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Chiropractic Doctor

Nutrition 139

Nutrition for Exercise and Sport, Bioenergetics, Fat/Carb/Protein Metabolism and Meal Timing - Part 3


  • Identify various energy systems of the body and how they relate to exercise and sport
  • Theorize which energy system is used for a specific sport event/activity
  • Summarize the physiology of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and utilization in exercise and sport
  • Understand the relationship between the energy systems and various exercise parameters
  • Create a diet protocol for the athlete prior to their sport or exercise activity
  • Determine and understand the timing of meals in exercise and sport
  • Outline a useful program for a person to maximize carbohydrate stores
  • Theorize how glycemic index can affect exercise and sport activity
  • Ascertain differences between food variables and how they affect exercise and sport performance

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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