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Veterinary Tech

Veterinary Acupuncture 201

  • Assess the history of traditional acupuncture and its application to veterinary medicine
  • Describe the anatomy of acupoints
  • Relate the classification of acupoints to organ systems
  • Explain the neurophysiological basis of acupuncture
  • Analyze the current research on acupuncture as it relates to veterinary practice
  • Outline the Eastern concepts of acupuncture
  • Describe the traditional Eastern approached to diagnosis and treatment
  • Use the methods of classification by The Five Elements, The Eight Conditions and Zang – fu theory to develop a treatment formula
  • Recognize the various techniques of acupuncture and the types of instrumentation employed
  • Summarize the principles of Point Selection

Allen Schoen, DVM, MS

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$144.00 USD

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