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Naturopathic Doctor

Neurology 214e4

The Cortex: Communication and Knowledge


  • Locate cortical areas responsible for language and describe the relationship between the areas and describe pathways of cortical information processing.
  • Define the term “hemisphericity” in relation to hemisphere dominance and itemize various methods to determine hemisphere dominance for functions such as language, handedness, hearing, vision, etc.
  • Describe results of “split brain” experiments regarding cortical processing of faces and items in regard to distribution of visual information and speech.
  • Draw the relationships between the reception and expression categories in The Schema of Monrad Crone to illustrate the “inputs and outputs” of human interaction.
  • Identify the cortical pathways involved from hearing and understanding to formulating speech and speaking, and discuss the relevance of pathway location to other cortical systems.
  • Define common terms associated with cortical disorders including aphasia, agraphia and apraxia.

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$40.00 USD

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