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Veterinary Tech

Veterinary Acupuncture 202

  • Identify the canine acupuncture points
  • Correlate the canine acupuncture points to the associated cutaneous nerve
  • Differentiate disease causations in dogs based on Western and traditional Chinese medicine approaches
  • Describe the components of the canine examination in traditional Chinese medicine
  • Explain the diagnosis and treatment of specific canine musculoskeletal disorders using traditional Chinese medicine
  • Outline the use of acupuncture for canine neurological disorders
  • Describe the implementation of acupuncture for the treatment of thoracolumbar and cervical disk disease in small mammals
  • Explain trigger point treatment in dogs
  • Summarize the efficacy of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of chronic respiratory disease, cardiovascular disorders and heart disease in small animals
  • Outline the approaches used in traditional Chinese medicine to critical care situations in dogs

Allen Schoen, DVM, MS

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$144.00 USD

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