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AIDS 110

HIV and Nutrition


  • Explain the difference between HIV infection and AIDS
  • Outline the methods of transmission of HIV
  • Explain why early treatment of HIV infection is advantageous
  • Discuss the basic factors in treatment
  • Assess the individual HIV-AIDS patient for nutritional needs
  • Explain the basic nutritional guidelines for the HIV infected patient.
  • Discuss the classification of nutrients and their sources
  • List some tools that may be used to do a nutritional analysis.
  • Recognize AIDS nutritional deficient syndromes and other co morbidities
  • Suggest some food plans/food treatments for nutritional deficiencies caused by the HIV infection or other opportunistic infections.
  • Discuss  the steps to good nutritional counseling
  • Discuss some nutritional problems that may face the HIV patient and list some remedies for these issues.

Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD

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$38.00 USD

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