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OT Assistant

Therapeutic Modalities 212

Electrical Currents for Soft Tissue Healing and Pain Control


Electrical Currents for Soft Tissue Healing

  • Explain how electrical stimulation facilitates wound healing
  • Describe 3 parameters for electrical stimulation to promote wound healing
  • Explore and list 2 parameters for the use of iontophoresis
  • Describe the use of electrical currents for edema control
  • List 3 precautions and 3 contraindications for the use of electrical currents in tissue healing

Electrical Currents for Pain Control

  • Describe the use of conventional TENS, Low-rate and Burst-Mode TENS for the use of pain control
  • List and describe 3 contraindications for the use of electrical currents for pain control
  • Examine parameters such as waveform, electrode placement, amplitude, treatment time and frequency in the use of electrical currents for the use ofpain control
  • Read case studies and highlight clinical application

(This content is NOT included in the Therapeutic Modalities 101 course)

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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$57.00 USD

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