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North Carolina 8 hour 2024 Course Bundle

Savings of $24.00!

$160.00    $136.00

This provides you 8 hours of courses approved by the North Carolina Board of Chiropractic with a 15% discount. You can always select course individually if you don't want to purchase this particular pre-bundled package. We report your completed courses to CE Broker!

Rehab 140 : Concepts in CORE Conditioning     Credit Hours  1.0
  • Identify exercise physiology concepts related to core conditioning
  • Determine the anatomy related to the core and its function in core strength
  • Design and implement a core conditioning program
  • Summarize the role of psychological motivation in core conditioning
  • Examine the various movements associated with core conditioning

Physical Diagnosis 188 : The Middle Cross Syndrome - Innovations in Myofascial Assessment     Credit Hours  1.0
  • Describe the fascial patterns and muscular components of the middle cross dysfunctional pattern
  • Explain the upper extremity findings associated with the upper cross dysfunctional pattern
  • Explain the lower extremity findings associated with the lower cross dysfunctional pattern
  • Describe the whole-body biomechanical deficits associated with the middle cross syndrome
  • Describe the spinal fixation patterns associated with the middle cross syndrome

Nutrition 172 : Nutrition and Exercise     Credit Hours  1.0
  • Review exercise physiology principles and techniques
  • Analyze various exercise prescription principles
  • Identify appropriate carbohydrate – fat – and protein recommendations
  • Develop meal timing and fluid guidelines for the athlete

Functional Medicine 211 : A Practical Approach to Implementing Clinical Detoxification Programs in Your Practice     Credit Hours  3.0
  • Identify the appropriate candidates (patients) for a detoxification program
  • Effectively communicate the need for detoxification support
  • Ensure a safe and comfortable detoxification experience
  • Establish realistic expectations - for you and your patient
  • Measure the outcome of your patient’s detoxification using novel, in-office, cost-effective evaluation procedures
  • Generate 14 and 21 day detoxification programs
  • Devise detoxification programs for various levels of patient commitment and participation
  • Easily and readily respond to common patient questions and concerns about detoxification
  • Address post-detoxification clinical considerations and directions

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 217 : History Taking & Physical Exam Procedures: History, Evaluation and Treatment Protocols for Pregnant Patients     Credit Hours  2.0
Hour 1
  • Summarize the three stages of pregnancy.
  • Recognize common pregnancy abbreviations.
  • List the benefits of exercise during pregnancy.
  • Explain how the hormones, relaxin and hCG, can impact physical activity.
  • Design a subjective and history taking examination for a pregnant patient.
  • Complete a physical examination on a pregnant patient including common complaints such as pelvic girdle pain and low back pain.
  • Assess patient positions to ensure comfort and safety during physical assessments and/or rehabilitation.
  • Recognize when to refer a pregnant patient to another specialty for evaluation and treatment.
  • Identify pelvic health dysfunction and determine appropriate referral.
Hour 2
  • Differentiate between low back pain and pelvic girdle pain.
  • Address low back pain, pelvic girdle pain and pelvic floor dysfunction in a pregnant patient.
  • Discuss appropriate supportive devices for back pain, pelvic girdle pain and lower extremity edema.
  • Recognize alternative non-analgesic methods of pain relief through massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care.
  • Assess sleep positions to reduce hip and back discomfort.
  • Identify red flags while treating a pregnant patient.
  • List contraindicated treatment modalities for the pregnant patient