and movement with peripheral cranial nerve disease, internuclear ophthalmoplegia and gaze palsy’s.
List current vertebrobasilar risk assessment options as well as the value and limitations of each.
Outline the position of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) in regard to vertebrobasilar ischemia (VBI) provocative testing in the chiropractic office.
Identify suggested effects of elevated homocystine levels above 7.2 umol/L.
Perform procedures recommended by the author to evaluate candidates for manipulative therapy.
Summarize implications of neurological findings for lesions involving the cranial nerves or their central connections.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 4107 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214e3 : Somatoform Disorders and Malingering
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Define the terms somatoform disorder, hysteria, malingering, organic and non organic disease.
Contrast and compare organic and non organic disease.
Contrast and compare somatoform disorder and malingering.
Identify the most common symptoms described by patients suffering from Somatoform disorder, and develop a strategy to what degree the symptoms may have a somatoform component.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3690 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214e4 : The Cortex: Communication and Knowledge
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Locate cortical areas responsible for language and describe the relationship between the areas and describe pathways of cortical information processing.
Define the term “hemisphericity” in relation to hemisphere dominance and itemize various methods to determine hemisphere dominance for functions such as language, handedness, hearing, vision, etc.
Describe results of “split brain” experiments regarding cortical processing of faces and items in regard to distribution of visual information and speech.
Draw the relationships between the reception and expression categories in The Schema of Monrad Crone to illustrate the “inputs and outputs” of human interaction.
Identify the cortical pathways involved from hearing and understanding to formulating speech and speaking, and discuss the relevance of pathway location to other cortical systems.
Define common terms associated with cortical disorders including aphasia, agraphia and apraxia.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 3848 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214e5 : A Brief Review of the Neurological Examination: Ferezy's MSR's
Credit Hours(s) 4.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $80.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
List the major divisions and sub components of the neurological examination.
Contrast and compare the effects of neurological lesions on the neurological examination of the central nervous system versus the peripheral nervous system.
Recite the implications of neurological examination findings on disorders involving various components of the central and peripheral nervous system.
Draw the anatomy of the lower motor neuron in its relation to the spinal cord, nerve root, spinal nerve, and the neuromyal junction.
Describe components of the so called “SAID” principle of strength training and its relation to neural and muscular adaptation.
List the five primary roles of functional skeletal muscle tissue.
Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Motor Systems of the patient.
Recite findings related to neurological “drift” performed during the neurological examination.
Compare and contrast the findings of percussion myoedema with those of percussion myotonia.
Discuss the significance of neural shock and detail expected associated neurological examination findings.
Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Sensory Systems of the patient.
List, contrast and compare the neurological signs associated with “release phenomenon” and “deficit phenomena”.
Illustrate components of the muscle stretch reflex including the role of the Alpha motor neuron, Gama motor neuron, and large sensory fibers in relation to the muscle fibers and spinal cord.
Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Reflex Systems of the patient.
Draw the neurologic pathways associated with the eye light reflexes. Include reference to cells of the retina, the optic nerve, the optic chiasm, the optic tract, the Pretectal nucleus, and the Edinger Westphal nucleus.
Itemize and discuss categories of neurological involuntary movements.
Perform and discuss three versions of the extensor plantar response (extensor toe sign, Babinski sign).
Discuss the common shorthand used for grading muscle stretch reflex responses and discuss the results of the neurological examination associated with each grade.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 2712 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 214e6 : Non-Organic Physical Signs: Are Tests for "Fakers" Credible? Plus Fundamentals and Mechanics of the Neurological Examination
Credit Hours(s) 1.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $20.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Contrast and compare the physical neurological examination with the physical examination of other body systems.
Perform a neurological examination in a logical, physical sequence from sitting to standing, supine and prone.
Describe and perform “Waddell’s Tests and six other special tests described in the literature to detect complaints without a physical basis.
Itemize pitfalls and critically review special tests described in the literature to detect complaints without a physical basis.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 1456 Expires: 2026-07-31
Neurology 217 c135 c143 c163 : Meralgia Paresthetica & Cluster Headache
Credit Hours(s) 2.0
Instructors Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN
Price $40.00 USD
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Educational Objectives
Recite essential features regarding the review of existing patient records.
List methods and mechanisms regarding the patient examination.
Compare and contrast the signs and symptoms of various conditions involving sensory changes that have presented to a doctor of chiropractic with emphasis on differential diagnosis.
Itemize methods and techniques regarding proper patient examination performance.
Describe the anatomical course of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and its involvement in a sensory disorder.
List signs and symptoms of a patient with Meralgia Paresthetica.
Compare and contrast the signs and symptoms of various headache conditions that have presented to a doctor of chiropractic with emphasis on differential diagnosis.
List signs and symptoms of a patient with cluster headache syndrome.
Other Info This class contains two video cases. One on Meralgia Paresthetica involves a chiropractic student who is examined and diagnosed during the class video. There is also another published case (by the author Dr. Ferezy) with is reviewed along with a clinical discussion. The other video case involves an elderly Navy veteran with a long history of unusual headaches and also suffered a stroke, and was diagnosed as suffering from Cluster Headache Syndrome. The cases are enhanced by a clinical discussion of the disorder.
Approval Code(s) PACE Approved Course 9041 Expires: 2026-07-31