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Chiropractic Doctor

Xray 169
Problem Solving Approach to Degenerative Conditions of the Spine


Hour one:

  • Discuss overall picture of degenerative conditions of the spine
  • Develop a differential diagnosis for arthritic conditions of the spine
  • Discuss in detail the structural components of the disc
  • Learn how the components are involved in the degenerative processes.

Hour two:

  • Understand the standard nomenclature
  • Classify disc lesions (herniations, etc.)
  • Demonstrate types of disc lesions on imaging modalities (x-ray, MRI, CT and Myelogram).

Hour three:

  • Demonstrate degenerative conditions on imaging modalities (x-ray, MRI, CT and myelogram)
  • Discuss in detail degenerative conditions of the neural arch components
  • Describe long term effects of degeneration (stenosis, spondylolithesis)
  • Discuss marrow changes associated with degenerative conditions.

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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