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OT Assistant

COTA Skills 119
Considerations of Mobility


  • Discuss the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act regulations pertaining to the use of physical restraints
  • Describe the steps in the establishment of a restraint reduction program
  • Describe the role of the certi???ed OTA in restraint reduction
  • Outline the basic steps in evaluating the ???t of a wheelchair
  • Describe the major precautions to consider when elders should use wheelchairs
  • Describe essential considerations when evaluating and ???tting a bariatric person with a wheelchair
  • Identify three reasons that elder adults are at a greater risk for falls than the general population
  • Identify environmental, biological, psychosocial, and functional causes of falls
  • Describe key considerations during the evaluation process for elder adults at risk for falls
  • Describe recommended and evidence-based interventions to prevent falls
  • Discuss potential desired outcomes of fall prevention interventions
  • Discuss ways elders may gain access to public transportation
  • Describe ways elders may become safer pedestrians
  • Describe a driving evaluation, and identify criteria for this assessment
  • Describe visual and physical changes in elders that may affect their ability to drive

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

Case Studies
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$38.00 USD

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