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Chiropractic Doctor

Rehab 138
History and Examination of the Knee Focusing on ACL and the Post-op Rehabilitation Process


  • Appraise the latest research in terms of the incidence of ACL tears and re-tears.
  • Identify the factors associated with higher ACL tear and re-tear rates based on gender and age.
  • Describe the importance of “Prehabilitation” programs and their significance on outcomes.
  • Analyze the reasons why non-contact knee injuries are the bulk of the problem while listing the biomechanical reasons why non-contact injuries are more prevalent.
  • Discuss the objectives of early Phase 1 and Phase 2  rehabilitation protocols while outlining the criteria to be achieved for satisfactory transition from one phase to the next 
  • List the objectives of Phase 3 of the rehabilitation protocol and be able to identify potential common faulty movement patterns and compensatory strategies.
  • Assess, identify, and address potential limitations in mobility and stability of key core and lower extremity body regions to normalize faulty movement patterns and compensatory strategies.
  • List the objectives for phase 4 of the rehabilitation protocol and provide examples of the higher-level movement patterns and compound strengthening exercises incorporated into the program.
  • Identify the four common motor performance/neuromuscular imbalances associated with jumping and landing resulting in increased risk
  • Describe the identifiable and modifiable risk factors associated with knee injuries and understand how to correct them via exercise and training.
  • Recognize the criteria associated with the Return to Sports phase of the rehabilitation program
  • Be aware of the complications and adverse events after ACL reconstruction
  • Appraise the latest research in terms of common and uncommon complications/adverse events.
  • Identify risk factors for the various complications.
  • Describe the evaluation and assessment elements needed to identify the various complications
  • Based on the evaluation/assessment data, identify and address intervention strategies for each of the complications/adverse events


AudioVisual Course

$80.00 USD

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