Chiropractic Student

Acupuncture 456 : Diagnosis by Palpation: A Comprehensive Study on Palpation, Focusing on the Radial Pulse

James Ventresca, DOM

$100.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

  • Describe the role of the radial pulse in diagnosis
  • Give examples of the problems inherent in pulse diagnosis
  • Discuss the clinical significance of the three levels of the pulse
  • List the factors to take into account when evaluating the pulse
  • Recognize signs from palpating the temperature, moisture, and texture of the skin
  • Explain how palpation of the abdomen provides valuable diagnostic information
  • Recognize the various forms taken by 'Excess of Yang' and 'Deficiency of Yang'
  • Recognize the various forms taken by 'Excess of Yin' and 'Deficiency of Yin'
  • Summarize the diagnostic significance of the sounds of breathing, cough, vomiting, hiccup, borborygmi, sighing etc.
  • Analyze the implications of ascending/descending and entering/exiting of Qi
  • Point out the significance of the smell of bodily secretions
  • Identify the Full/Empty nature of a condition, according to the presence or absence of a pathogenic factor and the strength of the body's Qi

Approved States/Territories
  • ALAlabama
  • AKAlaska
  • ABAlberta
  • ASAmerican Samoa
  • AZArizona
  • ARArkansas
  • AEArmed Forces all AE
  • AAArmed Forces Americas
  • APArmed Forces Pacific
  • BCBritish Columbia
  • CACalifornia
  • COColorado
  • CTConnecticut
  • DEDelaware
  • DCDistrict of Columbia
  • FMFederated States of Micronesia
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  • INIndiana
  • IAIowa
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  • KYKentucky
  • LALouisiana
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  • MBManitoba
  • MHMarshall Islands
  • MDMaryland
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  • NMNew Mexico
  • NYNew York
  • NLNewfoundland and Labrador
  • NCNorth Carolina
  • NDNorth Dakota
  • MPNorthern Mariana Islands
  • NTNorthwest Territories
  • NSNova Scotia
  • NUNunavut
  • OHOhio
  • OKOklahoma
  • ONOntario
  • OROregon
  • PWPalau
  • PAPennsylvania
  • PEPrince Edward Island
  • PRPuerto Rico
  • QCQuebec
  • RIRhode Island
  • SKSaskatchewan
  • SCSouth Carolina
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  • UTUtah
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  • VIVirgin Islands
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  • WVWest Virginia
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  • WYWyoming
  • YTYukon