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OT Assistant

Ethics for Professionals 103

The Analysis of Ethical Problems in Professional Life


  • Identify six steps in the analysis of ethical problems encountered in everyday professional life and how each plays a part in arriving at a caring response.
  • Describe the central role of narrative and virtue theories in gathering relevant information for a caring response.
  • List four areas of inquiry that will be useful when gathering relevant information to make sure you have the story straight.
  • Describe the role of conduct-related ethical theories and approaches in arriving at a caring response.
  • Describe why imagination is an essential aspect of seeking out the practical alternatives in an ethically challenging situation.
  • Discuss how courage assists you in a caring response.
  • Identify two benefits of taking time to reflect on and evaluate the action afterward.
  • Become familiar with AOTA and APTA Code of Ethics
  • Become familiar with the Guide to Professional Conduct for PT's

Paul Powers, DC, DABCN


$19.00 USD

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