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Chiropractic Doctor

Xray 171 - 173

Hour 1
  • Develop and consistently use a complete search pattern for abdominal radiographs.
  • Select appropriate imaging or other diagnostic procedures based on the history and physical examination.
  • Identify different abdominal imaging procedure performed
  • Identify normal abdominal organs, their size, appearance and location
Hour 2
  • Link the history and physical examination findings with the radiological abnormalities to arrive at a reasonable diagnosis or differential diagnosis.
  • Identify the various abnormal soft tissue densities within the abdomen and state their clinical relevance.
  • Identify abnormal abdominal gas patterns and locations
  • Know the indications for referral based on abnormal abdominal radiographic findings.
  • Select appropriate imaging or other diagnostic procedures based on the history and physical examination.
Hour 3
  • Identify common causes of non-traumatic compression fracture
  • Identify some uncommon causes of non-traumatic compression fracture
  • Describe types of compression fracture
  • Differentiate benign and malignant compression
  • Integrate radiologic findings into clinical care
Hour 4
  • Identify imaging modalities used for head and neck imaging
  • List imaging modalities available for neuro imaging
  • Contrast and compare CT and MRI in brain imaging
  • Indicate conditions suitable for advanced imaging
  • Use advanced imaging to justify treatment and referral


AudioVisual Course

$80.00 USD

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