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Chiropractic Doctor

Risk 114

Selling a Healthcare Practice: Ethical, Legal, Financial and Tax Considerations


  • Evaluate a sample sale agreement and sample letter issued to patients upon dissolution of practice
  • Explain components of any well drafted buy-sell agreement including non-competes
  • Identify how to handle patient records vis-à-vis the sale
  • Understanding forms and laws relating to the transfer of logos, trademarks and Internet Domain Names
  • HIPAA Considerations
  • Acquaint oneself with the tax consequences of particular types of practice sales
  • Discuss valuation methods used for determining an appropriate practice sales price
  • Identify legal concerns associated with the dissolution of a healthcare practice
  • Recognize how sales can trigger violations: fee splitting, patient abandonment, kickback, and anti-trust

Peter Van Tyle, Esq


$60.00 USD

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