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Chiropractic Student

Neurology 121

Neuromodulation: Use of Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation


  • Discuss stimulation parameters for using High Voltage Galvanic stimulation for neuromodulation
  • Identify optimal ranges for pulse-width, milli-AMPs, phase and other parameters of electrical stimulation
  • Differentiate and choose optimal types of electrical stimulation (TENS vs. HVG) for clinician applications
  • Draw out the neuro-anatomical pathways of vagal nerve stimulation and use this information to guide appropriate use of vagal nerve stimulation in clinical practice
  • Discuss the investigational nature of tVNS, potential risk-benefits, with patients and construct a treatment plan using tVNS with a properly informed and consenting patient.

George Kukurin, DC, DACAN

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD

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