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Chiropractic Doctor

Pain 200
Fundamental concepts of pain and How pain assessed, quantified, and communicated


  • Explain the complex multidimensional and individual specific nature of pain
  • Present the theories and science for understanding pain
  • Define the terminology for describing pain and associated conditions
  • Describe the impact of pain on society
  • Explain how cultural, institutional, societal and regulatory influences affect assessment and management of pain  
  • Use valid and reliable tools for measuring pain and associated symptoms to assess and reassess outcomes as appropriate for the clinical context and population.
  • Describe patient, provider, and system factors that can facilitate or interfere with effective pain assessment and management
  • Assess patient preferences and values to determine pain-related goals and priorities
  • Demonstrate empathetic and compassionate communication during pain assessment


AudioVisual Course

$140.00 USD

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