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Suicide Assessment 202
Veterans, Veterans Administration Health Care, and Palliative Care, Veterans Mental Health Issues and Suicide Awareness and Strategies and Management of Suicide Risk


  • Indicate the manifestations of military sexual trauma
  • Cite the rate of disability amongst living veterans
  • Describe the incidence and distribution of mental illness in the veteran population
  • Define PTSD
  • Recognize the DSM-5 criteria for the diagnosis of PTSD
  • Explain the risk factors to developing PTSD
  • Summarize the association between PTSD and Chronic Pain
  • Describe the Primary Care PTSD Screen (PC-PTSD)
  • Recognize the effects of PTSD on the family of sufferers
  • Summarize the psychological and pharmacological treatment for PTSD
  • Define depression
  • List the DMS-5 Criteria for depression
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of depression
  • Define survivor guilt
  • Explain suicide prevention and the VA Risk Assessment Guide
  • Outline the use of the SAD PERSONS instrument
  • List the risk factors to suicidal behavior
  • Outline the long and short term goals in suicide prevention, interventions and their rationale
  • Define the characteristics of hopelessness
  • List the outcome criteria for intervention for patients with hopelessness
  • Explain the factors related to ineffective coping mechanisms
  • List long and short term goals of the management of ineffective coping mechanisms
  • Describe interventions and their rationale for the patient with ineffective coping
  • Identify medications used to treat anxiety
  • Recognize medications used to treat psychotic diseases
  • Identify principal signs of depression and drugs used as treatment
  • Recognize agents used as antimanics and medications for bipolar disorder
  • Describe behavioral disorders found in adults and children and drugs indicated in treatment
  • Explain the role of medications in treating Alzheimer’s disease
  • Provide patient education for compliance with medications used to treat conditions and diseases of mental health and behavioral disorders

Richard Saporito, DC

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$60.00 USD

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