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Chiropractic Doctor

Stroke and Manipulation 105
Clinical Aspects of Cervical Artery Strokes


  • Cite the strength of evidence about whether chiropractic neck manipulation causes cervical artery dissection (CAD) based on a systematic review, meta-analysis, and evaluation of the body of evidence as a whole
  • Summarize our current state of knowledge on cervical artery dissection and how it impacts the practice of cervical spinal manipulation
  • Outline the state of knowledge regarding bedside diagnosis and management of an acute vestibular syndrome, with the suspicion for stroke 
  • Describe the demographics, past health care utilization, and comorbidities of vertebrobasilar artery stroke patients in Ontario, Canada who consulted a chiropractor within one year prior to their stroke
  • Analyze the nature of internal carotid artery biomechanics and associated risk of injury during cervical spinal manipulation

Shawn Thistle, DC

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Journal Article Review

$20.00 USD

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