Chiropractic Doctor CE Course - Nutrition 176 : Divergent Outcomes with Similar Diagnoses - The Role of Nutrition and Inflammation

Chiropractic Doctor

Nutrition 176 : Divergent Outcomes with Similar Diagnoses - The Role of Nutrition and Inflammation

Scott Banks, DC

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

Hour 1

  • Compare the differences between acute and chronic inflammation.
  • Associate background inflammation with chiropractic treatment outcomes.
  • Discuss the aging trends in the U.S. population.
  • Summarize the role of aging on background inflammation.
  • Explain the differing outcomes of disc disease and radiculitis driven by inflammation.

Hour 2

  • Identify the mechanisms by which macrophages activate inflammation.
  • Discuss the historical trends in long chain fatty acid intake in relation to inflammation.
  • Explain the dependency on the COX 2 enzyme both in inflammatory up-regulation and in resolution.
  • Recognized dietary induced “meta-inflammation” and the dietary patterns that induce it.
  • Summarize the role of phytonutrients in limiting dietary induced inflammation.

Hour 3

  • Define immunosenescence and “inflammaging”.
  • Summarize the role of autophagy in limiting inflammaging.
  • Summarize the role of apoptosis in eliminating senescent immune cells.
  • Examine the phytonutrients with senomorphic/pro-autophagy properties.
  • Examine the phytonutrients with senolytic/pro-apoptotic properties.

Hour 4

  • Describe the role of vagal nerve activation in regulating the transition to inflammatory resolution.
  • Examine the splenic cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway.
  • Outline the mechanisms by which vagal activation increases specialized pro-resolving mediator (SPMs) production from omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Summarize the role of transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation (tVNS) in the inflammatory to pro-resolving transition.
  • Contrast the inflammatory suppressing and pro-resolving treatment strategies.

Approved States/Territories
  • AKAlaska
  • BCBritish Columbia
  • COColorado
  • CTConnecticut
  • DEDelaware
  • DCDistrict of Columbia
  • GAGeorgia
  • GUGuam
  • IDIdaho
  • ILIllinois
  • INIndiana
  • IAIowa
  • KSKansas
  • MEMaine
  • MBManitoba
  • MDMaryland
  • MAMassachusetts
  • MIMichigan
  • MNMinnesota
  • MOMissouri
  • MTMontana
  • NENebraska
  • NBNew Brunswick
  • NHNew Hampshire
  • NJNew Jersey
  • NYNew York
  • NCNorth Carolina
  • NDNorth Dakota
  • NSNova Scotia
  • OHOhio
  • ONOntario
  • OROregon
  • PRPuerto Rico
  • RIRhode Island
  • SCSouth Carolina
  • SDSouth Dakota
  • TNTennessee
  • UTUtah
  • VTVermont
  • VIVirgin Islands
  • VAVirginia
  • WAWashington
  • WYWyoming
  • YTYukon