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OT Assistant

Hand Therapy 145
Elbow injuries and Treatment


Part I - Ulnar Collateral Ligament Evaluation and Diagnostics

  • Describe the anatomy and biomechanics of the elbow joint
  • Describe pertinent components of an evaluation for a suspected UCL injury
  • Outline the specific steps and how to perform the milking test and the moving valgus stress test
  • Explore techniques used for imaging the thrower’s elbow
  • List and describe differential diagnosis for the overhead throwing athlete including differential diagnosis for Ulnar collateral Ligament (UCL) injury, flexor-pronator injury,  Valgus Extension Overload (VEO) /  Posteromedial impingement , Olecranon stress fracture, Ulnar nerve pathology

Part II - Sprains, Strains, and Partial Tears of the Medial Ulnar Collateral Ligament of the Elbow
  • Become familiar with examination and imaging techniques for athletes with medial sided elbow pain
  • Describe conservative treatment techniques for sprains and partial tears of the medial ulnar collateral ligament (MUCL)
  • List 2 indications and 2 contraindications for surgical repair of the MUCL
  • Explore the surgical technique used to repair MUCL tears
  • Outline the postoperative protocol for therapy following surgical repair
  • List 3 potential complications following surgical intervention

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

AudioVisual Course

$38.00 USD

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