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Chiropractic Doctor

Risk 133

Legal Do's and Don'ts All Chiropractors Should Know


Hour 1

  • Identify various types of billing irregularities and impact on healthcare expenditures.
  • Distinguish upcoding from bundling within the context of irregular billing schemes.
  • Demonstrate how and when exceeding a state’s scope of practice becomes “the unauthorized practice of medicine.”
  • Explain the restrictions states’ scopes of practice place on healthcare providers’ authority to treat and diagnose patients.
  • Discuss how invoicing unrendered medical services impacts third-party payers.
  • Interpret chiropractic boards’ positions on testimonial advertising and how best to comply.

Hour 2

  • Identify what constitute a false claim under the False Claims Act.
  • Discriminate a kickback from a self-referral.
  • Trace how anti-kickback legislation arose and examine its prohibitions.
  • Explain the enactment of Stark legislation arising on the heels of anti-kickback bans.
  • Assess providing nutritional counsel within the context of “the practice of medicine.”
  • Evaluate identity theft and its impact on patients, providers and the cost of healthcare.
  • Discriminate between illegal copayment waivers from proper hardship waivers.
  • Discuss court cases instancing successful prosecution of healthcare fraud.

Peter Van Tyle, Esq

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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