Hour 1 - PI Case Management Part 1
- Identify and avoid common PI history mistakes and liabilities
- Recognize many keys to a quality initial PI patient history
- Develop an awareness for the materials and tools necessary for a PI history
- Create a plan and protocol to improve the quality and thoroughness of the PI history
Hour 2 - PI Case Management Part 2
- Recognize common PI history red flags and contraindications
- Identify symptoms and clinical history for two common PI traumatic injuries
- Create a plan to identify and eliminate common patient errors pertaining to the PI history
- Develop an awareness for potential med-legal issues that can arise from a PI history
Hour 3 - How to Humanize Your PI Cases
- Create a protocol to consistently implement outcome assessments into PI cases
- Recognize other options and opportunities available to humanize PI cases
- Identify common outcome assessments utilized in PI cases
- Improve awareness of clinical decisions that can be made from humanizing cases