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Chiropractic Doctor

Soft Tissue Injuries 117
Functional Kinesiology and Movement; Biomechanics, Pathology and Treatment


  • Describe biomechanics of movement of the joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, bursa, nerves and fascia of the lower extremity, pelvis and spine, TMJ and upper extremity.
  • Explain weight distribution and movement of ligaments, muscle and fascia in relation to the feet as foundation.
  • Discuss soft tissue movement during standing, walking, running, twisting, bending, reaching and grasping.
  • Relate movement interactions and stresses on soft tissues from one body region to another.
  • Demonstrate to your patients, correct posture from the feet as foundation to the cervical spine.
  • Educate and demonstrate the correct use of the core in posture.
  • Show patients how to relax their shoulders using the thoracic spine as a lever.
  • Describe and demonstrate appropriate gait in relation to correct posture.
  • Explain to your patient how the soft tissue adapts to an unstable scoliosis.
  • Apply understanding of injury dynamics in individual soft tissue structures (ligament, musculotendon, bursa, nerve, fascia).
  • Interrelate soft tissue contractures from one region of the body to another.
  • Learn passive and active examination techniques for all soft tissue structures of the soft tissue structures mentioned in Educational Objective 1.
  • Review Applied Kinesiology as a tool for muscle isolation and clinical testing.
  • Differentiate muscle strength testing from the proprioception evaluation of Applied Kinesiology.
  • Integrate Applied Kinesiology examination and treatment into soft tissue evaluation and case management.
  • Clinical examination of soft tissue structures of the soft tissue structures mentioned in Educational Objective 1.
  • Apply examination findings into differentially diagnosing soft tissue fibrosis, scar tissue and adhesions, trigger points and pain radiation patterns.
  • Inter-relate different regions of the body with local soft tissue findings.
  • Discern appropriate clinical application for advanced imaging studies and soft tissue.
  • Apply treatment protocols for ice, heat, stretching, Somatic Technique, Strain/counterstrain, friction massage, post-isometric relaxation, modalities, massage techniques, myofascial release, active release, Neuromuscular therapy, cold laser, exercise rehabilitations, mobilization and manipulation.
  • Apply techniques mentioned in Educational Objective (above) as well as Applied Kinesiology to all joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, bursa, nerves and fascia of the lower extremity, pelvis and spine, TMJ, and upper extremity.
  • Relate treatments to improved movement locally, regionally and other affected regions and educate your patient to reasonable goals.
  • View the soft tissue structures of the body as a whole with recognizable patterns of dysfunction and treat these soft tissues for greater flexibility and function.

Linda Simon, DC

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$216.00 USD

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