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Chiropractic Doctor

Xray 175
A Systematic Approach to Interpreting Plain Film X-rays of the Spine


Hour One:

  • Identify normal/abnormal anatomical structures i.e.: osseous anatomy of the cervical spine
  • Identify, analyze and interpret the importance of an increase ADI
  • Identify normal/abnormal anatomical soft tissue structures (i.e.: calcifications of carotid/vertebral arteries and thyroid cartilage) of the cervical spine
  • Recognize the importance of specific laboratory and diagnostic studies to aid in the differential diagnosis of common radiographic findings to rule out most often seen musculoskeletal disorders of the cervical spine

Hour Two:

  • Identify normal/abnormal anatomical structures i.e.: osseous anatomy of the thoracic spine
  • Identify normal/abnormal anatomical soft tissue structures (costal cartilage calcifications, trachea and bronchial air shadows, heart, diaphragm, hilar region, aortic knob etc.)
  • Recognize the importance of specific diagnostic studies to aid in the differential diagnosis of common radiographic findings to rule out most often seen musculoskeletal disorders of the thoracic spine

Hour Three

  • Identify normal/abnormal anatomical structures i.e.: osseous anatomy of the lumbar spine and pelvis
  • Identify normal/abnormal anatomical soft tissue structures i.e.: vascular calcifications like abdominal aortic aneurysm, mesenteric lymph nodes etc
  • Recognize the importance of specific laboratory and diagnostic studies to aid in the differential diagnosis of common radiographic findings to rule out most often seen musculoskeletal disorders of the lumbar, lumbosacral spine and sacroiliac joints

Paul Sherman, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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