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OT Assistant

Hand Therapy 131
Understanding Dupuytren's Disease: Treatment Options and More


  • Discuss the history DD and how this condition got its name
  • List 5 common risk factors for developing DD
  • Describe the epidemiology of DD
  • Describe 2 common signs and symptoms of DD including which digits are most commonly involved and which digits are generally spared
  • Examine and describe the normal anatomy and the significance of the palmar aponeurosis
  • Describe the pathogenesis of DD including defining and differentiating between the 3 stage of the disease: proliferative, involutional, residual
  • Outline common steps involved in making a diagnosis of DD
  • List and describe 3 conservative treatment interventions including the advantages of each
  • Describe the role of hand therapy in the treatment of DD
  • List 5 possible complications following surgery

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

AudioVisual Course
Case Studies

$57.00 USD

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