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Chiropractic Doctor

Physical Diagnosis 170
Clinical Value of Gait Analysis, Functional Assessment Screens for Lower Extremities and Orthotic Modifications for Clinical Cases


Hour 1:

  • Knowledge of human gait analysis and its application to clinical scenarios.
  • Explain the common gait terminology, such as stride length, step width, and cadence.
  • Identify the stance and swing cycles of gait.
  • Summarize the gait cycle and how it relates to normal human ambulation.
  • Explain how movements at the pelvis, lower extremity, hip, knee, ankle, and subtalar joints interact during stance to conserve energy, and to protect one from injuries that might otherwise result from the repetitive stresses that occur during gait.
Hour 2:
  • Describe how patients with over-pronation and over-supination present in a clinical setting.
  • Comprehend the functional biomechanics of the lunge, and squat and its relationships to faulty movement patterns.
  • Compare Janda’s lower extremity functional screens.
  • Demonstrate that clinical gait analysis alters treatment decisions to improve functional outcomes.

Hour 3:

  • Illustrate the LEFS (lower extremity functional scale), and report its clinical value.
  • Demonstrate evidence-based exercises to help improve over-pronation in patients.
  • Apply the scientific foundations of modifications for custom orthotics with clinical case scenarios.
  • Illustrate, through the use of case scenarios the typical examination findings and documentation of gait analysis in the “O” (objective) section of notes.

Jennifer Illes, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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