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Veterinary Tech

Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine 211
Beef and Dairy Cattle


Parts 1-3

  • Demonstrate understanding of how preconditioning and other preventive management procedures can reduce the frequency of antibiotic treatments for Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD).
  • Describe the components of a good preconditioning program and how BRD can be prevented in the feedlot.
  • Describe how preventing BRD tends to cost less than clinical treatments with antibiotics.
Parts 4 - 5
  • Describe medicated milk replacer and how it is regulated under the Veterinary Feed Directive.
  • Identify antibiotics that historically were most commonly added to medicated milk replacer.
  • List the disadvantages associated with using medicated milk replacer.
  • Describe proper management and preventive medicine that are critical to long-term calf health.
  • Describe a good colostrum management program for dairy calves.
Parts 6 - 9
  • Describe the management practices that can prevent scours in calves, such as high quality colostrum management, sanitation and proper isolation procedures.
  • Explain the proper role of antimicrobial agents in treating calves with scours.
Parts 10 - 11
  • Discuss the general guidelines for the judicious use of antibiotics in the treatment of mastitis.
  • Describe the factors to consider in the selection of an antimicrobial drug for mastitis treatment.
  • Outline the preventive measures that may be taken on a dairy farm with regards to mastitis.
  • Discuss proper indications for the use of antimicrobials for contagious mastitis in dairy cattle.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the need to follow proper treatment protocols when using an antibiotic to treat individual cows for contagious udder pathogens.
  • Explain how somatic cell counts and culture results are used to formulate a herd antibiotic treatment plan for contagious udder pathogens.
  • Describe how antimicrobial treatment of contagious udder pathogens can be greatly reduced in herds by using effective mastitis prevention and control programs.
  • Recognize the futility of using antibiotics to treat cases of contagious mastitis if the cow is to be returned to a herd where she will quickly become reinfected.

Jeff Bender, DVM

RACE Category 1 Scientific

$48.00 USD

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