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Chiropractic Doctor

Personal Injury 204
Personal Injury Diagnostic Imaging and Testing; Documentation and Record Keeping


Hour 1 - Personal Injury Diagnostic Imaging and Testing: Part 1
  • Recognize the importance diagnostic imaging and testing in Personal Injury and trauma
  • Summarize several of the common diagnostic imaging and testing available  
  • Justify medical necessity and clinical rationale for imaging/testing in the treatment records
  • Determine both a protocol and clinical necessity for plain film radiographs
Hour 2 - Personal Injury Diagnostic Imaging and Testing: Part 2
  • Determine a protocol and clinical indications for MRI and MRA
  • Determine a protocol and clinical indications for DTI and other brain imaging 
  • Recognize opportunities to order other common imaging and testing procedures
  • Create a protocol to order and follow-up on all imaging and testing procedures 
Hour 3 - Personal Injury Documentation and Record Keeping: Part 1
  • Recognize several significant differences within Personal Injury documentation
  • Identify common PI documentation and record keeping mistakes and liabilities
  • Begin to develop an awareness of the four unique PI documentation encounters
  • Create a protocol to design individualized non-redundant treatment notes 
Hour 4 - Personal Injury Documentation and Record Keeping: Part 2
  • Recognize the key elements of PI daily treatment notes documentation
  • Show improvement in each of the 4 daily treatment notes components 
  • Detect areas of vulnerability in the various types of documentation systems
  • Substantiate treatment and management with PI documentation

S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC

AudioVisual Course

$80.00 USD

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