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Chiropractic Doctor

Risk 150
The Doctor-Patient Contract: Keep Adjusting, Not Arguing/Litigating


  • Evaluate sample forms including contract, informed consent, treatment plan and intake - and draft forms that clearly distinguish between standard care and potential contractual guarantees.
  • Identify the key elements that can transform a doctor's statement into a contractual guarantee (e.g., specific results, use of positive language like "cure" or "fix").
  • Define the concept of a doctor-patient contract and distinguish it from the standard of care in medical malpractice.
  • Describe the legal ramifications of a doctor breaching a contract with a patient (e.g., damages, potential for longer statute of limitations compared to malpractice).
  • Analyze case studies to identify instances where a doctor's communication with a patient may have created a contractual obligation.
  • Effectively communicate treatment options and limitations to patients, avoiding language that could be misconstrued as a contractual guarantee.
  • Apply your knowledge of doctor-patient contracts to real-world scenarios, such as consultations, advertising materials, and treatment plans.
  • Critically assess the advantages and disadvantages of relying on formal contracts in the doctor-patient relationship.


Peter Van Tyle, Esq

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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