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Naturopathic Doctor

Pharmacology 205

Gastrointestinal System Disorders


  • Describing how medications move through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to be absorbed for the body’s use.
  • Discussing medications used for prophylaxis in mouth and tooth disorders and as therapeutics for mouth diseases.
  • Explaining actions of medications used for stomach and gallbladder conditions.
  • Describing agents used for treatment of hepatitis B and C.
  • Describing actions of pancreatic enzymes, antifatulents, antidiarrheals, carminatives, cathartics, and laxatives.
  • Describing how anti-inflammatory agents are used with large bowel conditions.
  • Discussing preparations used for anorectal disorders.
  • Explaining proper choice and use of medications for intestinal parasites, including the needed prophylaxis to prevent recurrence.
  • Discussing drugs used for appetite suppression and their side effects.
  • Providing patient education for compliance with medications used to treat diseases and conditions of the gastrointestinal system.

Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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$40.00 USD

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