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Naturopathic Doctor

Pediatrics 117
An Introduction to the Pediatric Examination: Clinical Pearls and Tips Explored


Hour 1:

  • Learn age-appropriate general health screening and health education for babies.
  • Analyze through evidence the use of chiropractic manipulation for pregnant women.
  • Identify normal growth, development and behavior and their assessment, as well as approaches to abnormalities for neonatals.
  • Describe a typical pediatric examination on a neonatal.

Hour 2:

  • Learn age-appropriate general health screening and health education for toddlers.
  • Analyze through evidence the use of chiropractic manipulation for toddlers through young children.
  • Identify normal growth, development and behavior and their assessment, as well as approaches to abnormalities from infancy through toddlers.
  • Describe a typical pediatric examination on an infant 1-5 years old.

Hour 3:

  • Learn age-appropriate general health screening and health education for adolescents.
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury (through accident and sport) in children.
  • Discuss and describe typical examination forms and outcome assessment tools used for the pediatric population.
  • Evaluate through clinical cases and it’s management.

Jennifer Illes, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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