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Chiropractic Doctor

Physical Diagnosis 160

DD of Low Back Pain and Prostate Patholgies with Case Studies


  • Differentially diagnose prostate pathologies in individuals who present to your office with musculoskeletal pain,
  • Differentiate various types of common prostate pathologies
  • Expand understanding of prostate pathophysiology, including hormonal and biochemical implications
  • Identify prostate pathology risk factors
  • Identify the common pre-disposing factors for prostate pathologies that can ultimately mimic musculoskeletal complaints
  • Interpret conventional prostate diagnostic procedures and identify protocols to evaluate and monitor prostate health and/or pathology
  • Hone diagnostic skills by reviewing and analyzing patient case studies, inclusive of history, exam findings, lab test results for patients presenting with musculoskeletal complaints that may have underlying prostate pathologies

Richard Powers, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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