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Chiropractic Doctor

Xray 180
Chest Radiology - Interstitial/Infiltrative Diseases


  • Develop and consistently use a complete search pattern for chest radiographs.
  • Recognize and describe the radiological features of Interstitial disease (Infiltrative disease) of the lungs.
  • Identify the various diseases that can result in Atelectasis, Consolidation, Interstitial patterns.
  • Link the history and physical examination findings with the radiological abnormalities to arrive at a reasonable diagnosis or differential diagnosis.
  • Discuss the indications for referral based on abnormal chest  radiographic findings.Select appropriate imaging or other diagnostic procedures based on the history and physical examination.

Newsha Nanette Nargaski DC, DACBR, FCCR(c)

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD

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