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Chiropractic Doctor

Physical Therapy 107

Elastic Therapeutic Taping


Hour 1

  • Discuss the history of elastic taping.
  • Define the anatomy of fascial layers in the human body, and how the mechanotransduction concept relates to the use of elastic taping.
  • Recognize the most common indications and contraindications for the use of elastic tape within the manual therapist’s practice.
  • Describe the application process of elastic taping .

Hour 2

  • Discuss the evidence providing support of the use of elastic taping
  • Outline various conservative management options for taping musculoskeletal problems
  • Construct a treatment plan for a typical patient with acute traumatic swelling
  • Apply specific taping techniques for certain biomechanical dysfunctions

Hour 3

  • Describe and demonstrate the application of elastic taping procedures for carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Describe and demonstrate the application of elastic taping procedures for biomechanical low back pain
  • Describe and demonstrate the application of elastic taping procedures for shoulder stabilization
  • Describe and demonstrate the application of elastic taping procedures for knee osteoarthritis

Jennifer Illes, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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